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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 160 KB, 1177x648, gamerboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12144924 No.12144924 [Reply] [Original]

>Sirgay playing Fornite

The absolute state of a stinky inky linky

>> No.12144935


>> No.12144940

Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.12144946


I've been following his Twitch account since 2016. Guy hasn't cut back his playing time at all, actually logging more hours lately ever since the Pivotal Tracker showed aggregation tasks.

>> No.12144952
File: 261 KB, 570x444, sergey1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any time you mention sergey nazarov playing online games, you get swarmed with people saying “it was just a troll”.

i played him in cod 4 (about 7 months ago), he started using wallhacks, and steam banned my account when I reported him. i also ran into sergey in a minecraft server. in fact, it was my minecraft server, i left it online overnight and he went on and griefed all my buildings and put obsidian blocks everywhere. i blacklisted his IP and three hours later some big guys in mcdonalds uniforms knocked on my door and told me I should be careful who i block. i had to whitelist him and now he just uses it like it was his own server.

>> No.12144970


>> No.12145869

Is Fortnite a computer game? i thought it was a game to smart-phones.

>> No.12145883

It started out on PC I think, mobile came much later. DYOR instead of asking stupid questions

>> No.12145994


But decentralized API info is required for Smartcontracts to happen. Link provides that. Additionally, the entire reward system is genius. I pay attention to people like Ari Juels and Gavin Wood. I also pay attention to the top wallets who have increased, not decreased. If they start unloading bags I will have concern, but it isn't going to happen. Feeling comfy with my stack, then again my expectations were not get rich in a year.