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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 125 KB, 570x636, 1535658240270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12190314 No.12190314 [Reply] [Original]

Someone just sent 1,484,727 LINK ($478,120.37) to Binance. The team is dumping on us.


>> No.12190339

More cheap LINK then? Nobody should give a shit at these prices, worse is better.

>> No.12190352


>> No.12190359

t. Link shill

>> No.12190374







TOP wallets thats holding for a year are moving to binance

>he fell for top wallets are accumulating meme

>> No.12190382

At least now you don't need to fly to Dubai to get dumped on, Rebecca.

>> No.12190410
File: 20 KB, 223x220, 1530408977461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's unironically over.

>> No.12190415


>> No.12190419


>post several wallets with less than 10k link being sent to binance

Did you think no one would check?

>> No.12190423

Wtf is this. Whats happening guys? Bullish? Bearish?

Nonononooo they know something

>> No.12190429

What? Check the first link: 141,968.825 LINK

>> No.12190430
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Well boys, I'm going down with the ship.

>> No.12190434

I love you, Rebeccaaaaaaa

>> No.12190441
File: 428 KB, 1413x1016, 10617795-F714-44BE-B8D6-037C83352056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s ogre

It’s ogre

I love ya

But it’s ogre

Fuck all niggers + kikes

>> No.12190464
File: 1.51 MB, 1800x1350, 1531930018077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it. They do the same shit as with Sergeys previous project called NxT. They abandoned it until it was took over by a new developer team.

>> No.12190474

First link is a major eth whale. Holy fuck. We are late adopters. We will never make it.

>> No.12190525

Look at the transfer history of binance wallet you idiot


hundreds of transactions with thousands of links moving to binance from old wallets

>> No.12190531

>141k link originally market bought from binance
>"top holder link accumulator"

*yawn* not even a top 250 wallet. Call me when the address with 350 mil link starts dumping.

>> No.12190538

KEK <200k link total. Muh TOP WALLETS.

Lemme guess you have mommy pocket money 100 link stack?

>> No.12190563

the "team" got out last year

>> No.12190596

Dec 19 - 10747898
Dec 21 - 14758559

Dec 19 - 760642
Dec 21 - 1746561

money pocket transfered 5mil link to binance in 2 days. Yes, sure anon

>> No.12190611

watch this it will explain everything


>> No.12190625

don't worry goys, they're just moving everything to binance for when we reach 1k EOY.

>> No.12190652

meh. I'm not even a whale and I sold 50k LINK yesterday just because this pump is obviously over. bear market continues shortly and everyone knows it. see you fags at $1500 BTC

>> No.12190659
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fear not fellow community members. it is simply a market maker providing liquidity for the upcoming Binance LINK trading competition

>> No.12190681
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>> No.12190687

Larpety larpety larp. Slarp slarp larp. Fart

>> No.12190715

How do you know itheyre not just swing trading it?

>> No.12190724
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>The average linker isn't able to comprehend that there are people out there with more than two dollar bills to rub together.

>> No.12190793

>5mil link
or $1 616 660

Which isnt that much compared to the volume. However if market dumped we'll get fuckkkked

>> No.12190800

Were not all poorfag newfags. I'm still holding a 50k suicide stack just in case but it's pretty obvious this pump is running out of steam. Bear market still has another 6 months left minimum.

>> No.12190805
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>> No.12190812

Post your sell orders then faggot

>> No.12190857

Kek, why don't you believe him? I sold roughly 80k at 8900 sats. Will buy back at 6200 by EOY

>> No.12190863
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> he's so fragile he demands proof

Just don't kill yourself in a place where you're parents will find you. That's not nice.

>> No.12190873
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I-I'm starting to feel the shit coming out of my anus bros..

>> No.12190875

Why is link still pumping tho. Somethings fishy, singularity will happen soon. Mainnet is going to come out and they going to provide liquidity for node holders.

Remember some of 350mil link they hold is for incentivation for node operators.

>> No.12190883

I think it's funny how you live under the delusion that you know the future.
If you did, you wouldn't be here. You'd already be retired with billions in the bank.

>> No.12190884

>by your definition I'm a top wallet
I appreciate the compliment, but I'm not selling.

>> No.12190901

More larping. The reason I know is called liquidity. Look it up.

>> No.12190905

I keep thinking on how many link rewards we will get for staking a few K worth of linkies

>> No.12190921

all of them are sent 59 minutes ago, this is just an exchange or something moving funds, probably binance

>> No.12190925


> r-right guys

Maybe your parents will think it was autoerotic asphyxiation? Might help them cope with the death of their retarded son better. One can only hope.

>> No.12190931

Did you sell all ur linkies at 6200 sats or what

>> No.12190938

You're a sad man.

>> No.12190939
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The cope is hard here. Fomo now or kys

>> No.12190950

Probably binance moving funds to Coinbase Pro wallets.

Looks like we made it.

>> No.12190955

Link got listed on another exchange.
Coinmetro will probably be the 2nd one drunkanon was larping about

>> No.12190956

When those tokens get released link price will drop to bat levels, both have the exact same supply.

>> No.12190960

brb killing myself

>> No.12190973

More fuel for 1k EOY

>> No.12190984

Only the first wallet there held 140k LINK (not even a top 100 wallet). The rest are sub 10k linklet wallets... nice fud.
If you observe top BTC and ETH wallets it’s the same story - they really ARE accumulating. This should be enough to make everyone realise that this bear market won’t last forever.

>> No.12190994
File: 195 KB, 798x770, vergeLOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, there are people unironically holding LINK in this board?

>> No.12191031

look how mad this bitch gets. get fucked no linker nobody fucking cares about your opinion. go get yelled at by your whore of a single mother. dumb nigger

>> No.12191057 [DELETED] 

Guys im selling all of my link at 3pm

>> No.12191082

I'd advise you to sell your link at noon pst today. Thats in 4 hours.

>> No.12191122

Yoo wtf, is this legit autismo?

>> No.12191168

Welcome back m8, missed the fuck lot of you

>> No.12191222

You shouldn't be posting anon. We don't want to inspire too much hope om the middle of a coinbase listing fomo frenzy.

>> No.12191244

t. bagholder's bingo participant

>> No.12191358
File: 88 KB, 334x334, toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A toast to you WA. I missed you!

>> No.12191408

Based autism!

>> No.12191486

DM me on twitter @cryptospong3

>> No.12191514

Lick my butthole underneath a bridge. I'm @The_Crypto_Oracle.

>> No.12191535

Lol faggots ^

>> No.12191538

is today the link fud day? i lost my calendar

>> No.12191554

Time to dump my bags

>> No.12191555

weird flex, but ok

>> No.12191562
File: 47 KB, 800x748, 262A2FD8-71AA-4512-8B03-8B7F823541F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no they REALLY arent, love how youre just saying shit and not bcking it up , good job time to go back to first grade dummy

>> No.12191660

What's weird about my demand, faggot? Betcha like girls too, huh faggot?!

>> No.12191672

well u be the big man and prove he is wrong then. if not then u can shut up pajeet

>> No.12191828

Chump change

>> No.12191929

TFW the ONLY source you trust for ANYTHING is a guy who calls him “Wallet autism” on a Mongolian sheep farming board.

Good to have you back WA.

>> No.12191935
File: 109 KB, 720x425, 181221112146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today is the Coinbase listing

>> No.12191951

the bitches want lambos for christmas

>> No.12191969

Big deal OP. This whale is likely selling off ALL his alts. You can clearly see here he has been sending them all to Binance lately. What a pussy. Lol.


>> No.12191979

BAT dumped immediately after listing announcement. LINK will follow BAT's dumping and dump immediately upon listing announcement because LINK's pump for the last few days is not backed by any fundamentals, it's based purely on coinbase listing speculation.

>> No.12192083

Yo legend, im not fuding there mate, just look at


hundreds of transactions with thousands of links that are holding for over a year are transfering to binance, i dont what that means... BUT check Binance_6


They just deposited 4mil links.


>> No.12192220

Fuck. You are right. Several addresses between 10-30k that I just checked just moved LINK to Binance for the first time..

>> No.12192279

The question is why though? Is CB listing happening today or tomorrow and they know this and will just dump into the volume? Or is their something wrong with the code? Something is fucked up and about to happen right now.

>> No.12192295

i missed you fren

>> No.12192296

>TOP wallets!
Holy shit anon I have 21k, am I a top wallet now?

>> No.12192301
File: 25 KB, 329x470, close-man-watching-through-binocular-450w-56653420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW monitoring this thread

>> No.12192327

what the fuck is going on? Is vishnu on the blockchain???????

>> No.12192355
File: 104 KB, 597x442, 1545082389306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinbase listing is happening tonight. Everyone will dump their link and crash it below 10 cents.

>> No.12192388

Checked fuck

>> No.12192414

Checked, it's ogre. I already sent all my link from my Trezor to Binance. I'm ready to dump into the pump and rebuy next year.

>> No.12192420

LINK is the next bitbean

>> No.12192437
File: 13 KB, 414x172, 1538346638196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems they put a limit orders to sell 1.2 million of them already.

>> No.12192476
File: 33 KB, 350x350, 1537082878359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically envy you anons for your courage. I'm too weak to let my linkies go

>> No.12192559

I have to, as I lost exactly 46% of my stack swing trading. I have to get it back.

>> No.12192569

You sound like a desperate degenerate gambler dude. Get a hold of yourself

>> No.12192578

I know, but my next step is to use leverage on Bitmex. You have to risk something when there is blood in the streets, even if it's your own.

>> No.12192595
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>> No.12192617

Welcome back fren

>> No.12192840

I'm always posting here, never left, friendos. Tripfags are just cancer, no need to be using a trip for normal posting.

It doesn't mean anything... People buy and sell all the time. If it's only a few thousand it's nothing. Pay more attention to your own position on ethplorer and you'll probably notice that you keep moving down the ranks due to those above you accumulating (although not certain it seems likely imo). If you're interested in what ICO buyers have done I would be looking at the top 100 more than those with just a few thousand link. I haven't checked in a while but last time I was checking them all, no one in the top 100 was really touching them, clearly it is a long term hold for them. Don't forget how exclusive the ICO was, I'm sure that means some important entities (like Sergey's connections) must have been buying.

10-30k is nothing, I hold this much and you probably do too.
Unless you're implying that all these 10-30k wallets belong to the same person... but of course there's no way to prove that.


you're about position 1600 or so, out of 21000 total wallets. I hope I can make it to top 2000 soon.

I am always here, just not tripfagging because it's cancerous.

>> No.12192883

The smell of your cunt has not gone unsmelled, swine.

>> No.12192978

nothing is going on and nothing will happen you retards

>> No.12193005
File: 58 KB, 750x1000, 1545365844239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

conboos listung hurr durr

>> No.12193059

You have to go back

>> No.12193116

Link still holding on at 30. Don't you give up!

>> No.12193229

shitcone 4 eva

>> No.12193673

>Someone just sent 1,484,727 LINK ($478,120.37) to Binance. The team is dumping on us.

some whale is enjoying your fiat money now.