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12183019 No.12183019 [Reply] [Original]

that every so often, we get clusters of REQ threads hours of each other complaining about this shitcoin? Im a bag holder myself, but there's clearly a pattern. There were 5 threads today alone:


and all of them reek of hopeless fud (ignoring the shit price action as everything else moons past few days). Is this coordinated?

Pump imminent?

>> No.12183041

>it is not a network
>it is a website that connects to blockchain
>the token does not perform any important function in the """"network""""
you can literally copy paste the code and remove the part that charges a fee
which is what someone will eventually do
the appropriate price is zero

I'm sorry fag but req fuds itself. It is literally just open source code connected to smartcontracts with a worthless funding token. There is no conspiracy, enjoy your bags.

>> No.12183075

And every thread had this pasta

>> No.12183091
File: 37 KB, 657x527, 1544007842934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hold Req, no one is happy. Check out the discord and subreddit.
I hope we make it someday.

>> No.12183115

>all tokenized networks are tokenized because tokenization incentivizes cooperation between network participants through game theory (everyone acts in their interest)
>tokenization is what separates blockchains from fucking databases
>tokenization = the only road to decentralization

When you see "muh copy paste code and remove the token" FUD you know a project is going places.

>> No.12183239

>>all tokenized networks are tokenized because tokenization incentivizes cooperation between network participants through game theory (everyone acts in their interest)
You are not wrong but you miss the point. There is no network. REQ a sham. Request Network is essentially like making a website that takes fees for no reason and burns a token with them. It's not like LINK which collects data off chain through a decentralized node network. There is no actual network on Request Network. And it's not like Paypal that does currency exchange and charges you for it. Request Network doesn't do anything, it's like Metamask with a fee.
Anything Request Network claims it will do is not handled by them, the so-called Request Network is just a website which may one day connect to say, Chainlink + ETH smartcontracts to perform fiat integration. But that doesn't have anything to do with REQ, the token is useless.

>> No.12183274

exactly. REQ does no job of work.
it's just like paying someone a small fee every time you go take a piss while they just stand and watch.
i actually pity REQlets and wish them no harm. i feel sorry for anyone still holding these useless bags.

>> No.12183351

Coordinated FUD? Lmao you're delusional, AbstractTornado.
What about we see what has the team accomplished this year?
Mhhmmm, yeah, what I thought: Nothing. Now go kys

>> No.12183374
File: 410 KB, 900x900, 1545325966341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically bought 100k because of this FUD OP
We're gonna make it

>> No.12183438

Because these bags are colossal dude like 6 figures to under three colossal

>> No.12183483
File: 53 KB, 526x476, reqhappening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off abstract. you and the req team had its chances but you blew it twice. you wont win another round of investors. its over

>> No.12184093


>> No.12184104

I'm not saying that REQ doesn't deserve shit talk by why is it that no one talks about it till suddenly 5 threads pop up about it in a day. It happens every few weeks

>> No.12184189

Will be $20 next bullrun.

>> No.12184456

BTC drops, then REQ follows. People remember why they hate REQ so much and make shitposting threads. It's not that complicated you tinfoil hat wearing schizo

>> No.12184644

Bitcoin has been rising all week, retard. There hasn't been a REQ thread for longer

>> No.12185092


>> No.12185151

is that lexi belle in op's pic?