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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12156365 No.12156365 [Reply] [Original]

Dear CIA niggers and kikes
I will never sell my coins.
I will never buy (((securities)))
I will never buy (((bonds)))

>> No.12156371

You need to get out more

>> No.12156379

>Local NEET Crashes World Economy Using One Simple Trick

>> No.12156381


Cryptos will be what the foundation of the internet hate machine is built on.

Gators rise up Eat the kikes.

>> No.12156389
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Soon your coins will be classified as securities goy ;)

>> No.12156393
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Buy digital gold isntead

>> No.12156403

Coins are just equities by another name, with pretty logos for the children.

>> No.12156412

Came here to say this!
All ICO coins fit the security definition to well

>> No.12156420
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>you can't enforce laws on a decentralized network that has no human controllers

>> No.12156458

Spoiler alert - those coins have public teams & creators who brought the coin into existence!
They can, it just has yet to happen yet

>> No.12156471

They may have created them, but they no longer control them. They could be prosecuted and imprisoned, but there is no way that they can gain the reigns over the large, pseudo-anonymous decentralized international networks they have started

There is a Vishnu living on the blockchain

>> No.12156477
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Think of it like what happens when you have a offshore trust, the trustee by law (of their native country) cannot open the trust under duress, even if a court order is issued in another country.

>> No.12156533

>They may have created them, but they no longer control them.
Your lack of understanding is astonishing! Ever heard of a IPO..When the shares get sold does the original creator control them?

>Think of it like what happens when you have a offshore trust, the trustee by law (of their native country) cannot open the trust under duress, even if a court order is issued in another country.
If the creator is a US citizen he falls under US jurisdiction (Law of words)

FYI these ICO coins are not set up under a trust...at least i don't know of one...It appears you don't understand trust law also!
The trustor did not leave the coins to a trustee, & what the hodlers are the beneficiary's???? Flawed logic

>> No.12156558

Sorry CIA nig, but that's not how it works.
The original creator doesn't "control" the decentralized program, they have tokens that can be used on the network

If the creator is a US citizen and is in south Sudan, go ahead and try to apply US jurisdiction on him when he already revoked his citizenship. You also seem to fail to understand comparing two separate legal scenarios.

>> No.12156585


You are simply buying shares in Ravinish's boiler-room operation. That it has no immediate legal jurisdiction is not relevant, and only adds to the risk

>> No.12156642

>d try to apply US jurisdiction on him when he already revoked his citizenship.
You added this in...He would not be a US citizen then..so that is a null point...Don't see the creators doing this though...A lot still reside there.
The other issue is these ICOs could easily be considered securities. Securites that where sold to US citizens. The whole point of the SEC is to protect the US & its citizens. If those creators come to the US they can be arrested!
>You also seem to fail to understand comparing two separate legal scenarios.
I understand that you added in the renunciation to make a point in the latest post, but we where not talking about that before!
You are adding in IF & What ifs...
Back the original point...
Are the ICO coins securities? If so why not? Provide evidence of trusts?
If the creator of those coins is a US citizen or visits the US can they be prosecuted for securities fraud?

>> No.12156653

You joke OP but the government is actually starting to perceive NEETs are a very serious economic problem. Partially because we are not working, partially because we are not making families, but most of all, because we are spreading awareness.

>> No.12156655

Yes, they could in the future be prosecuted for securities fraud. That is, if there are new regulations passed obviously.

The question moreso is whether those prosecutions or laws will actually succeed in stopping cryptocurrency. It makes little sense to criminalize something in your country, and I'll tell you why: your international enemies will develop those technologies at a faster pace than you. Same reason why it's idiotic to have tariffs, you're making another nation rich. Do governments think this way? No, so we might see criminalization of crypto, but the whales have already left the US anon. If you aren't shorting the US right now, you're a fool

>> No.12156662

How about tokenized securities and tokenized bonds?

>> No.12156701

The moment you decentralize a financial instrument is the moment it no longer qualifies as the kind of security or bond I'm referring to (what I mean by bond or security is the defiled whore of a panopticon that has been raped by VCs and inflated by happy merchants long before it's ever legal for your average joe to purchase)

>> No.12156729

>That is, if there are new regulations passed obviously.
Whats wrong with the current ones? Just cause you change the P to a C, but follow the same framework...no laws need to be changed.
>The question moreso is whether those prosecutions or laws will actually succeed in stopping cryptocurrency.
Probably not, The PoWcoins defiantly not cause the CFTC has them under there control.
>It makes little sense to criminalize something in your country, and I'll tell you why: your international enemies will develop those technologies at a faster pace than you.
Not going to debate that but the gov. is not know for logic. i.e 'Its against the law' the head of the SEC can get a bigger budget to enforce the law. meaning more employees equalling more money for them and their colleagues.
>Same reason why it's idiotic to have tariffs, you're making another nation rich.
Its really bad for your economy to import...importing loses jobs...tariffs are for a balance of payments...Kinda the same reason for the opium wars
>If you aren't shorting the US right now, you're a fool
Agreed! read the lasted Quarterly report from the BIS!

>> No.12156738
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>> No.12156756
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>Wall Street People HATE Him!

>> No.12156777

The current ones make it a crime for a company to solicit and sell equity to average people. This means that typically it is only possible to sell to people who have a liquid net worth of over $1,000,000 (property / residence / real estate not included). Ergo, the most profitable stocks are never offered to average americans. This is by design. The entire entrepreneurial and investment system in the US is designed to keep the average oppressed and to keep the wealthy getting wealthier and wealthier. This is the tip of the iceberg, but the SEC regulations are a large force of evil and oppression. It's funny, but the USA is actually one of the most illiberal nations on earth for financing. There are so many oppressive laws like this involving the selling of securities, I don't have time to list all of them. But there's a reason why it's set up this way, and it's not to help you or I get wealthy.

I can't disagree with you more on tariffs - In the Wealth of Nations there's a section talking about imports. Think of it this way: 1) Money is simply a reflection of skill, labor, and resources 2) France has the natural climate (resources) for growing wine. France can grow wine for a cheap price, because it isn't hard to grow wine in France. In the British Isles, it is not easy to grow wine. Should the crown pass a tarriff banning French wine so that the British wine-makers don't lose their jobs? No, because the amount of skill, labor and resources required to produce wine in Britain ends up costing Britain more (in terms of those three things) than the cost would be to simply import wine from France. So if Britain just imports the wine from France, they would not only have access to very cheap resources and skilled labor for a fraction of the price, but the British wine-makers could actually focus on something that they could produce cheaply and have the resources to do. I don't know, shipmaking.

>> No.12156793

Private equity* once all the VCs have raped and jacked up the price and taken their cut, they pay for it to go public. They have made it extremely expensive to go public for this reason, and this is why stock tanks after the IPO. It's intentional. You are essentially required by law to be the bagholder for the banks and the VCs

>> No.12156824

*Money skeleton blocks your path*

>> No.12156877

Sweet Trips!
>The current ones make it a crime for a company to solicit and sell equity to average people.
>This means that typically it is only possible to sell to people who have a liquid net worth of over $1,000,000 (property / residence / real estate not included)
That is one of the ways to get around registering with the SEC, regulation D I believe...The ICO coins were not sold like this.

>So if Britain just imports the wine from France, they would not only have access to very cheap resources and skilled labor for a fraction of the price, but the British wine-makers could actually focus on something that they could produce cheaply and have the resources to do. I don't know, shipmaking.

Anon of course this is all fine, what i was referring to was importing more than exporting...the reason why these tariffs came about! If you are importing the US dollar (example) ends up in that country. It might not leave, like in the opium wars. These tariffs are against China are to make Chinese goods look more expensive while lowering the appearance of cost from the American one b/c the chink ones are now more expensive...b/c of tariffs

>> No.12157049 [DELETED] 

Hey, OP you are alright!
refreshing to have a convo with some projection.
Best of luck!
>MUH .......

>> No.12157059

Hey, OP you are alright!
refreshing to have a convo with someone without the projection.
Best of luck!

>> No.12157072

It's because rich people can hire lawyers and analysts to check shit out for them.
Otherwise what you end up with is ponzi schemes everywhere because normies can't tell the difference.
And if there were a ponzi scheme, the normies would be on the bottom of the pyramid.

>> No.12157087
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>mfw kikes try to social pressure NEETs
you will
get my ETH

>> No.12157098

it's to protect you goy
trust us

P.S. give us your guns too

>> No.12157408

Who has ever said they were going to take your guns away?
Guns already purchased would just get grandfathered in. That's how shit works in the states anyways.
And at this point there's basically no way the 2nd amendment can do what it was intended to do. The intention was to enable the civilian populous to rise up against the government. The government has attack helicopters, fighterjets, specialty planes and heavy tanks with electronic warfare capabilities, machine guns, drones, cruise missiles, nuclear weapons, biological weapons, nerve agents/chemical weapons, etc. Not to mention a vast spy network, spy satellites, and servers which capture, process, and categorize every line of text, photo, audio, or video you've sent over the wire, so that, in real-time, you can be searched and it will show everything you've ever done online.

The purpose of the 2nd amendment was mostly NOT to allow you to protect yourself from other citizens, but to allow you to protect yourself from the government. But the most lethal weapons the government posses cannot be granted to ordinary citizens because they could kill millions at any moment.

In a real scenario where the US government turns against its people and does not hesitate to use force, it would eradicate most of the opposition within days.

>> No.12157611

Your example is for the 18th century, now the Chinese produce everything cheaply due to slave like labor.
It’s impossible to compete with insects fairly.

>> No.12157737
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>Same reason why it's idiotic to have tariffs
yeah China's economy is really being devastated by having the most protectionist policies on the planet

Fucking retard nigger, keep sucking (((economist's))) and (((libertarian's))) dicks while your country gets sold out from beneath your feet

>> No.12157773


So we just fork it

>> No.12157799

Still need a creator to fork it! The issue is these coins were created with sole benefit, much like a IPO. This doesn't apply to the PoW ones

>> No.12157868
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Fuck shit he knows
Call small time CIA sheriff niggers to his house ASAP
dont let him escape with that information
10 3 e4 roger doger
poopy kaka kaka poopy

>> No.12157989
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You need to go back

>> No.12158001

Is that s Freemason board?

>> No.12158019

Underrated post. Upvote

>> No.12158041


Armed citizens alone outnumber the entire military, police and other agences a 100 to 1. In addition to that, you're assuming all these government slaves will stay loyal to their masters and turn their weaponry on their own communities, families and children. In addition to that, a government needs its tax-livestock, not the other way around. A government has no function. It is a vampire, an agency of force that steals young people's futures while remaining shrouded in the most opaque darkness. A government without its tax-base is powerless. If people stop paying taxes, the government has no power.

400 savages with Soviet era ak47's fought off America's entire military for over a decade in Afghanistan. A million gun-trained Americans is a force to be reckoned with. And they can train others. And they have more guns in storage.

You're delusional if you think governments have power other than the ones given to it by ignorant and scared masses.

>> No.12158067

Does someone have the /pol/ post that this similar to?

>> No.12158107
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Pathetic kike

>> No.12158244
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us government is fucked as long as US citizens have guns