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File: 220 KB, 1188x972, foodd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12156619 No.12156619 [Reply] [Original]

>muh everything better in modern society
>me so smart i have internet

Here's a video of what medieval peasants ate. They also only worked 100 days out of the year. Enjoy your McDonalds and plastic GMOs you delusional wage cuck fucktards. You're literally being slaved and fed human dog food.


>> No.12156626

Well but I'll also not die of dysentery or fight in some war because my lords cousin is a cunt.

>> No.12156635

No, you'll die of heart disease and get drafted for Israel

>> No.12156657

But I'm not a burger.

>> No.12156668

i lasted less than 3 seconds of that video
>warriors need to be at pea----

>> No.12156667
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>implying i can't go catch a salmon whenever i want

>> No.12156681

What makes you think it’s not possible to live like this nowadays?
It’s perfectly possible to take on seasonal work, work for half the year. For example in Alaska doing fishing or working seasonally on farms. Sometimes even with free accommodation. Then spend the rest of the year with low living expenses such as van life, or couch surfing or whatever. You don’t have to work all year round unless you insist on spending so much on consumerist shit like clothes and entertainment. Think about it.

>> No.12156689

Yeah, OP is talking as if gobbing down McDonald's isn't a choice.

>> No.12156706

>I live in Alaska
Surplus of salmon
>What makes you think it's not possible nowadays
It is possible. But most people in America are poor as fuck. Dumb faggot

>> No.12156733

Most people at any time in history were poor as fuck, but they're less poor today than almost at any other point before.

>> No.12156742

OPs video disproves that. You're in denial because it is too difficult for you to admit we went backwards instead of forward

>> No.12156750
File: 60 KB, 596x360, the land before time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average Joe live more comfortable today than the riches kings did 200 years ago, and twice as long.

>> No.12156752

Tell that to Socrates

>> No.12156768

How does a video of what people ate in the middle ages disprove that people now are by far better off? The average lifespan was 32 years or so.
>but muh child mortality
Sure and maybe you'll be one of those that died.

>> No.12156780

capitalism has given clean water and roads to billions.

>> No.12156791

The rise in living standards is purely because we have stopped having kids. Malthus never imagined the pill

>> No.12156797

People always had clean water.

Only people who don't have clean water today live in areas where society has become too dumb to be able to support itself because of reliance on foreign aid.

>> No.12156835

>people have always had clean water
Are you clinically retarded?

>> No.12156841

>he thinks humanity could've survived without clean water

>> No.12156850

>they're less poor today than almost at any other point before.
And in many ways poorer than ever before.

>> No.12156851

Sorry you fell for the progressivist meme

>> No.12156861
File: 177 KB, 576x415, Wall-E obese humans - cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the greatest good in Western society these days: to be comfortable.

>> No.12156865

free market capitalism has given fluoridated water and toll booth roads to billions

>> No.12156869

They ruined the fish by cooking it.
The bread looks nice though.
Neither of those two people look healthy btw.

>> No.12156878

Living the modern standard western lifestyle, wagecucking, paying rent, and participating in consumerism, popular culture and so on, is a CHOICE. Sure it’s a default choice but you can choose an ALTERNATIVE lifestyle. You can live like a peasant if you want. Start your own farm or do as suggested with seasonal work. Then you get the benefits of ye olde lifestyle without the dying of dysentery because of shitty healthcare.

>> No.12156887

Jesus you’re retarded.
Look up the demographic transition model. Death rates were much higher back then (unsanitary conditions etc) but so were birth rates (no contraceptives).
Of course humanity can survive without clean water. That’s exactly what’s happening in shithole thirdowrld places right now.

>> No.12156892

In what ways for example?

Great argument.

>> No.12156895

even the most pristine river with the clearest coldest water could have the bloated rotting corpse of a cow in it half a mile upstream emitting a stream of tasteless and odorless lethal bacteria into the water.

>> No.12156902

Which is why they made beer / wine.

>> No.12156926

>Of course humanity can survive without clean water.
They literally cannot.
You are a massive retard for thinking otherwise.

All throughout history and all over the world, people lived in relatively isolated communities (farmsteads, hamlets, towns, cities, ...), and literally ALL of them had direct access to clean water.


Did the water sometimes become tainted? Absolutely.
Just like today.

This is a myth.

>> No.12156934

>In what ways for example?
Social life for one.

>> No.12156948

You are an idiot speaking out of your arse without any scientific background or knowledge.

>> No.12156955

Dubbing Kruger. This is you.

>> No.12156961

when I found out the recipe for creme brulee is like 1000 years old I realized we don't have as good these days as we think we do

>> No.12156968

being comfy is literally my only goal in life

>> No.12156977

>scientific background
You mean historic background.

Self-aware post.

Protip: animals have roughly the same tolerance to water cleanness as humans (potentially).
Which is why they often travel great distances to find suitable water holes.

And since animals have always been instrumental to human survival, there was never a time when clean water was not available.
Or did you think they used to feed cows wine and beer?

>> No.12156995

How are people today poorer in social life than before? At what time were they richer, and how do you quantify that?

>> No.12157001

If you were a noble. Most of you are descended from peasants and are far better off now.

>> No.12157009

The West's obsession with comfort is tearing us apart Lisa.

Building, farming, spiritual life, celebrations, ... all used to be much more communal activities.
Plus, before the welfare state people used to rely on and support family and their community in general. Nowadays you can simply call on the state by filing some paperwork and hardly ever have to talk to anyone to gain access to survival money.
For instance.

>> No.12157014

Peasants worked fewer hours, lived in tune with nature, performed satisfying physical and communal labor, were free from many modern stressful background noise like traffic, public transportation, constant car noise, droves of strangers, environmental anxiety, ...

>> No.12157019

You could call all water "clean water" if you don't define what "clean water" was.

If your only definition of clean water is drinkable water then it's a very low bar. Do you think you would be ok drinking the same water as a buffalo in Africa? No cunt, you would probably die.

>> No.12157024

>They literally cannot. You are a massive retard for thinking otherwise
they can AND DO. fucking mexico and the massive shitholes known as south america, india, middle fucking east. you muat be IQ 81

>> No.12157032

ahh, the mind of a dumbfuck in action

>> No.12157043

>You could call all water "clean water" if you don't define what "clean water" was.
Clean water means safe to drink.

>If your only definition of clean water is drinkable water then it's a very low bar.
You're an idiot.

>Do you think you would be ok drinking the same water as a buffalo in Africa? No cunt, you would probably die.
You'd need to build tolerance to the water.
For instance thanks to the genetics of your ancestors who drank this water for generations, and by drinking the water yourself from birth.

>they can AND DO. fucking mexico and the massive shitholes known as south america, india, middle fucking east
See >>12156797
Only people who don't have clean water today live in areas where society has become too dumb to be able to support itself because of reliance on foreign aid.

Also, as an aside, what are they drinking?

>> No.12157054
File: 11 KB, 300x180, 1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggas are you serious? You never heard of springs and fucking wells? You know, the thing every fucking human ever had? A water source always fucking available? Right next to your fucking house?
How the fuck are you guys on this board. You don't even know where people get water.

>> No.12157067
File: 3.74 MB, 2550x3300, simpsons25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you want to be uncomfortable?

>> No.12157071
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt: Western brats parroting globalist foreign aid propaganda.


>> No.12157075

>he thinks he isn't being jewed wherever he lives

>> No.12157078

Because without discomfort, there is no comfort.

Sitting in a chair gives tons of people anxiety because that's basically all they ever do.
However, after a long fulfilling day of manual labor (the fruits of which you can see and enjoy yourself), sitting down for a few minutes is pure heaven.

>> No.12157092

Also rain in non-desert areas.
Or straight up digging holes in the ground at known water veins in desert areas, the locations of which are passed down through many generations.

>> No.12157106

Cognitive dissonance.

>> No.12157138

But everyone died from terrible diseases and or from wars and plundering. Starvation was common, as was the threat of psychopaths and wild beasts. Not to mention the sheer amount of unrefined, low quality human life. But people had their families and villages. Men could become men. Women became women. Children could grow. Times were hard, simple..but hard, however the human spirit was in tact. Now the west is a huxlian nightmare.

>> No.12157140

You know nobody's stopping you from moving to some utter shithole and living like a 12th century peasant and die of dysentery, malaria or whatever infectious disease you wish for before you're 40, right?

>> No.12157185
File: 463 KB, 2000x886, Summoner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not like in reality people just sit in a soft chair all day and think "golly gee, i'm so comfortable". they work, they do stuff, they exercise. but eat luxurious things, drink super clean water, watch endless entertainment, have free time to enjoy life and sleep in a warm bed behind a secure door. there's far, far less people are so much worse off than you that it's pretty unlikely to get stabbed by someone filled with envy. that's comfort, not needing to spend half your life trying to grow potatoes just to survive, a quarter of the day to worship some god and the last quarter trying to fall asleep between your back pains

maybe "life was better before" is just a meme, that's fine just as long as everybody realize how lucky they are to live in these times

>> No.12157228

>it's not like in reality people just sit in a soft chair all day and think "golly gee, i'm so comfortable"
That was my point.

>but eat luxurious things
Top restaurants all over the world cash in heavily on "honest" food: seasonal, fresh, artisanally prepared, ...
This is exactly what peasants of old had.

>drink super clean water
As did peasants of old.

>watch endless entertainment
Hollow dopamine shots compared to actual social interactions like people used to have all the time.

>have free time to enjoy life
Peasants worked fewer hours than modern wageslaves, and performed much more fulfilling work.

>sleep in a warm bed
As if this was ever a problem except for prisoners and vagrants.

>behind a secure door
Even just a few decades ago, people in rural areas rarely locked their doors at night.

>not needing to spend half your life trying to grow potatoes just to survive
Yeah, now you have to fight traffic to spend all day doing mind-numbing work to survive.

>> No.12157253

That's why people practice mindfulness. The human condition means that we'll never be satisfied, but it also means we have the ability to bypass this byproduct of evolution with mindful perspective and perhaps a dash of delusion. Some people just can't do this, and for them, they need to take two week breaks from modern lifestyles to reset their minds.

>> No.12157266

>Implying I have to eat fast food
>Implying I can't buy groceries and cook my own food

>> No.12157448

actually the water was very likely less polluted in the middle ages

>> No.12157455

But peasants died at the age of 40 desu.

>> No.12157483
File: 60 KB, 625x773, 5sdm9dhq0d411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live next to a river
>eat salmon

woah, rly made me think

>> No.12157500

No lots of babies died so it fucked the life expectancy number. No people with downs survived.

>> No.12157520
File: 868 KB, 720x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I made a thread a few days ago with this video - glad to see other anons find the channel out - it’s really interesting.

> fresh salmon
> cold ale
> brown baked bread
> peas pottage
> strong community
> laboured work to not think too long and end depressed

The arguments that salmon would have mercury in it are more than likely from modern day effects. No massive factories poisoning our oceans back then.

Man it was simpler times then. If it weren’t for vidya and the internet/music - I don’t know maybe it would be nice.

>> No.12157529


Through the Bank of England they grabbed the power of Central Banking in all but a few countries in the world, such as the Federal Reserve in the USA and the ECB in Europe.

>> No.12157661

>>it's not like in reality people just sit in a soft chair all day and think "golly gee, i'm so comfortable"
>That was my point.
ok good
>>but eat luxurious things
>Top restaurants all over the world cash in heavily on "honest" food: seasonal, fresh, artisanally prepared, ...
>This is exactly what peasants of old had.
so let them, who cares
>>drink super clean water
>As did peasants of old.
no they didnt
>>watch endless entertainment
>Hollow dopamine shots compared to actual social interactions like people used to have all the time.
you are literally on an entertainment site
>>have free time to enjoy life
>Peasants worked fewer hours than modern wageslaves, and performed much more fulfilling work.
and they died much earlier
>>sleep in a warm bed
>As if this was ever a problem except for prisoners and vagrants.
seal of approval
>>behind a secure door
>Even just a few decades ago, people in rural areas rarely locked their doors at night.
but they do now so? much safer
>>not needing to spend half your life trying to grow potatoes just to survive
>Yeah, now you have to fight traffic to spend all day doing mind-numbing work to survive.
not if you are smart

>> No.12157691

-shows bread as decent food
-doesn't realise bread is slave food

Eat keto its basically what the elites did
They only eat grain when there was no meat avalible

>> No.12157864

bread was everyone daily food you mongoloid

>> No.12157899

You would be long time dead due to some cough if it was medival times you iq challenged niga

>> No.12157910
File: 526 KB, 1000x646, 1506555662390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and they died much earlier

>golem NPC believe in kike renaissance propaganda

They lived as long as we are now, even longer for the rich ones. Stop falling for jewish lies of muh enlightenment and open a real history book for once in your life. Jesus..

>> No.12157916

Do you get paid to post that everywhere you go? Are you a filthy Muslim so you do it for free? Please, enlighten me. Why do you continue with this psyop on every fucking board.

>> No.12158040

OP, you are an idiot. The video was about Medieval knights, who were always upper class. Peasants were mostly stuck with bean and pea soup.

>> No.12158053

>Yeah water gets tainted just like it did before
>Dont mind the wildly different infection rates though

>> No.12158113

From the water?

>> No.12158510

>renaissance jewish propaganda
what the actual fuck, are you a literal neanderthal?
Ever heard of cholera you dumb fuck? Or dysentery, typhoid fever? What about leprosy, smallpox or the fucking black death? You are so fucking retarded... You remind me of anons larping in ocasional farming/living in the wild threads on /ck/ or/pol/. You wouldn't last a year, this is a statistical fact, not even an insult.

>> No.12158529

Why the fuck would you want to live like that? thats shit is horrble and lonely. IF you wanna have a family at some point you need stability

>> No.12158544
File: 34 KB, 326x294, 1542102197609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr history is a conshpiracy!!
>facts are a conshpiracy!!
>anything that goes against my narrative is a conshpiracy!!!!

>> No.12158632

>Ever heard of cholera you dumb fuck? Or dysentery, typhoid fever?
What about them?

>> No.12158784

This, war and infant mortality bring it far lower than it actually was
The life expectancy during the Roman Empire, from the records surviving for the upper classes' mortality, was about 60 years. The medieval life expectancy was around 65 years, and it didn't actually improve much up to modern society but only due to the plagues. Natural mortality has always been a rather high age and if you die under 60, you're literally underliving the average peasant from 2000 years ago

>> No.12158818

t. Israeli

US aid to Israel is 25k per Israeli citizen, I'd be pissed too if people were trying to take away my gibs.

>> No.12158828

My grandpa died in his 60s in early 2000s.

Plenty of men kick off in their 40s, 50s, and 60s, even in modern times.

>> No.12158846

>Plenty of men kick off in their 40s, 50s, and 60s, even in modern times.
I know, that's why I wrote that. Those men die either of cancer or of a heart attack, which is mostly caused by the modern environment and their fragile willpower to not fucking stuff their mouths with trash food, cigs and liters of liquor

>> No.12158868
File: 33 KB, 453x500, 1465518662744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't understand average life expectancy includes infant mortality and doesn't mean peasants actually only lived to be 50

>> No.12158919
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>> No.12158926
File: 460 KB, 2471x1647, fsrf-mcdonalds-happy-meal-changes-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is literally human dog food.

same goes for 90% of the shit people are fed today - cookies, chips, soda, lunch meat, juice concentrate, frozen foods.

fast food is cheap, artificial, mass produced, easily accessible, and quickly made so the average wagecuck can get back to work as quickly as possible for Mr. Goldstein.

when was the last time you made food from fresh ingredients and it looked ANYTHING remotely like pic related.

like I said, human dog food.

>> No.12158935

>hurr da joos made me eat mcdonalds!!

>> No.12158965

the Federal Reserve. if you don't think the government has played a hand in engineering quick and efficient means for workers to obtain "food" to keep grinding and producing for the economy, then you're an absolute retard.

>> No.12158992
File: 129 KB, 1838x2048, CgyjJi3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its da joo banker fault that a fried potato tastes better than a boiled potato!!!
>hurrrr duurrrpurrrdurrr purrr

>> No.12159003

oh no, it's retarded

>> No.12159007

I agree. The pigs are fat and lazy, meat is tender and marbled for the slaughter.

>> No.12159024
File: 27 KB, 741x630, 1514484961199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im just fat bcs da jooz!!
>if it waznt for da jooz i woul eat a salad everiday! fuken joos!

>> No.12159397


Because OP is mommy's little bitch, who posts the same youtube video "for teh lulz" in one thread after another, thinking he's trolling /biz/ big time.
He probably can't even buy his tendies by himself and you're asking why doesn't he walk the walk and go live innawoods away from the "terrible enslaving civilization" and instead continues to shitpost of the interweebs.

>> No.12159460


In 12 years a slave there was a picture of what they were eating and I was like, damn that looks absolutely paleo, I'm hungry

>> No.12159474


Salmon's loaded with microplastics and PCBs

Thanks boomers

>> No.12159630


You could, but it'd be a lot harder to raise a family. If you want to be a vagabond, okay, but if you want Western Civ to continue, nope.

>> No.12159666
File: 15 KB, 720x289, FB_IMG_1526117281227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greek here

Parents come from rural Greece. Water source was literally the stream passing through the river.

No chlorine or other form of sanitation. Literally the stream as it comes down from the mountain, funnelled into 2 taps at the top and bottom part of the village.

Average life expectancy at the village: 82 (mom was village doctor), with some outliers of people hitting 100+

All men smoked (tobacco producing region)
Goat and eggs as protein, maybe pigs if you were better off
Chocolate from German troops (soldiers and commanders traded bread and fresh eggs for chocolate, people hoarded it decades after the world)

I really don't fucking know what they did correctly. Must be the water and fucking mountain air.

>> No.12159678


Nah, what he says is true, but it sounds so romantic because he leaves out the bad parts.

>> No.12159716


Modern world is spiritually dead, the human spirit is dead, like >>12157138 points out.

What you need is a mix of keeping the spirit alive, enough challenge, with technological benefits - basically what national socialism was after. We now live in the merchant/neoliberalism world order, and it's a spiritually dead place. That's why there's so many fat, medicated people, bc their lives are worthless even with this physical abundance.

>> No.12160584
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>They also only worked 100 days out of the year.

Are there any retards here who actually believe it?