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12179863 No.12179863 [Reply] [Original]

Would you guys move to New York if you were offered a job that pays over 150k? Thats double of what I'm making now, but my currently salary provides more than enough living in Arizona. Family and friends are here, but that's not a huge factor - they aren't going anywhere if I decided to come back. This company that recruited me is literally hiring people only from their 3 competitors, one of which I work at. They will provide relocation too. There is also a high chance they will have an IPO in 3-4 years. Would you make the move for that?

>> No.12179878

NYC is a trash covered hellhole full of spics and nigs.

>> No.12179884
File: 337 KB, 353x638, 2455BEBB-36F0-44AE-BD8C-9723AB91282D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New York is a fucking cesspool. I personally wouldn’t move there.

>> No.12179987

Racists need to fucking hang.

>> No.12180033

im with you on that! thats what the son of my wife always says too!

>> No.12180075

Far from the worst woman you fucking retard. Wouldn't bother with 4 kids myself but at least she isn't an obese manchild like you.

>> No.12180099

stay in AZ

>t. new yorker

>> No.12180104

If you're willing to live cheaply, better to head to New York. It's probably far easier to achieve a greater absolute savings every year. And at the end of the day, New York dollars go the same distance as Arizona dollars- when you travel or buy a lot of standard expensive items (cars, laptops, etc.) the price is going to be basically the same no matter where you live.

Would you rather save 20% of your income in AZ or 20% of your income in NY? Think about how much further that NY money will go when you move

>> No.12180118


NYCfag here. $150,000 is like a 60K salary elsewhere. You will probably have a similar amount of disposable income.

>> No.12180159

I make $162k and I live in NYC. It's a good salary here even with the higher income tax and cost of living. $162k after taxes is about $106k/year and my rent is $1500 for a 1 bedroom in queens. I don't own a car and spend $1200/year in MTA fare but it's comes out of my paycheck pre-tax.

Where in Az do you live, what's your tax rate and living expense like? I knew someone that moved here from NV because he was earning more and used the extra money to pay off his house back in NV quicker and left once the mortgage was paid off.

>> No.12180186
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>Oy gevalt! The image boards and their memes are starting to wake the goyim up!
>Mordecai! Schlep over to your workstation and shitpost about how everyone on 4chan is just a man-child not to be taken seriously. We need to gaslight them so they stay asleep a little longer!

>> No.12180216

If you have kids, pets, or plan on acquiring kids or pets in the next 5 years, don't do it.
If you don't have kids or pets and you're OK living in a tiny apartment, go for it.

>> No.12180258

Enjoy living in a shitty apartment half the size of the place you live in now and paying double the price.

>> No.12180272

>I hate people who hate other people I think we should kill them!!!

>> No.12180280

You've obviously never lived there lmao
Yeah good luck with that car. Either moving it every other day or paying an absurd amount for parking
your choice
oh and the damage that comes with parking it on the street

>> No.12180292

i live in nyc ama

>> No.12180334

how low on the male-status totem pole do you need to be to consider dating a woman with miscegenated offspring?

>> No.12180344

Were you born gay?

>> No.12180408

mebbe if it was closer to 250k. as it stands the sheer horror of having to live in that giant dump coupled with everything costing 10x what it does in AZ would make it a no, I think desu senpai. Even small things like how the utilities utterly bleed you dry regardless of how much you use will get to you eventually. let's not even start on the population.

>> No.12180409

Logistics and overhead aside: is the NY job any better in any meaningful way?

>> No.12180420

I'd personally do it but only because I've always wanted to live and work in a Manhattan skyscraper.

>> No.12180429


>> No.12180441

my brown id = vishnu on the blockchain confirmed

>> No.12180459

it literally smells like shit and piss
its like if new delhi had more black people

>> No.12180604

Personally I would not. I've lived here for 23 years and am looking to leave. 150k sounds like a lot but it isn't too much. Of course you won't be poor, but you won't be rich enough to avoid the rabble and the low class of society. And theres plenty here. Pure hoodlums. Rent for a 1 bedroom in the city is minimum 2k unless it's in the hood. So after taxes, rent, food, I'd suspect you can pocket around 50k per year.

>> No.12180641

I wouldn’t. The stress from city living literally kills you; lifespans are lower.

>t bostonian making 160

>> No.12180652

Go with the job that has more chance of being economically stable in this oncoming recession.

>> No.12180671

legit 5 year ex nyc professional. it's a shithole. but fantastic for $$$. do it for 18 months max. get a room in bushwick. save as much as possible and gtfo

>> No.12180697

Kikes like you need to be gassed

>> No.12181046

No. $150k salary isn't much by New York standards. Entry level middle class income, while dealing with living in a 3rd world environment.

>t. New Yorker that moved to Arizona

>> No.12181216

>the price is going to be basically the same
Except his rent will be triple, his car insurance 4x. And that right there will negate whatever extra money he makes

>> No.12181235

What he said. $150k minimum to cover cost of living and and an extra 50k not to assault anyone who tries that 'greatest city on Earth' schtick

>> No.12181416

Remember you're on 4chan and most of the people replying are neet losers that live in ohio so their opinions don't matter. I live in manhattan and I love it. anything you could ever want to do is within 15 minutes at all times. great food. unlimited supply of women. you don't need a car so no traffic and no car/insurance payments. most importantly, you can advance your career 10x faster in NYC than you can in AZ. move here a couple years, get your salary up, then move somewhere cheaper.

>> No.12181753

I love NYC and think everyone should live there for at least 2-3 years in their life. However, it's not an easy city to live in financially long term (i.e. family and buying an apt) even at $150-200k.

You need to assess your current cost of living and your cost of living upon moving and decide if it's a net positive or negative for your quality of life.

$150k in NYC if you're single is more than enough to have a lot of fun, I can tell you that for sure.

With city and state taxes your take home will get neutered. You'll make like 60% of the $150k so let's say $90k. You can get a nice 1br apartment in a good neighborhood for ~$3k/mo and then have like $50k left for living expenses. Let's say $500/mo on groceries, $300/mo on travel (Subway and cabs). Then let's pad that and make it a cool $1k for $12k a year. That's $38k net. You could spend $1,000/mo just having fun (which is WAY more than you'll need) and still save $26k/year.

If I was single and never lived in NYC before I'd take this opportunity and make the most of it. Don't live too frugally.

>> No.12181809

I live in NYC and make $50k, so yes. I currently drive to work but would commute to the city for $150k a year.

>> No.12181890

Some people get off on being more of a man than the man that left his progeny behind.

Other people realize that they're tending someone else's bloodline for free and stay away.

>> No.12181987

You need to be worth at least $5 million to even live a middle class lifestyle in NYC. I'm not even exaggerating, with a $150k salary you'll live in a tiny studio apartment without air conditioning or a washer/dryer in a shitty neighborhood. A decent apartment equivalent to a middle class house anywhere else in America will cost you at least $2 million or $5k/month in rent.

>> No.12182011
File: 721 KB, 640x1136, EAC1EC94-7810-4D25-A65E-A714DC47DB2C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re not a racist piece of shit OP, and are a fan of high quality culture, I recommend. Also the thots are nice.

>> No.12182074

I would raise a stepchild if it was only one and if my wife was planning to give birth to 2 offspring of my own. I don't even know if I could do that after "my wife's son" became a meme.

>> No.12182079

Just moved to Arizona from NY, same company but took a promotion to get out. 150k is feasible, but I would suggest looking at Hoboken or Jersey City for residential purposes. Quick commute, cheaper, still really upscale.

>> No.12182101
File: 34 KB, 123x200, laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Yeah, no shit you can get more for less in bumfuck Iowa. Nobody wants to live there. It's dried up. The demand is dead. There's no jobs, no upward mobility, no financial security. Cities offer the best opportunity for maximum personal achievement, innovation, and creativity. It's why companies and even people pay up the ass to work and live in a crammed space 30 stories above Manhattan. It's not a watered down, pristine caricature of pussified suburban sterile shit. There's shit to do. Stuff to see. People don't live there to jerk other contrarians off on Laotian flare gun forums and get a thrill off denigrating minorities.

Get fucked faggots, most of the naysayers were probably ousted from Manhattan two months after they set foot on the island because they didn't have the work ethic and personal ingenuity to compete against the others. You're here on 4chan trying to punch up at NYC because YOU LOST.

>> No.12182126

This guy FIDI's

>> No.12182132

This is retarded. My mom makes around 100k as a single woman and owns a large apartment in a white neighborhood that's probably like $350k. I could buy a decent 1 bedroom apartment for like $150k. Monthly maintainance needs to get added on to those prices though. That said, I would recommend any couples in the area to be making $75k+ each before having a chikd here. NYC exists outside of the East Village and Williamsburg.

>> No.12182223

Why the fuck would anyone want to live outside of Manhattan? Might as well go to Jersey then, it's a lot cheaper there and you can still find some places that are majority white.

Also those figures are made up because even in Brooklyn, which is 35% white, the median home price is $800k. Even in the fucking Bronx it's $400k.

>> No.12182536

You might be making good money, but remember you'll have to deal with all the faggots that come with living in a large city. Most of the fags are transplants as well, never born in NYC but act like they're better than everyone because loaded up their gay Honda Civic with 5 sweaters and their Xbox to move to NYC. This thread is a solid reminder of that. You have cucks in here smelling their own farts and acting high and mighty for making $100k, despite 10% of the US population making that. Don't forget that you'll have to deal with 3rd world savages out the ass, and all of the White liberal enablers who treat the savages like their good little pets. Maybe when NYC was 90%+ White it was a good place to live, but not so much now. You'll be moving into a place that is a shell of its former self, and still kicking simply because the financialization of the US economy in the 2000s, especially after 2008, resulted in a massive injection of cash into Wall Street, which then flooded into other sectors of NYC.

The people who have the least to do with NYC culture and the overall development/maintenance of the city are the loudest, mouthiest ones. Again, this thread proves what kind of insufferable cunts these not-even-born-in-NYC fags are like.

>> No.12182564

mother of 4
what a steal!

>> No.12182607

Only post that matters in this thread.

>> No.12183062

If you can find roomate or two and budget your rent to less than 1500. It's doable. Also don't have a car. Try to save as much of that 150k. Max out pretax accounts.

>> No.12183077
File: 1.36 MB, 1483x1113, nyc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Job in New York
I hope you like hobos, my man.

>> No.12183293

Jersey has retarded tolls to cross the river no way am I moving there. I know my area and a shit ton of people in the neighborhood. It's a familiar place and has good access to the city. Manhattan is an overpriced shithole and would not consider living in any part of it south of 86th Street. Upper West Side is okay, as are the white parts of Washington Heights and Inwood. I have friends in Manhattan and can crash at their places on the weekend if I hit the town with them.

>> No.12183463

>not living in Europe while working remotely for a company in New York

never gonna make it

>> No.12183623

All of these lying neets pretending like they make $150k in NYC. Lmfao, I live in NYC and I can guarantee any of you faggots posting on 4chan dont make nearly that much amount unless you are in a vp level marketing role/banking/or in software engineering at a good company.

You faggots probably work at burger king and take orders from the people you claim to be talking about

>> No.12183806

I wouldn't date her even if her son was white. Using my precious resources to rear someone else's offspring is cucked regardless. Doubly so for a niglet, but 2x 0 is still 0.

He didn't specifically mention race. You projecting much? And not being racist in currentyear, seriously?

>> No.12184004

most retarded post of the whole thread and possibly on all of 4chan. you should kys as soon as possible edgelord faggot that lacks reading comprehension.

>> No.12184064

There's a lot of people in NYC who make 150k a year and they live like shit. Even those make 250k a year live like shit. The apartments are tiny, they're often ill-kept, even the expensive ones, it's hot, the subways are filthy, there's garbage in the streets, it's full of transients and diversity ect.
I would advise not living in NYC and instead commute in from the NJ suburbs or Long Island.

>> No.12184358

live in brooklyn and only make 60k a year ;(

>> No.12184398

he definitely does

>> No.12184627

Likely won't be living in Manhattan with that salary. More likely queens.

>> No.12184642


$150k is poverty tier in NYC. Same way it's poverty tier in Silicon Valley or Seattle. You aren't keyed in to how much new grads are making these days.

>> No.12184682

take the job and bank hard as fuck. just stuff a brokerage account with that extra dosh. maybe even look into buying a smoll apartment. you'll be living in like Bayridge or some other middle class neighborhood in Brooklyn unless you feel like a Manhattan shoebox.

>> No.12184955

Here's a different take: If you can afford to survive in New York, you have more opportunity to network with the richest people in the world, whereas in Arizona you won't have that opportunity. For whatever reason there are places in the world where more money is made than others, so maybe some of it will rub off on you. If you were going with no education or nothing lined up, I would say forget it, but since you're in an okay financial position it could be a chance to have more than you could ever have anywhere else.

>> No.12184964

Plus no one ever dreams of living in Arizona, go try it out for a couple of years.

>> No.12185986

I lived in Westchester county, fucking sucked.

Rich liberal cocksuckers all over.

T. Originally from Suffolk county on the Island.