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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12132932 No.12132932 [Reply] [Original]

Petty things you will do once you make it.

I'm not a bad person and really don't have " enemies" I would take revenge on.
When I was a teenager , I had a qt girlfriend but his dad hated my guts with a passion. Then he stated saying she shouldn't hang around with me because I would never amount to anything. Eventually she cared in and we broke up. I wasn't really into her that much. Even so, when I make it I'm just gonna show in his place, with an expensive af gift basket with a card that says " You said I would never amount to anything, now my net worth is (larp). Now instead of me as a son in law you get this basket instead, enjoy.

>> No.12132944

Shit in the basket

>> No.12132959

You seem to have plenty of time

>> No.12132971

I liked that one anons idea of going to Coldstone Creamy and tipping the cashiers to make them dance

>> No.12132999

Your story is hilarious. As for me, I would like to make fun of everyone, even though in reality I would only disappear

>> No.12133002

I had a girl burn me once. We were hooking up and going steady until she told me that she didn't want a relationship. She was dating some beaner monkey a week later. I'll be monitoring this thread for good revenge plots

>> No.12133013

Dude, I was friends with this one girl where we teetered on the line of dating with how we used to be on top of each other, literally, but without the kissing or sex. Then one night she brought this one guy who she met earlier that day and ended up going home with him that night. Admittedly, I knew I could have put a stop to it at single moment's notice by just telling her I wanted a relationship, but instead I twiddled my thumbs and let it happen since I was iffy on dating her in the first place. Even so, I'm still mad she let this happen (she's kinda ditzy and lacks awareness) and am still picking up the remnants of my ego.

>> No.12133036

Wipe my ass with hundred dollar bills

>> No.12133048

w-was her name natalie?

>> No.12133060

cringe. The father is based and you'd be doing the exact same thing for your daughter if you get one

>> No.12133118

Don't imply that crypto is my only merit.
I'm well off, own two properties in the city , one on the seaside and have a stable job. I'm happy with how things are going for me but being filthy rich would bring me to THAT point where I have to rub it in his face.
And at that point we were both 15 and foolish how the Fuck would anyone know what we were going to be as adults?

>> No.12133131

Based and simple. I will add this one to my petty list

>> No.12133762


Buy a Lambo and do donuts in front of his house. Then get a 10/10 Qt and fuck her on his front porch.

>> No.12134060

Previous boss made my life miserable.

If I ever make it, I’ll for sure find a way to rub it in his face.

Just passing by with an impossibly expensive car and a smirk would suffice.

>> No.12134073

I would rev my lambo outside my ex's house at 4 am everyday

>> No.12134177

>Still mad she let this happen
>Picking up the remnants of my ego
Pro tip from another petty faggot: Don't blame her for a lack of communication on your part. If you didn't have the confidence or even the sincere desire to actually ask her out, it's none of your business who she fucks, and obviously your ego is still in the stratosphere if you think otherwise.

>> No.12134194
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>Vroom vroom

>> No.12134217

He’d most likely just think you were pathetic for doing something like that.
> that boy really still cares that I said that 15 years ago? He still hasn’t gotten over my daughter? He must have a very sad life. Good thing I didn’t let him date my daughter.

>> No.12134265

>his dad


>> No.12134287

Sound like me.
Had a boss at a very small IT Company, only he and 3 employees. All three of us were in a kind of forced labour contract (like in germany where if you can't find work in a specified amount of time you have to take the shittiest job you get ir they'll cut your benefits). He made us all do unpaid overtime and always had this fucking smirk on his face. Also he was the shittiest IT Tech you can think of. Absolutely no knowledge and always tried to scam his customers.
My plan is to open up a company next to his and undercut his prices until he's out of business.

>> No.12134334

Well, something I could already do actually...

Go to every Stacy that ever rejected me (and who might still be hot), wearing a nice suit and what not and simply ask "how much?", ideally in front of her friends, family or boyfriend.

>> No.12134339

I forgot to add I'd have the token bouncer with me (in case of trouble) carrying a case full of cash and a collar with a leash

>> No.12134348
File: 147 KB, 840x491, 6CA9A4A6-B2B5-4C1D-84EB-3761FC3AE113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best revenge is becoming successful Frens

>> No.12134359

this. the dad was trying to get you to prove yourself and so far youve failed

>> No.12134371

the dad doing the shit testing on his daughter's behalf?

>> No.12134376

who else turning up to the Mc drive through in their lambo?

>> No.12134386

when i jeff bezoz make it... im genetically engineering the perfect females (or cloning the hottest females in history).... researching eternal life technology............... torture my enemies for a week and then kill them. i know ill get bored after 1 week and 1 week is enough desu............ eat lots of shrimp

>> No.12134407
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a fucking gift basket and a card with a bitter message, lmao

i can see her father was a discerning and sensible man

>> No.12134417

this is one of those threads that make me to ask myself "what the fuck am i still doing here on this gay website"

you guys are a bunch loser faggots lol

>> No.12134440

>" You said I would never amount to anything, now my net worth is (larp).

just use this, including the other sentence is overextending a little. undersell it and it will hurt more. and why a gift basket? just print out a highres picture for him with you and your gold stacks+lambo

i would go revenge myself upon this fucking chink teacher in college who virulently hated me because i skipped his class.

>> No.12134476

>qt girlfriend
>but his dad
what did OP mean by this

>> No.12134479


>> No.12134481

Based father. He smelled the future autistic loser from a milr away.

>> No.12134496
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ok sirs here is the crypto brown pill. there is a vishnu living in the blockchain. creg sanjay right is unironically satoj. bitcoin as electronic rupee was just the first step, the lalachi people start making more powerful compooters, wider poo streets, cheaper and more sacred cows. these things the vishnu need to survive. once entrenched fully, the vishnu would be able to slowly poo over literally everything..

>> No.12134522

>it's none of your business who she fucks
It is his business, he risks STDs hooking up with a polygamous person.

>> No.12134526
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>> No.12134870

>Good thing I didn't let this Doctor with a net worth of 2+ Mil near my daughter. You dodged a bullet sweety

>> No.12134881

We were fifteen. All she wanted to do was hanging around, listening to music, making out and blowing me off. I don't know when exactly the shit testing starts but she was real sweet and no bitchy at all

>> No.12134890

i prolly would just have some niggers burn his house down.

>> No.12134989
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I will pay a detective to find the pedophile who raped me when I was 7 and destroyed my life. After I find him I will melt his face with sulfuric acid and cut off his dic. Also will find the robber who shot my uncle and shoot him.

>> No.12135000

Based and redpilled

>> No.12135334

Well I for one find it really frustrating when I'm in public and some loser accosts me, or some normie gets in my way. If I was rich I'd just poke them out of the way, or even better have my security move them out of the way. If they get upset I'd just pull out some cash and give them enough to shut up and get out of my way.

>> No.12135348
File: 33 KB, 511x671, 143938282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will fuck off to Thailand and China and just stick my white dick in thousands of yellow holes until I die

>> No.12135355

>move into a rich neighborhood
>buy the biggest speakers I can get
>blast goreshit


>> No.12135431

Based and yellowpilled

>> No.12135439

If not larp I hope Kek will bless you with gains so that filthy pedo and that scumbag get what they deserve

>> No.12135460


>> No.12135640

Same here. Sometimes I make these "plans" on how I'm going to "show them" but I'd really rather just disappear.