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File: 292 KB, 1229x1687, 601191A8-18ED-4513-AC44-651FFBA86F53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12120014 No.12120014 [Reply] [Original]

#GG33member here, I’m in deep violation of my #NDA I signed by telling you this, but the answer to pic related is XRP. Think banks. The house always wins. Buy-in to be apart of #GG33 is 5k+. Gary is nearly never wrong. Numerology and astronomy are universal and transcend languages, ideologies and philosophies, because they are based entirely on fact.

Nay sayers, nonbelievers and shills will call this a larp

>> No.12120042
File: 265 KB, 616x3132, E6A0D86C-26CC-443D-B6D8-3C00E2D7F01D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But when XRP surmounts BTC, those same nay sayers, nonbelievers and shills will be JUSTd beyond comprehension while those who chose to believe this will be unfathomably rich within half a decade. Screencap this so you know you had a chance to change your future

>> No.12120082

Got any proof?

>> No.12120107

XRP is a shitcoin .

ETH will replace BTC

>> No.12120120

ETH is a shitcoin too. XMR will replace everything.

>> No.12120142

XRP, ETH, BTC are shitcoin
DOGE will replace them all

>> No.12120150

He's clearly referring to LINK you hook nose kike.

>> No.12120290

No, any substantial proof i could post would doxx myself, leading to me getting kicked out of #GG33 and having to pay a huge fine for violating the #NDA I signed
Astronomically wrong. Typical kike tactic to call others jews, no one is throwing in to your literal scamcoin

>> No.12120293

Which is it lads I want my god damn lambo

>> No.12120300


chainlink will replace everything

>> No.12120328

>thinking cripple will replace anything

>> No.12120343

Yeah I’ll pass? Kek cringe

>> No.12120385
File: 67 KB, 544x608, B2E6DF8B-E351-4F67-8DFE-92494E160E1E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12120412


>> No.12120421

yeah something smells fishy here....

>> No.12120423

Not bashing XRP, a solid hold no doubt. But we all know LINK is gonna moon like a mother fucker

>> No.12120454

If XRP takes over from Bitcoin I'm getting a new hobby. I'll become a nocoiner boomer.

>> No.12120485

Don’t believe then, just cap it so you know you fucked up.
While you bought Sergeys bags for BTC he bought XRP with the gains you spoonfed him

>> No.12120540

>While you bought Sergeys bags for BTC he bought XRP with the gains you spoonfed him
the mental gymnastics to come to this conclusion is absolutely incredible. kys

>> No.12120542

In all seriousness why the hate against LINK?

>> No.12120587


>> No.12120590

its just a faggot larping autist. statiscally these posts are larps 99.98% of the time. I don't think this is one of the very few times someone actually drops real insider info.

>> No.12120613

You're shitting in the wrong neighborhood, pajeet.

>> No.12120636

When did the mighty Gary predict XRP flipping BTC will happen? a few years from now?

>> No.12120679

#GG33 member here. This is not the coin anon's, don't listen to him xrp is a total shitcoin

>> No.12120711

Mordecai please, get back in the oven.

>> No.12120731

Pajeet bagholding chainlink shill >>12120542
Do you really have to ask that shit? There’s a massive ongoing shill operation here. Every single thread is pooped on by pajeet linktards selling you their bags. Then, to make it even worse, naive biz retards bought some of Raj’s bags, thus shilling link for free. I can’t even tell whos an actual paid link shill and who just bought because they fomo’d like the retards they are. Not to mention these useful idiots slide good threads to make the 100th chainlink thread of the day. Fuck chainlink.

>> No.12120752


>> No.12120757

stopped reading for a cringe kek right there.

>> No.12120760

what is his price target NDAanon

>> No.12120788

Give or take 2-3 years
The funny part is, my posts can be verified as true by becoming a #GG33 member. Brokefags dont have a dispensable 5k though.

>> No.12120792

I have 0 xrp, is it even worth getting any now? Its second fucking place by MC.

>> No.12120793

Israel has ZERO right to exist.

>> No.12120814
File: 96 KB, 1200x656, photo_2018-11-04_06-33-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worth getting any now?

>> No.12120847
File: 137 KB, 634x796, 364E9B7700000578-3691950-image-m-43_1468586040714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



yes sir buy now sir

>> No.12120859

I'm actually a #GG33 member and it's definitely not shitcoin XRP. It's not even in the top 10.

>> No.12120862

After XRP surpasses BTC in market cap, its projected that $XRP will be close to or at $1500 per coin.

>> No.12120869
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>> No.12120872
File: 5 KB, 160x186, 89766978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir buy ripple coin 5000 time return
i am risk alot under NDA GG33member sir

>> No.12120884

Agreed, they should be nuked into ashes, all others living abroad from the holy state should be rounded up and thrown into gas chambers

>> No.12120886
File: 307 KB, 1800x1075, orange-angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Sir.

>> No.12120890

When will it break a dollar again?

>> No.12120896

hahahahahahahah fking retarded pajeet who bought at $3

>> No.12120911

Checked for survival of the white race digits, but I've seen similar graphics for Stellar which seems to be doing jack shit lately.

>> No.12120913

Don’t know gary’s estimate on that but i’d say within 8 months

>> No.12120936

Stop projecting Rakish, it is you who Unironically bought the top

>> No.12120972

So am I. OP is telling the truth, stop being a dick and trying to lie to our frens here on this Vietnamese table tennis forum.

>> No.12121060

no you're not

>> No.12121250

>Muh bitcoin is outdated tech and will be placed
Getting tired of this. Bitcoin is the longest and largest secured chain out there. It's not Myspace or Yahoo that is led by a board of directors who miss out on opportunity.

>> No.12121410

>tries to start some "organized" and "reputable" shilling
>complains about some disorganized shilling
Sounds like you're just salty that people care more about a literally who token than your literally who "exclusive club".

>> No.12121450

Delete this threat OP. Do the right thing

>> No.12121463


10/10 Im using this later

>> No.12121484


opinion discarded. Its LINK dumbfuck

>> No.12121505

What is GG33 anyways

>> No.12121551

#GG33 high commander here, ask me anything. Shame on OP for not mentioning the second step, which is to dump XRP for Holochain

>> No.12121717

Anon, do know you XRP total circulating supply is 100 bilion don't you?
Now, take your deluded price and multiply for it to get the market cap:
1500 x 100 000 000 000 = infinity.

>> No.12121728


Total supply is not circulating supply.

>> No.12121756

Sorry, i had some whisky; here we go again

Anon, do you know that XRP total supply is 100 bilion don't you?
Now, take your deluded price and multiply for it to get the market cap:
1500 x 100 000 000 000 = fucking infinity.

>> No.12121909
File: 2.57 MB, 1262x1554, 97F358E9-3BA0-40EE-8AAC-CEAE55A2AEA9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol see pic related, you newfags only buy btc because its the “most popular”. See pic related no one has worked on btc in 4ever.
t. unpaid link shill
Highest group of knowledge on the planet
>whats circulating supply

>> No.12122004

He's talking about ZEC you fucking brainlet, when it got announced for trading on coinbase on a "33 day" he was dancing with joy and pissing his pants in happiness. He also shit talked tmek for divulging info when he isn't supposed to, and he got his account banned the same day the coin gets listed and zooko follows him. If you wanted to actually know what it was, all you had to do was use that paperweight in your head

>> No.12122252

it was listed on a 33 day but it's not Gary's pick you fraud. Are u even a #GG33 member?

>> No.12122274


-... .-. --- / - ..-. / .- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- / -.. --- .. -. --. ..--.. ..--.. / -.. . .-.. . - . / - .... .. ... --..-- / ..-. ..- -.-. -.- .. -. --. / .-. . - .- .-. -.. / -... -.-. / --- ..-. / ..-. -.- -. --. / .-.. . .- -.- ... / .-.. .. -.- . / - .... .. ... / - .... . / ... -.-. .... . -.. ..- .-.. . / -.- . . .--. ... / --. . - - .. -. --. / .--. ..- ... .... . -..

>> No.12122275

And Zooko DOES NOT follow him, who are you trying to mislead?? Fucking brainlet

>> No.12122285

The fact that you are here arguing your point tells me you are nothing more than a typical muh XRP is duh greatest coin evar shill. So fuck right off!

>> No.12122321

2-3 years “
Can predict the future.... within a few years give or take. God fuck off pajeet

>> No.12122324

think for one second.

BTC became popular to fight the banks and be a way to anonymously send payments. The only type of currency that is like that currently are focused on privacy.


DERO taking the advantage because it is 51% attack resistant and a blockDAG.

buying XRP is the same thing as buying BTC. your not replacing crap.

>> No.12122334
File: 4 KB, 200x200, satoshi13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12122352

You think every project in crypto doesn’t have the same picture

>> No.12122373

you idiot.

XRP is expensive right now. If it replaces Bticoin as the #1 coin by market cap then XRP is at $1.

Yes, $1 is not a 5000x coin. Gary is talking about a coin that must be below 10 million market cap. He is talking about a private coin. Something that can have the same mystery as BTC did years ago. Not a banking coin, not a coin wall st. accepts.

>> No.12122430

Anyone that remembers the dotcom era remembers that the hottest stocks at that time were B2B companies. These were the companies that created the internet network creating software and connectivity.

There is only one true B2B project out there taht every company will need to connect to in order to make their smartcontracts worth anything. Wtihout it all projects will go to ZERO. Yes, ETH, EOS, ADA, WAVES. They all go to zero without Chainlink

Chainlink is the HTTPS standard protocol of crypto. It is the only true solution to bridge real world data to smartcontracts.

LINK 2019 #1 MC

>> No.12122433

The answer is obviously Elastos.

>> No.12122514

>those filenames

>> No.12122722
File: 12 KB, 640x368, kys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look another LINK shill, you faggots have no shame. Why do you have to stink up every thread with your shitcoin. there are already 16 link threads please fuck off.

>> No.12122733

More hopium induced daydreams.

Yay, I guess?

>> No.12122743

Ruff Ruff.

>> No.12122796

Stfu. Let these fags buy the wrong coin

>> No.12122800

fuck that. hopium at this point only makes the sideways market longer

>> No.12122977

Firstly I never said I was a student, if I had the money I would be. Secondly, all I know is that tm3k got nuked the same day as the zec news, people were talking about zooko following him back in the same day, and Gary started hooping and hollering that about a "certain someone" spouting off too much info and finally getting blasted for it. He also started to gloat about both telling his students to buy up the crypto he was talking about, and that the matrix loved him because of the timing. It's an educated guess. Some comments got deleted on a few of his calling out the connections, and confirmed students started complaining about the freeloaders who figured it out and were spilling the beans. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong

>> No.12122994


Holy shit! XRP will do a 5x gain over 5 years! A $1000 investment would be worth a whole $5000! How are you not all in!

>> No.12123089

It's an illegal security. When the SEC announces penalties XRP will dump at least 50% or more in an hour.

>> No.12123149

>It's an illegal security. When the SEC announces penalties XRP will dump at least 50% or more in an hour.
Xrp token sale was almost 6 years ago....Sec isn't going to do shit to Ripple

>> No.12123152

XRP token sale is every month.

>> No.12123293
File: 20 KB, 480x358, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boy this doesn't sound like gary trying to shill his own scam group at all..........

>> No.12124154


>> No.12124276

This is #GG34
The fuck you doing? I'm going to fucking kill you for leaking all this shit.

You have 2 hours.

>> No.12124351
File: 276 KB, 1668x938, 149436072157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's unironically XLM

>> No.12124362

>good boy number thirty four detected.

>> No.12124378
File: 53 KB, 634x437, zooko_tmek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this

>> No.12124379
File: 453 KB, 634x765, tmek_zooko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this

>> No.12124389

>Numerology and astronomy are universal and transcend languages, ideologies and philosophies, because they are based entirely on fact.
lmao imagine actually being gullible enough to believe some stupid shit like this

>> No.12124404
File: 368 KB, 1271x867, zooko_follow_tmek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this

>> No.12124446

so this is what schizophrenia looks like

>> No.12124484
