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12122289 No.12122289[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>borrow $500k
>move to Africa
>tell everyone I'm a multimillionaire
>impregnate thousands of women
>kill myself
>mfw I improved the human gene pool and died like a hero

>> No.12122307

you won't have to kill yourself cause youre gonna get aids

>> No.12122322

i support this notion, though you don't need to kill yourself. just keep moving around and impregnating black women.

>> No.12122326

The human gene pool isn't improved with irresponsible and suicidal genes
Just kill yourself /thread

>> No.12122343

>improving the gene pool
>Being OP
Pick one

>> No.12122345

They will come after me eventually. I would go to jail or get lynched for not paying child support. I need to make a quick exit.

>> No.12122351

>improved the human gene pool and died like a hero
Considering there'll be like 3 billion niggers by the time you're done, it won't even be a drop in the ocean

>> No.12122366

The influence will be huge after a few generations. His genes will be in half of Africa.

>> No.12122395


This. My thousands of descendants will permanently change the African demographics. They'll form a new light-skinned elite.

>> No.12122402

Well keep dodging the popo until you too old to give a shit. Leave thousands of beautiful mulatos for the rest of the world. Your service to us will not be forgotten Anon.

>> No.12122422

Good plan apart from eat human flesh and be worshiped like a God in the forest till you're found by the normies and slaughtered after a brutal ten hour gun battle.

>> No.12122443

It's africa, they don't expect you to be a father figure.

>> No.12122475
File: 52 KB, 270x344, 1541821749351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once got Tinder Plus and set it to some African capitals. I got a ton of matches. It was how girls describe their experience of Tinder: swipe, match, swipe, match, swipe, match and so on.

Those black bitches are interested in white westerners (or their wallets).

>> No.12122482

and the males from africa are doing the same thing in europe

its absolutely hilarious!!!

>> No.12122489

Bleaching africa before offing yourself is actually pretty based and redpilled.

>> No.12122496

That was Genghis Khan and that's how Russia came to be.

Go ahead, anon, make history.

>> No.12122515

Before killing yourself you should execute as much nigger men you can

Then your plan is perfection

>> No.12122530

I wonder if they were hot.

>> No.12122550

Hahaha racists are getting dumber and dumber. This is literally the opposite of eugenics. If you believe in the superiority of your own genes, then imagine you are a purebred dog that breeds with a bunch of mutts. You did not improve the overall gene pool, you wasted all those generations of selection that crafted your allegedly superior genes. Your contribution will be lost to entropy after a single generation.

>> No.12122557

Imagine being this retarded. Genghis Khan wan't even alive anymore when the Golden Horde invaded Kieven Rus.

>> No.12122569

i keked

>> No.12122590

Yeah, he also wasn't alive when Putin was born. I fail to see your point.

>> No.12122601
File: 38 KB, 752x591, Genghis_khan_empire_at_his_death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghenghis Khan had nothing to do with Russia.

>> No.12122610

Thats not how it works.
The formula is:
, where
D is number of full you's (genetically 100% you) live descendants within the youngest generation of africa (you being 100%, kids 50% grandkids 25%, etc)
I is number of impregnations
M is multiplication of the population compared with today. (for africa probably about 4 in 100 years)

So for each impregnation you make in 100 years there will genetic material in africa that could make up 2 humans, so probably about 32 great great grandchildren.

However there are multiple generations living at the same time, probably about 3-4 of them.
So once the population stabilizes at 4-5 billion in a 100 years lets say, there will be about 6-8 humans worth of your genetic material in africa per impregnation.
So once you reach 800 impregnations you can safely say that 1 millionth of africa's genes will forever be yours.

>> No.12122625

Can confirm, did the same.
One was really desperate for the BWC.

>> No.12122628

You are quite literally mentally deficient.

>> No.12122665

The human race started in Africa. Your genes are a special combination that was a result of evolutionary pressures outside of Africa, but it's not like your ancestors gained genetic information. They filtered it down to a combination specific to your race.

>> No.12122704

How are you this dense? Did you fall on your head as a kid?

Batu Khan was Genghis Khan's grandson.

>> No.12122708

That is now a meme, I believe the current theory is that it's Greece/Europe

>> No.12122729

>The human race started in Africa
This theory is outdated and no longer considered valid

Wow did you just google that? What the fuck is your point? What kind of obtuse point were you even trying to make to begin with?

>> No.12122772

Fine, the argument works regardless of any origin, just an understanding of darwinism.
Africa's selective pressures create Africans. If humans moved into Africa, they weren't black before and now they are black. If you create 1000 half white half black babies in Africa, their descendants will only get more black each generation and you will just be boosting the black population down the line.
For OPs plan to work, he would have to move all those babies out of Africa.

>> No.12122777

Fine, but my descendants will have greater reproductive success than the average.

>> No.12122778


>> No.12122789

I'd certainly want to fuck some of them, but I'm not sure I want travel to fucking Africa.

>> No.12122798

Nice. He lives the globalists nightmare. Black girl white man

>> No.12122801

who will give you 500k?

also: "french" man could very well mean black man.

>> No.12122822

Humans gene pool is even more destroyed by irresponsible idiot's genes.

>> No.12122830

that's were you're wrong, kiddo!

white man ANY woman creating offspring is said nightmare. white man black woman is okay, bc result remains lesser goblin.

>> No.12122848

>You did not improve the overall gene pool, you wasted all those generations
There are millions of African women in reproductive age. Most of them will get pregnant at some point in their lives. The question is, do you prefer them to have half-white or black babies?

>> No.12122859
File: 39 KB, 678x519, 1544399853785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>move to Africa
>tell everyone I'm a multimillionaire

>> No.12122885

Except most experts don’t actually believe humanity started in Africa anymore.

>> No.12122910

I guess you're Russian and that's why you're so triggered.

Dude, having Mongolian ancestry is nothing to be ashamed of, they built the biggest empire humanity has ever seen.

And yeah, the human race started in Africa, the fossil record leaves no doubt about that.

>> No.12122919

Homo sapiens first appeared in Africa, there's no doubt about it. But before Homo sapiens, there were different species of hominids coevolving around the world (Europe, Asia, Southeast Asia). When Homo sapiens migrated out of Africa, they interbred with some of those hominids, giving rise to modern humans.

>> No.12122937

we wuz kangz

>> No.12122955

And they all come originally from australophitecus, a species that only lived in Africa. I seem to remember H.Habilis also didn't get out of Africa, it was just H.Erectus that expanded through Asia.

The only point that could be made is that since modern humans are actually a mixture with something like a 5% of other human species, at least part of that DNA can be traced back to Europe, the middle-east or Asia. Nevertheless, also those ancestors came out of Africa at some point before that.

>> No.12122983

I'm English actually. I'm guessing you're American judging by your lack of basic historical knowledge and general ignorance.

>> No.12122989

i like your plan OP
but realistically,
how are you going to borrow $500k?

and why would you even need to?
just buy $5k worth of expensive clothing / accessories
and take the women out to expensive restaurants
they'll believe you're rich

you could also drug them just enough to passively accept your seed
but not enough to suspect you
(idk what drug is suitable for this, anyone)

>> No.12122997

Everything you said is correct, except that H. floresiensis (found in Indonesia) may have appeared before H. erectus.

>> No.12123006

>how are you going to borrow $500k?
I don't know. I could request multiple loans and liquidate some assets.

>> No.12123017

Do you even know how pregnancy works you virgin? Women are only fertile about 5 days per month. Do in probability terms you would need to fuck at least 6,000 women just to get 1,000 pregnant. And that's not even close to the bare minimum because there are way too many other variables like your sperm living long enough, the woman being a viable childbearer, the fetus surviving. I would guess that in order to impregnate 1000 women you would need to fuck closer to 20,000. If you somehow manage to fuck a new girl every day that will take 55 years

>> No.12123044
File: 68 KB, 699x485, 1542195109092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlet here, realistically what's to stop someone from getting a giant loan for a fake house or business, buying a shit ton of Monero or something and fleeing the country? Assuming getting the loan wasn't a problem.

>> No.12123047

>Women are only fertile about 5 days per month. Do in probability terms you would need to fuck at least 6,000 women just to get 1,000 pregnant.

Women are hornier and more inclined to have sex when they're ovulating (especially African women wanting to get knocked up by a rich white foreigner). So the probability that they will be fertile when having sex with me is greater than 5/30.

>> No.12123070

Really? I thought it was a case of insular dwarfism on H.Erectus. Where the hell did they come from? They are really far away from Africa.

>> No.12123071

or you could become a warlord

>> No.12123095

I still don't understand what part you're not getting. Genghis Khan decided to breed like a rabbit. Centuries later you get Russians. Did you understand that I thought Genghis Khan was Russian or something like that?

>> No.12123106
File: 54 KB, 908x666, 1544576710129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's to stop someone

>> No.12123113
File: 481 KB, 518x577, 1544651302565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/'s new money making strategy after crypto tanked is to take out a massive loan, fuck some niggers than kys

>> No.12123123

You just need to time it really well. Without even knowing it women show off more skin and act flirtatious when they're ready to get impregnated.
If you haf a good ground game, and understand the market you could time it really well.
You could also make tabs, if the womans in a really foul mood you know she's on her period. So you don't go for the crab apples.

>> No.12123140

You also had an unfortunate accident with a condom, huh?

>> No.12123147
File: 88 KB, 616x788, Natalia_Mentugova6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Genghis Khan decided to breed like a rabbit. Centuries later you get Russians
How are these two events in any way related? Genghis Khan didn't "breed like a rabbit" anywhere near Russians. Moreover, it's well known that when the Muscovites were under the Tatar yoke they were generally left alone, and only visited from time to time for tax collection. There was very little if any inter-breeding going on there, which is why Russians today look like pic related rather than Kazakhs.

>> No.12123154
File: 258 KB, 868x958, 1544336794683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12123160
File: 168 KB, 1024x785, kazakh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Genghis Khan's ancestors look like.