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File: 37 KB, 607x246, no100x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12120067 No.12120067 [Reply] [Original]

You are a late adopter, get over it

>> No.12120083

Everyone knows there will be no more 100x you massive cuck.

5x is very possible and it will happen IF useless scamcoins are purged.

>> No.12120085

He means for other coins. Not ETH. He’s talking about those coins other than ETH that you hold

>> No.12120088

"bitcoin will never be $10."

>> No.12120118

100 times 100 billion is 10 trillion

>> No.12120155

You would think Vitalik would be smart enough to realize market cap does not equal actual wealth.

>> No.12120178

how did he come up with that number? Even at the peak, wouldn't a 100x have resulted in an $80T marketcap? And now a 100x would only be $10T...
Not saying I disagree with his point. Even $100B is still way overvalued imo. I'm just a brainlet and don't understand his math.

>> No.12120196


>A 100x price increase from today means $200T in crypto

Wtf is he even talking about? $2T market cap? When has it ever been that high?

>> No.12120214


But I agree with him in that there's no way bitcoin or even ETH will 100x anymore. Who knows maybe some random shitcoin will one day do a 100x.

>> No.12120217

If you use assumed marketcap (as in total supply instead of current circulating supply) then yeah he is right.

>> No.12120248

he said it at $1,400 retard, so from here it'd be 1500x

>> No.12120256
File: 285 KB, 641x511, 1536109726933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12120265

ETH will easily do 1000x. Screencap this

>> No.12120275

he's been misinformed by shills thou, most likely when he moved his ETH into real estate @ $8.

some estimates put real estate, the REAL bubble, at $500T today

>> No.12120278

explain to us how wealth is calculated

>> No.12120313


Hehe, I guess I could see a 100x for LINK IF they actually deliver. That $1000 LINK meme is absolute bullshit though.

>> No.12120324

he is wrong

>> No.12120458



>eth sub 100

>> No.12120500

>he thinks a 200t marketcap increase needs anything close to 200t invested
Vitalik is a pedo brainlet

>> No.12120532
File: 332 KB, 1152x2048, 1543586748897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a PhD in Economics

>> No.12120541

Was that not honourary?

>> No.12120577

as >>12120278, explain to us how total wealth is calculated. seems like the pedo is smarter than you.

>> No.12120691

is he a retard? market cap ! = total money flowing in also $200 trilion is nowhere near 1% of global wealth, gold alone is $7678 trillion. wtf?

>> No.12120719

sorry missed a decimal there $7.678 trillion gold alone which is a speck of dust to global wealth.

>> No.12120748

>Everyone knows there will be no more 100x you massive cuck.

>> No.12120783

yeah right, as if one of those 500k-5M marketcap coins won't become worth billions

>> No.12120785

we unironically are innovators (current adoption rate: 0.053%) when adoption reaches 10% of the worlds population we enter early adopter phase.

>> No.12120794

You realize this shit doesnt have to be adopted right?

>> No.12120808

Fuck you I will 100x you stupid fuck. Like you know anything.

>> No.12120849
File: 131 KB, 736x736, 1544154620658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except the bears have made room in 2019
>Sub 100bil mcap incoming
100x is just 10T now.
Joke's on him

>> No.12120855

that's always a risk with new tech obviously. otherwise we would all be trading above $1mil bitcoins right now.

>> No.12120864
File: 391 KB, 348x472, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let's face it. No one knows what the fuck is going to happen. There are too many factors for one person to make an assumption about the future. IMO Vitalik only said that so that people who don't give a shit about the tech go away.

>> No.12120882

>Take a loan out for all the money
>Go margin long with 10000x leverage
>Lol fractional reserve banking
>Bank loans out 60% of your debt
>Buy crypto with loan
>Crypto market now worth 160% of global wealth
>It gets better
>Bank invests the remaining 40% in crypto, because investing is what banks do
>Crypto now up 124%
>Margin trade pays out 1240000%
>Infinite crypto gains
>Cash out and repeat forever

>> No.12120912

high IQ

>> No.12121307

Extremely feasible.

>> No.12121329

delete your post

>> No.12121354
File: 132 KB, 472x691, 1544749734351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir bitcoin sv has room for 1000x times

>> No.12121365

>university faggot
>can't think outside the box
>needs rundowns in lesson plans
>can't learn on his own from a book or internet
>truly not exceptional
I give more respect to honorary doctorates, gaggot.

>> No.12121601

eth is a dead shitcoin
blockchain is only useful for safe storage and transfe of value
bitcoin has a lot more potential to 100x than ethereum has to come back to its ATH while being a useless shitcoin

>> No.12121741


100x on some coins can easily be done still. If LINK reached 7 bil mcap, that is a 100x.

>> No.12121880

market cap is a meme, there is a fraction of 100b actually invested in this market, and even less that can be extracted

for reference, I singlehandedly raised the market cap of Raiblocks by 50 million dollars with several BTC worth of buy orders last year.

>> No.12121914

>what is hyperbitcoinization

>> No.12121988

That was you?!

>> No.12122033
File: 534 KB, 1413x2116, IMG_6598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a single mention about the first store of value on Ethereum. Yeah, you guys are never going to make it.

>> No.12122086

>a parasite token on a dying platform
>store of value

>> No.12122602

no u

>> No.12122874

>Vitalik Buterin
>from Russia and Canada
how nice, they both get one

>> No.12122896

fuck fuck fuck, im trying to get $50k in crypto over the next 2-3 years so i can do a 10x to $500k and settle down

>> No.12122905


Keep dreaming faggot, you're never gonna make it

>> No.12122917

but no one has adopted crypto

>> No.12122921

If vitalik could, he would take everyone's money and scatter it into the wind. Idealogical cuck.

>> No.12122978

XRP market cap went from 10b to 22b while only 50m of fresh fiat money came in. People here don't understand how easily it is to go back to 800b territory, the same way a few whales can crash the market by half, which is what happened in the last 2 months.

>> No.12123383

this, he's a commie who hates people trying to make money on crypto

>> No.12123549

that doesn't make sense anon.

>> No.12124027

>a 100x increase from today means $200T in crypto
Even a 1000x increase would only be $100T, so 35% of today's wealth being in crypto. Feasible if adoption actually grows, also global wealth is still growing.

>> No.12124455

Yeah but why?

>> No.12125265

Stellar is absolutely going 100x

>> No.12125286

Manipulation. Nothing is real.

>> No.12125317

yeah i bet he forseen this dump year too, thats why he lost around 200mil$. he must be a prophet guise