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File: 22 KB, 1280x1280, Monero (XMR).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12137445 No.12137445 [Reply] [Original]

>muh privacy coin

>> No.12137451

Thanks, just bought an unknown amount.

>> No.12137458

most people holding this are starting to realise that dero is probably going to kill it in a year or two. dont blame them tbqh

>> No.12137461

dunno i had a lot of patience withthis coin but it just keeps tanking, i moved into BSV and others, atleast im gaining sats again during the bulltraps.

>> No.12137471

There's a correction going since January that's affecting all the high cap coin. Nobody told you?

Yes, like Ethereum that killed Bitcoin, right?

>> No.12137491

>5 mil market cap
>13k volume

>> No.12137501

>t. XMR bagholder

>> No.12137545

No pool resistance.
Many are moving to Nerva instead.

>> No.12137646

>Nerva, the scam dev with the worst emission curve ever

>> No.12137676

not with those shitty exchanges

>> No.12137707

People on the dark web aren’t using crypto to pay for shit, they trade for pre-loaded atm cards.

>> No.12137721

Asic resistant is a meme. Wallets are too hidden and that scares investors. Eth2.0 will have a privacy chain in the near future

>> No.12137764
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>Wallets are too hidden

>> No.12137809

APL Is the future

>> No.12137821
File: 41 KB, 460x274, laughingpajeets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coin for drug dealers and terrorists
>stable coin
>invest in

>> No.12137911
File: 33 KB, 1050x930, 1544449446889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>privacy is ONLY for illicit activities, and nothing more

>> No.12137932

>hurr muh privacy
even paypal offers you privacy, nigger

>> No.12137938

Cone has been around a long time the community is cool. If crypto really takes off a privacy coin will be needed to wash cones. I think Monero has a bright future if crypto survives. I wouldn't go all in on it though make sure you own at least 1 btc.

>> No.12137980
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>> No.12138217

>Wasn't this supposed to be the only stable coin to invest in
Nope. The point of XMR is it's anon. Anon doesn't equal stable.

>> No.12138382

surely the best working product in this market.

>> No.12138447
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>> No.12138449

It's shit. It'll be absorbed by bitcoin, eventually.

>> No.12138489
File: 74 KB, 750x751, o2quxrvcron11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just thinking of the Tari effect on XMR price makes my benis the big benis, if you catch what I am trying to say.

>> No.12138543
File: 38 KB, 750x126, 1543774095415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hhahhaha he is still holding nerva, even the scammer dev isn't holding that trash

>> No.12138546

didnt u hear, 2018 is the year of privacy coins

>> No.12138563

Monero to the moon when fascist governments start stealing/confiscating/taxing all your money

>> No.12138701

That shit's been debunked weeks ago.
Try harder

>> No.12138737
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>> No.12138775

Monero is the only cryptocurrency that isn't hot garbage. Do what you want with that.

>> No.12139062

Fake. Still funny as shit though.

>> No.12139106

Can't refute, right?

>> No.12139148

Monero is the privacy coin with first mover advantage. If/when crypto starts a bull market it will outperform.

Most serious Monero threads however get wrecked by shills from other ankle biter “privacy” coins like Dero.

>> No.12139302

it will always need to exist as long as Bitcoin exists because it’s the only way to pay people without doxing yourself and your net worth. it’s not efficient as a store of value. so you might as well only invest in Bitcoin. just keep a small amount of Monero as float when you need to actually pay for something in crypto (something that basically never happens).

>> No.12139309

enjoy ur premine

>> No.12139398

KMD is interesting. It's BTCD relaunched. Old Bitcoin dark coins can be swapped for them in case you're holding. Worth watching

>> No.12139635

>Yes, like Ethereum that killed Bitcoin, right?
It basically did though, not in price but in actual usage.

Right now it processes like 5x more transactions than Bitcoin.

>> No.12139807

>it’s not efficient as a store of value.
I don't really get this argument. One is private by default, and one isn't. Why wouldn't anyone choose the private one? There are only a few reasons I can think of.

The only way Monero isn't at least "as good" as Bitcoin as a store of value is because it is dependent on its privacy features not being completely broken or possibly subject to more legal scrutiny than Bitcoin is, whereas Bitcoin has no real risky feature waiting to be broken. The longer that Monero exists though, the less likely those things seem to be a real issue. Is that what you mean by it being worse than Bitcoin as a store of value? I mean, let's be real, neither of them have been a great store of cash value over the past year, but obviously they've both performed very well over the course of their entire existence.

>> No.12140501

Fuck off pajeet

>> No.12140907

Shoo shoo brainlets, Dero is the cypherpunk's coin of choice, will connect hyperledger, corda, hashgraph, etc. and create a blockchain internet. Most other coins are irrelevant.

>> No.12140939



>> No.12140948

When DreamMarket stopped accepting it, it was dead.

>> No.12140970


yeah, no they arent you fucking bagshiller.

>> No.12140985
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>> No.12141533

How do we know with monero what the supply is. If someone exploits it and begins printing it it’s all over and we wouldn’t know.

>> No.12142040

you would know because the price would tank.

>> No.12142720


Please do the needfull and buy Dero, sirs.

>> No.12142730

What is the backstory of this pic?

>> No.12142741


>> No.12142752

life is cheap in shithole countries

>> No.12142787

No one is going to use a currency that anyone can see how much money you have and all your transactions are public. Monero is the only coin that will ever get used

>> No.12142810

very really good coin sir, you must buy sir

>> No.12143612

not enough adoption by the people who should be using it. it's difficult to change dumb stubborn druggies and their lackluster opsec capabilities, anon.

>> No.12143686
File: 851 KB, 732x958, OB5T2Pj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh private coin until quantum computers become powerful and reveal the true owners of all transactions
uhm, yeeaaaa that's gonna be a HARD yikes from me, dawg.

>> No.12143701

LITERALLY not really a concern for most users of DNM, law enforcement officers LITERALLY need to conduct controlled deliveries if they want ANY chance of prosecuting DNM customers, which will NEVER happen for personal quantities because it requires too many resources and there are many more low hanging fruit who they can farm for drug charges (poverty stricken black communities).

>> No.12143715

>quantum computers
Is this like the asteroid mining meme?

>> No.12143729

worse, asteroids at least exist

>> No.12143743

>q-quantum computers totally aren't a concern, my fellow bagholders...

>> No.12143765

there is not even a quantum calculator
all d wave has is regular computer based on microwave logical gates
so fuck off

>> No.12143782

cope with knowing that the only use case this coin has will be obsolete given enough time, please, be patient.

>> No.12143787

cope that your kind will never be anymore
we won

>> No.12143793
File: 76 KB, 569x569, b (1443).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


monero is constantly evolving

>> No.12143806

Yes and it will cure cancer and discover nuclear fusion too right?
Fucking cancerous pie in the sky projects always end up in the same way.

>> No.12143821

because it has to change mining algos every other month
it's a children's GPU coin

>> No.12143845

yeah and ethereum is too smart contracted and bitcoin is very mined they will never go anywhere, also they are way too blockchained

>> No.12144461

Yeah and it will actually be able to quantum proof itself, unlike bitcoin which can never change. Imagine the kind of pressure the larger quantum proof tx's would put on the 1mb blocks. Better just leave it as is.