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12150818 No.12150818 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody here studying any big bubbles ?

Back in 2015/16 I made a discovery with a few others on the net/reddit/4chan that BMPS (Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena) was on the way down and would probably go bankrupt. The stock is now worth 1.52 EUR from 196 EUR in 2015. I also made a connection that DB was going to go down with them when they inevitably go bankrupt and the correlation stands correct. I have written proof and can find my posts from back in 2015 where i detailed the reasoning behind the bust (bad loans, theyve been tossing bad loans between banks) but theres a bunch of other banks connected to this spider web and i seem to be correct.

So that leads me back to my question, anyone here spotting patterns ?

>> No.12150879
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found this from 2016 but not mine

>> No.12150892
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Also buy the pound, short the euro

>> No.12150905
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More archive shit i found. If anyone still wants to make bank on this then follow the trail

>> No.12150920
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>> No.12150931
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>> No.12150950
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BMPS banned short selling of the stock back in early 2016 also

>> No.12151015

Should I post more proof? Is anyone listening to me on this shitty board?

Also start shorting Barclays, Credit Suisse and DB.

>> No.12151057

Explain? Bong here but I quote in Euros, what's wrong with the Euro? I've made good money getting paid in euros over the last three years

>> No.12151064
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>> No.12151069

I am long on Lloyd's, Danske, Novo Nordisk and Credit Suisse.
Am I gonna make it ?

>> No.12151086

hey OP, I am more interested in finding companies and management with a history of fraud and opening short positions if there is liquidity.

>> No.12151141

>what's wrong with the Euro?
I was going to post a golden face image but that would be immature

You are, how long have you been holding them?
I'm not sure about Lloyds but the others are set.
Im trying to look for a massive chart I made of all the connected banks, did this shit years ago

What I find most exciting is that when BMPS falls, i expected this year but it may be 2020 on a quarterly report or something then DB will follow and so forth , its literally a slow death thats been happening since 2008. I wish more people were seeing this but maybe they're just keeping quiet

>> No.12151166
File: 793 KB, 1070x1746, deutsche-bank-fall-chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This link is interresting https://peoplestrusttoronto.wordpress.com/2016/07/09/charting-the-epic-collapse-of-the-worlds-most-systemically-dangerous-bank/

Lots of good shit here , was written in 2016.

>> No.12151210

Are you shorting via stock or puts?

Are you shorting the banks or their shitty products/ETFs?

>> No.12151242
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Im shorting the banks and hoping the government doesnt bail them out, if i was shorting BMPS back when I first found this thing i'd be rolling but i was like 18

>> No.12151254



>> No.12151272
File: 784 KB, 960x953, zlddwxjw3w321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally guarunteed that DB will fall, just put everything in DB and wait till mid 2020, its going for 8.60 . This will probably be your last chance. Thank me later

>> No.12151692

interesting thread, thanks OP
as a britfag what's the best way of shorting DB

>> No.12151764

Find a reliable trade company that doesnt take too much of a % when you make a sell or do it over the phone

Im a brit too

>> No.12151801

Do you have a medium post or something? Im fascinated by how shit DB is. New lows after new lows, it seems unbelievable.

>> No.12152515


>> No.12152587

Not only does DB have bad loans but DB has a ton of bad bets with derivatives.

>> No.12152635

Do you really think that DB will be allowed to fail and the EU won’t give them a massive bailout?