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12170054 No.12170054 [Reply] [Original]

What's the next Bitcoin type investment in your opinion?

>> No.12170101

Starting to shoot little faggets like u OP

>> No.12170128

Buying bitcoin down >80%

>> No.12170152

Can you imagine the nerve of only sleeping with one person in your life? Genuinely offended.

>> No.12170155

Gilligan's Faust.

>> No.12170159

You mean where the creator disappears and better versions take over? Chainlink

>> No.12170164

lol. enjoy your black dick cuck boi.

>> No.12170181
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>but y'know, whatever

haha OMG like literally i cant even....SHOOK....but im here for it

like, slay queeeennnss yaaaassss

men are pigs anyways haha screw the patriarchy im a feminist

>> No.12170195

t. virgin sperg with an anime wallpaper on his phone.

>> No.12170254
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>> No.12170278

It should be a federal law that all women must sleep with at least 25 chads before they get married. They should also make 20 years of mandatory military service for all non-chads and white males.

Would be great.

>> No.12170303


>> No.12170350

i cant believe people like you are allowed to vote

>> No.12170378

he is joking. I can't believe people like you are allowed to vote.

>> No.12170392


>> No.12170416

Women are a bubble.

>> No.12170440
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I don't know. Sleeping with one guy already sounds pretty gay, let alone 25 guys. But then again, what do I know, I'm not a journalist.

>> No.12170456
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cringe and bluepilled

based and repilled

>> No.12170503

hehehehe you are in for a surprise

>> No.12170539 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 600x798, CE2712A1-84FA-4D2F-AC98-804C198CB504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 1: Create a MEW address or Install Metamask. I recommend using the Chrome Version.

Step 2: Go to https://multomox.com since they're the ones running the Crypto.com MCO Bounty Program

Step 3: Make sure ETH is available in your MEW/Metamask account. You can Exploit the Multomox TOS by using multiple Metamask accounts. I'll explain in a moment

Step 4: Participate in the Multomox bounty and when you receive your MCO, sell them ASAP on any exchange. Sell MCO for ETH.

Step 5: Send your ETH to A NEWLY GENERATED ETH ADDRESS. Multomox only lets you participate once UNLESS you use a new ETH address.

Step 6: Participate in the Multomox Bounty again, and repeat steps 4 and 5 until all 500,000 MCO are taken.

There's approx 358,000 MCO left as of 4PM EST. Take advantage quick if you want to survive.

This is a rare opportunity to live out your NEET dreams.

>> No.12170703

joke's on you. while you spent your time chasing roasties you won't ever be able to love or bond with, i (mid 20s virgin) decided to choose the superior and instead nurtured my attachment to a 2d character i have know since my mid-teens. and all i have to do now is wait until waifu robots make my high-school sweetheart a (virtual) reality (with a few character adjustments). otherwise i'll just die a virgin. i have literally zero interest in some stand-offish 3d roastie. nor any real woman for that matter. they all seem uninteresting by association, desu.

>> No.12171095
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>> No.12171284

>>Statistically, the more people you sleep with, the more likely you are to be unfaithful to your partners/spouses.

Enjoy your cheating wives, boys.

>> No.12171308
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Question: If my gf wasnt a virgin when we met, does that make me a cuck?

>> No.12171315

>They should also make 20 years of mandatory military service for all non-chads and white males.
This is unironically a good idea

>> No.12171356

IDK man, my gf was a virgin and so was I, she was bleeding and crying the first time we did it and I only went in halfway. But my gf is a GEM 9/10 cutie beauty with an engineering degree and idk what she sees in a disabled neet loser like me.

You are a cuck if you share your gf I guess.

>> No.12171369
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I'll just take that as a yes. How did you score a 9/10 engineer qt as a disabled neet?

>> No.12171371

i would shoot u first

>> No.12171372

realistically no
as much as anyone wants a virgin wife the jews and feminism destroyed any realistic chance of it. if you are in some billionaire club you can get someone elses daughter, but the common man has to settle for roasties.
in conclusion, buy crypto

>> No.12171399

There's a chance that men will start snagging up girls from a younger generation. Can't wait for the roasty tears.

>> No.12171403
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Unironically Bitcoin.

>> No.12171437

uh I am explicitly going to marry a girl 10+ years younger than me


>> No.12171450

Is there a real time chart like this?

>> No.12171496

Women are capitalists when it comes to sexual rights but socialist when it comes to resources.

>> No.12171499

I have no idea, she was a virgin and very shy, her parents are very religious and don't let her talk to boys which was a plus for me. I just talked to her, asked her to add me on FB and then told her I liked her. She was very happy with that and that's basically it. I do threaten to sue brands and extort money to buy her gifts, it turns her on a lot.

>> No.12171690


You can't shelter a virgin GF forever, with the internet, social networks, etc, porn all over twitter and whatnot, they'll want to experience other dicks eventually and might even cuck you

>> No.12171711

lucky bastard. you better wife up that hoe

IG I will just date her, and not marry her. If she asks why I dont want to get married, I will simply say "no hymen, no diamond"

>> No.12171743


Hemp anything, construction, anything

>> No.12172040


>> No.12172072

>Slavery is unironically a good idea
Really makes you think

>> No.12172088

2 dimensional bait thread
you need to edit the filename to a facebook filename so it becomes three dimensional

>> No.12172090

bill nye the science guy agree

>> No.12172109

Kek. 4chan is so messed up that I can’t even tell if posts like this one is larping or not.

>> No.12172147
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not women, that's for sure.
those blockheads never get fulfilled.

>> No.12172154

It's not larp.

>> No.12172185

That’s a real one, you can google it yourself

>> No.12172484

Annnnnnnddddd, this is why I’m 33 and have yet to touch a boob or go on a date. I do my best to keep it professional with women for my sales job and avoid them the rest of the time. When I get hit on or catch girl smiling, playing with her hair and/or looking too long, I picture to other guys she’s been with to this point. I’d rather be alone then commit to used goods.

>> No.12172539


Go on.....

>> No.12172559

unironically buying bitcoin

>> No.12172585
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>> No.12172592
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No one shows interest in you gramps

>nu uh im 30 aged like cheese wine 10/10 face /fit/, 200k in bank i just CHOOSE to remain celibate

lol k

>> No.12172649

Even if he is larping, he has a good point. Past a certain age (let's say mid thirties or so), it may be a better option to just go through life solo.

>> No.12172679

then she'll set you up with her virgin sister, then you can fuck both!

>> No.12172737
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>(let's say mid thirties or so)
come on
at mid twenties with no relationship experience I can tell you with complete confidence it's not going to happen, even earlier than mid twenties

>> No.12172762

My main point is still relevant

>> No.12172809

Delete this

>> No.12172810
File: 309 KB, 350x263, 648F35C7-FBEC-443F-88BA-1916436B4652.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There was no “option” to begin with.

>> No.12172947

Guys, i'm hungry.

>> No.12173015

You only think in extremes huh?