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File: 1.56 MB, 2048x1848, 1545495871581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12203114 No.12203114 [Reply] [Original]

Fighting Bogs by Moonlight!
Winning Gains by Daylight!
Never running from a rate hike!
She is the one named Stock Market General!

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks, and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

Basic rundown on Sailor Moon:

Basic rundown on options:

Suggested books:

On the last chapter of Sailor Moon:

>> No.12203127




>> No.12203136

If you're wondering why you keep getting JUST'd it's because you're not managing your risk.

>> No.12203140

so y r futures red as fuk

>> No.12203149


This is my favorite margin story. Finance grad decides to use margin to make big bucks and begins at the start of the 2008 financial collapse. Unlike most people, he sticks around the thread and updates. You can really feel him start to break down as the situation gets increasingly worse.

Spoiler: he ended up hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and moved to SE Asia.

>> No.12203152

Lol I wonder how boomers feel right now with their 401ks tanking thanks to stocks like Faceberg

>> No.12203156
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is market up yet?

>> No.12203162

Why do you keep making the new threads early

>> No.12203170

they reflect friday's close. won't be updated until Sunday 6PM EST


>> No.12203183

so he never paid back what he lost?

what a fucking boomer, scamming everyone making them pay for everything

>> No.12203184
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>High probability trading

>> No.12203192
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why you not just say suicide was your stop loss in the first place!

10/10 risk management forget am say anything

>> No.12203202

Nah he paid it all back, he was adamant about that, saying he'd pay it all off for moral reasons. He posted an update several years after. Experience definitely changed him, though.

>> No.12203220

Shut up tranny, hope you choke on glyphosat

>> No.12203225
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How bad is Monday gonna be?

>> No.12203238
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I don't understand why anyone would unironically buy FAANG this late into the market cycle

>> No.12203240
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probably going to bounce, small chance of pic related

>> No.12203256

So we might have another year of red ahead of us, and since this bubble was fueled by easy credit, another -30% at least from the highs.
I just hope I'll keep my job, so I can keep putting my savings into stocks.

>> No.12203258
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Who really knows at this point
This can only go on for so much longer, though

>> No.12203268
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>> No.12203284

yes, or the market turns next week and everyone who's moved to cash gets BTFO. it wouldn't be surprising, seeing as most people have been underinvested for the last 10 years. either way should be fine as long as you have a reallocation plan.

>> No.12203298





my crush is straight. Really fucking knocked my dick in last night

>> No.12203315

On the bright side, at least the market is there to fuck you

>> No.12203335

I sold all except for amazon. Something about their AWS and military contracts have me holding

>> No.12203357
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>> No.12203363

I haven't sold anything
My whole portfolio is noncyclicals, so their long term price action is largely independent of the broader market
They're getting fucked too, but they haven't changed fundamentally, so I have no real reason to believe they won't bounce back
Biotech and health care in general have been getting beaten down lately, but the sector is solid and due for a bounce soon enough

>> No.12203373


>> No.12203379

Interesting. The guy is still around.

>Not quite a million -- I only lost about $250K, but that left me $210K in debt with no assets and hardly any income at the time.

>Really a fascinating period. Not only was I dealing with the sudden reality of this massive debt, but I was also getting booted out of academia into a tough job market without a very practical skill set. Just one year earlier, in October 2007, everything had been different. I honestly still had some hope that I'd write something brilliant in my dissertation and my ideas would carry me forward. The crash distracted me from my research and the debt forced me to become a salaryman.


>If someone happened to meet me today, they'd probably think I've had everything handed to me and an easy life: picture-perfect family, well-off, etc. However, I know how close I came to the edge in 2008-2009 and how different things could have been.

>> No.12203387
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>> No.12203399
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The Golden bulb run starts Monday

>> No.12203404

That's still not filling me with confidence.

>> No.12203408

it's not supposed to, just providing a reality check.

>> No.12203411
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>Golden bulb
can't wait

>> No.12203422
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Golden bulb run you say?

>tfw holding heavy tulip bulb bags since 1637

>> No.12203436

Agreed. Market is oversold. S&P already down 18% from peak on no bad news, low unemployment, strongest economic year in decades. People are blowing small things out of proportion. Early January will see at least a 10% rally as losses sold for taxes are re-invested. ATH in April after we sign historic trade deal with China.

>> No.12203440
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you dont have be so mean

>> No.12203445


>> No.12203453

Is that S&P500 TR? You have to include dividends... Dividends basically negate inflation on their own.

>> No.12203479
File: 318 KB, 1786x776, SPY-kino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SP500 chart this year am 100% chart kino

>> No.12203484

no, it doesn't. price alone is essentially worthless without understanding earnings and alternative asset classes and their expected returns (i.e., gov bonds).

>> No.12203486

Facebook should start paying dividends and stop retarded share buybacks

>> No.12203493

yeah bro this is just a healthy correction, January we will see a return to normal haha

>> No.12203496

Wait, is that why it's market cap suddenly dropped?

>> No.12203501
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>> No.12203515
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>> No.12203517

Nah they only planned in about 10 billion for buybacks over the next time

The stock is tanking because of the privacy issues I guess...they are still making a lot of dough

>> No.12203519

So I'm sitting in a mall right now... barely anyone in here.. the economy is really slowing down isn't it?

>> No.12203524

Are you 50 years old? Malls are for boomers stupid. Buy shit on Amazon like a normie.

>> No.12203528

just buy Microsoft they have the dividends you want and is a drama free stock. facebook attracts too much drama.

>> No.12203531

I've never bought a christmas present on amazon, just feels like cheating.

>> No.12203546
File: 147 KB, 634x845, 1542961180707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long will this bear market occur? Will we weather this out /smg/?

>> No.12203548
File: 47 KB, 500x363, b4cfd0dd80ef1163ae939fddb2060866--sailor-moon-screencaps-sailors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may of be your city just sucks
me local mall am retarder busy

ever since december the line for noodle shop has stretched across the promenade

>> No.12203557

I've never bought noodles because I don't want them to know I'm a massive weeb. I can feel them judging me.

>> No.12203558


Wheres the mall? Mine is located in near a highway and its still bustling.

>> No.12203559

underinvested? with all the 401k investing and all the pensions ending? and the popularity of no commission trading? nibbuh.

>> No.12203566
File: 91 KB, 380x261, campbellsoup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bear just ended
Its time for a new Rally
Buy Campbell soup company

>> No.12203567

Too bad I'm already balls deep into Facebook... They should change the name of the corporation to get rid of the stigma

>> No.12203580
File: 501 KB, 400x300, tenor (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they restaurant are from Asia
then they will mad respect you for ordering noodles

the rice is for american gringos

>> No.12203598

>profile scroll
>visage tome
>mog mag
probably more
The real problem is I don't like going into places if I don't know exactly what I'm going to order and how much it will cost.

>> No.12203644
File: 294 KB, 1024x1280, hhrfESk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ho Ho Ho! Santa has here something for you....what is it....oooh it's a stock market crash!

>> No.12203650

I'm not here to buy shit.. I'm scoping out a business for someone

Kinda but LA

>> No.12203668

You wont do sin buying us market when down -20%, however more drawdown not out of question. Faang is starting to look beaten down tho so...

>> No.12203672

>scoping out a business for someone

are you going to rob it

>> No.12203682

based and REDCANDLEpilled

>> No.12203691

Na.. the guy owns if.. wants customer count and what not.. really fucking boring..

>> No.12203694

doesn't he have computers and cctv?

>> No.12203702

I'm a bull through and through I gotta buy some stock on monday (at a price below the open obviously). It's impossible for every single company and firm out there to be in the red.

>> No.12203714

correct but which ones nostradamus

>> No.12203724

Bear markets can last anywhere from 6 months to an year or two. Y'all stay frosty.

>> No.12203739

yes after that it's called a depression

>> No.12203750

That's what I asked him. It's something with a divorce and splitting up assets so he kinda needs a 3rd party involved

>> No.12203752

>counting bodies for someone for $9/hr
so this is the power of LCI investing

>> No.12203770

Actually it's $11.. I do it on days where I have absolutely nothing to do to fill up time.. and it's more of a favor

>> No.12203805
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>> No.12203816
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to play the shitty games that suck ass

>> No.12203819

market rally

>> No.12203823
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How can you fuck up this hard, both republicans and democrats.
If shit like this happened in the private sector, they would all be fired and lose their job
A purge is necessary

>> No.12203837
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Yes it is fake news again. I think 2.5 - 4.5% are perfect rates currently, That way US will suck money in from europe, china, japan and emerging markets who are trapped and cannot raise rates.

>> No.12203838

We need a third party runner

>> No.12203858

My Apple puts are in the money despite them not being anywhere near my strike price on Robinhood. Feels really good man. Can't wait to see what kind of money my options will bring me once they hit my intended strike price ($140).

>> No.12203859

is thsi last quarter and the next couple quarters the best possible year for anybody frmo the age of 20 to 30? you can pick up enormous amounts of blue chippers and index funds on huge year long sales

all in SPY and QQQ for guaranteed 20% annual returns

>> No.12203863
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>My Apple puts are in the money despite them not being anywhere near my strike

>> No.12203865
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>UK in political dead lock
>US in political dead lock
this can only go well

>> No.12203873

you mean they're appreciating because apple is crashing

>> No.12203877

Options are considered in the money when they're near $1. My puts are 93 cents.

>> No.12203884
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>Options are considered in the money when they're near $1.

>> No.12203885

The retardation itt really amazes me sometimes...

>> No.12203895

Lmao!! Obvious troll. Nobody could be this retarded lol wtf

>> No.12203902

I agree, but the two parties will lock them out and they'll never win
Things must accelerate to things being much MUCH worse before they can get better
I'm happy a no deal brexit will occur. Ireland will be reunited and Scotland will leave the UK

>> No.12203907

i dont even mind retardation, it's the confidence and bravado behind ignorant statements that i find annoying.

>> No.12203909

Anon what the fuck, no

>> No.12203915

>Ireland will be reunited and Scotland will leave the UK
[x] doubt
there's no way the outcome what ever it may be will be that clean

>> No.12203916

So I got a stupid question. What would happen if you just buy twice as many shares as you got every time a stock falls 10% from what you bought it at?

>> No.12203930

you'd rapidly run out of money and be at the whim of the price of what ever stock you bought.

>> No.12203935

what do you mean? your average cost would go down and you would have more total shares

>> No.12203947
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I know, but I can dream a beautiful dream

>> No.12203949

we call that buying the dip

>> No.12203964

Brk.b would be the perfect long term hold if it payed a dividend
Even 1% would be nice

>> No.12203994
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>i know what to do with berkshire's earnings more than warren does

>> No.12204003

the arrogance of attention seeking trip kids

>> No.12204005

No the company is better off not paying a dividend and doing what Warren says
But I'm a greedy bastard who wants DRIP

>> No.12204010

can we go back to the 1840s when it was ok to trade people?

>> No.12204015

is owning a share of brk.a the best sign of you making it? quarter million per share, based as fuck

>> No.12204021

/smg/ is organized by shills.

>> No.12204027

we need a second commie to run, so they split the commie vote and trump stays in power

>> No.12204029

You still can and it's arguably even more profitable

>> No.12204028

when a company doesn't distribute a dividend and reinvests in itself, that is essentially DRIP without dumping the tax implications on you. the amount that was reinvested can then grow tax-free (until you sell), which has big implications when held over a long period of time. dividends feel good but they're over appreciated on /biz/

>> No.12204055

I don't man I figure if you choose a company with staying power and put like less than 1% of buying power in that company than just keep buying it as it's price fluctuates to a point that's decently below what you bought it at. Wouldn't you be almost guaranteed to make money eventually?

>> No.12204063

That's a good point, thank you anon

>> No.12204071
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US in a deadlock
Brazil about to go all-out chaos mode (actually needed there though, can't blame them)
UK with their Brexit bullshit that keeps the currency and market unstable
France has massive riots every weekend that will cost the country billions according to their finance minister, GDP growth forecast has already fallen by roughly 50%
China slowly melting down alongside US with their trade war scuffle
Dutch and German GDP forecasts fall short, their economies are slowing down which is said to be a way larger threat than Brexit

Everything is coming down. Short the market and enter safe spaces with your cash

>> No.12204073

>Democrats please allow me to stop the flow of illegal aliens
>No those are our future voters
I'm really surprised that they haven't just given up on the illegal alien thing and gone the route of declaring them all refugees, like Europe does.

>> No.12204074

Yes but only if you buy Good companies like JNJ unilever colgate or pepsico or whatever

>> No.12204091

>Wouldn't you be almost guaranteed to make money eventually
probably but not guaranteed, depends when you start buying in and when you eventually pull out

>> No.12204094
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I unironically have 125k in cash. Should I all in SPY weekly puts?

>> No.12204104

i would put 5% in 200 strike puts every week, you can't predict when the market will actually kitchen sink, but i think it will be within the next 20 weeks

>> No.12204128

Anybody here trade futures?

>> No.12204161

Sorry it was actually the 21st week. And then he won't have money for cheapies.

>> No.12204200
File: 80 KB, 445x720, 1532996999502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit. AMZN sent my xmas presents to my old address despite me not ordering anything there for 3 years. Idk if i fucked up or they did but it only took me 3 minutes on the phone to get my money refunded. Sucks they won't be here by tuesday but i have never had such a short customer service call for anything before.
Sorry for blogposting I'm gonna buy AMZN after this bullshit market starts going back up

>> No.12204204
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Bad idea. Most stocks stack fall 2/3 of their peak value never recover you have then higher chance of slow bankrupt than recovery. There are even some fund managers that are not aware of some these basic stats....

>No the company is better off not paying a dividend and doing what Warren says

That is probably right. Dividends tend to heavily taxed and you have price falling too. Bad Sign, again statisically heavy divend paying companies are in serious danger!

Btw . i believe buffet again world's richest. fb and bezo lost 50% of value. Berkshire portfolio has gaines 10% this year! Faceberg and bezo cant sell their own fortune without blummeting price. Bezo for example own nearly 1/5 of amazon stock and faceberg 30%

>> No.12204211

If you go all in on any options then I will laugh at you when you're in the poor house. But I've got about 20% in various puts.

>> No.12204214

I knew it so that's how buffet makes all his money. He literally can afford to DCA any stock he picks to like 10% of it's initial value and still be able to make money off it in the long run. Stock market really is unfair like that I guess.

>> No.12204221

I'm going all in Faceberg

The jew will overcome

>> No.12204223

Reminder that (Comfy) is a fucking retard

>> No.12204239

Sorry for the delay, but what do you hokd specifically?

>> No.12204245

Why don't you drive to your old place and get double presents?

>> No.12204251
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FED gon' give it to ya
Fuck wait for you to get it on your own
FED gon' deliver to ya
Knock knock, open up the door, it's real
Wit the non-stop, pop pop of stainless HIKE
Go hard getting busy wit it
But I got such a good heart
Then I'll make a motherfucker wonder if he did it
Damn right and I'll do it again
'Cause I am right so I gots to win
Break bread wit the enemy
But no matter how many cats I break bread wit
I'll JUST who you sending me
You motherfuckers never wanted nothing
But your life saved,
bitch that's for the light day
I'm getting down, down
Like a nigga said, "Freeze!"
But won't be the one ending up on his knees
Bitch, please
If the only thing you cats did is came out to play
Stay out my way, motherfucker

>> No.12204261
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Your hostility only adds to my /smug/ factor

>> No.12204267

are you taking a poll or do you have a question

>> No.12204286

Because it's 3000 miles away. Man i wish i would've known this before, i could've scammed the shit outta Amazon

>> No.12204326

Amazon is pretty good about shit like that but do it too often and they might not help out as they'll deem it suspicious

Keep being smug thinking we'll recover anytime soon

>> No.12204332
File: 252 KB, 500x384, whatistenorr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zuckerberg sold most of his shares this year kek
he sold a good % for over $200 too
dumping his bags at top like a boss

No its not
slaves ALWAYS get out preformed in every way compared to hired labor force


wth @_@
this /smg/ am organized by a cute girl

>> No.12204359

trading != using

Plenty of money to be made in human trafficking

>> No.12204381

Yeah i figured I'd only be able to do it once or twice.
Anyway anybody have any thoughts an ALRM? they might have some good numbers after the holidays and they are still up over the last year

>> No.12204398

Hypothetically if the bullmarket was to return on monday and you were buying in You should expect alot higher gains than 20% anually , Probably 20% every two-four days tops.

But were unlikley to see that til January if then Im expecting to have to battle this bear market until febuary/march or so

>> No.12204399

well, faceberg started selling 2017 on regular basis on goyim! :) dunno what percentage have sold now really. at ferbruare zuckerberg has sold 357 million worht of stock

>> No.12204489

Lol you antisemitics...

Watch and learn how I ride Facebook to trillion dollar cap

>> No.12204504



>> No.12204509

So now that the panic is over, is anyone HODLing because they think that the bear market won't be that bad?

>> No.12204517

>now that the panic is over
it hasn't even begun.

>> No.12204523

Better that the ruling class be incompetent, for all our sakes.

>> No.12204527
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I bought the dip. Hold me.

>> No.12204543

>implying the wall is going to stop illegal immigration
ICE is unironically doing far more now to stop the illegal menace. Trump should just give them more powers instead.

>> No.12204558

faceberg having a bad year definitely according to bloomberg. bezo somehow still hanging on first spot


>> No.12204566
File: 1.40 MB, 540x463, LEL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are my fellow Mid 90s born niggas at?

1996 here. How does it feel to be winning right now?

>> No.12204668

What in the fuck are we winning?

>> No.12204707

Anon we are actually getting fucked proper

>> No.12204720

Trump should be doing more against illegal aliens in general, wall or no wall. The wall is just this fucking symbol right now showing that Dems will block anything that resembles stopping the influx.

>> No.12204730

feels based

im just buying more as we get this nice sale, doesnt care about valuations until 2030 desu

>> No.12204743

94 unironically the best year to be born in

>> No.12204783


>> No.12204794
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What is everyone's thoughts on the robinhood 3%?

>> No.12204804

3% wont get you a thot like that but better than most banks.

>> No.12204810

*planned 3%. whatever their rate actually is can be replicated by holding $SHY

>> No.12204874 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 189x245, 1543392324065 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my life I've always had the soul of a jester.

The funniest person in the room.

Class clown

Always insanely talented and gifted with the art of making people laugh. But it's made me resentful of humanity and them. I stay alone in my room reading and repressing my natural funny ways to live a life of darkness. Humanity doesn't deserve to laugh anyway hahah they deserve suffering AND MISERY HEHEHEHHAHAHA

Anyway..my question is this...how do I legitimately soul bond with the spirit of the jester? I always naturally did this anyway...

Excuse the kefka Palazzo. He's the only real jester I can think of in Jewish media

I'm going to make a book of shadows grimoire and it'll just be my standup comedy jokes. Since I'm the jester and the life of the party and the fool why wouldn't comedy be my greatest tool in the warlocks belt hehehehehehehehehaha

>> No.12204893

>daily reminder that the algorithms are in control and the algorithms deem that the next direction is downwards

>> No.12204908

>Being this worried about short-term corrections
The market will recover as it always does.

>> No.12204917

Probably a scam that isn't insured and whoops your money is gone and Robinhood is bankrupt. Why not just make one useful trade per year and make 3 pct that way?

>> No.12204925

Why is CGA, China Green Agriculture listed at 50 cent / share but has a price target of 11 dollar?

>> No.12204934


>He thinks it's going to recover

You'll be dead before that happens

>> No.12204955
File: 178 KB, 418x348, 1544113510952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because most people that look into the company know is that they are cooking there books and doing some shady shit hence no one touching that shit with a 6 foot pole

>> No.12204962

why do they have so big ammount of cash, is it a good thing or bad?

>> No.12205008

In a year?

>> No.12205025

Very low chance of deep red. Christmas Eve often has sparse volume with minimal volatility. The 27th is the one to worry about. 24th will be a lot of 'what do i want to be holding or not holding going in to open on 27th?'.

>> No.12205061

You might be an retarded tranny but you organize a hell of a general.

Nice sneaking Sailor Moon comic into the OP too

>> No.12205078

Malls around my parts are mainly frequented by new immigrants. It's like a third each asian/pajeet/mid east. No locals aside from old people and the kids working in the stores.

>> No.12205108

Malls have been dead for years where I live. They used to be the place where some of the only arcades were. Then the arcades basically just became sitting areas for fat wetbacks to make out with each other. Kind of depressing in a way, but I guess pro anti-consumerism? I'm conflicted on how to feel.

>> No.12205140
File: 421 KB, 1280x720, 1542042623865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does CGA have so much in RAW cash?

>> No.12205160

what's your favourite bubble/crash and how do you think the red winter of 18/19 will compare.

>> No.12205179
File: 76 KB, 1200x680, 1532651557401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to see Jerome Powell eat his own words.

>> No.12205271
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>> No.12205284
File: 165 KB, 1914x1040, SPY-athestic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this am favorite crash
there not single crash more aesthetically pleasing than this

>> No.12205298 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 612x459, 1545109428331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my life I've always had the soul of a jester.

The funniest person in the room.

Class clown

Always insanely talented and gifted with the art of making people laugh. But it's made me resentful of humanity and them. I stay alone in my room reading and repressing my natural funny ways to live a life of darkness. Humanity doesn't deserve to laugh anyway hahah they deserve suffering AND MISERY HEHEHEHHAHAHA

Anyway..my question is this...how do I legitimately soul bond with the spirit of the jester? I always naturally did this anyway...

Excuse the kefka Palazzo. He's the only real jester I can think of in Jewish media

I'm going to make a book of shadows grimoire and it'll just be my standup comedy jokes. Since I'm the jester and the life of the party and the fool why wouldn't comedy be my greatest tool in the warlocks belt hehehehehehehehehaha

>> No.12205307

it's pretty juicy that final head and shoulders is a TA wizards wet dream.

>> No.12205315


>> No.12205325
File: 241 KB, 1059x349, 1492972766703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is the monday session still not suspended?

>> No.12205335

whatever happened to bigguy5?

>> No.12205337
File: 552 KB, 1820x938, SP500_1987Crash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've got a soft spot for the 1987 one. Just no warning BLAM straight to hell. The most recent drop leg on the current one is also quite visually nice on the charts with the seven consecutive lower candles.

'87 is pic related. The absolute speed and violence of it. 36% drop in three weeks on S&P.

>> No.12205369

I disagree.
I will not justify myself either.

>> No.12205370
File: 8 KB, 245x206, 1524268477812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1987 one
>literally non-crash that corrected itself after a year and resulted in the long pump until 2000 dotcom crash

the worst is behind us guys

>> No.12205376


>> No.12205390
File: 594 KB, 1822x937, SP500_DotComCrash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare that to dot com pop, which ultimately took the better part of three years to reach bottom. Not very aesthetic crash. Would have been easier to trade though.

>> No.12205422
File: 133 KB, 640x883, 1545339057639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12205432

>literally non-crash that corrected itself after a year and resulted in the long pump until 2000 dotcom crash

True, but there was another lesser panic sell off in 1990. That probably spooked a lot of people coming so soon after '87.

>> No.12205438
File: 39 KB, 600x490, 1487567045430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12205439

that's nightmarish as fuck. Stop losses people, stop losses.

>> No.12205449

I really do hope Christmas is red as fuck

>> No.12205451

guys I want to force the name "red winter" on this crash lets make some fake articles calling it that and cite them.

>> No.12205471


>tfw got the opportunity to experience an actual stock market crash

based, this has been fun
be thankful, Comfy

>> No.12205479

i-i-it can still end on monday and become flash crash right?

>> No.12205490


Why do you guys think this?

>> No.12205493

An %8 drop on Christmas Eve would be the kind of thing they’d make a movie about, so let her rip tbqh.

>> No.12205505
File: 441 KB, 610x599, Goldenbull5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2019 will be Known as the year of the Golden Bull
The biggest slide in 10 years will be responded with the biggest rise in 20

>> No.12205507
File: 918 KB, 1000x612, 1540268414282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can't last forever
Just hunker down and wait for the end to come

>> No.12205562

Don't forget the Bogandoff law of trading
>if you can be Justed you will be Justed

>> No.12205577
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x926, 1491707229735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is only the beginning. Screencap this, one day this week we'll hit circuit breakers

>> No.12205593
File: 733 KB, 1115x1387, RedFlag_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off bullfag

2019 will be the year of RED

>> No.12205597
File: 1.10 MB, 508x583, 1540670847398.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already got what a lot of anons on here would consider "justed"
I haven't sold a single share, though, I have faith that my stonks will come back eventually
Nothing about the fundamentals of the companies themselves has changed

>> No.12205600
File: 94 KB, 325x244, 1503713472431.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a big macroeconomic perspective, what the US and developed world have been enjoying for centuries (millennia, really) is secular economic growth with intermittent slowdowns (recessions and occasionally depressions). This has been driven by a surge in population growth, particularly since 1950, and augmented by technology, innovation, inexpensive energy, improved health care (extending life spans by decades), etc..

On each occasion of an economic slowdown (short term business cycles), there has always been growing demand from a growing population (macro population cycle)...so temporarily lower interest rates and deficit spending stimulated the economy, reigniting economic growth. But as the organic annual population growth decelerated (where it matters, economically speaking), increasingly greater levels of synthetic additive have been introduced to maintain unnaturally high rates of growth.

Since at least 1990, this pattern has increasingly encouraged the formation of cheap credit fueled new capacity in the face of decelerating global demand...the decelerating population growth among potential consumers could only consume the accelerating capacity with continually greater and cheaper credit (thanks to central banks "mis-management" of interest rates). This has resulted in epic global overcapacity and the accumulation of debt beyond our capabilities to repay just as the macro population cycle (where it matters) turns negative.

>> No.12205613
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, 1517709830938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we are moving into is an indefinite period of secular decline. We will see occasional periods of growth before the primary trend of decline again takes over. This will go on for decades, if not longer, and can well become a self perpetuating downward cycle if we continue on our current path. To avoid worst case scenarios, it is crucial we understand the difference (also known as; when you are stuck in a hole, stop digging)!

What Has Changed?
By simply looking at the annual population growth of the countries with 90% of the money (income, savings, access to credit) and that, not coincidentally, consume 90% of the global energy (this includes US, Can, EU, Japan, Aus/NZ, China, Brazil, Mexico, Russia...everybody with above $4k yr/per capita income which is about half the worlds population)...annual population growth has fallen by 50% to 22 million since the double peaks in '69 and '88 of 44 million annually.

While the 65+yr/old elderly live decades longer than their predecessors, equally importantly is the decades of negative birth rates have now worked themselves through into a collapse of growth among the 15-64yr/old working age population, or more broadly those aged 0 to 64yrs/old. Among the consumer nations, 0-64yr/old population growth has fallen 88% since the twin peaks of '69 and '88. Ongoing and growing population declines among the consumer nations working age population (net) will replace growth entirely by about 2021, and all net growth will be among the 65+yr/old population (particularly among the 75+yr/olds).

>> No.12205621
File: 185 KB, 773x823, 1541361065298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Choices Do We Have?
Simply put, the world became so sure that we would perpetually grow that "we" (as in, the royal "we") bet the future on it...but that has turned out to be a very bad bet (bad for all but the "royals"). A bad bet increasingly papered over in ever lower interest rates, higher (and un-repayable) debt, and ever more diluted paper called "money". We select the politicians that tell us the lies we want to hear (whether we believe is another matter) and populism among the democracies will continue to dangerously surge...but the truth is that the "the macro tide has now gone out indefinitely and we are all swimming naked".

The world will almost surely go on and economic and financial systems will ultimately adjust to the reality...but it is up to "us" to determine how painful, messy, and confusing the interim period will be. Although a secular economic and financial decline is imminent, the same does not need be true societally, technologically, spiritually, etc. But we risk ever more by continually attempting to synthetically grow the economy / financial assets in the face of organically decelerating or even outright declining demand. This only makes the ultimate and imminent adjustment (aka, depression) ever larger. Invest accordingly.

>> No.12205630
File: 87 KB, 500x252, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing about the fundamentals of the companies themselves has changed

>> No.12205635

Fuck, you larping small spec bears are obnoxious
It would be fucking hilarious to see you all get liquidated during a short squeeze

>> No.12205653

I am long term bearish on human civilization, but medium term bullish on stocks. Too much is at stake the central banks will simply accelerate QE and implement helicopter money, you can use this to make tons of money in the medium term to help doomsday prep

>> No.12205684
File: 908 KB, 1296x1311, 1517667091830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing about the fundamentals of the companies themselves has changed

>> No.12205716
File: 54 KB, 612x612, 1485920847398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing about the fundamentals of the companies themselves has changed
Reminds me of a certain LCI investor...

>> No.12205743
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>> No.12205745

Would you feel better if I was crying and shitting my pants like you

>> No.12205753

Probably, lots of weekly reversal levels hit on Friday close, large automatic sells on Monday

>> No.12205755

I have no reason to sell
Nothing has changed except the market

>> No.12205758
File: 197 KB, 500x381, giphy (3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12205769
File: 37 KB, 544x416, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I ignore the losses they don't exist
based as fuck

>> No.12205776

LCI is going to moon and you're going to watch it and miss out simply because you are too retarded to understand how stocks work

>> No.12205777

I want to fuck sailor moon she was the inspiration for Neon Genesis Evangelion someone post rule 34

>> No.12205791
File: 191 KB, 800x450, Family_Guy_Sailor_Moon_parody_Peter_Griffin_Sailor_Moon_Fighter4Luv_DeviantArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12205792
File: 74 KB, 352x320, 1541098942039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been a smug little shit lately, rkg
Enjoy this while you can

>when the market crashes, it never ever recovers
>panicking and selling always gives you the best returns

>> No.12205796

Good year Tires smells like a buy

>> No.12205797
File: 3.16 MB, 776x3449, RKGs_Dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How accurate would you find this OC meme?

>> No.12205807
File: 890 KB, 980x1268, iamyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


me gonna go bull soon(tm)
just waiting for right moment
will be 2x smugger then

>> No.12205818

it does every time, the question is why sit though it when the crash has been so politely telegraphed to you?

>> No.12205825
File: 1.38 MB, 1718x1618, AnimuCooking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am slow cooking up some chicken right now in slow cooker. Gonna be a tasty business in five hours. Maybe make enchiladas or something with it.

>> No.12205835
File: 3.07 MB, 777x3136, comfyfixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not bad but
fixed it for you

>> No.12205839
File: 294 KB, 1462x1462, 1488165775000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, this is epic

>> No.12205850

I've asked you this before and I'll keep asking it. Why did it fall over 60% back in August of this year. This is very important info to know before I decide to devote some of my 25k to LCI.

>> No.12205852


>> No.12205855
File: 16 KB, 474x317, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12205857


>I'm overweight financials and short volatility, two awful positions to have over the last month.
This was in July 2008, when the market was only down 10-15% and S&P 500 was still 1250-odd. It still had a fall down to the 600s to come. Poor guy

>> No.12205872

this is why automatic liquidation on a site like bitmex is better

>> No.12205880
File: 1.22 MB, 947x1057, gay boi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this one for pendulum and GALT

>> No.12205883

Kek wills it

>> No.12205903
File: 18 KB, 610x599, 1544474404141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time will tell, Gomfy
He hasn't sold a single share
He also still thinks holding 3x leveraged ETFs long term is retarded

>> No.12205906
File: 548 KB, 1416x2560, lkjhgfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you tell it's my day off and I'm bored?

>> No.12205917

Fuckin kek

>> No.12205976

JSP agreement expires next year. This has been getting antipacted all year and yet to priced in hence the slow bleed to the drop. That news is behind LCI. LCI has 15-17 new products that are going to launch before end of fiscal year 2019. Their short term debt is handled till fiscal year 2020 most their long term debt isn't due till 2022 and theyve been paying that off early. They've been doing so much restructing and reducing expenses aswell as acquiring and launch in New products.

The shorts manipulated the fuck out of the price on the news hence the volume but no covering and no big tutes selling off.

Don't fall for the fud LCI is way undervalued and some of the people in here have no clue how any of this works. Just read their press releases and the filings for yourself. It's a solid investment.

>> No.12205987

When do you stop posting and shitting up these threads?

>> No.12205998

Roughly the same time you stop talking about LCI

>> No.12205999

gommie is the one who shits up the thread in my humble opinion

>> No.12206004

How much do you risk on one trade? Is 2% the general rule?

>> No.12206027

Yeah that faggot is pretty annoying too

I won't stop with LCI until atleast mid teens so get used to it newb

>> No.12206038

>I'm never going to stop talking about LCI

>> No.12206052

H-how can you wait that long for food

>> No.12206060

why are there no good documentaries about the origins of Abrahamic religions? Every one I find falls into one of 3 categories.
1) is this mental bible story real!?!?!?
2) trying to convert you
3) here is how modern christfag/jewiod/islamists live we're different but lets all come together

Fuck off I want to see rock carvings and dusty scrolls and shit. I want to have comfy posh english people tell me why a pot is really important. I don't want "epic" music, no re-enactments, no talking heads, absolutely no fucking yanks.

>> No.12206074
File: 106 KB, 1120x700, AnimuCooking2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh I'm not going to eat it today. I have leftover pizza. Chicken is for tomorrow.

>> No.12206109


Most history on religions is like that. It's maybe the most challenging subject to research because of all the bullshit devotees of any religion have injected in to it over the years. Stuff like: when did this thing get started? was it new or based on something else? when were the religious texts written and by whom? when were they edited, by whom, and why? And so on and so forth. Very annoying. I took one religious studies course in uni and never again after an arduous experience writing lengthy research paper. It shouldn't be that hard to tease out the evidence based verifiable origins of a religion but it is anyway.

>> No.12206119


Is there anything more comfy than an old documentary?

>> No.12206191

normally I agree but that one's garbage, he try's to argue that the vikings weren't a civilisation because they built their houses etc out of wood instead of stone. Arguing that a civilisation is when the people intend to build things that last. Ignoring the fact that you can't build large structures out of stone for structural reasons in extremely cold climates. And he spends most of his time trying to convert you wandering around churches going "isn't this great if only we had more churches we'd still have an empire" fuck off.

I want "the world at war" for Abrahamic religions.

>> No.12206258

I don't generally pay attention to that; I manage my portfolio risk by staying delta neutral (or low delta).

>> No.12206290

Green days after holidays lads I feel bad for all the shorts since new year bullrun is gonna be great.

Longs all day and comfy dividends all the way baby I aint sellin shit until I'm 65. Great sale on all your favorites though so buy up while it's cheap.

>> No.12206478

>Is 2% the general rule?

I manage that in a couple different ways. First, keep in mind I'm a swing trader and have fairly tight tolerances on whether or not I stick around in a position on a downturn. Any sort of bagholding is kinda death to my strategy as I lose that available cash to pursue other trades while it's stuck in that position.

So, main thing I will do is fairly rapid cost averaging on an upswing. If I see a chart that is likely to break out soon, I will either put it on watchlist with price alerts so I know right away if it breaks out, or, I will enter the position early with a small amount if I have reason to believe that the chart will shoot up extremely fast if/when it breaks bullish (like volatile weed stocks). When something breaks bullish, I will cost average up when it breaks key resistances. Sometimes sell a portion when it tests a key resistance in case of bounce back down to reduce my risk on that sort of 50/50 point in the price movement.

Blah blah short version is roughly 3%-5% of total position intended to apply to a successful trade. If it's immediately unsuccessful (breaks bearish) I typically lose about 2-3% of the portion dedicated to that one trade. In terms of whole portfolio percentage, maybe 0.25-0.5% risk on initial entry.

>> No.12206496

No. This is when the entire world market goes to 0 and we all have to wear loincloths and eat each other to survive. I heard jews taste the worst though so i will just hunt them for sport

>> No.12206531
File: 84 KB, 643x478, 67422286_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12206543

Swimming in an Ocean of cheapies
bulls and Dividend superheroes alike have a bright future

>> No.12206548

No Helios Matherson
If you dont have HMNY your literally never gonna make it.

I know holding bags etc. this is a support role stock the more shares you hold of HMNY the more inremental dividends your other stocks make. These are the secret mechanics of the stock market THEY dont want you to know. I nearly own HMNY so I think I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.12206580
File: 1.87 MB, 1182x939, 1538375384687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I nearly own HMNY so I think I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.12206588
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>> No.12206596
File: 108 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181222-182435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and HMNYpilled

>> No.12206600

just finished watching margin call, was pretty good.

>> No.12206620
File: 34 KB, 750x191, F65F1010-ED30-4129-9BB9-CC5B386F06B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people are mad they can’t get it anymore, it’s a lucky stock

>> No.12206627
File: 141 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181222-182650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this market cap

>> No.12206637

>buy for 1 cent
>sell for 2
double your money

>> No.12206683


Also, one more thing about high volatility stocks. If a weed stock I'm trading is rocketing up, i'll start selling small chunks of my position relatively earning on in the upswing. The idea there is to yoink some profit off the table in case of the Crypto Bart™. Crypto Bart™ otherwise known as +30% one day, -35% the next, then break bearish cause fuck you.

>> No.12206686
File: 1.53 MB, 750x422, 1367399839111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a bad idea fren pls no

based but . . . where you think you goin baby~?
>Damn right and I do it again (WOO~)
>Your rates were growin
>Poor trade tariffs showin
>so long call maybe!

Comfy play more anime

investlets who can't into sales for long comfy divs

>> No.12206740

Bullshit. Screencapping so I can shove it in your face next week ya fag

>> No.12206856

this was favorite /smg/ pic
dont think will ever top it

>> No.12206881

97, been shorting the fuck outta this market, ya mean.

>> No.12206892

wtf conceited

>> No.12206943
File: 637 KB, 498x376, tenor (3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me cannot of help it
am best thread maker in worla

>> No.12207013
File: 31 KB, 600x406, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts (RT I know)

>> No.12207017

If they aren't sailor scouts throughout the week then we're gonna be seeing red. i swere m8 yew bettah 'ave dose fakkin scouts ad da reddy.

>> No.12207031

>ron paul

>> No.12207064
File: 944 KB, 450x338, wMobIwU.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya better prep those pink usagi m8
next weeks gonna be redder than yer moms bloomin bum!

>> No.12207073

>Ad hominem – attacking the arguer instead of the argument
why do you think what he says is wrong

>> No.12207084

We can do movie night tonight but
>what are we watching?
>we also need a public link that works with cy because it's too late to use drive

>> No.12207114

to prep us for the coming collapse

>> No.12207117

lets watch Deck the Halls again

>> No.12207161
File: 335 KB, 1280x992, 20181222_202733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It almost bedtime fir me ;_;

>> No.12207173


>> No.12207174

Some goldbug retard that's been crying that the sky is falling every year for the past 20+ years is far beneath me, let alone my attention. I'd get more intellectual value from a barking dog.

>> No.12207191

I've been waiting months for this, Comfy


>> No.12207198

I finally found an mp4 link for Nightcrawler

>> No.12207209

>the panic is over
The panic hasn't begun until I see my braindead boomer billy of a father lose his retirement and finally have a real problem to bitch about

>> No.12207223

Yeah but I don't think we're going to see HOLY SHIT -100% END OF THE WORLD status.

>> No.12207225

Absolutely not!!!!
Looks comfy, okay
Too scary for movie night!

>> No.12207252
File: 308 KB, 500x375, 1537072523763.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a scary movie you nigger
No suggestion I've made (Taxi Driver, Midori: Shoujo Tsubaki) has ever been bad

>> No.12207255

>Nothing about the fundamentals of the companies themselves has changed
Nothing about the fundamental fact that the stocks are way overpriced has changed either

>> No.12207257
File: 68 KB, 894x550, smug_anime_gav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real niggas watch all three die hards in one sitting


>stupid music general
i gotchu

>> No.12207260

I'll happily pass on my movie night crawler's great

>> No.12207261
File: 34 KB, 400x400, sadgav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12207283

We can next week
uuughghghgh fine, let me make sure the link works on cy and we can watch it at 9 mountain time

>> No.12207304
File: 193 KB, 830x1109, Gavrilo-Princip-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i gotta play a show next weekend fugggggggggggg
guess il just watch it tomorrow by myself or something

also some bitch got my moldova IP b&
even GAYER!

>> No.12207321
File: 30 KB, 1075x148, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry cy hates your site :(((

>> No.12207331


>> No.12207344

It's definitely an mp4 file, are you sure it doesn't work

>> No.12207347

don't worry boy and his dog is goat

>> No.12207349
File: 391 KB, 1200x1040, 20181222_204902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sexy "men" general/

>> No.12207358

I'm sure it's a good movie, it seems pretty enjoyable

>> No.12207368
File: 144 KB, 716x716, 1539391489120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i believe you need to go get my coffee sir.

>> No.12207372

Unbelievable that you have no (you)s.

>> No.12207385

theres alternate cys desu
lemme try and find em in my history

>> No.12207407
File: 33 KB, 474x413, where.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been saying that europe is about to explode for like 9 months now desu
if anything this guys late
no offense tho, he seems like he knows whats goin on

>> No.12207432
File: 143 KB, 1334x1334, 1501895625169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-increasingly sweating bull

>> No.12207433


>> No.12207473
File: 124 KB, 833x1090, FranzFerdinand_uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got me all wrong senpai
ive been the resident doomer ITT since volpocolypse
kvetching about the credit crunch and collapse of all EMs since then too
i also got trips for "the EU will not be around in a few years"
as well as starting WWI

im bearfag af senpai

>> No.12207606

Boomers still don't know they're losing money

>> No.12208076

lmao. BRK.B is the perfect short. What's in this piece of shit?
None of this crap does well in a bear market. The same thing that brought it up will bring it down. People laughed at me a month ago when I said to short this shit but look at it now. The only thing holding this thing up is KO and it has a lot lower to go.

>> No.12208150
File: 156 KB, 549x640, pluto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Pluto the most based and best Sailor Senshi?

>> No.12208415

$257 SPY Calls 12/31 dont @ me

>> No.12209344
