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12152288 No.12152288 [Reply] [Original]

What is it like working in fast food? The typical day from start to finish, how you're treated by the team and by customers, etc

>> No.12152310

i worked at a subway in high school and that shit is ass. Nothing motivates you to put effort into your degree/career like getting bitched at by stacy the soccer mom because her shitty stress-inducing children cause her to come into your store and treat you like dirt. the amount of condescension people show those they feel are "inferior" to them just because they can really rears its ugly head in fast food than most other places, i think.

>> No.12152311
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>> No.12152318

everyone is pretty cool and you get to smell like fries

>> No.12152337

I've always dreamed of being a frycook, any advice on landing a fast food job?

>> No.12152382
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>> No.12152386

Would people act condescending often? Do you have any personal examples dealing with this? Either way, sucks you've had to deal with those situations, no worker deserves that

>> No.12152397

Based comfyposter

>> No.12152411

it's chill af bruv
so funny hearing you faggots talk about being NEET when you can get a sweet mcjob and fuck around as you would at home, but make some money and eat some mcnuggies and mctendies while doing so.

you and me both know even mummy's best tendies don't hold a flame to the deep fried goodness ronald brings!

>> No.12152427

I worked at little Caesars like fifteen years ago. It was pretty chill plus I got free pizza.

>> No.12152464

Yeah, nowadays I make an extra effort to be patient with anyone working for a fast food joint because I know they're dealing with the dumbest shit for the lowest of pay.

But as for examples: I once had some elderly lady ask me for a 6 inch sub before immediately lecturing me about the length of the fucking bread after I made the cut (Using a obviously visible ruler to help me make said cut, no less). Well, this lady wouldn't have it and demanded to see my owner who wasn't their at the time. After about 5 minutes of bitching she threw up her hands and said "Whatever, lets just finish the sandwich" and i continued to prepare her sub. Welp, apparently after I finished making her sub she decided that she was entitled to a discount because of the "incorrectly sized" bread that I had previously measured out in front of her. After I made it clear a discount wasn't going to happen, she stormed out of the restaurant while telling other customers in line that my subway had no respect for its customers. There are countless other experiences but that one was always one of my favorites.

>> No.12152510

Yeah, eating nuggies with burgersauces and creating your own burger for your break was the best. At first I took this (1st Job of mine) very serious, but then I realized that excellence is not rewarded at all, so I started to eat whatever I wanted. I was the only German working there and someday a Muslim co-worker asked me. "Why are you here. You are German, you can get a better job."

>> No.12152518

just zoom out op

>> No.12152563
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Don’t ever use ‘welp’ in a sentence ever again

>> No.12152713


>> No.12152832

Based NEET lady sabatoging corporate profits.

>> No.12152920

fuck off

>> No.12152958

Lol no you smell like old oil

>> No.12152978

I never used to notice or give a shit about fast food employees now I cant even enjoy my meal watching their suffering

>> No.12153000

such a great feel to know!

>> No.12153011


>> No.12153016

u first faggot
wish I could short ur life

>> No.12153091

Deliver food for a busy chink restaurant, maximum tips

>> No.12153106

Also one free menu item for lunch and often free food at the end of the day

>> No.12153117
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>> No.12153207

Food industry of any sort is hell

t. Was a dishbitch for a few months

>> No.12153381


Just be yourself fren.

>> No.12153986

its pretty cool cuz u get all the fries and nuggies you can pop in your mouth when the manager isn't looking

>> No.12154012

probably the shittiest customer service job you can get.
cleaners? holy shit it's worst than being a janitor honestly.
team? What team? Unless you work with kids from highschool you're practically a loser and the young kids see it instantly
Customers? they don't give a fuck, you better hurry up before they call your manager and make a rant

also no one follows hygiene rules. The 'meat freezer' is full of molded and dried up meat. It's fucking horrible. Let me see if I can find the photo I took one night.

I fucking left after 2 weeks, got a better job at home depot. Home Depot is cozy as fuck honestly,

>> No.12154093

what place did you work at?