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12135371 No.12135371 [Reply] [Original]

buy or sell?

>> No.12135375

i guess they never sell huh

>> No.12135388
File: 1 KB, 90x189, bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


recruiting for BAT clan in world war goo


>> No.12135427


>> No.12135621

BAT will be top 5 EOY2020. Act accordingly.

>> No.12136054

The mobile browser has gotten really good. I think Brave/BAT is going to be huge, I can legitimately seeing it overtaking not just Bitcoin but maybe even Google in market cap down the line.

>> No.12136081

One of the best performers in this gorilla market. Definitely a great buy.

>> No.12136097
File: 28 KB, 229x221, FD349F8D-E5E0-4A24-8CA7-46B67CD69428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh browser plugin token
>muh solution without a problem
Fucking idiots

>> No.12136136


I still don't understand it. We get paid in it for using some search engine right? And then we donate it to sites we like? Where does the money come in? Why would anyone bother getting involved?

>> No.12136147

This unironically.

>> No.12136150

browser with crypto wallet attached, whats so fucking hard to get

>> No.12136171

>Why would anyone bother getting involved?
It makes it super easy to give money to your favorite YouTuber! Say you like a video and want to make a donation to the creator. All you have to do is click a button! Wait, hold on, you do have BAT, don’t you? Ok then go to coinbase, link your bank account, get it verified. Did all that? Ok, now buy BAT. What? What do you mean why can’t you just donate USD? This uses BLOCKCHAIN! Did you buy BAT? Ok now wait 7-10 business days for coinbase to clear your purchase. Ok now transfer your BAT to your wallet. Ok? Now find the video again, click the button, donate! And you can make money by downloading a browser plugin and watching ads every time you open your browser!

>> No.12136172

Things I take my real wallet out for when browsing: shopping on Amazon
Things I don't take my wallet out for: internet gibs

>> No.12136214


Holy fuck, this is based on WATCHING ADVERTISEMENTS to get BAT? Fuck no, fuck that. People are fleeing television for this exact reason, this project is doomed.

>> No.12136226


Yeah, that's what MetaMask is for Brave Browser, using ETH. What does that have to do with BAT though? Is it another ERC-20 token?

>> No.12136235

But but but, they’re targeted advertisements, so it’s stuff you’d be interested in! Buy a vacuum cleaner and see ads for 10 other vacuum cleaners!! It’s decentralized! On the BLOCKCHAIN!!!!!

>> No.12136268


I have too much stuff as it is, I really don't see the use-case. The people who'd watch advertisements for money are people who don't have any goddamn money to begin with, because their time is worthless.

So the gist I'm getting is:
>advertisers pay the network to distribute ads
>the network shows ads and pays users to watch them
>the users then can either use these tokens to buy things from the advertisers or donate them to sites/creators they like

But this requires that the people who watch ads are intelligent enough to both have money AND use crypto. Intelligent people don't watch advertisements, they just buy what they need.

>> No.12136306

Brave Blocks out the current invasive ads and trackers and will soon have it's own 'OPTIONAL!' ads that will pay the viewer and content publisher. If you wanting some BAT the ads can be turned off and on like a lightswitch.

>> No.12136355


Oh good, since I already block everything. And I do mean literally everything. There's plugins that send fake valid responses to these advertisers so that they get realistic-looking unusable metadata and I watch the content anyway. I'd much rather send a content creator I like some crypto directly.

I hope it works out for you guys! I've bought some Minds.com tokens myself instead.

>> No.12136383
File: 255 KB, 870x870, brendan-eich-mozilla-firefox-square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Fren. It will work out great, Brendan always seems to be successful when he feels the urge to revolutionize the web.

>> No.12136577
File: 5 KB, 190x266, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I can legitimately seeing it overtaking Google in market cap down the line

>> No.12136886

holy shit you guys are so fking retarded just leave crypto you brainlets
How can a fking browser overtake google?

>> No.12137041

fuck off faggot, it's an ad network built into a browser

>> No.12137259

I'm buying it because it's starting to penetrate the normieverse.

Short term, it doesn't matter whether it's a good idea. All that matters is that it's gonna be hyped up to normies.

>> No.12137270

That fucking id

>> No.12137433

cool bro im happy for you

>> No.12137446

You are really a brainlet incapavle of the most bqsic understanding of how much money the ads market has and how much its to take Just an 1%

The othe option its that the fudders know that bat its the only crypto with a real use case and normi adoption so they are desperated trying to bring the price down to accumulate more

>> No.12137524


99% of Google profits come from ads. Brave only needs a small percentage of online advertising, currently monopolized by Google and FB, to have an astronomical surge in price. The further relay effect of advertisers buying ads and users getting a 70% share for participating in this economy will eventually become strong enough to surpass Google.

>> No.12137987

Useless, based on the idea of "privacy oriented" browser that runs on an inherently spying engine. Brave is a scam at its core, so it's very dumb to invest in its derivatives.

>> No.12138101

nice fud faggot, Peter Thiel and Naval Ravikant are investors in Brave. I trust them way more than your retarded ass