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12159541 No.12159541 [Reply] [Original]

is money an intelligence test?

it sure seems this way, even if the money itself isn't real, getting money is the only way to free yourself in this society.

whenever i see some old person working some wageslave job, i just think "how... how did you fuck up this badly that this is your life?"... now some people will give the excuse that there aren't any other options, but thats bullshit. If you're smart you will figure out a way to make the system work for you, by being a capitalist. But by bending over, and letting the system rape your time that you have to exist on this earth, via slaving away at some mindless job.. you simply arent intelligent enough to break out of the system.

i remember one anon saying that watching wageslaves is like going to the zoo, watching animals that aren't intelligent enough to think for themselves to get an easier source of income.

and i bet most wageslaves blame the system for thier shitty, miserable existence, when they are the ones who are participating in thier own demise, instead of doing something about it.

>> No.12159649

Whoa, edgy

>> No.12159684

I have a theory that the modern economy is selectively breeding mass autists. They are the most fit for survival these days.

>> No.12159693

how much you make

>> No.12159736

cringey edgelord kek

>> No.12159744
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Great story Plato.

There literally aren't enough "smart options" for everyone to take advantage off. Being smart doesnt mean you understand how to create income streams. The system depends on having mindless workers so "smart people" have people to hire.

>> No.12159778


im starting school in January for Blockchain Technology. After a mere 1 year of college education, and half year co-op, i will have earned a degree, which will allow me to create relevant things in the blockchain world.

i will become a smart contract developer, blockchain engineer, or blockchain architect most likely.

this autistic career path should enable me to be financially independant, and im fascinated by it, so that is a plus, and something most wageslaves probably couldnt say truthfully.

>> No.12159790
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>> No.12159791
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>is money an intelligence test?
lol no

>> No.12159793

>getting money is the only way to free yourself in this society


cringed and slave-pilled

op not going to make it

>> No.12159794


Capitalism decides who is right and who is poor.

>> No.12159802
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>im starting school in January for Blockchain Technology

>> No.12159813

money is a psychopath test.

>> No.12159862

This thread is an elaborate troll, right

>> No.12159873

>being smart doesnt mean you understand how to create income streams

go back to my first question, is money an intelligence test?

we are modern slaves. They took the shackels of our wrists and put them on our brains.

the smart people will escape the mental shackels placed upon us, its literally that simple.

how can someone insist they are smart, when they are getting fucked in every possible aspect of their existence? if youre a modern day slave how do you classify yourself as "smart"

any "smart" person would have awareness of the financial restraints put upon us by people in control.

>> No.12159874


>is money an intelligence test?

Correlation between IQ and wealth is like 0.16. So no, not really.

>> No.12159884

nice post. Will the wageslaves free themselves, will a divine leader show them the way?

>> No.12159886


go buy a house with 0$ then,

go buy food with 0$

see how long this freedom of yours lasts

>> No.12159888

But it does help a little bit and it's definitely not harmful.

>> No.12159904


it's not about money.
it's about relationships.

>> No.12159914

You do understand that people will never buy icos ever again. hell they might ban them.

>> No.12159937


in order to understand why chainlink is important, you would first have to understand blockchain, smart contracts, and the underlying issues along with the technology, to realize why its needed. Only the autists on this board seem to comprehend this, which takes a certain degree of intelligence assuming you dyor and dont throw your money into the most shilled coins

>> No.12159959


Problem is you make more money buying useless shitcoins like XRP and Tron.

>> No.12159966


lol im not learning blockchain to launch a scamcoin ico...

private chains are a thing you know... highly important shit that normies will never be able to invest in? there are a lot of industry's that will be disrupted by blockchain.

>> No.12160026

in my experience high iq people mostly try to scam the system, by writing some books about whatever they do in order not to work.

in order to work 8h and more a day for someone else, and by that I don't just mean to physically sit on a chair, but really work you really need to have a low iq

>> No.12160027


Wtf is the point of "private blockchain"?

>> No.12160052

what a hippie responce.

>have net worth of 0$
>nobody wants a relationship with you because youre a homeless retard loser

what now ?

you can create this mental gymnastics about how youre free by not participating in the world, or you could just not be a lazy fuck and contribute something of value to world, and be 100x more comfy then a starving hobo.

yes you do need money to be free in this society,

sure you can tell yourself you're free chopping wood in the wilderness, but then youre not a part of society at that point.

human relationships should be more important than integers in a bank account, im not trying to argue that

>> No.12160061

a database managed by some underpaid IT autists in the firm, go figure

>> No.12160094


well, having a bunch of autists trading the value of your virtual memecoin isn't nessessary.

in the same way how theres private companies that arent traded publicly.

>> No.12160095


No, money is a reward for smart people who choose to trade their skills and creativity for it. There are smart people who dont give a shit about money because they value their relationships and freedom more. Just because somebody chooses to live on the least amount of money possible doesnt negate their intellect. It doesn't fit into your norms but it is still relevant.

Why are smart people having less kids? Why do smart people leave their jobs because of moral objection? Ex. Google.
Why do smart people decide to drop out of society?

I believe the smartest people have realized wealth isnt the smartest thing to dedicate their lives too.

>> No.12160105

A database that isn't owned by anyone

>> No.12160131


relationships are the precursor to money you simpleton
unless you scrounge change off the walmart parking lot

>> No.12160150


at that point you're still acknowledging the obstacle at hand, and making a choice not to participate.

>> No.12160165

This. Sometimes you just get lucky or know someone. Other times you’re hard work and intelligence pays off. Sometimes you’re life goes to shit for no reason and you can’t do anything to stop it.

>> No.12160207

money is the measure on which we make things possible.
money is the reason
money is an obedience test

give that which is ceasar unto ceasar..,
the path to salvation was created by a betrayal for 30 silver.
was jesus ceasars?

>> No.12160209

Many people who aren't dumb don't attempt to circumvent the system because they don't realize the system is based on a false premise and corroding them in the first place. They are too well taken care of by the system to want to change it or their position within it. But their complacency will work for them only as long as the system persists, and it's already way past its expiration date. 2008 sowed the seeds of the breakdown of our political economy and everything since 2016 has served only to accelerate that process. Soon they'll wake up to see all their stock market gains evaporated and 401k's worthless.

>> No.12160232

Understanding that we live in an unsustainable Keynesian economic bubble and seeking escape hatches does require intelligence. Comprehending systems of economic and political control requires a minimum level of intelligence in the first place. Muh sheeple meme isn't entirely off base.

>> No.12160240

Not when the average idiot can make it with auto-tune and real talent is ignored.

>> No.12160269


The point is that there are two issues. The system is flawed as it was designed to benefit the a certain class of people. This separation of class has existed for all of time.

The other is that some people are just stupid or ignorant or dont care.

The connection between being smart and gaming the system to work in your favor is very loose. The options available to the masses in capitalist countries is start your own business but if 2/3rds of businesses fail no matter how smart the people who run it proves the loose connection.

>> No.12160402

True. But beyond useless discussions about better “-ism”, we simply don’t have option available for an alternative.

I believe in some form of convergence of various “escapist” movement to a country-homesteading-sustainable-economically-self-reliant-eco-village-small-home-cooperative-yield-sharing. We need alternatives to get out of urban shitholes like Sydney / NYC etc.

Golden handcuffs are our only issue. And that’s why there will be no parallel to French Revolution.

>> No.12160529
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>repeatedly spells shackles wrong

>> No.12160631
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rofl dude, it was autocorrect i swear

t. eternal slave

>> No.12160672


OP is a retard. Our system is nothing more than a big casino.

>> No.12161382


lol how is it a casino when you can make your own odds (start a successful business)

its nothing like a casino at all. You are born into this world and you can do whatever the fuck you want to do, and be as successful as you want to be.

>> No.12161471


>> No.12161537


>> No.12161561


You'll come to understand that everyone knows this, but some people's circumstances preclude them from being able to pursue it. Mix in a helping of the Peter Principle and you have your answer.

>> No.12161860

This is honestly the most delusional thing I've read in a while. Shitting on wageslaves because you think you're on your way to GREATNESS in "our blockchain world." Move out of your parents house before talking about big boy stuff anon

>> No.12161890

Why is that delusional? not unrealistic to believe puffing up your resume with blockchain hype would pay off big time.
>Move out of your parents house before talking about big boy stuff
I see you still share the same delusions of maturity as wageslaves because muh independence from my parents meme.

>> No.12162024
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Buzzword academy. Do they also have a AI and weed tech branch? Why not get the trifecta?

>> No.12162113

>Be Rothschild
>Control Corporations
>Control the government

>> No.12162263

I hate capitalism, I hate consumerism, I hate Jews, I hate free market worshipers, I hate liberals, I hate neocons.
That said I have found a way to make money with my autistic skills but it's going to take another 2-3 years of time investment and I don't know what could happen to me and what I'll have to do to survive before then. You're a fucking cuck if you worship the kikes.

>> No.12162280

oh my FUCK