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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12159650 No.12159650 [Reply] [Original]

>got a verbal warning at work

Am I still going to make it? They said it'll stay on file for 12 months. I want to fucking kill myself.

>> No.12159653

What happened?

>> No.12159657

>this is going on your permanent record!

>> No.12159660

dude just quit lol

>> No.12159663

this happened to me for some shit I didn't even do, but it was a written warning. when they said it was going on my record I quit

>> No.12159672

you fuckin pezzo

im on my 2nd disciplinary

who gives a fucking shit? really?
grow some fuckin balls and kill yourself OP you cunt

>> No.12159679

>get in trouble all the time
>Company realizes they can't afford to lose me
>continue fucking off

>> No.12159681

>bad boy! you misbehaved! this is going on your record! bad boy! you're a bad boy!
Do you enjoy living like a dog?

>> No.12159707
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>>got a verbal warning at work
youre fucked. If your boss doesnt hold you in high regard you will never make it

>> No.12159726

trade crypto get rich buy your company and fire everyone involved

>> No.12159757
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i really could not give a fuck

>> No.12159766

the people who make an effort to let others know they "dont give a fuck" are always the ones who really do in fact give a fuck

>> No.12159769

Buff up your resume and get applying. Don't quit, there's no reason to. You were planning to stay there and keep working up until you heard my advice, right? Well do that as well as applying to better jobs. That's how you succeed.

>> No.12159781

what was the warning for?

>> No.12159799

>got a verbal warning
>I want to fucking kill myself

>> No.12159803

I got 2 written warnings, last warning was a so called ‘red card’ LOL.
They said if i wouldnt work harder they would fire me.

2 months later the company had to close and our department was let go with a huge bonus topkek

>> No.12159839
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you need to poo in loo at work man

>> No.12159849

if you're not just using your job as a tool to raise funds for your business ideas you will never make it

>> No.12159876

>grow some fuckin balls and kill yourself OP you cunt

stop projecting

>> No.12159877

you said the word nigger didn't you

>> No.12159894
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let me guess you talked to a woman

>> No.12159903

who even cares about this shit. It only exists so that HR can jerk off and justify their existance.

>> No.12159931

I was late like 4 times in three months by less than 10 minutes each time. They don't care about the fact that I've done likely several dozens of hours of unpaid overtime.

>> No.12159984

Depends do you want an raise or a promotion? Because you won't be getting one for a while.

Do you have someone who can vouch for you (that you do all this overtime)?

Serious find an other job where they don't micro manage you

>> No.12159991


>> No.12159993

It's a bureaucratic nightmare dominated by old boomer rules rather than the bottom line, which is how much work you do for them and how profitable you are to them. Punish them, by quitting without giving notice. Even better, don't tell them you're quitting, don't answer their phone calls.

>> No.12160012

More like bottom line shit being supported by bullshit boomer rules

>> No.12160025

If you are a stud (socially and in work) nobody cares.

They are just creating a paper trail to fire you legally. Start looking for a new job... you're about to get a sack over your head.

>> No.12160236

The team I'm in is about 7 people spread all over the planet so we all know how much work everyone else is doing, but the retards in HR where I'm at don't care and think it's unprofessional to be 5 minutes late. While I don't disagree, in the real world this is fucking retarded, will not make the company more productive and serves only to piss me off. I'm the only member of my team in my office.

I'm already looking for other jobs, my only real concern is that this discipline will cause issues getting another job. HR admitted they don't know what my performance is like.

If I quit without notice they'd take me to court and rinse me out.

>> No.12160279

Don't worry about the discipline affecting your resume....IF...IF... you can find some people who you worked with (espc a superior) who can give you a good reference from your current job. Put it in your resume. Give the new HR a path of least resistance. Don't give them the chance to call your current HR.

There is someone at your current job who doesn't think you are a total weirdo right?

>> No.12160314

A verbal on file isn’t a verbal, just sayin.

>> No.12160328
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why is HR very pic related and full of cunts?

>> No.12160368

>take you to court
what the fuck? can they arrest you if you try to quit? I never knew that

>> No.12160409
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>it's actually a thing

>> No.12160422

>there is someone at your current job who doesn't think you are a total weirdo right?
Plenty, the people I actually work with and for love me, the people who run the office I work in hate me.

If you quit without notice and cost the company money due to them needing to hire temps or whatever they'll do you for losses.

>> No.12160426

They'll get you for working off the clock

>> No.12160525

Warnings are utterly meaningless, usually you are issued a warning when you piss off an HR cunt, and nobody likes the people who work at HR.

>> No.12160550

they won't anon. you left due to bullying and are considering a tribunal.

>> No.12160605

write job applications and if you have 2-3 offers tell them you want more money or you will quit
also work at half pace but make sure to be on point
and no more working overtime

>> No.12160625

You are an idiot for doing unpaid OT. Have some fucking respect for yourself OP and stop acting like someone's bitch. Your time is worth money.

>> No.12160647

it's not only his time, he is fucking everyone that is working since he does it for free like an absolute cuck

>> No.12160649

>employer can sue for employee quitting job
>simply go to work and shitpost on 4chins all day until they can you, otherwise you get paid to shitpost
>wa lah

>> No.12160657

What the hell place and country do you work in that they are so obsessive over being a tiny bit late. Sounds like it sucks

>> No.12160687

Jewnited States of America
Esclavos Unidos
United States of America
The Union
so on and so forth

>> No.12160691

WTF would you KYS over a bullshit job? Just get another one if you are not happy bro, fuckem.

>> No.12160696


Reminds me of all the fucktards taking unpaid internships in college then complaining about how broke they were. 0 sympathy. Everyone with some self-respect made 10k over the summer. Fuck, I laughed my way out of an interview where they tried to offer me less than half my other 2 offers. Unpaid internships wouldn't exist if cucks stopped taking them.

>> No.12160720

Tell them the hormone therapy makes you ill

>> No.12160727

based and redpilled

>> No.12160824

I'm salaried and if I have work I have to do it. Everything is deadlined so I can't just push it back.



I haven't been in the job long enough to have leverage in terms of making these retards get off my back or ask for more money.

>> No.12160856

tell these old boomers to eat shit and that they fucked the economy

>> No.12160877

I identify as a bottomtop pajamaboy.

>> No.12160881

I'm not sure about what OT means in the dystopian hell that is bongland, but over here it is almost exclusively applied to hourly workers, which are then guaranteed 1.5x pay over 40 hours a week.

If you are salary you are the company's bitch. You dug your own grave you limey cuck.

>> No.12160925
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>Having someone monitor your start/finish times

>Having to answer for a few minutes

Jesus, wage cucks like this even exist? I tell my bosses when and how long I can work per week. You need to build a relationship where people respect your work and trust you with their money.

>> No.12160949
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We already live in a cyberpunk dystopia, just without the cyber part.

>> No.12160951
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LAMO, they colour-code wage cuck misconduct..