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12134035 No.12134035 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw ive decided to just stop sleeping until i induce psychosis/schizophrenia and then get neetbux for it

>> No.12134044

Good luck

>> No.12134049

u are more likely to just die after about 42-78 hours

>> No.12134065

nah google says you can survive for up to 264

>> No.12134068

it's not worth it believe me

>> No.12134118

I’ve stayed up for 72 hours on caffeine and stims - that’s not true at all

>> No.12134124

How painful? Might go this way myself.

>> No.12134136

iv stayed up for 3 days before. its kind of like i was drunk. i would also hear shit that's not there

>> No.12134143
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>google says
And this is why our future generation is more screwed than we realize

>> No.12134278
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>>12134124 To my knowledge you will probably just develop memory loss begin to have micro sleeps (where you go unconscious for a second at most basically the feeling of nodding off) minor to moderate paranoia and hilucinations. and if you have any heart conditions it is possible though unlikely that you will drop due to cardiac arrest. but for what i can find the few sleep deprivation experiments that are credible would see most subjects die after a long time due to mostly random cirucmstances from disease due to weak immune systems to dying from shit like low body temperature so, in other words you probably wont die to sleep derivation but will probably die to some random shit its like getting aids but you didn't take it from Mandingo

>> No.12134282

Staying up for that short won’t kill you lol.

>> No.12134293

200 iq op soon to be 2 iq

>> No.12134296
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just take 1000ug LSD you'll be a schizo in no time OP


enjoy the free permanent visuals if you're a chosen one

>> No.12134297
File: 165 KB, 1001x823, 1540929846606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait u can get neetbux for psychoactive disorders?? guess what delusional retard is gonna start collecting money from my ability to talk to god

>> No.12134305

dude i've been awake for 4 days straight on amphetamines.

i've had friends who've been up 2 weeks at one go on amphs.

>> No.12134325

Just walk into the welfare office and shit your pants. They will be so desperate to get rid of you they will do anything you want.

>> No.12134327
File: 284 KB, 800x600, ts_140808_dsm_5_manual_800x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, NO.

See this book right 'ere? Have a mosey on the corner and read this reeeeeaaaaaal good mate. You just have to hit up the bingo and keep it that way for a few months but don't forget to be under professional observation. Keep your shit together, oye.

>> No.12134363

op, i didnt sleep for a whole 9 years.. but i closed my eyes,layed on my bed and tried to rest my brain every night... this kept me alive... if i stay awake for 3+ days i can guarantee i would have died.. dont fucking do that

>> No.12134410

brainlet post

>> No.12135065

500 is the most ive taken, was a fun ride. knew a friend who went over 1000ug and then she freaked out and went in to the ER lol.

>> No.12135070

Don't do it, its not that fun living in fear.


>> No.12135074

You can only get unemployment neetbux.
At least the UK that is, to get disability allowance you have to prove that its stopping you from operating normally which is very hard to to do.

>> No.12135250

I know people who have been up for 1-2 months on meth.

>> No.12135253

just kys

>> No.12135275

Alright faggot read closely
After about 48-50/60 hours you will start to hallucinate.
After about 72H risk of death is a reality.
micro sleep will happen without a doubt unless you start using some way to forcibly keep yourself awake(there's a reason they gave soldiers meth-chocolate).

You can survive is very different from"you will survive". Even if you make it to say 250H you will most likely end up with permanent braindamage in some way or form.

All these numbers on "after xxxH" are not exact science. It will differ from person to person so you might very well start to hallucinate after 26 hours

>> No.12135365


Yep. This is true. I did it myself a couple of times. My record is around 56-58 hours I think, never used anything to help, not even coffee, was doing it out of pure curiosity and the feeling. After around 30 hours my senses where amped and I was very calm and clear. Around 45 hours I was seeing random flashes or memories that I had no knowledge of. After 55 hours or so I had to constantly move or I would just fall asleep instantly, anywhere. Anyway, still a very interesting state, but I think depends on how energetic are usually, your sleep schedule, etc. For me it's vey easy to stay awake for 30 hours, but I think most people have troubles with sleep deprivation.