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12166763 No.12166763 [Reply] [Original]

Few of us told you about the trx shrimp games early. Hope you listened

Now we have fucking t3d which is the first pyramid on tron. If you remember what p3d did then you should already know the plan.

I’ll be back later to say I told you so

Already over a million tron in

Tron3d (dawt) io

Thank me later

>> No.12166791

was waiting for someone to do this!!! IM FUCKING IN

>> No.12166799

is this justin sun endorsed?

>> No.12166820
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lets fucking go
somebody tweet the GOAT

>> No.12166835
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Really don’t know why it took so long. Already 2 mil in it!!!

We mooning

>> No.12166917
File: 101 KB, 1188x622, t3d moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what daa fuuuuuck.

>> No.12166933

Tron is coming up big in games it seems. gonna test the waters with this one

>> No.12166937 [DELETED] 

Tron scams begin. The fall of Tron begins

>> No.12166952

>it’s a pyramid scheme episode again
Make it stop papa. 90% of people lose, developers always win.

>> No.12166956
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>hey guys remember all those scams on Ethereum that everyone lost money in? Well now you can relive your glory days on Justin Sun's Chinese EOS knock-off and give the last remnants of your money away

>> No.12166985
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90% people lose. Guess you weren’t a part of p3d when it went close to 100k eth. Anybody who bought within the first 6 months ended up making gains. So yeah do as you please but I will be here to remind you

Tron scam lol
You’re still early, yes it’s a chink Coin whatever but I have 5x’d on these new trx games. T3d will be HUGE, mark my word. Not to mention, Justin sun loves to hype shit up unlike vitalik.

We are working on getting him to retweet us. Better buy a small stack before it’s too late

>> No.12166993

^ stay salty anons. i know too many people who made fuckin tonnes on the eth pyramid hype.

miss it first time, not my fault.
miss it 2nd time means i'm a douchefag

quick money is cocaine!

>> No.12167000
File: 215 KB, 608x593, 5D534777-3950-4FBC-800C-533546CB7C0A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys remember if you were early in p3d you made like 100x Kek


>> No.12167009

That was the only successful one and it only succeeded because it had first mover advantage and tons of hype, plus the Ethereum community is massive. Tron has none of those things.

>> No.12167057

^ what the hell you on about??
a shitty shrimp game with a fuckin windows 98 ui was released a few days ago and made it to over 800 eth.

p3d games are tonnes more 1337

>> No.12167074

>800 ETH
That's literally nothing. Even ones on EOS went into the millions.

>> No.12167075
File: 97 KB, 419x610, DC1EE2BF-66AF-4758-8D3B-3BCF93672D05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only successful one

You just exposed yourself as a fucktard who obviously hasn’t played these before. There has been 100’s of other games that people have took huge profit from. Thanks for making my job easy though

>> No.12167078

this looks like an exit scam ready to go once the balance is big enough.

The discord history is cringey when the "dev" team joins. That and they copy pasted a lot of the text from powh

any thoughts anons?

>> No.12167085

Imagine being this retarded. Someone always profits. But the vast majority don't. Doesn't surprise me that a platform as shitty as Tron has nothing but pyramid schemes to shill its bags

>> No.12167084

Fucking ideologies of newfagism

>> No.12167105

Same thing with eth. Imagine being so thick you can’t realize the good opportunities from the bad. Since I’ve made this another 1.5 million trx has come in. If you had listened you would have already profited but hey, can’t make a retarded horse drink water, seems as if can’t even make the fucking thing walk kek

>> No.12167115

>please sir buy my bags!
fuck off faggot

>> No.12167146

Don’t buy my bags becuase they are currently worth 3x, don’t think you’d pay 3x either so the deal is off

>> No.12167225
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>> No.12167263

You're a frickin retard if you lost any eth on p3d, try not to sell the bottom this time anon

>> No.12167360

Just giving an update:
It was shilled around 1 mil trx and is now about to breach 3 mil trx. Whoever listened, your welcome.

>> No.12167375

It’s a risk we take, but I know of the devs and they are straight shooters. I know it doesn’t mean much coming from a neet on a basket weaving forum

>> No.12167376

I didn't. Overall I 5x'd my stack on various pyramid scheme games and never lost a penny because I never took any real risks. Tron is to be avoided like a plague.

>> No.12167387

you'd have to be a literal retard to invest in tron games unless you know the dev personally. unverified contracts make it trivial to insert exitscam functions

>> No.12167401

BTW anons this isn't made by the actual p3d devs (team JUST). This is a straight up scam

>> No.12167417

Oh hey justo and sumpunk is that you?

Why don’t you tell everyone how p3d is also a clone too? Eth days are over for now

T3d to the moon!

>> No.12167450

About damn time something like this came out. Sick of mining ANTE

>> No.12167463

omg where do these poorfag cultists come from?? ='D
like team just is a holy entity that was born to save humanity.

go shit out your love to other fellow justfags. we know you have orgies every week with cardboard cutouts of justo and crew

>> No.12167479
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>T3d to the moon!

>> No.12167530
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>> No.12167723

fuck it im in

>> No.12167899


mmmmmm the big fish have started to bite. how many thousands of subscribers does he have again.. ; ]

>> No.12168004

If there's one thing I learned over the past year it's to stay the fuck away from anything that niggers are shilling