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12149776 No.12149776 [Reply] [Original]

I signed with a company doing cyber security work in Las Vegas but a different company is offering me 10k more to work with them. I don't have anyone to ask advice for on this...Can you friends please assist? ;_;

Job 1
>$60,000 a year
>Amazing, very valuable and broad training.
>Amazing benefits, health, dental, 401k, etc.
>Pride themselves on being a relaxed, fun, great place to work. Emphasis on culture, employee satisfaction and fit.
>really big name clients, very impressive
>But its in Las Vegas.
>Far away from family, but two good friends live there.
>Employees there know me because we all play pubG together. They seem genuinely kindof excited im coming.
>Work is easy, and kind of boring/repetitive(security analyst in a SoC)
>very little growth opportunity career wise, but will definitely take care of me as an employee

Job 2
>Just offered $70,000 a year + whatever is needed to get out of my contract
>Smaller, similar company in Dallas, TX (State I currently live in)
>Less training, but more hands on experience of building the SoC and interfacing with clients, doing research, etc.
>benefits are fair, but not as good as Job 1
>Much less big name clients, but they are signing on new ones frequently.
>Relatively small, would be seeing and interacting with CEO's, CISO's, CFO's frequently
>Older brother is SoC manager, CEO personally requested me based on my skillset, experience and interview results
>Family and friends only 4 hours away vs 20hrs in Nevada
>But its still very startup like in the culture. May fail may not. but lots of growth opportunity career-wise internally.
>is sniping lots of talent from Job1 apparently due to lack of upward mobility

I'm 24, and have never had two genuinely good opportunities. I have no idea what to do. I can't go wrong with either.

tl;dr Established, experience rich job for 60k in Las Vegas vs Startup-oriented, opportunity rich job for 70k in Dallas?

>> No.12149874

Cost of living in Dallas will make that extra 10k neglible I would go with the place that has a little more job security.

>> No.12149876

Both sound like good choices desu.
Personally I would go with 2 because I really enjoy the start up hustle and it seems like it would be a better long term career move ( even if the company fails).
HOWEVER company culture makes a huge difference. If you really enjoy the place you work and the people you work with it makes all the difference in the world as far as your happiness. So if you think you would be happier at #1 choose that

>> No.12149913

Go Dallas.
The tech industry here is insane.
Fuck Vegas.
The temptations there will ruin you.
Also, if you like liberal shit or just get bored of Dallas, the tech industry in Austin is also insane.
Texas has been taking tech tallent from California and will continue to do so. I don't want more traffic, but you'll love it here.
If the company is Cysiv, run away as fast as you can.

>> No.12149954

Go quit company 1 and then give me ur friend's steam and buy me pubg

>> No.12149990

I should probably look into Dallas cost of living. I'm single and would likely live alone, although my brother offered me a room(I'd rather have privacy though).

I would likely leave Job 1 after 1.5-2 years to somewhere else more in line with my long term career goals (Offensive security, infosec/socEng research/threat intel) (this is the norm there for analysts, who leave to bigger/better things after the 2 year contract is up)

There is only a handful of people at Job 2, vs the international reach of Job 1. Job 2 seems like they'd probably be alot more willing to move me towards my long term career goals as they grow.

Job 2 had offered me 60k a month ago, and is calling now to make it 70k. I just graduated so I need to choose something soon. (job 1 wants me to ship out in January)

I'm originally from San Antonio. I don't need a ton to keep me entertained, and I'm generally social and do fun stuff/can find stuff to do.

>> No.12150011

Damn I just got a great job at a youtube channel like 30 mins away from Dallas. Now I cant stop seeing things about Texas

>> No.12150040
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Take the Dallas gig.

Also, InfoSec is a bubble.
Learn what you can about infrastructure related security topics and GTFO.
Deep learning and good algorithms will kill traditional Sec. Analyst jobs.
Companies don't want to pay people to read logs all fucking day.
This will all be automated.
Look into Chronicle.

Learn containers, container orchestration, and coding.
Security will pop in ~6years

>> No.12150073

Texas is and has been booming.
Major tech is moving here in droves because they're tired of California politics.
Also, being in the middle of the nation, LOTS of data passes through Dallas/Austin so it makes sense to add hops/offices here from a latency perspective.
Also, Texas has more fortune 500 companies than any other state.
I moved here from Michigan a while ago.
If you want to boost your career, move to Dallas/Austin.

>> No.12150123

I've always thought about that in the back of my mind.. Event Triage always seemed like it could be automated.

As said I'm really interested in the research side or the human facing side that can't(or is much harder) to automate. and am aiming for that careerwise within 5-10 years, maybe eventually establishing my own InfoSec biz. I'm already about to publish my SocEng research to a journal soon. so I feel l have some leg up on my short term career goals.

Also: Containers, Docker and Kubernetes 4 life
thnk u for pic <3

I've noticed this as time goes on. The Californians unfortunately keep bringing said politics here....

But Vegas job has only Fortune 100 clients. Neat, but I'd probably never get to interact with them personally unless I was higher level.

>> No.12150170
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Sounds like you're too smart to leave Texas, anon.
Come on over to Dallas.
We'd love to have you in traffic with us.
Also, look at Celina, TX for your house. Thank me in ~7 years.

>> No.12150536

I'm really really leaning towards Dallas right now...I feel like its more aligned with my goals. I think I'm just ambivalent because I've never had to make a decision this big.

I'll look in Celina, see what there is. Oh fuck yes I'll actually have a grass yard and not dirt/sand like in Vegas.