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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 156 KB, 400x416, 37C37E60-45D6-4BE2-A6AF-9C24A78B0074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12152719 No.12152719 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12152743


>> No.12152838

Is it comfy office work like this https://pippinbarr.github.io/itisasifyouweredoingwork/

>> No.12152889

You're only supposed to do it for a bit and then get a better job.

>> No.12152901
File: 49 KB, 971x546, Dmx4MA0UYAER5Ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>drive ten minutes to work against the flow of traffic listening to /comfy/ smooth jazz or talk radio
>make my coffee, immediately check my favorite news feeds, social media accounts, and subreddits
>spend a couple hours looking at charts, make a couple trades
>sexually harass the hot interns because they look up to me like a god for being an older mature businessman with his shit together that reminds them of their dad
>work for about an hour
>recheck social media and the news
>close my trades
>drive back home listening to /comfy/ NPR or go out for drinks with the interns and watch them compete for my attention

It's not so bad on the other side. Join us.

>> No.12152930

>you are only supposed to suffer for a while then you can stop suffering and start suffering

>> No.12153003

The key to this working is being in your 30's. For some reason us guys take a lot longer to get our shit straitened out, but get to enjoy life more in our middle-age.

>> No.12153012

here take paper, you can buy tendies, mhmm tendies so tasty yes. here you go there, then you buy tendies with paper. wow thank you mr

>> No.12153107

Jews made it so you get something in return for your work. Otherwise you’d just be a slave like they were. Say “thanks, Jews” :)

>> No.12153472

Once you enjoy what you do, "work" is a fun place to hang out and do shit.

>> No.12153477

>It's a jewish thing
If you remove the jews but keep everything else in place, you will still need to work for greedy assholes, pay rent, utilities, and food

>> No.12153488

yeah but I bet rent prices would be more reasonable

>> No.12153505


>> No.12153544

I'm an accountant, I can never enjoy what I do.

>> No.12153565
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nice attempt at damage control, schlomo

>> No.12153656

people like you are why i love this board
top fucking kek

>> No.12153657

Well, you used to die if you didn't work. Now people can just survive on NEET bucks & do that whole proto Ready Player One thing. Its just a matter of time until the entitlements system collapses in on itself & everyone is worse off.

>> No.12153668

You settled for something that was easy for you.

>> No.12153731

They created ghettos. If you don't work, you live with the nogs.

>> No.12153744
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>jews invented working
>before jews everyone just got free stuff by doing nothing

imagine how dumb /pol/tards are

>> No.12153810

the "free stuff" is the scalable technological advancements made by now deceased humans that every human has a right too, everything is free btw you pea brained fuck tard the sun is the source of all things, do you have to work to recieve the suns rays? no, no you fucking dont

>> No.12153832
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>everyone can just create his own computer and house from the sun

>> No.12153907

Maybe you should rise up and take over your jew boss's business with your fellow proles, but I guess you can't do that out of principle.

>> No.12153978

>remove the jews
>keep everything else in place

If you remove the foundation your house is still there goy!

>> No.12153992

>>If you remove the foundation your house is still there goy!
Yea, you won't have to wagecuck ever again and no one is going to need to wash the dishes or keep the trains running anymore. Do you go outside?

>> No.12153997

oy vey you're being very antisemitic right now, goyim! be glad you're lucky enough to even have a job, let alone one you're able to get paid doing! some people would beg to be in the position you're in right now and you seem to be really taking the opportunity for granted!

>> No.12154035

Naw im actually a brainlet and its super hard. Its just boring as all fuck. I just did it for the money/job security.

>> No.12154711

well... yeah, actually
what do you think fuels the earth

>> No.12154916

>Remove the Jews but keep all the kike-culture
Isn't that what the Zionists did with WW2?

>> No.12154982
File: 1.62 MB, 1767x1119, Wodan_heilt_Balders_Pferd_by_Emil_Doepler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually before Jews there was no concept of money.

It's called the Babylonian Magick Money System.

In earlier times, you helped your neighbor when he needed help, and he returned the favor when you needed it. It still works like this in some places of the world. You use the resources around you and you can plant your own food and build your own log cabin. Is it a lot of work? Sure. But the resources to do so are free. The idea that someone can charge you money for tree or money for water is pretty fucking insane since it is literally free.

Unfortunately at this point, if we were to revert to a society where everything is free, it would probably collapse and mass famine would happen because the world is overpopulated. And overpopulation is a result of the Babylonian Magick Money System aka usury and debt ponzi scheme. If people were content living within their means and living in harmony with nature, this wouldn't be an issue.

>> No.12155294

Dude, it's your first day. You probably spent 95% of your time trying to find shit. You won't be really productive and well-suited for at least a few weeks.

>> No.12155314

Only free if you don‘t respect personal property comrade

>> No.12155327
File: 107 KB, 1184x1126, 1404811654602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy my job(tax secretary for finnish tax administration) because I`m not a private sector wagie. Coworkers are tolerable, only the "customers" are problematic. For example during my first year in the office had the displeasure of setting up repayment plan for one restaurant owner who had failed to provide us with receipts for 5 years so we had to take him to administrative court. His defense lawyer argued that it was unreasonable even inhumane to expect someone to hold onto every single receipt for period of 5 years but the court decided in the favor of tax administration since we had acted according to the tax code. In the end the man failed to pay his court fees and failed behind his repayment plans leading to his arrest and imprisonment for tax evasion. We gave the man multiple opportunities to re-work his plan with us on basis of his personal tax rates and even gave him 3 month grace period to get his things in order. He failed to contact us regardless, despite our senior inspector even visiting his restaurant. After that he pursued the legal action against US. We did not start the whole situation he can only blame himself, I think we were more than reasonable enough with him.

>> No.12155353
File: 602 KB, 876x493, meme man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bring up democratic socialism and how effective it is in Europe, 30 hour work weeks, guaranteed housing, health care
>DURRRRRRR ORANGE MAN BAD RIGHT? LOL STUPID LIBTARD guys seriously let's vote for neocons who talk shit all day and do nothing to fix our shitty socioeconomic infrastructure

But you'll keep voting for this. I have no sympathy for you faggots. Learn the hard way and accept the only real choice or keep being miserable in this one existence with no afterlife

>> No.12155412

Friendly reminder that Anglo-Saxon Britain and Imperial Rome used slavery en masse. See also the feudal system of medieval Europe. Forced labor is nothing new.

>> No.12155515

>sending a man to jail for not wanting to fund shitskins being given a free ride
I hope Nordfront kicks you in the chest

>> No.12155533

protip: they don't give out the cream jobs. You get them through nepotism, creating them yourself, or being extremely talented.

>> No.12155540

What job does the OP have?

>> No.12155604

If you think America could adopt that level of democratic socialism without fixing its massive illegal immigrant issues first, which your favourite scapegoat is trying to actually do, you’re out of your mind.

>> No.12155627

people worked way before jews existed.

>> No.12155670

America can't adopt anything. They are jew'd to the core. There's not a single "cultural" thing they have that doesn't involve or raped by capitalism.

They'll periodically lose %90 of everything they own, go outside to "protest", steal some shit from other people/local shops, and go back to their houses. so the cycle to funnel money into jews pockets can start over again.

>> No.12155672

would never work in a negative environment again. It fucking sucks.

>> No.12155719
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>he doesn't have a comfy af job


>> No.12155866

Except capitalism in America has been killed off by monopolies in most areas and has been replaced by crony corporatism which functions with a revolving door through government. Small businesses are fighting an uphill battle against regulation, taxation and minimum wage laws (which monopolies support to drive out competition).

>> No.12156152

taxation is theft, fuck you government scum!

>> No.12156159

They use (((retirement))) as your socially acceptable way of being a NEET since you “worked” for it but NEETs knew from the start that man is always retired and shouldn’t be confined to debt slavery.

>> No.12156194


lazy useless spoilt fuckup

>> No.12156196
File: 752 KB, 1024x768, Tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you have to work to recieve the suns rays?
but you might have to compete for it.

>> No.12156201


peak suicide for men. Guess they are enjoying it too much huh?

>> No.12156202

the sun heats the earth it didn't provide earths initial mass.

>> No.12156227


Imagine being so much of a cuck that this is the best story you have from from the drag on society you call a job.

>> No.12156250

>ithout fixing its massive illegal immigrant issues first,

There aren't any.

>> No.12156278

There has been wagecucks since the beginning if time. It was invented by the first human civilization. If you have alot of people and a simple job that requires little skill the amount you pay them will always approach slightly higher than the cost of living in that area. A businesses goal is to make money. That means attempting to provide less pay to employers. All competitive cuthroat businesses will do this. If a business isn't cuthroat thry are opening themsrlves up to cuthroat competition that will outprofit them and put them out of business. Survival of the fittest will make sure only cuthroat business models survive.

>> No.12156289

I was a dishwasher at 16 and then a cook by fall that year. I spent 7 years cooking 50-70hrs/wk and have shit to show for it. I have just spent the last 5 years in college, and just intentionally failed a math final on Friday so I could use the remaining semester I have left of financial aid to not work. I am going to be a geologist and am going to apply to some funded masters projects so I can spend another 2-3 years not working. Depending on how I feel after then, I might try to milk another 4-5 years out of a PhD. Fuck work, fuck this over-inflated system, fuck all shit skins, kill all jews, better start prepping for the race war or heading to the woods, don't spend your minimum wage on V-bucks, and for the love of god don't ever let yourself stagnate careerwise.

>> No.12156293

Yes. Or do you think life is an eternal wank?

>> No.12156300


I'm not sure, I started working with expectations of wealth, a house and a family but it sort of became a habit despite the jews ruining all those things

>> No.12156313


>fractional reserve lending and the international usury mafia are not your problem goyim

Get real

>> No.12156320


They literally own the currency and there is no way to avoid their schemes because their lackeys force you to pay taxes in them

>> No.12156330


All commies get the bullet

>> No.12156335

Well, he is Finnish. What do you expect besides peak autism?

>> No.12156360
File: 40 KB, 454x453, skabandri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be grug
>hunt big animals
>injuries can kill you
>grug gf has been fucked by 100 tribesmen and her ex died stomped by a mammoth
>grug always stressed might die and leave little zoomer grugs to starve
>the struggle is real
>not blaming anyone
>be wojak
>go to comfy job 8 hours a day
>blames the jews

>> No.12156770

Capitalism is hell, anyone who tells you differently is trying to sell you something.

>> No.12156784
File: 48 KB, 409x409, 1535080494192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: wagecucks rationalizing

>> No.12156881

Well there aren't any medical or student loan problems, so there's not even a point to doing "democratic socialism".

Wow, these arguments are really easy when you just declare problems nonexistent.

>> No.12157222
File: 129 KB, 668x712, 1490888716293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be grug
>grug struggle, but every grug grug know struggle too also
>grug no feel inferior, grug feel not bad
>be wokak
>grow up a comfy existance for 20-24 years acquiring education
>apply for a job in the field
>cannot get a job in the field because great great great ancestor of wojak was grug from normal nose tribe
>majority of people around wojak who are doing well are doing so because of financial or influential inheritance
>wojak has no choice but to dedicate his existance to being another meaningless cog is the jew machine
>goes to comfy meaningless job for 8 hours a day in exchange for bare minimum compensation
>effectively wasting his life for peanuts
>browses nazi frog image board
>finds this
>blames the jews

>> No.12157242

No wonder you lost your money on crypto ponzi if you believe this shit.

>> No.12157265

Another day, another dollar wagie.

>> No.12158156
File: 80 KB, 599x600, 1464915787885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work has purpose. Just less so for young people.

>start job that you got by just being motivated
>takes little skill
>pay increases as you become better
>cheap corvettes

>start job that you had to basically blow people for or climb wageslave jobs to get to
>pay will not buy a house
>pay might buy a used hyundai
>the only reason you got the job is because some boomer prior to you had fucked it 40 kinds of sideways
>boomer boss who spends his day golfing pays middle boss triple what you make to come badger the living shit out of you about progress you've made completely unfucking something that the boomer in your place prior fucked up
>middle boss demands you stop doing efficient things you understand better than him to add a layer of fuck up to the fucked mess you have to fix
>one week later
>whys this still fucked anon, you should listen to middle boss, i think he knows how to fix this faster
>unfuck things at home in your freetime
>anon, i didn't authorize overtime, please do not work off the clock again
>also i think middle boss did some extra work for you before you got in
>your metrics are fucked

but at least we got cheap cellphones and TVs

>> No.12158220
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based and redpilled

chutzpah'd and oygevalted

>> No.12158603
File: 225 KB, 600x718, 19384793745654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute worst thing about modern companies and the workplace culture of today is the fact that they expect you to be grateful for the opportunity to work for them instead of them being grateful for having you as an employee. I'm supposed to be fucking grateful for practically selling myself into slavery for an insignificant fraction of the company's income per month? Fuck that

>> No.12158773

oy vey goy check your attitude before you walk into that door. You wouldn’t want a poor mark on your performance review now would you?

>> No.12158801 [DELETED] 

>you need us goy! Think about the dishes!

>> No.12158905

>I enjoy my job(tax secretary for finnish tax administration)
Fucking kys, anyone working for the tax agency really is a piece of shit

>> No.12158936

>hated working for some chump
>made my own business
>turns out the customer is now my boss
>more stress / more work for same pay as a salary man


>> No.12158946

i work from home full time but they MADE ME go into the office yesterday for a team meeting shortly followed by happy hour and free food at a very nice restaurant where we all got drunk. fucking bullshit

>> No.12158974
File: 148 KB, 300x300, 1542449719071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monday rolls around
>Wake up at 10am groaning about the waste of a day that's about to begin
>Log into dropbox
>Move a couple files around for about 15 minutes
>Close dropbox
>Utterly waste Monday and Tuesday

>Wednesday rolls around
>Log into dropbox
>Move a couple files around for about 15 minutes
>Close dropbox
>Utterly waste the rest of my week

>Sunday arrives
>Staff I manage sends me their salary reports
>Just copypaste them all together into one thing and send them to accounting
>Collect €400 wage for my back-breaking 30 minutes of work for that week

>Monday rolls around

I think I pretty much stopped living once I was promoted to project manager.
I feel like I'm unemployed even though I'm far from being so.

>> No.12159043
File: 403 KB, 1364x2024, 147DC19A-020D-481D-A4C1-F8991FFFE71F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice attempt to blame your fuckups on MUH JOOSH KONSPIRACY THEEWEE, shitstain brainlet.

>> No.12159052

I’m grateful my father had me do landscaping for several years. Made me into the man I am today, and I no longer scream like a sissy nanny when my job isn’t something from Neetland

>> No.12159054

Taxes are asset insurance to the rich
Now pony up or the state will kill you

>> No.12159055
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>easily debunked lies

>> No.12159060
File: 450 KB, 2048x1447, 1544376478241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally worked one single day in my life. It was on a university internship. It was a shit tier 2nd world country university, and the internship was mandatory and unpaid. They made me slave like a real wagie, even though they didn't even pay me shit. The next day I just didn't come, my "boss" called me on my phone like 10 times and I never returned the calls.

Later when my friend from uni told me how if I don't show up on monday, the boss would report on me to the university dean. I came and he starts yelling at me how what I did was wrong, how I'm "letting everyone down" (you're not even paying me, cunt), threatening me. So I got angry called him a faggot and left. Dropped out of uni that year also. I can't even comprehend how wagies cope with it. Thank god I found crypto that year and still in profit. I'd rather neck myself than ever work for someone else again

>> No.12159061

So why is it that all these responses refer to abstract policy and systems when none can actually articulate or outline what daily life would be without these things? How will you earn money, how will things get made. If you remove the jews, no one will have to wagecuck. Which means you don't have to work for the rest of your life, and no one else. No one to drive the buses, no one to farm for food, if you need to get food, you'll have to walk to an empty supermarket with no food or people to stock their wares. No one has to do this or at the very least, the vast majority of people will have to work maybe a few years out of their 70-80 year life? Something tells me you're a leftypol psyops trying to bait rightwingers into accepting anti-capitalsm, dressed up as antisemitism to make it more palatable to these type of people.

>> No.12159080

Jews literally created debt based fiat money to enslave nations...

>> No.12159101


>> No.12159118

are you the anon whos dad made him get a 6 days a week "Part time" job?

>> No.12159141

>>Jews literally created debt based fiat money to enslave nations...
Would you feel more free if that system was gone and you went back to your McCuck job, working 10 hours a day, taking shit from people, and generally living life as before? The slavery is in another shape.

>> No.12159194

you are supposed to be grateful for the opportunity to not starve to death in the system they rigged against you with an implied threat of lethal force if you refuse to participate

>> No.12159195
File: 268 KB, 375x328, you already lost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, good luck starting any aviation, movie production, entertainment or energy company

>> No.12159202

Holy fuck lol you lucked out so hard by being able to turn a profit with literally zero work experience. I am thoroughly impressed.

Audible kek

>> No.12159269

>I am thoroughly impressed.
that guy lives at home, has no degree, and no future. you're both retarded.

>> No.12159302


>> No.12159338

the kikes will all die in your lifetime too
get ready

>> No.12159344


So hang on, the only thing you do at your work is move files around for 15 minutes? Can you not work on some kind of side project of your own while on company time?

>> No.12159364
File: 103 KB, 347x309, 1435810563556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeh you sound like a real winner anon, good job! An inspiration to NEETs everywhere

>> No.12159368


>> No.12159391
File: 94 KB, 960x540, 589746631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry waggie, eventually your hopes, dreams and soul will die and you won't feel anything. Work will be like a breeze.

>> No.12159402
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>> No.12159422
File: 41 KB, 555x521, npr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

npr, lol you faggot

>> No.12159423

Imagine believing this

>> No.12159427
File: 95 KB, 1234x1070, 1539218190041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, the neets gods are Laff'ing at wagE's too
Jannies better sticky this

>> No.12159446

You, me, 95% of Americans, that guy down the street, the only purpose of our existence is to prop up the luxurious lifestyles of the ultrarich who have kids who don't have to work and would be secure even if they lost their jobs tomorrow.
That's our only purpose here on this bitch of the Earth. We're not allowed to be happy. We only create happiness for others. If automation ever leaves the ground, we won't be needed anymore and they'll try to find ways to reduce our numbers to manageable levels. Let's just hope it's something kinder like being set for life if you get sterilized as opposed to chaotic and complete depopulation events.

>> No.12159447

He was able to make money with literally zero education and zero work experience. That's pretty impressive, he is obviously quite resourceful and talented to do so. If he leverages his resourcefulness and money as he was able to do previously, he could very well build his own online business. Stay mad wagie

>> No.12159450


You can't tell me you don't feel arrogantly sophisticated having that on while you drive.

I will admit they've been shoving too much virtue signaling melodramatic shit. They're starting to sandwich it into their content which is annoying I just want to feel like I'm cultured

>> No.12159456
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I don't have to clock in or anything, the remaining 23 hours and 45 minutes I don't need to complete my work aren't company time, they're just the rest of my day.
And yes, I could.

But I just don't feel the urgency that I would feel if I didn't have such a cushy source of income.
My time feels infinite, and it's precisely because of that that I waste it.

>> No.12159458


They're already working on that. It's called 5G

>> No.12159463

Fuck you, you leech

>> No.12159514

think if you had to farm and if you failed you died

>> No.12159518


Dude. Do you not realize how cost effective your job is in terms of time invested vs. money earned? It's like you're earning 60 eur/hour.
Find an actual job so you can keep this one as supplementary income and you're set, I think.

>> No.12159542

If you wanna go €/h I guess technically my working wage is €400/h, approximately.
Though that's just for managing duties, I have the choice of doing "active" work for about €70/h (though it requires taking it away from subordinates, and it's risky to do that too much).

And yeah, finding a "real" job on top of this one is the objective, which is why I'm also in University to get a degree.
But I just feel devoid of drive. What I really like is making music, but 6 days out of 7 I don't even manage to compose a single measure because of laziness.

>> No.12159547


But do YOU think that life should be endless suffering?

>> No.12159549

the first day is usually bad Tbh

>> No.12159553


I would fucking kill to be in your position. As a software developer, I'm starting to hate the guts of you project managers more and more.

>> No.12159562

How many internships did you do to get a cushy job like that?
I have no internships, just a Bachelor's in "Informatics" and I'm starting to realize that my earning potential is at highest that of a lucky high school grad.

>> No.12159593



>> No.12159602
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1540168839503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you father literally killed your spirit, congrats on that seriously.

>> No.12159608


Mhm, i see how it is. I'm in kind-of-but-not-really the same situation - I work 8 hour shifts and try to study/write in my free time (i'm trying to learn how to trade the forex market, and I'm an amateur RPG designer).
I'm in a pretty good position financially atm - my job gets me 14-15 hundred euros per month - but I wish I had more free time, it's hard to concentrate on doing your thing while juggling a full time job. Even during my off days, I often feel like i cannot concentrate when I sit down because I'm too tired.

>> No.12159609

I'm not a programmer, I manage a staff of editors, though I won't say for what.
And I don't think I'm the kind of manager you're referring to.
I'm not hands on or micromanage, my only directions for the staff are usually in the form of a Monday memo to the effect of "You take care of this part for this week, see you on Sunday for reporting."

I just convinced the boss that I was the most qualified person to do it back when the previous guy was fired.
I was 21 and without any qualifications whatsoever at the time.

Too bad this chance is wasted on me

>> No.12159673


Dude, if your problem is motivation and you're not able to get motivation and mental energy in these conditions just fucking forget it. Rely on fucking discipline.

Define 3 hours time blocks where you have 0 FUCKING DISTRACTIONS (absolutely no internet or electronic devices if necessary) and get working on your fucking music. You have no idea how envious I am of your free time and GUARANTEED BASIC FUCKING INCOME. I WOULD MILK THAT SHIT TILL THE VERY END.

>> No.12159737

>Except capitalism in America has been killed off by monopolies in most areas and has been replaced by crony corporatism

That's natural evolution of capitalism. Every successful company strives towards killing off the competition and cornering the market. Memes like "crony capitalism isn't REAL capitalism" are literally pol/tard/ brainlet-tier.

>> No.12159789

if I didn't quit that day, I would still probably be a low paid wagie like all my uni friends. The guys officialy working there, not through internships, were paid like $300-500, average for my shithole town, which I can easily make now without lifting my butt off a couch. If it wasn't for my anxiety of repeating the same wagekeking experience and fear for my uncertain future, I would've never come to /biz/, obsessively searching for a way to get money online. Crypto happened to be the solution

>> No.12159800

See, I have all that nice and convincing-sounding shit in my resume.
Doesn't fucking matter. Nothing but shit warehouse jobs for me. Jobs I can't even hold down because I'm not fast and efficient enough.

>> No.12159816

I don't really have any advice, I'm sorry.
For me all that mattered was "just b urself" bullshit and faking competence convincingly enough.

>> No.12159830

I guess it really is just being enough of a Chad until life hands you the golden goose on a silver platter.

>> No.12159856
File: 76 KB, 1024x802, 1543580156453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews didn't con anyone, sweaty. If anything the ebil jewish socialists are why you even have a weekend.

>> No.12160068

1. Embrace the suck
2. Figure out how to start a business

Those are the only respectable options

>> No.12160238

middle-age is when losing everything actually permanently ruins your life.
if you don't have a massive crisis, middle age is pretty comfy

>> No.12160552

they will destroy the earth without the jews
you retards need a shepard

>> No.12160587

kekd at the gif thanks anon

>> No.12160598

It Would be better if wealth wasn't being invisibly stolen by inflation

>> No.12160607

>That's natural evolution of capitalism.

Not without government or other coercive forces

>> No.12160628


>> No.12160734

accountant here and i agree
i fuckin hate it but its good money

>> No.12160787

Coercive force is all around us, it's a transhistorical force. If it comes down to abolishing private property or coercive force, one is a lot more feasible than the other.

>> No.12160810

I don't know why you people can't just be happy with the idea of hanging bankers. Why does it go down to "see your house. Actually it's EVERYONE'S house now."

>> No.12160847

houses are personal property, I'm not interested in socializing everyones house. hanging bankers is a good first step, tho.

>> No.12160866

I'm pretty sure I heard this personal property vs. private property argument before and thought it was bullshit the first time. I don't know anymore, my memory isn't so good anymore.

>> No.12160897

It's all an illusion created by their sound production guys.

>> No.12160907

Well it's a really quite simply rule of thumb, if you actually live in the house you own its your personal property, if you don't you're a speculator treating it as an investment and it's your private property.

>> No.12160915

What if I own two houses and I don't rent them out, I just move north because the weather here is terrible in the summer and come back south because the weather is terrible there in the winter. It's like a 3-hour drive either way.

>> No.12160942

Well you're still using them, obviously this is just a moral principle and not an actual law at this time anon. The limits of private property in the capitalist system took years of court cases to get to where they are now.

>> No.12160943 [DELETED] 

>sent 14 applications since friday
>zero calls or emails
>last time i was jobhunting this effort would have gotten at least 3-4 responses by now
i think i fucked up, either my last employer is spreading nasty word about me through the circles, or no one is going to hire right before the holidays and i'm fucked for the month
what do? i have 2 months of expenses saved (was already in bad financial position before quitting but it can't be helped, couldn't stay a single day longer)
am I being too worried about this?
inb4 send 100 applications: i'm white collar, not a mcworker, there's only so many openings at any given time.

>> No.12160957

>Rich, stressed and miserable

>poor and happy

>> No.12161009

Betas work for money

>> No.12161030


Alphas work for... power?

>> No.12161120


>> No.12161750

i remember when made this same post 2 and a half weeks later i quit and started selling drugs that was 6 months ago put almost every cent of profit into crypto and now im fucked

>> No.12161783

Poor people can also be miserable, even more so than miserable billionaires.

>> No.12161876
File: 18 KB, 399x388, bc9f53d1ce0617263a78f7dd612d2b31--collection-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kys commie scum

>> No.12162278

This totally ignores the existence of for example pillaging and conquering folk.
Better said, it ignores the reality of violence.

>> No.12162378

Flagstaff Phoenix?

>> No.12162414


Buy a gun and do god's work anon.

What I mean by that is go to a shooting range and relieve some frustrations.


>> No.12162467


>> No.12162478


but see back then your work directly benefited only you rather than a bunch of Jews. When we hunted the mammoths we did it as a group and we all got a share of the prize for our hard work. Then we starting growing out own food and guess what? Our work still benefits us and the tribe.Then we created money to help exchange goods and give them a price so we could trade within a village. At some point a fucking Jew thought it would be a good idea to "promise" to hold several people's money and here we are. Yes Jews are literally the entire fucking problem.

>> No.12162483

I don't know why people want violence anymore. I've gotten pretty disillusioned with it all. I don't think there's going to be any changes. No grand revolution. I think the only thing I can do is play video games until my time is up.

>> No.12162628
File: 10 KB, 274x274, 1521407336265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop it you fucking sarcastic faggots

>> No.12162691

In US, black women are less likely to die of in childbirth than black women in africa
fucking evil wypipo

>> No.12162814

thanks, Jews

>> No.12162839

stop taxing crypto to crypto transactions you pirates

>> No.12162855

>what a 20something made in 1980 is far beyond in value what the equivalent has today
>this is all during the era of jewish economic rule
>implying this isn't jews fault

>> No.12162893 [DELETED] 

w𝕒gecuckin' it

>> No.12162901
File: 51 KB, 641x530, 1537032444269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm honestly astonished at how many people in here are such ungrateful fools that they think the opportunity to do fair work and make enough money to survive and buy basically anything you want within reason (no jets or mansions but you can afford to get all of your needs met and more) is somehow an evil construct of the jews meant to enslave the populace.

would you prefer a society in which nobody has any incentive to be creative or innovative, and we all sit around like animals and just exist mindlessly until we die? without the ability to earn money, the necessary driving force required to get people to get up and make the world a better place would be completely gone. we'd just sit around, get fat, masturbate all day... oh wait, that sounds a lot like NEETs! it's almost as if these manchildren living with mother all day have no understanding of the world beyond their little box, and the second they're forced to work to survive, they scream and kick.

absolutely pathetic

>> No.12162993

What is the shitty socioeconomic infrastructure ?
I'm an engineer I go in to work pretty much when ever I want to and from Nov to Dec I work 30 hours a week. Took me 10 years to get my degree because I was a welder while in college. Well worth it now,

>> No.12162999

reddit is that way newfag

>> No.12163001

>oy vey goy you can afford a cheap phone made by suicidal Chinese toddlers so why are you complaining about a certain ethnic group parasitising off of your labor while shoving interracial/gay/tranny/holocaust propaganda everywhere

>> No.12163060

>make enough money to survive and buy basically anything you want within reason

Literally over half the working population can't afford a house or kids. Fuck you.

>> No.12163073

You are correct partially.

But when I moved to a new state I could not find a construction job and I had to do fast food. Worked for 20 hours a week at $8 an hour. Could not find a job anywhere else. I also got paid every 2 weeks.

I was making $280 every 2 weeks after taxes.

You can't live off of that man.

>> No.12163093
File: 52 KB, 900x810, sqQlid7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that sounds a lot like NEETs!
You sound like you have some experience my dude. Now you're a salty wagie. Lost your position being Mr. Shekelberg because of lazyness. Ragie wagie. Hurry wagie. Mr Nosefeld is a real penny pincher!

>> No.12163278
File: 60 KB, 1024x550, 1539919595254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post carries the mark of Judaism.

>> No.12163303

Stab wounds

>> No.12163306

I do hope they would dare do to something stupid as attacking civil servant on duty, that carries almost 5 year sentence in itself addition to aggravated assault one.
Its legal obligation, it cannot be theft by definition since its not illegal taking of property.
I`m not a communist or even into politics I despise political types since they always seek to make our job harder inadvertently since they have no actual experience of being part or state machinery nor governance.
I`m not just working for the tax agency but to the service of greater good for my fatherland. It is a profound duty that I take pride in since I don`t think there is no greater nor more honorable occupation than to serve ones country.

>> No.12163331

morally speaking, it is theft

you're not serving your country, you are stealing someone's money to help your pozzed government import refugees

>> No.12163361

Yeah no, blame the people who voted for the current government. If I had my way I would see to it that the whole parliament and all elected offices would be abolished, but sadly the republic must be run by means of democracy.

>> No.12163389

>Its legal obligation

You do realise how stupid this sounds you leech? It sets a very dangerous precedent if you think morality is defined by what is codified in law.

I have pure distaste for people like yourself, and this is coming from a Swede whose tax agency is composed of evil people who have no quarrels with hurting innocent people for the "greater good" whatever that is.

If you really want to serve your country then you should sabotage the tax agency as much as possible without being detected. Extorting money from average hard-working people and throwing them into jail if they don't comply is so incredibly immoral that only a tax administrator would partake in the mental gymnasitcs required to justify it.

>> No.12163443

I don't even mind the hours wagecucking. On a good day I mildly enjoy it. The productivity, the banter with (good) coworkers, the sales aspect of my work. I'm not in a conventional office white collar meme job though.

On a bad day I just numb myself to it, daydream, etc. Embrace the shit.

What fucks me up is that when I'm not working I sit around worrying about how much money I have, how much I earn in comparison to other jobs & fields & people. I reflect on my lack of effort & poor attitude at the end of high school and how its altered my life's trajectory years later. If anybody knows how to quell these feelings please let me know. It's not like I struggle with money--I'm intrinsically frugal and have tens of thousands in my bank account. Not enough to change my life or make me rich, but enough to provide security and if need be quit for a year or two.

I don't know why but my days off, I constantly feel this mix of anger, sadness, inadequacy, resentment, jealousy, confusion and desperation.

>> No.12163471

KEK. First time ive genuinely laughed in awhile. Thanks for the GIF anon kun. Have my (((you)))

>> No.12163475

>I get bored when I'm not working

wagie NPC detected

>> No.12163552

>I`m not just working for the tax agency but to the service of greater good for my fatherland. It is a profound duty that I take pride in since I don`t think there is no greater nor more honorable occupation than to serve ones country.

No, what you are doing is enabling the theft of my money and distribution of it to niggers, neets, retirees, companies who can't make it on their own and back into the pockets of the elite.

Fucking leech

>> No.12163569

>What fucks me up is that when I'm not working I sit around worrying about how much money I have, how much I earn in comparison to other jobs & fields & people.
Wtf I have the same problem, and being europoor it certainly doesn't help seeing every single faggot on this site bragging about making 100k+

>> No.12163582


It is not difficult to earn 100k+ in Europe, it's all about networking and knowing to talk the talk but not neccessarily walking the walk. Helps to have skills that are in MAJOR demand with very little supply, like certain programming languages and other specialities.

t. 160k usd in London

>> No.12163588

Law sets the bare minim of acceptable moral behavior in society, it does not defy it but its the bottom line for morality in my opinion.

Besides, those who avoid their dues and fair share towards society are not innocent, they are effectively treasonous and enemies of the nation and people.
I`m not the one who makes the laws, politicians and the people who voted for them are to blame.

>> No.12163589

you have it all spelled out wrong. it's literally not the day off that punishes you. it's the days working, where you suppress all the anger about your current job. this comes back at you, when you don't have to suppress it, ie the days off. think of it like booze. during the week you get drunk and high on the wage and on the weekend you feel the aftermath. you know it's wrong what you do, and you still do it, to the point where you convinced yourself that NOT subjecting yourself is the bad thing, not the other way around. gg wagie, good job.

>> No.12163592

>Law sets the bare minim of acceptable moral behavior in society, it does not defy it but its the bottom line for morality in my opinion.

So if parliament voted to make murder legal, would that make it a morally acceptable action?

>> No.12163606

And just to enlighten everyone else ITT about Finnish tax law and how fucked up it is. Did you know Finland is probably the only country in the world where you have to pay taxes on every crypto trade and can not deduct losses at all. This means you could actually lose everything but still owe millions or more in tax

>> No.12163610

Murder in right context is already legal action, be it in war or policing duty. Killing is clearly not immoral in itself, the context for usage of violence is the only thing that morally matters.

>> No.12163629

this thread is full of retards, wew lad. killing is in itself immoral, it's the context that justifies it as the right course of action, ie to prevent further damage. that doesn't mean it's not immoral. did you miss logic class or what.

>> No.12163633

Well this is one of the reasons why we are getting rid of tax refunds by 2019 so we can lower the actual burden by deducting those returns from actual taxes in 2020.

>> No.12163655

No, there are times when usage of violence is not just justified but sacred,sanctified and the moral thing to do.

>> No.12163710

you equal the right thing to do with the moral thing to do, which you can do, but it's not necessarily the right terminology. you should speak of ethics, not morals. morally, killing is always wrong, but it can be the right thing to do, which makes it ethical. this also means justified. the use of sacred here is very misleading, as well as sanctified, since this stems from the current law. current law is not equal to morals and might not be ethical. if you don't see that, then read some books on the topic.

>> No.12163712

>that picture
>that post

the only truly NPC activity here is listening to NPR. thats G R I M

>> No.12163720


Are you fucking retarded? People worked before the 1850's. Money doesn't require a centralized authority to issue it. Fiat isn't money. It's from "fiat lux", let there be light. It's a jab at the bible. These people say "fiat currency" because they play God and hate Christians.

Who the fuck benefits from these assholes creating new money out of thin air, devaluing the currency already in circulation? They do. Not the people trying to transact in every day life. What is the point of striving for wealth if some fat kike can just print more than your entire stack of savings at a whim?

It's not abstract at all either. Hell, it's not even complex. These banksters own the currency, so they can print more of it at a whim. They print this money and loan it at interest to banks. These banks loan it out to normies. The normies store this money in a bank. The bank loans out the normies' "savings" to other normies. Those normies ALSO put their money in the bank. Rinse, repeat. Infinite money.

Banks don't have your fucking money. They owe you a debt. You are a debt collector. This means that WHEN the bank goes bankrupt, you have nothing, because the bank has loaned out those same dollars a 1000 times. Is that concrete enough?

>> No.12163730

Sshh... it's 4chan, gotta blame other people for our failures. It's easier that way.

>> No.12163737


You are a filthy statist and all statists are indistinguishable from communists in behavior and thought

>> No.12163747


So taking people's money against their will is the moral thing to do now? What's your address?

>> No.12163748


The fuck, are you me? Southern yuropoor here.

>> No.12163882

>like certain programming languages
Well all programmers I know make less than 60k, programming is definitely not a lucrative career in europe. The only one I know where you can expect to make 100k+ is airline pilot and possibly finance after like 10 years of experience.

You should still be ashamed of yourself for actually helping the tax agency to enforce this disgusting practice of theft.
So are you saying the retards at the tax administration will finally remove this absurd rule for crypto taxation in 2020?

Well I'm from Finland but we still make nothing compared to the muricans here, and we also get absolutely assraped by income tax, capital gains tax and VAT

>> No.12163962

>programming is definitely not a lucrative career in europe

Unfortunately true, I have to escape this field and go somewhere else more lucrative where I can leverage my software development skills.

Also, I'm from Poortugal where the situation is even more dire than compared to Finland. Even software developers from Pooland get paid more than in Poortugal.

>> No.12163984

Anytime a programming job gets above 80-90k range they import a Pajeet

>> No.12164643

>Be great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great me
>Need to gather food for self and tribe
>If we can't get food or me or my fellow hunters die we'll all starve to death
>Everyday is fight for survival

>Be you
>Do some computer work
>*tika tika tika tika tika tika*

>> No.12164652
File: 88 KB, 280x291, wojackblurry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does biz have a better grasp of the world than pol?

>> No.12164691


>> No.12164720
File: 108 KB, 639x960, 28DAC567-72E5-4B3D-B823-279E6344049F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, a humble plumber/pipe welder
>wake up, make coffee and fry some eggs
>throw on warm clothes, listen to Alice In Chains and the Doom OST to get hype
>show up to the site, greet rest of the crew/tell them to eat a dick
>gear up and get to work, burn rod or fit pipe from 7AM till 12
>go to lunch in local hole on the wall, spit bantz about retards at the site and personal life
>get back to work, work till 330
>mfw remember I make 65 an hour

Not too bad, I get a work out while I’m at it too

>> No.12164796

/pol/ used to be based but they received too much attention from the federal government. now there are literally dozens of US government and EU shills there around the clock 24/7.

>> No.12164876

>So are you saying the retards at the tax administration will finally remove this absurd rule for crypto taxation in 2020?

No, that would require change of stock-,currency- and corporate taxes. We are just getting rid of at the end of the year tax returns for overpaid taxes rather than paying a lump sum in December those excess taxes will be removed form taxpayers burden next year.

>> No.12164901

Actually, the only jews here are you. You want to have it all with no work, like the greedy kikelets you are.

The only difference is you are bad at it :^)

>> No.12165077

Well yeah that makes sense but who really cares. The tax law still sucks dick