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1214004 No.1214004[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The Trust Fund child is born into the world cast on a net of financial freedom, essentially; the golden ticket on the ride through life without the standard conventional suffering the human has been subjected to for thousands of years.

In many ways the trust fund child is a more evolved being than the rest of us. Funded and birthed by more circumstantially and genetically superior parents, he/she is not bound by the petty obligations and spiritual restrictions we are cast too. They typically spend their childhoods in elite institutions, meeting influential people, building vast global networks and off course, the Trust fund child cringes at the thought of living a lifestyle more equal to that of their non patrician sub species.

The flow of dopamine is constant, harmful cortisol has no presence. Their bones and brains are built and repaired by only the most healthily functioning endogenous chemicals, as a result of such a calm lifestyle, detached from human working class stresses.

The Trust fund child wakes at whatever time they want, they do not have to subscribe to the 40+ hour work week of the wagecuck. Unlike the wagecuck their free time can be spent pursuing more enlightened paths such as education, the leisure lifestyle, or perhaps their ambition drives them to pursue an entrepreneurial path - of which they need not even search for funding and business partners.

The trust fund child is the ultimate Anti-cuck, while the rest remain their cucks.

>> No.1214100

what's their real life expectancy tho with all the self-destruction detachment from reality, drugs and drunk driving?

>> No.1214107

What's your point?
Oh boy, you are probably the new Einstein our generation needs buddy :^)

>> No.1214110

Long, majority shitty, life of a wage cuck
Short, majority fun, life of a trust fundee

and even then you don't *have* to be a dumbass and could skip all the toil of saving up and just chase your dream outright.

>> No.1214227

So? D-d-do you mean money makes life easier? B-but it can't be??

>> No.1214243

Working = being a cuck.

No way around it.

The only thing we can do is NEET and try to make internet money.

>> No.1214303

No conflict = No growth
You are literally a child from birth to death

>> No.1214305

>try to make internet money
yeah... that's totally not work.

>> No.1214308 [DELETED] 

I already make money off youtube so lol at you.

>> No.1214311

even the self-employed are slaves to social secuirty

thanks for the NEETbucx wagekuks!

>> No.1214312

and youtube it's not fucking work

brb playing some game and making 200 bucks a month

just be k

>> No.1214316

>how did you do it

just be lucky.. i had luck and got views and started growing lol

just get autismbux + make money under the amount that you would need to pay taxes

yeah its minimum wage tier but at least i dont have to commutecuck and wake up whenever the fuck i want

>> No.1214321

wagecuck damage control

the winklevii brothers would make you feel like a bitch in real life and they were born rich

>> No.1214326
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>> No.1214341

So what you're saying is next time I should try harder to be born rich? That's good advice thank you anon! Have a great week.

>> No.1214344

>You are literally a child from birth to death
jelly as fuck nigger

>> No.1214349

>People investing in themselves via their children
>Not knowing about diffusion of wealth
>Not investing in other promising ventures


>> No.1214354
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I wouldn't want to be trustee. Just think as life as game. How long you gonna get fun if you constantly play with cheats?
Life needs challenges and those kids will never some

>> No.1214384
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>You are literally a child from birth to death

i prefer it that way

>> No.1214410

Constant flow of dopamine is not good

Money can definetely help but one has to experience some negative things in life in order to be able appreciate all the riches.

>> No.1214513

More spillover from r9k, unfortunately. It's getting bad in this board

>> No.1214534

>everyone who says things that i don't like is an incel neet virgin autist
Nice wagecuck cope.

>> No.1214561

I was a trust fund child (24 now) and I have to say things are pretty boring. Things don't really satisfy me anymore.

I can buy anything I want, whenever I want, and now I don't want anything. I see people that have to work and they enjoy things like being able to buy a new car or go on holiday and look so happy and I just dont understand it. I could buy 10 of the cars they bought, I could go on many trips around the world instead of going to just one place for 2 weeks but I just dont care about it.

It's like playing a video game on God mode. No challenge at all.
And I dont even know what worrying about money is like so I just dont give a shit about it.

Alot of you might call bullshit, but honestly tell me, do you appreciate being able to eat? Having a place to stay? Having clothes? No. Because you don't have to worry about it. Yet there are 3rd world people who dream of having a place to stay and food to eat and clothes to wear, but you just dont understand that because you just always had that stuff.

You are like 3rd worlders to me, to put it in perspective.

Nice bait though OP. I just thought I'd share incase anyone took this seriously.

>> No.1214602

You've perfectly illustrated my point, thanks

>> No.1214622


I've grown up and alongside a lot of trust fund kids. A lot of them matured well and possess all of the mental faculties me or any of you have. They just have a shitload more money. I've always envied them because they can grow and become whatever they want and develop in any way they choose.
While I'm at my second job, one of my friends drives 200km to take photographs of shit. Beautiful photographs, no less. He's shooting the shit with his buddies in GW2 on ventrilo and I want to punch myself if I get lost in an RPG once in a blue moon for an hour too long. As someone said here, it's like living life on godmode.

>> No.1214921

Legit. Trust fund lifestyle or death. Everyone else is coping

>> No.1214924

Disgusting cope

you are just trying to get where they are just lol

>> No.1214926

Bituck cope.

>> No.1214937

>not realizing that the purpose of trust funds is twofold: both to pass on untaxed money, and to keep your offspring from having full access and blowing it all before they're mature enough to know better

Also, OP, you really have the wrong idea about what satisfaction in life is. I know people who are born rich who are miserable and people who were born poor that are happy.

>> No.1214974

water is wet also anon, might want to make a thread about it huh?

>> No.1214988

I know a trust fund guy. He has 2. One from his fathers side of the family and one from his mother's. He pulls in about $7,000/mo from both. He is basically socially paralyzed. he has to attend family functions or fear losing a larger portion of the pie. When his Brazilian wife divorced him he was fucked and begged for more trust fund money. The reply? No fucking way. The other trust fund kids (including his parents) would have to cut their piece of the trust fund pie! And there are 70 of them in the trusts.

Point is that all that money coming in on the reg was just misery and he felt trapped. He leads a slightly comfortable life in Brazil now so he can see his kids but he's basically fucked.

I wish I had his trust fund income but I don't want any of the family shit he has to go through.

>> No.1215010
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Paris Hilton,
etc really Proves YOUR POINT !!

>> No.1215017

>I can buy anything I want, whenever I want, and now I don't want anything.

funny. I'm the same after growing up poor and frugal and now making good money .

>> No.1215021

Except I absolutely haven't and no one is buying it.

Cope harder.

>> No.1215027
File: 1.44 MB, 1280x718, tfw 300 word essay due in a week and havent even started yet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you will never have gold digging sluts hit on you
>you will never pump and dump them in shortly after

>> No.1215031

dude looks like a gayer version of beiber with scoliosis

>inb4 cope

>> No.1215064
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Life will ALWAYS find a way to Kick you in the balls. hahahaha

>> No.1215065

Bitcuck cope.