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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12129942 No.12129942 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12129960

not a dc but still fucking BAD imho

that deviation is something you're supposed to avoid in a growing asset

>> No.12129972


>> No.12129982


I think we're fucked

>> No.12130021

This means a lot of people or whales or miners or whoever-the-fuck have decided to exit the market entirely. Fucking hell.

>> No.12130029

Or just 10000 normies

>> No.12130036

THIS is what capitulation looks like

>> No.12130039

normies sold at 10k
diehard retards like me just sold at 3k
the biz brainlets will sell at 1k

>> No.12130043


>> No.12130046

I don't understand. I guess itst time to buy tho

>> No.12130047

isn't that volume-window just stemming from the sell-off from that sell-off period?

>> No.12130057


>> No.12130083

Also sell now and just re-buy at 1k.

>> No.12130099

1.2k is the absolute bottom, we won't be seeing it. Perhaps we'll wick down for a minute, then bounce back up. see you at ath in 2 years.

>> No.12130106

I will never sell. Couldn't care less if it goes to zero. I've already sold more than my initial investment, so it's impossible to lose money.

>> No.12130130


what happens now?

>> No.12130146


So there are shit ton of BTC being dempued on the market yet the price is dumping only a little. How is this a bad thing?

>> No.12130153

this. just waiting and watching

>> No.12130155

You know you sound like a gold bug/christfag uttering the same wrong thing over & over & over
Tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, two years....

>> No.12130166
File: 1.15 MB, 1372x1293, 1527546873127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone should sell what they have remaining during this dead cat bounce.

>> No.12130169

>brings up religion out of nowhere
*tips fedora* ah, a fellow sophisticated gentleman i see!

>> No.12130189

same here but feelsbad

>> No.12130190

Yes, I don't really get why everyone assumes this is whales exiting. Whales aren't dumb. Do you honestly think the people running the show aren't selling the top? I think its more likely people exiting who kept thinking it would bounce back who bought at 10k+

>> No.12130225

This is bullish as fuck. We are going to bounce straight back to $6k soon and breaking $20k is not to far off since the volume is already there.

>> No.12130226

goddamn of course the number of traded btc rises when prices have gone down by 80% or more and the volume keeps being at similar levels to previous months

>> No.12130337

this charts show it takes +1000 btc volume to dump- 3k$ but only +600 volume to pump price +15k$

you decide what that means

>> No.12130344

yeah this is the best position to be in. Cant say that for myself but I support you man, really think this is the best way to look at all of this

>> No.12130370

the biggest pump and dump of our generation just happened, the bubble has popped

pretty exciting, i hope we can profit off of this long term. whos buying BTC at $500 and re-selling at $500,000 in 2027?

>> No.12130375

> redistribution is bad
it literally mean that we're creating a new floor

>> No.12130395

>Prices Halve
>Volume in units doubles
>Volume in real money stays even
>/biz/ gets all hyped up because the volume has "grown"

Never change, /biz/

>> No.12130990


>> No.12131008

We wait

>> No.12131014

Fuck off you know nothing kek

>> No.12131058

anyone who hasnt sold now will drown with the ship. who waits for a -90% to get out? fucking lol

>> No.12131067

Goddamn it, we're doomed.

>> No.12131074

i'm buying bitcoin @ ~70$ right now :>

>> No.12131084

>what is opportunity cost
>what is the most valuable asset to a human being (time)
You coping retards are actually sad.

>> No.12131116

That's only if I spend my time trading or doing something involving Btc. I'm literally not touching my coins forever.

>> No.12131145

This. History repeats itself, sell now and catch up later.

>> No.12131215
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>> No.12131324

If you're bullish on BTC short-mid term you should definetly wait for at least 3k, it's almost guaranteed it'll test it.

>> No.12131337

You’re a fucking idiot lol. Go do something with yourself kek

>> No.12131371

>Could have been a wagie
>Instead spent over a year doing jack shit
I will work as little as possible throughout my life and there's nothing you can do about it lmao. I'm not a domesticated fiat slave.

>> No.12131445

If you haven't sold by now and held through 2018, then you're the fucking idiot for thinking otherwise