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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 1920x1080, Request-Network.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12179854 No.12179854 [Reply] [Original]

sold minutes ago
i'm feeling free, finally

>> No.12179874



>pump incoming

>> No.12179877

Lol why? This shit will be +20$ EOY 2020

>> No.12179891

this shit is dead fren
i lost so much money on this shit
finally i can sleep in peace

>> No.12179945


It will go back to a dollar, at least.

God you're stupid.

>> No.12179982

$2 March 2020

>> No.12180008

Before v2? Pleb tier

>> No.12180028

hopeless holders.
i bet you think it's rain coming down on you and not piss.

>> No.12180045

Buy SV sirs good deal sirs

>> No.12180145

fucking 2years to reach....$2
kek i prefer link bye bye

>> No.12180168


LINK needs REQ to have a purpose.

>> No.12180184

>LINK needs REQ to have a purpose
my god...

>> No.12180187



>> No.12180201

Cheaper though could buy more

>> No.12180236



REQ had better and more rapid growth. It did 1,200% in December, whereas LINK went from like 21 cents to $1.29.

>> No.12180369

>It did 1,200% in December, whereas LINK went from like 21 cents to $1.29.
it only pumped because of a campaign and good roadmap. but since they erased that so did they the value of their project.

>> No.12180379


He doesn’t know... Kek

>> No.12180407

that will continue to dump
this i know anon

>> No.12180426

fells good doesnt it OP?
I sold all my shitcoins at the absolute bottom of 3200. lost a ton of money but I dont even give afuck, Im just glad this nightmare is over

>> No.12180445

>it only pumped because of a campaign and good roadmap. but since they erased that so did they the value of their project.

No it pumped because Bitcoin went to 20K and every other literal piece of trash was buoyed.

>> No.12180450


Why did you wait until Kyber is just about to support WBTC before selling your REQ bags?

>goes down for an eternity
>unironically great news for REQ hidden behind Kyber update
>sells bottom

I kind of feel bad, but then again I don't know what it felt like to be bag holding too much, I mostly bought at 0.04$.

I wish you well anon

>> No.12180454
File: 13 KB, 232x162, D695BF77-25DA-4EDD-8C59-C4904616D917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U wish REQlet

>> No.12180678

Oh boy REQs pump is going to be massive. I've got my sell orders around 1000 sats and ready to rebuy in the low 800s

>> No.12180702
File: 150 KB, 644x364, 1527262013233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I kind of feel bad, but then again I don't know what it felt like to be bag holding too much, I mostly bought at 0.04$.

Same here anon. 3-4 cents average buy in last year and I'm emotionally unmoved by the volatility.

Only way to sleep well is to buy low enough to give you a margin of safety.

My goal has always been to wait to product launch. Sure, it would have been smart to sell the top and re-buy now, but hind sight is a cocksucker.

>> No.12180769

wtf happened to this coin? what happened to the accounting app? What happened to fiat intregration? Wheres the fucking btc pay button? Jesus christ did I get scammed? what has this company accomplished in the past year?

>> No.12180853

there's not much in crypto i'm sure of, but the fact that req is a dead project is probably one of them.
i'm not even trying to convince anyone of this anymore, but the problem with req is that it **seemed** like such a great idea. but that idea has just fallen apart. there's nothing left.
badholders gonna baghold, but seriosuly if i was still holding i'd be ashamed of myself by now.

>> No.12181032

return 0

>> No.12181056

this guy gets it.

>> No.12181485


Unironically this.

>> No.12181678
File: 278 KB, 1235x1223, 709B5DA6-2B82-4EDF-9125-6448D34E411E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s what happens to REQtards IRL

>> No.12181771


You can literally say the same thing for every other crypto project from 2017 and it will apply.

Pure speculative play, none of these start-ups are certain.

>> No.12182371
File: 177 KB, 634x736, OngoingReqScandal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12182408
File: 146 KB, 1474x681, Abstract.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12182665

great choice, more should follow

>> No.12182762
File: 320 KB, 1584x879, 1544377228125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are still people who own REQ!?

>> No.12182824

>keeps checking crypto prices every day
>kills himself when we moon
there is no such thing as being free. Once you get in you never get out

>> No.12182976
File: 320 KB, 750x1167, A5F4AE13-0F08-410C-A7D5-A79D9F8A1B29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12182985
File: 26 KB, 480x360, 4chan_fo_life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wouldn't have it any other way

>> No.12183020

I can't believe how many brainlets there are here.

Coinbase slowly but surely listing everyone one of the cryptos they've mentioned the past few weeks.

>not accumulating REQ whilst it's almost at its ATL in dollar value, fuck it nearly all values.

>not accumulating REQ before V2, fiat integration, rebrand, BTC integration, marketing push, new website, partnership reveals.

>> No.12183048

>>not accumulating REQ before V2, fiat integration, rebrand, BTC integration, marketing push, new website, partnership reveals.

You said that 1 year ago

>> No.12183070

>it is not a network
>it is a website that connects to blockchain
>the token does not perform any important function in the """"network""""
you can literally copy paste the code and remove the part that charges a fee
which is what someone will eventually do
the appropriate price is zero

>> No.12183104
File: 105 KB, 1228x644, requestmoneyback.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12183187

where did they mention REQ?

all that things won't ever be finished because the team will just give up around summer next year. it will be another failed startup, they'll pretend they learned something and move on to next.

>> No.12183214

Lmao how was this shit ever even worth more than a penny

>> No.12183291

I wonder how many startups this team have 'pivoted' from after they've failed in the past.

I only know of Moneytis but if you check out the teams LinkedIn profiles you quickly see they are all a bunch of cronies. So perhaps what you say might come true, if they kill the project late summer and move right onto the next one I honestly wouldn't be surprised. At least they won't be able to swizz any more money out of thr crypto community because the key players are known now.

>> No.12183783


I dare you

>> No.12183793
File: 32 KB, 640x640, 5Q7Ibtl_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dubs checked