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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12194601 No.12194601 [Reply] [Original]

>when shekelstein makes you send an apology email to the whole company because he felt you were rude in a meeting

>> No.12194691

Fuck them, have some self respect. Like my dad always said, only a dog has an owner.

Life pro-tip never apologies for anything, even when you know you are wrong. That's how beta's split from alpha's.

>> No.12194698

Haha if you send that Email shame on you. Give us a rundown of your “rude comment”

>> No.12194717

A survivor will manipulate the situation and say/do anything to come out on top. Only low IQ no self confidence faggots don't adapt and deal with each situation with nuance.

>> No.12194719

Junior was one of the weakest characters in The Sopranos

>> No.12194728

>be in meeting
>haven't had my coffee so no talkie
>boss wants me to present the latest quarterly finance reports
>tell him no

>> No.12194729

This is such shit advice. If you can't admit when you've erred, you're a piece of shit. A forced apology is fucking lame, but if you fuck up and can't admit it, fuck off.

>> No.12194733

YOUR SISTER’S CUNT. Junior was great, but he was a drama queen extraordinaire.
Still waiting for OP to give us a rundown on his comment.

>> No.12194735


he said I am generally rude to the latin people in our office. I am the only white guy

>> No.12194740

Fuck that. Go to HR and say he's racist.

>> No.12194752

No, Tony's sister that barely shows up is

>> No.12194758

How were you rude? Why are you being so vague. We are your family, tell us what you did.

>> No.12194786

>ey, Papi, you got those quarterly reports typed up? What's the matter? No hablo ingles, lmao.

>> No.12194847

I rarely apologise for anything and I automatically think less of anyone who expects one.

Would much rather see someone show through actions that they feel they fucked up rather than just say a magic phrase and everything is ok.

>> No.12194886

>Life pro-tip never apologies for anything
yes that's it, everyone should have this somewhere from 1 to 5 of life tips

>> No.12194909

I don't require an apology for any sort of personal reason or to assuage my hurt fee-fees, but I will definitely think you're subhuman if you can't say you made a mistake. But like you say, an action is more important than some weak apology.

>> No.12194912

This. Fucking normie place such importance on what people say instead of what they do

>> No.12194914

I am sure you haven't read many books.

>> No.12195410


I just quietly disapprove of them while they scream at each other in spanish and play with their phones.

I also refuse to participate in any office activities whatsoever.

>> No.12195418
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Based Trump lurks this board

>> No.12195463

Kikes are the worst
always bargaining
always expecting you treat them so well because they pay (the same price as other customers)
I can't stand them

>> No.12195513

Look at this insecure cuck and laugh. I bet you still think 2+2=5 because you're so smart and never make mistakes.

>> No.12195527

Kys m80, we're right and you're a loser.

>> No.12195563
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>> No.12195579

no you are faggots and I always treat you bad as soon as I read your last name or see your crooked nose

>> No.12195584
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/Am For the /biz/ December 25th thread/

Should it say ?
>Merry Christmas
>Happy Hanukkah
>Happy Holidays

>> No.12195594

Barbara your mean

>> No.12195598

Oops wrong thread somehow wtf

>> No.12195601


>> No.12195676

95% of corporate activity is people saying things.