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1201061 No.1201061 [Reply] [Original]

What are the dumbest financial mistakes you've seen people make? I know you have stories, /biz/.

>> No.1201068

Start off fresh.

>tax prep volunteer
>get a fat welfare bitch, 70 years old
>tells me she stopped paying all her bills for almost a year, including the mortgage
>because her 50 year old, unemployed, homeless, single-mother daughter told her to
>didn't question it
>only started paying again when a social service worker told her she would lose her house
>can't tell me anything about how much she made or spent, or on what
>can't remember her own address, social, or phone number

>> No.1201086

>girl I know related by marriage, 19
>talked a whole bunch of shit about going to medical school
>question it because she isn't that bright
>like clockwork drops out first semester because they won't let her use her phone in class
>becomes stripper and pizza delivery girl
>thinks she's making good money
>gets pregnant to bf of 3 months
>buys brand new car, financed of course
>has to drop stripping, then pizza job too, due to pregnancy
>no income
>car note due
>bf loses one of his two jobs
>she goes crying on facebook asking for money
>her own mother is dirt poor and driving a car with 300k miles on it, eats from a food bank
>wants her mom to pay for her car note
>she isn't capable
>complains on facebook that her own mother refuses to help her
>causes huge drama (irrelevant)
>bitch starts selling "homemade candles" through facebook
>they're shitty
>she doesn't make any money
>may have actually lost money from supplies expense
>kid is born, they're living with bf's family
>hear she has "depression"

>> No.1201096

>mother of young pregnant stripper
>no real education, took loans to go to shitty online scam school, still hasn't paid them off, never graduated
>ten years ago her father died, got money from insurance
>could have paid their debt, or paid the bills, or got potable water for their house (they can't drink the water...house is technically designated uninhabitable)
>they gave it all, 10k, with no contract or note or signature or anything, to some friend of a friend who said he as gonna be the next big rap star
>said he'll pay them back like threefold when he made it big
>they hand over the cash and never see the guy again
>everyone told them not to do it but they wouldn't listen and got mad at us
>find out reason
>the guy had the same birthday as her dead father so she thought it was a sign...or some shit
>despite being on food bank assistance and not having potable water, they've taken numerous vacations to fancy resorts and own 3 cars (two of which don't run), a boat, at least one four wheeler, numerous bikes, and god knows what else
>also let some guy and his pregnant teenage girlfriend live in their attic for $20 a week (which doesn't even cover the food they eat)
>the guy steals from them and has stolen from them every time he came to their house since the time he could know what stealing was
>they literally have video evidence that he steals their loose change
>still let him live there because reasons

Just glad I don't share blood with these people.

>> No.1201111

oh hey look Oklahoma made it to the party

>> No.1201114


Bruh, do we know the same person?

Similar story.

>In college
>19 y/o girl who keeps flip-flopping between going to med school and becoming a lawyer
>believes she is prodigy destined for success
>gets part-time job as a hostess at a red robin
>finances for a brand new Honda Accord
>talks down to me and other classmates like we're idiots (I literally carried our group)
>complains about having no time because she works part-time and has to go to school.

No idea what happened to her now, but ye she's a downy.

>> No.1201161


You'd think but I live on the northern east coast.

>deeply in debt, 30k in cc debt, underwater on his ghetto shack of a house
>convinced because of a youtube video by some chucklefuck that the world is ending
>something about a stray planet or black hole or shit coming close enough to earth to switch our poles around
>yeah I don't know, he doesn't read books too often
>he takes several weeks of vacation, which he can't afford, and spends 2k on a trailer, which he can't afford
>buys a bunch of canned food and drives into the mountains for a few weeks
>because the mountains will save him from teotwawki and the north and south pole switching electrical charges
>wish I was kidding
>still has the trailer, this was 4 or 5 years ago
>trailer is full of his shit
>by the way, he's an impulse shopper and a veritable hoarder
>he can't even park it on his property, has it on a relative's land

>> No.1201178

Upstate New York or Boston

>> No.1201179

>senile, refuses to give up her house and move to a home
>one day some guys sell her a new roof despite her roof being perfectly fine
>pays them 15k for some reason, doesn't tell anyone, this is all the money she has
>can't afford mortgage or bills
>shit gets shut off, dad finds out like 6 months after the fact, helps her sell the place, she barely makes it out without still oweing
>(also underwater...refinancing or reverse mortgage or whatever, they don't bother asking the one college grad in the family for advice)
>gets shipped off to TN to live with a relative
>but wait, grandma is also a hoarder!
>an an animal hoarder on top of it, with over 20 cats!
>everything in house is trash and reeks cat
>can actually smell the cat stench from 100 yards away from the house
>her and her person also stink heavily of cat, yes, quite horribly so. I never hugged grandma much as a kid.
>hoarder problems, can't give up her shit despite having to share a 1 bd apartment with her daughter now (they share a bedroom)
>ships her yarn collection, which filled one and a half rooms of her house, to TN
>the one is in a small apartment, the other relative lives in a shit shack, can't find space, they rent storage unit
>spending $150 a month to store $100 worth of old cat-stenching yarn that she can't even access
>they can barely afford to eat

>> No.1201187

>my own grandmother
>inherits a small fortune, next of kin of late husband
>proceeds to all but spend all of it in a fruitless lawsuit
>spends it on trivial shit, new cars, boats, whatever
>have a very nice cottage, owned for generations by family
>could have not had to break our backs to keep it as our previous generations have had to do
>now we have to if we want to keep it

son of a motherfucking whore cunt slut.

>> No.1201195


Neither, friend. I'm not a masshole at least I can say. But wait, there's more.

>other side of family, aunt and uncle
>nice people, uncle makes 300k /year, aunt a nice chunk as well
>hear they are having money troubles, become intrigued
>live an extremely lavish lifestyle
>buy acupuncture and cornish hens for their dogs, not even kidding
>also give money to other members of the family, who begged for help with their mortgage and bills, despite living quite lavishly themselves
>anyway, nice people though, would give you the shirt off their back
>they saved nothing
>nothing at all
>their only investment was a condo that is now worth less than they bought it for
>because buying a condo is an investment...???
>uncle has stroke
>can't afford to retire
>illegally still working despite the stroke fucking his shit, age 70
>aunt also has medical problems
>they can't afford to quit their jobs
>still spend stupid amounts of money, live in a mansion, and drive the newest fanciest cars
>their lawyer son who cut all contact got uncle to sign rights to pay off his student loans (he still hasn't paid them despite being a successful NYC lawyer for over 20 years), has been paying this for a decade for him while his son runs around in designer suits eating at gastropubs and vacationing in Paris and Maui.
>family who were leeching off them have piano lessons in house for their kids, send their kids on overseas vacations, go on several vacations a year, and all live in giant quarter million dollar houses, driving ritzy new cars
>these people are schoolteachers and low end nurses, by the way, not even decent careers
>they're also hovering like vultures over my angel of a grandfather to steal his assets when he dies
>my mom lives dirt poor but she pays all her own expenses at least

>> No.1201287

New Jersey!

>> No.1201328

Era 2009...

>wife's family losing house(dad makes good money as an electrician, mom doesn't work)
>wife's sister lives with them and her husband as well
>husband is a veteran and gets a housing allowance of $1500/month to go to school.
>both of them work full time as well
>they all go to Disney world 4 times in 2009(4 days or more at a time)
>lose house, that had a $1200/mo mortgage payment, at the end of 2009
>now living in a 3 bed room 2 bath apartment complex paying $1600/mo...


>> No.1201333

*has lived in same apartment since 2010

>> No.1201339

>bought iphone 6 plus
>bought a macbook
>spends money on phone accessories
>relies on rich granddad for money
>doesn't have a bank account
>25 years old, will be 26 in november
>no technical skills, kicked our from school and had to transfer to another, only to graduate in a course that i didn't like for the sake of diploma
>kicked out from 1st job because too much of a sperg who cannot communicate properly

im fucked, arent i

>> No.1201363

Nah, this screams rural Pennsylvania or maybe Maine.

>> No.1201368

Another one...

>my mother got about $40k from BP oil spill(lost her job)
>was in about $40k of debt(credits cards, car loan)
>spends it on clothes and vacations over the course of a year
>still in $40k debt

>> No.1201383

>bp oil spill
>northeast coast

>> No.1201388

Two different people posting...

>> No.1201394

>Couple are getting married
>So each take out a £7000 personal loan to fund their wedding
>They then spend the money on stuff
>So they borrow money from family and get more loans

>> No.1201416

This thread makes me feel good about myself. I'm sure I have relatives that could be mentioned, but I don't associate with the trash portion of my family.

>> No.1201417

>my parents
>pay 800/month on phone contracy wr cant leave
>pay 1800 a month in rent on a shit house we live in because we need a higher credit score to start a mortgage on the house

>> No.1201499

my parents cosigning my brother's $175k student loan

>> No.1201524


Are your parents stupid?

Also, wtf? 175k?

>> No.1201623

>grandma and grandpa are deeply religious
>swear off of alcohol and most the vices except consumerism
>they have been believing since the 60s that the rapture/ apocalypse is right around the corner
>despite the impending doom they get decent jobs and my dad lives a decent life growing up
>Florida every year for march break etc
>no concept of saving really takes priority for them because "Jesus is coming back tomorrow"
>when I'm born they decide to retire because they want to spend time with me before the rapture lol
>few years later grandma decides grandpa is going to die soon and she doesn't want to live in their nice suburban house by her self (he died 8 years later)
>2007 crash hits and they decide to sell house for 50% of its value
>move into a condo and pay 2k a month in rent
>buy a new trailer to tow down south during winter
>trailer requires a truck to tow it so they finance a special edition model
> buy extra car for grandma that she almost never uses
>live there half the year
>get invested in pyramid schemes
> this is when you could buy a house in Florida for 60k with a fenced in pool
>"oh we don't need that, Jesus is coming back"
>fast forward today gramps died and grandma has run out of money
> 40k trailer they bought is worth 6k
>trailer was the only asset left
>only income left is minor amount from government
>dad, aunt and uncle have to play EU and attach minor austerity measures on her because they now have to give her money so she won't starve or be evicted
>still help her with apartment and car though, she lives a respectful life but not one with extras anymore

Sad story but good life lesson. You should always save and if you are buying something always get an appreciating asset. Don't buy a fucking trailer !

>> No.1201628

Read business books and watch/ study social people it had trouble socializing in high school but now I can often read people by watching their body langauge

>> No.1201928

>they all go to Disney world 4 times in 2009

Blows my mind. You can take a vacation...but why do you choose one of the most expensive vacations? And why so many? At least the house belongs to someone more deserving now.

Fucking priorities.

>> No.1201934

>800/month on phone

My phone is $20/month. What the fuck do some people do...


Can't even feel bad for people like that. What a trainwreck.

>> No.1201944

>father has been dating a bitch on and off for 15 years, knew her in high school, feels he has to "save her"
>literally a crack whore. Has sex with men in exchange for crack cocaine.
>says she's "staying late at her job", or, "on the way." Takes hours, dad knows she's out whoring
>she was also a cunt to me growing up, dad didn't do shit about it, I had to put her in her place a few times to protect myself
>anyway, find out cunt moved back in about a year ago
>relationship like ever still tumultuous
>crack whore dipped into meth, has meth mouth now, also had partial stroke, half of face drooping
>that's what drug's'll do ya
>throughout the years that 30k credit card debt I mentioned, she was the one racking it up
>he actually gave her his card to use, didn't bother checking the statements, wanted to "trust her"
>also a couple cruises and ski trips on there. What's with poor people and vacations they can't afford? Just do a daytrip to the beach
>so his credit is fubar for life
>he's decided to "kick her out" this time, really guys this time for real
>still there 6 months later, says to me she's "on the way out". Okay.
>she wrecked her vehicle driving like a shitstain
>he takes her to buy a new one
>she chooses a $15,000 after trade in for her wheeled scrapmetal (supposed worth $5k). Car retains $18,000 new
>dad points out she's getting screwed, could buy it brand new for less. 15+5 > 18
>she starts mouthing off saying she can do whatever she wants and it's her car, her choice, getting quite belligerent
>he walks away
>she works for 10/hr at a shitty job because no skills, keeps getting fired from jobs
>now has a huge car note she can't afford
>"can't afford rent", still staying with dad
>he asks her to pay $300 a month rent, which just covers food and utilities, she refuses
>oh, he also trusted her to pay some of the bills in the past...she didn't, and said she did. credit really fucked, now behind on several bills
>I can't even be mad because this is what he chose

>> No.1202004

This kind of sounds like mental illness man. My mother is similar and she has bipolar disorder.

>> No.1202100

He's studying how to cure cancer with AIDS

>> No.1202119

I got something subtle...

>dating gf
>Gf a psych major
>gf wants PhD and Masters
>taking out loans

>h..h..help me /biz/

Meh, pussy too good but never gonna marry her

>> No.1202162

>mental illness

Is The Dumb a mental illness? Because he sure as hell has that. But no desu I think he has depression. Not my place to tell him what to do with his life...I'm in the camp of if you got a problem, shut up and fix it. Most of his issues are of his own making. I've also tried explaining that in order to downsize from a 3 bedroom house with full attic and basement, down to a trailer, which he has been wanting to do for years but hasn't actually done, he has to go through and get rid of most of his shit, 90% of which is absolute garbage. He don't want my advice.


Well mate, she's doing her, I think you're the one who is being dumb in this situation. Every minute you spend with her is one minute you aren't spending with a potential wife.

>> No.1202173

haha good luck.

My I've never met anyone with a psych degree that was successful without life experience and a niche.

I mean c'mon. you're 22-25 fresh out of college and you want to talk to me about my problems. No thanks.

The one guy was a cop for 20 years, got a psych degree, shrinks cops.

>> No.1202337

>wtf 175k
that's way cheaper than your average M.D.

>> No.1202983


>My I've never met anyone with a psych degree that was successful without life experience and a niche.

Psyche undergrad degrees are prep degrees for grad school for real careers like therapists, counselors, or in my case a business analyst.

Most psyche majors think all they need is their 4-year and they're set but end up at Starbucks because they didn't follow through.

>> No.1203006


>Every minute you spend with her is one minute you aren't spending with a potential wife.


>> No.1203178

My grandparents ignored my dad's advice until the recession happened, and lost a fuckload of money.

>> No.1203276
File: 30 KB, 300x100, 241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to turn a hoe (single mom AND a stripper) into a housewife.

>> No.1203294


>> No.1203298

Gib story

>> No.1203377

>Grandma uses tax preparer for her taxes
>taxable income of like $19,000 a year due to widowers pension and super low cost of living area
>was paying property taxes on her house, like $2,000 for a $70,000 house
>was suspicious since old poor people don't pay taxes
>did about 10 minutes of research and find that she shouldn't pay any property taxes

Like put a little effort into this people

>> No.1203378
File: 22 KB, 300x100, 222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 years into the "marriage" I get a decent oil field job a thousand miles away from home
>I would be gone for weeks, sometimes months at a time
>While daddy was away, mommy would play
>I had suspicions but no real proof of her fuckery
>fast forward 3.5 years
>I can buy a barrel of oil for less than it would cost to fill my tank
>I'm home all the time now
>She can no longer hide her bullshit from me
>Things get real bad real fast
>I grab what few things I call my own and leave
>She eventually burned bridges with almost every mutual friend we had
>These friends tell me she was a meth addict and a pedophile
>I have full custody of the two children we had together (both girls)
>She loses her car and is eventually evicted
>She has to live at her (now 18 years old) boyfriends friends place or go to a women's shelter to avoid sleeping under a bridge
Everyone of my friends told me she was bad news but I was too hypnotized by her huge fake tits to listen. At least her nonsense won't rub off on my kids. I'm encouraging them to become entrepreneurs.

>> No.1203383

I know people who...
>I got $1,000 in savings account, $1200 in checking I can finally start saving money to build a better future
>Rent is $600+food/utilities
>Time to drop $500 on an xbox1
>$400 worth of clothes, woo!
>$200 worth of TV shows on blu-ray
>Might as well ring up some $30-40 bar tabs 3 nights a week
>#420blazeit for $80-150
>Man I don't have enough for rent, I can't live off what I make ($17 an hour)
>The system is broken.


>> No.1203452

boohoo, you have to work to ensure you have a nice thing

>> No.1203457

I was following until you said giant quarter million dollar houses
where is this, where 250 grand buys a mansion?

>> No.1203469

>and all live in giant quarter million dollar houses
>$250,000 house


>> No.1203558

>one day some guys sell her a new roof despite her roof being perfectly fine
>pays them 15k for some reason, doesn't tell anyone, this is all the money she has
Was this a door to door salesperson? To be honest I'd probably hurt them badly if they did that to my grandmother.

>> No.1203569

Taking advice from /biz/

>> No.1203575

>an old lady doesnt invest into other peoples futures
Sounds like a cool fun lady. Also sounds like youre a spoiled fucking wank

>> No.1203661

>girl friend
>decided to start uni at 26
>it's free here and you even get free money to eat and live
>except if you drop out for no reason
>decides political science courses aren't leftist enough after 3 years
>quits uni so that means she has to give back 57k
>buys a minivan with the little she had left
>now 30, 60k debt and no qualification
>blames government and rich people

>my uncle
>left to the USA at 19 to study and live the american dream
>got to 120k in student debt
>marry and has 2 kids with a woman that also has 100k+ debt
>finally both get a really good job
>him has a nice place in Alberta's oil fields, she becomes principal in a Montessori school
>they manage to spend everything of the 25k+ a month they earn
>10 years later they both lose jobs because of conjoncture
>still didn't pay their student debts 20 years after finishing
>now building more debts

>> No.1203768

If you don't marry her you're all good, just enjoy it for now

>> No.1203783


>> No.1203805

Man, I feel good about myself right now.

My worst financial mistake? Other than not investing when I turned 18

>Two weeks ago
>Though TSLA stock would continue to rise one more day.
>Ended up with a much smaller profit that I could have had if I quit at the right time

>> No.1203818


>> No.1203844

Worst decision I've made:
Rent an apartment for six years, throwing 50 000$ out the window.

Best decision I've made:
Bought a cabin for 25k 15 min way from my uni. No neighbours, my own private forest, no longer have to pay rent to asshole landlords. Being friends with carpenters and electricians made the cabin having just as high standard as the apartments I've been renting. Never realized how good it feels to own your own land before now.

>> No.1203875


>> No.1203887

My friends younger brother. This annoys me everyday.

>4 years ago
>they come from a poor family, his mum works hard to keep three boys fed, clothed and sheltered
>no dad in the picture
>He's 15, fucking around in the funky forest (kids play area in a pub restaurant)
>tries to jump through a glass window for shits and giggles
>glass obviously breaks and slices right down his tricep
>almost dies, loses alot of blood and is in hospital for months
>another year of physiotherapy
>his family sues the pub as having glass windows is considered 'unsafe'
>they win in court, awarded £30k for when he turns 18 in a year.
>i talk to him a few weeks beforehand, telling him he has been given a chance to get out of his situation and how he has been given a second chance
>i tell him to buy a suit and a shit car. pass his driving test and pay for insurance. keep the rest for a deposit on a house once he has got himself a reasonable job.
>he says he will be sensible with the money

>when he gets his big paycheck he gives £5k to his mum, which i can understand
>starts buying expensive trainers and going clubbing most nights of the week
>buys lots of drugs, mostly coke and weed,
>makes lots of 'cool friends' who he buys drinks and shares coke with

>funniest part is his dealer asks to 'borrow' £2k to buy more coke he can sell for bigger profit and move up.
>dealer gets busted, never heard from him again. i think he got a few years in a young offenders institute

>he burns through all £30k in 7 months. His brother keeps me updated
>still unemployed, still not driving or owning a car. no suit to be found.
>all his fake friends dont speak to him anymore now he cant afford to buy them stuff
>he steals my phone whilst we are both at a mutual friends house
>call him out on it and he confides in me that he should have listened to me. how he wasted his only opportunity of making it off the council estate where we both grew up.


>> No.1203889


>he gets emotional and starts crying about how he fucked his life up really puts on a show, he should have had leo's oscar
>tell him its none of my fucking business and where is my phone
>he sold it for the coke that he was carrying with him.
>offers me the coke as consolation
>take the baggy and empty it out of the window
>cries harder and gets angry and confrontational, he thought i was going to offer him a line and have one for me
>leaves in tears
>catch up with his brother for the next few hours and he tells me about the shit he got up to whilst he was "flossing" (slag for rich)

this is probably the biggest fuck up possible really. he was handed a real second chance to improve his life after almost dying for £30k and he sniffed it all away. I feel sorry for him as he showed genuine remorse about the whole thing

He's still unemployed though and still smokes weed. His mum kicked him out and now he is living with a hamplanet who was given a council house because she is able to reproduce.

Glad i got out of that shithole.

>> No.1203891

>his family sues the pub as having glass windows is considered 'unsafe'
>they win in court, awarded £30k for when he turns 18 in a year.

This is the only part that makes me angry. The rest is just about an idiot getting what he deserves.

>> No.1203893

I find it retarded that you can sue a business for purposely hurting yourself.

>> No.1203898

It wasnt really on purpose. he was just a dumb teenager fucking about in a childrens play area.

if you want to be more angry. the pub a family run thing for years and was shut down around 6 months later. the building was bought by a pub chain called the flaming grill. you can google it, its in lumbertubs northampton if you care enough.

I think the two are related. i could never confirm but if he bankrupted a family run business that i could remember from my childhood 30 odd years ago i would be even more furious.

>> No.1203904

Holy shit all this debt stories.
Wanted to save for a new car and put all my debts for another 5 months (5k) but fuck i'm gonna pay asap the shit out of it

>> No.1204024


Most of the "tax preparers", if you don't go to an actual accounting firm but go to poorfagland like H+R block, they hire people straight out of high school. "no experience necessary." I'm not surprised. Remember: Not only do you get what you pay for, but accountant fees are tax deductible anyway. There is literally no reason not to hire an actual accountant instead of a high school babby from the local shopping mall.

>> No.1204039

>brother and his wife tired of working for the man, start their own business
>selling a niche item (organic certain-type-of-food) (privacy concerns)
>we live in an economically depressed county, no one has money for that shit
>tell them as much
>they say muh organic, muh ideals, muh dream, refuse to sell regular version as well
>leave them to it, I said my bit
>business is slow, but it's a seasonal business and this is their peak season
>they think everything is fine
>I'm waiting for off-season to hit and they realize rent + no sales = dead
>tax time
>advise them to hire an actual accountant because there are a lot of startup deductions they could get, such as 5,000 immediate deduction, and capitalizing and depreciating such things is tricky
>they hire some woman she knows who can run quickbooks on a computer, never had any sort of tax training in her life
>obviously she misses everything and they don't get much in way of deductions, she just does the basic standard deduction and personal exemption bullshit
>tried to tell them spending a hundred extra bux on a real professional would be worth several thousand dollars in savings
>but they don't listen
>they still don't have the certification for their business that will allow them to have something to sell the rest of the year
>they're running out of shit to sell
>rent still due
>even in good months, rent was 30% of their earnings...before expenses
>waiting for it to belly up

I really don't understand why people have such a hard time taking advice.


My area. I have no reason to lie on the internet, friend.


If you can call a scam a salesperson. It's been known to happen...they prey on the elderly. I don't get why old people don't sell their fucking house and go to a community home where they'll be safe from this shit and have friends around. Stubborn old fools.

>> No.1204041

ITT: Getting into debt and buying depreciating assents.

>> No.1204055

>they win in court,

What next? Having floors is unsafe because a tard can toss himself down headfirst onto the floor and get a boo-boo? Show me one building without a glass window.


Why am I not surprised?

>starts buying expensive trainers and going clubbing most nights of the week
>he burns through all £30k in 7 months.

Well, what did you expect from a retard who threw himself through a glass window and expected nothing to happen?

>if he bankrupted a family run business


>fine for 30 years
>get fuckwad suing them for hurting himself on purpose, why wasn't their glass made out of cottonballs waaaahhhh
>close shop half a year later

You think that's coincidence? I'm pretty mad desu. Poor people fucking their own lives is one thing, but suing innocent people and ruining their livelihoods? Why didn't you deck that little twat? And what the fuck is wrong with your court system? Fucking lawyers perverting justice.


>thinking of buying a new car when you're still in debt

Nigga what?

>> No.1204218




>> No.1204321


They earn x from selling shit
They pay rent, which is about (3/10)x

Go have your coffee, dude.

>> No.1204391

You could just say it's y% of their expenses. And even that doesn't tell me much about their profitability.
I get the gist of the deal though, they're clueless.

>> No.1204430

>flatmate's mother
>MSc in economics from a shitty university
>divorced, my buddy barely knows his father
>she actually had a decent paying job at Ecco Poland doing some shit in sales dept.
>nice comfy flat
>decides to marry an Ukrainian ex-boxer who fled from his country because he was afraid of being prosecuted
>gets pregnant
>the Ukrainian guy is an """"enterpreneur""""
>fast forward 5 years
>he keeps abusing the family
>they get divorced, she has to pay him in order to keep her flat
>the Ukrainian guy gets in trouble with the law, fucks off back to Ukraine
>a few months pass
>she meets another """"enterpreneur"""" who owns a little construction company
>gets pregnant immediately
>turns out he's an alcoholic
>she doesn't care, quits her job, sells her flat
>they both decide to move to Warsaw
>she's now ready to fulfil her dream of being an interior architect
>b-but she also dreamed of living in Masuria
>2009, shit hits the fan in Europe

>> No.1204456

>they sell their brand new flat for a friction of what they paid a couple of months ago
>they buy a house and move to a literal shithole in Masuria, not even by any lake (lakes are what people go to Masuria for btw)
>but they kept driving to Warsaw everyday with 2 cars, 245 km one way
>the construction companies go bankrupt one after the other
>the """"enterpreneur"""" loses the rest of the cash they had and goes full alcoholic
>beats the shit out of her
>yet again she was the one to pay during the divorce despite raising 2 kids (my buddy is adult)
>she moves back to her parents (decent, educated, somewhat traditional people)
>my buddy drops out of university
>she tells my buddy to conceal it from her parents in order for them to financially help my buddy
>my buddy goes to work and keeps sending the cash back to his mother
>he says he feels like shit doing that but that's what she tells him to (he idolises her because it was his single parent)

>> No.1204465
File: 43 KB, 402x387, good luck buddy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she used the rest of the cash she had after monetizing the house in shithole to buy herself a brand new Fiat 500
>sends one of her kids to a private schools (in Poland generally the private schools are better than the shitty public ones but worse than the prestigious public ones) despite he could've easily gone to a decent public one
>she spends all what she earns as a self-proclaimed interior architect on branded clothes and keeps posting them on her facebook page
pic related is her new bf

>> No.1204497

was in warsaw recently, too many Ukrainians..

>> No.1204503

Most of them are either very decent folks or absolute scumbags. But I generally don't mind them. They adapt quickly, are good workers and the qts are top-notch.

>> No.1204505

yeah i'd give you that about the girls.. from the UK and we have all the villagers from poland coming to where I live, they are pushing up rent prices.

Do you work for one on the many big corporations that have moved to Warsaw and possibly more might be in the event of a brexit.

>> No.1204516

Yeah, given the "quality" of Polish immigrants, I really think the opinion about Poland is not THAT bad. I mean, if it wasn't for the demographics, Poland would be much better off without these subhumans.

I work for PwC, who would be here regardless of anything.

>> No.1204517

>brother and g/f announce theyre engaged
>they live check to check, no savings at all
>they move in with her parents to save up 10K for a wedding
>year later theyre married
>now they want house but just spent all their money on wedding
>gift from now sister-in-laws father to them; 3K in savings bonds he cashes in
>no kids but they decide to buy 5 bed, 3 bath mcmansion (as much as they qualified for) and use 3K for closing costs, have seller cover the rest.. so effectively 0% down
>two years later brother crying how broke they are, costs of living, everything is unfair, economy is rigged against us etc.
>i show him how to live on a written budget, set goals etc
>four months later he calls, wants to stop by - rolls up in a brand new car "hey thanks for the advice bro, check out what I got with the money I saved!" .. brand new 2015 leased car with a 4 year lease. His wife got one also.
>previously they had two perfectly running used cars they owned outright
>"w-well her car needed a starter. plus brake pads! mine was just getting old. its a safety thing, ya know? older cars just arent safe. besides, this has a warranty!"
>year passes
>see brother and his wife, crying poor again - appliances breaking apparently
>I stop over their house a few weeks later, notice appliances and said "hey, why didnt you just buy a dryer only? thats all that broke right?"
>w-well, yeah, but it was cheaper to buy them as a set. instead of $500 for just a dryer it was cheaper to get washer and dryer combo for $2100"
>his wife goes "plus the colors match!" ...
>hey, what about the fridge? why not just get like a basic $450 fridge/freezer combo while you guys are weathering the storm so to speak?
>"w-well.. we needed an ice maker and water filter combo fridge. we drink a lot of water! its okay though, it was only $2300, scratch and dent model!! we saved so much once you factor not buying bottled water!"

it goes on and on.. thank god i only see them on holidays. i cant relate.

>> No.1204524

Strange thing is I saw (was there yesterday) some Italians come into a bar asking for work.. never knew the economic situation was that dire there.

>> No.1204539

Those fucks keep coming to Warsaw along with the Spanish and Portuguese.
I've been to a couple of countries and 2bh the standard of living for a single, educated person is not much lower than in major cities to the West. The pay is lower of course but the purchasing power ain't that different. Given the 3% unemployment in Warsaw, I'm not suprised they keep coming here. Fortunately, the majority of businesses here have no use for them.

>> No.1204557

>>but they kept driving to Warsaw everyday with 2 cars, 245 km one way

That's fucking retarded.

>knew a friend of a friend, shitty backyard high school dropout mechanic
>decides to drive 300 miles each way 3x a week to go to auto tech school
>plenty of auto schools locally... no idea why he chose one that far
>he drops out less than a month in, but not before racking up some expense and debt
>probably killed his car, too

Gotta wonder what goes through the minds of some people. Also, a 50 mile stretch of that was extremely heavy traffic, not uncommonly bumper to bumper. So not even nice open rural roads. Floors me what some people decide to do.

That whole sequence was nuts, dude. She has mental issues.

>> No.1204561

I prefer warsaw to where I live currently.. it's a mish mash of all ethnicities and I'm not that materialistic but I'm only an cs undergrad with one years experience and my polish is and probably will never be at a professional level and I noticed that apartment prices have shot up there..incredibly over priced probably better value renting/buying some where in the neighbouring districts like wolomin. If only my father used his brain and bought up property after 89'

any chance you got a throwaway email?

>> No.1204562

>5 bed, 3 bath mcmansion

What would they even do with it? I don't understand. Take a shit in a different bathroom every day? Well, I suppose people like that keep the economy rolling...

>> No.1204577

>tfw my dad got a bachelors in psychology
>tfw he's been working the same insurance job for 15 years because he never got his masters

>> No.1204584

>If only my father used his brain and bought up property after 89'
I know a guy who worked in real estate for some time, he says the prices "will slump in a moment" every time I meet him. They are fucked up just like everywhere else m8.

>throwaway email
I forgot the password, but I'll make one in a sec.

>> No.1204594


>> No.1204616

This thread is like a trainwreck and I can't stop scrolling. I know understand the mindset that liberals have in regard to their economic situation. No wonder credit institutions make big money.

>> No.1204716

I hope you never let her near them, goddamn

>> No.1204749


>actually mesmerized by fake tits

Ya blew it

>> No.1204771

>glass windows is considered 'unsafe'
Almost all business are required to use tempered glass for this reason. Especially in childrens areas. The pub owner was actually probably breaking a law.

Source: i'm a glazier but in America so the laws my be different... but you guys are usually much more strict than we are about this kind of stuff

>> No.1204774

Thats in the top 10% range...

>> No.1204827

emailed you

>> No.1204971
File: 32 KB, 441x329, depressed babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 18
>first job as a bank teller at hometown bank
>really great job: good pay, easy work, consistent hours
>could have easily gotten huge savings there if I knew how to not spend money like a retard
>get fired because retard and get all depressed
>decide to move to FL and live with friend at his parents house
>spend my measly savings getting there, work another bank job and once again blow every check
>move back to home state 6 months later because oneitis girl finally wanted me
>spend even more money moving back
>she changed her mind again
>back in home state with $100 to my name and no job, living with mom
>be NEET for months until shit job merchandising for walmart before I finally realized how retarded I had been

that was several years ago and I'm still suffering lol

>> No.1204978

Of the planet maybe

>> No.1204989

this is basically all the kids that I went to high school with that ended up staying in town

not sure if this is a small, mid-west town thing but it sure seems like it

>> No.1204990

Bitches man. Bitches.

>> No.1204993


>> No.1204996

I was the bitch for being so stupid. But she got preggers by a Tinder dude and married him the next year lel.

happens in the south too. staying in your hometown with no prospects will NEVER end well

>> No.1205021

Are you citing a the stripper storyline from the big short

>> No.1205022

if you rely on market timing to make money you're a trader, not an investor. trading can lead to a lot of financial mistakes

>> No.1205035

What's an invester than?

>> No.1205038

someone who buys and holds a stock. they "invest" in it.

fucking seriously?

>> No.1205052

Here it is in terms you can understand:

You spent money on a nice holo Charizard and used it to trade for a bunch of cards you wanted like a Venusaur and those two Electabuzzes you needed for your haymaker deck. Someone wanted the Venusaur along with a few others you got so you traded that too. You're a trader.

The guy who traded you his cards (effectively his money) for that Charizard held on to it for years and, because it was a first edition and mint, sold it years later for a bunch of money.
He's an investor.

You have a haymaker deck that is worthless, he has hundreds of dollars. You went for short-term gain, he went for long-term gain and, due to market fluctuations, came out on top in the long run with that Charizard you so carelessly traded away.

>> No.1205053

Planning for their 'family' I guess. This was almost five years ago they bought it - still no kids. Half the rooms are empty or just stacked with boxes and other stuff.

Now they're talking about selling the house claiming it's a money pit because they needed a hot water tank and furnace repair in a three month span. All on credit of course.

They make double what my g/f and I do yet their life is crisis to crisis. They're not kids either, my brother just turned 31. It's just sad.

>> No.1205172

>buy, hold, and pray
An active investor actually manages their portfolio. What you're describing is someone using THE MARKET™ as a savings account.

>> No.1205272
File: 99 KB, 458x532, 1457341482519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 years ago Sister and Bro in Law had combined 240+ a year income.
>Sister has Payed $36,000 on a 16000 Ford Fiesta
>Spent 20k-30k on a wedding
>10k Honey Moon
>1-3k Casino Nights
>Holiays ect ect

Now they have 0 income and 500,000+ debt.

My friend has got a car loan from his girlfriends dad for a brand new car and he doesn't even have a car licence. On top of that he buys every single game and get the limited editions. Oh and he wants to backpack in Canada and get "a ski instructor job" but has never seen snow (we're Australian).

I feel bad because I want to move into a unit for 180-200 week rent when I could share house for 100-150 week rent.

>> No.1205355

Several girls I know

>get 4 year degree in whatever, actually useful and pays well
>married, kids, 400+k mortgage, 80k hybrid suv's
>work in field for 2 years max
>but I always wanted to be a teacher!
>back to uni again
>constant bitching about how hard it is to get by on one income while taking care of kids and going to university.
>vote socialist because it's not fair.

>> No.1205395

But the haymaker deck gives many more options for trading and investing. You just put all your eggs in one basket.

>> No.1205424

>or in my case a business analyst.
What do you do? I'm a Neurology major and I really enjoyed my studies, but I've had enough of academic research and writing and I'm more interested in doing a business job than research all my life.

>> No.1205452

>buy $23,000 car
>$500 cash, finance $22,500 over 7 years
>6 months in decides they want a better car
>their choice is to sell the car, pay off some of the loan, and get another loan to pay off the rest of the car loan
This person had only just turned 18 too

>> No.1205477
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At least shes not of of these social work degrees. I meet so many of these dumb bitches that want to get a masters so they can make 45k a year. They all get suckered in paying 40k of debt into a worthless degree because " I want to help people"

>> No.1205790

Not buying 1000 ceru, only 260 shares atm pharmafamilia.

>> No.1206215

>(in Poland generally the private schools are better than the shitty public ones but worse than the prestigious public ones

I've heard about this. Apparently the Polish public secondary school system is highly selective with a large number of small schools and no school districts.

This means you have a wide range of public schools from shitty to excellent, with shit kids ending up in the shit ones so they don't bother the smart kids who end up in the great ones.

Sounds like a good system tbqh, much better than our comprehensive one where selection by ability is haram (UK here).

>> No.1207311

bump, I need more

>> No.1207318

>working part time at discount brokerage firm
>lots of people coming in and asking about a certain penny stock
>clearly its a pump and dump
>goes up for a few days
>fuck it, i drop $3k into it
>immediately plummets
>end up getting maybe $700 out

this was years ago and i'm glad i learned that lesson before i had a lot of money to throw around.

>> No.1207796

What's wrong with rent being over $600? Especially if you live in like LA, $600 would be a steal.

>> No.1207914

>My dad
>Mom pulling six figures, dad not pulling half of that
>Leaves her for a skanky physical therapist loaded with debt, mental issues, and a trail of used up men
>She convinces him to marry her
>She convinces him to buy her a Lexus
>She crashes it and he buys her another
>She convinces him to buy a lakefront house for her
>She gets him to "help" pay off her mountains of credit card debt
>She never stops spending, racking up more debt almost as fast its paid off
>She porks up enough to have a heart attack, he pays for her medical bills
I'm not saying love has to be a purely financial transaction but if you should consider the financial stability of any potential partner. No one is worth loving that much.

>> No.1207958

i have an aunt and uncle who started their own business. They quit their jobs and were doing really well. Uncle claimed they made 1mil in their best year. Now their business isnt doing as well but started picking up recently. They both work for another company doing the same thing they would in their business.
>still make 200k+ a year
>living paycheck to paycheck

>> No.1207963

>someone who doesnt have money buys things with money they dont have

>> No.1208032

>Guy I know makes $500 AUD a week (this is like half minimum wage here almost)
>Can't manage his money for shit either, always crying poor
>Someone gives him a loan of $20k
>He blows it all on a BMW

>> No.1208739


No way, this is just silly.

>> No.1208759


HR and Workforce Analytics for a Fortune 500 company.

Got a Master's in HR. Many psych majors in my program. Thought I'd be an HR Generalist, but ended up hating it for the same reasons most people hate HR. Very lucky I fell in love with the analytics side and wound up where I am. I'd recommend looking into Industrial Organizational (IO) Psychology Master's programs if you want to take a similar path. It's an in-demand and growing field.


>> No.1208814

As much as these topics may be prone to embellishments every story is absolutely believable. Mine was actually a bit milder than the truth because there's a ton of other shit wrong with that woman besides just her finances, but this is a finance topic so I kept it to that. I've seen him about 3 times since I turned 18 (now 28) because her. Not that she prevents me from seeing him, but I refuse to visit him when she's around because when I do she finds a way to ruin it.

>> No.1208823


hope she's not ur gf anymore

>> No.1208824

That girl I used to know
> law school paid by daddy
>came from good family, daddy lawyer
>never enough money
>always complaining
>always buying lush shit

>one year later
>dropped nice reasonnable bf
>decide to have her first kid with a guy she just met in the first few month of her first job
>get laid off and don't get why

All the keks were had.

>> No.1208827 [DELETED] 


>> No.1208857
File: 89 KB, 1616x816, SCOK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I shorted a Chinese scam stock before the pump was over. This was before I knew better than shorting anything on the way up. Yeah yeah, you can have issues finding shares when it starts to tank but oh well.

$SCOK (now $CETC).

I lost $750 in maybe 1 or 2 hours. In at $37, out at $43, it peaked in the $50+ range and later dropped to the $7 range that year. The chart in the months before was similar to the months after - might've started around $10 before the huge runup.

I absolutely KNEW it would tank, but when you're down $100s in a couple hours, that goes out the window. If I would've stayed in, I'd be wiped out at $50 or $55 for another $700 or $1400 loss.

Pic related

The TL;DR - timing matters. Don't short sell too early unless it's play money and you have enough cash reserves and you're not leveraged.

>> No.1210038


More stories please. They make me feel better about myself.

>> No.1210095

Personal responsibility will be the new trigger/offensive word.

>> No.1210236


>> No.1210250

This entire board.

>> No.1210252

My own.
>On the advice of my mother, used to cash cheques at the Check Cashing place.
>Literally in 80k debt from my undergrad/grad degrees in math;my mother kept imploring me to take out loans.
>Although I worked, I did it part time since I wanted to keep my grades up. Overall, I did well.
>Took some full time teaching gigs, netting me about 45K each year.
>Resigned due to conflicts with school and realizing that I'm in the engineering lab more often than not.
>Opened up my own account and deposited my cheques; within days, the full amount was available to me. My mother used to tell me it would take a fucking MONTH for the cheques to be made available and I foolishly believed her. I actually decided to do some fucking research and find out for myself.

Trying to unfuck myself severely. I can't change the student debt, but some recruiter at an IB is interested in me because of the heavy math/engineering courses I took. I really enjoy engineering, but I'm keeping an open mind.

What's interesting is that my mother has given me great advice in the past. But when she's been wrong....she's been wrong.

I'm down on myself,though,because I feel I have no discipline and that my work ethic is bad. It's hard for me to be on time for things, be punctual,etc. I seemingly have a short attention span and have a hard time paying attention as much as I should.


>> No.1210265

A guy I know

>first real job
>some shitty insurance job
>making shit money $1200/month
>decided he absolutely had to live on his own (instead of sharing with GF who got a job in the area and would have been up for getting an apartment together)
>picks a place that costs $800 a month
>constantly complains about never having any money left at the end of the month
>literally wouldn't be able to afford food if his parents hadn't given him a car
>his GF stays over at his all the time anyway

The worst thing is people think this guy is responsible because he's "paying his own way"

>> No.1210272

>i'll just be homeless for a year, fuck these rent prices!
>have to eat out every day
>have to drive out of town to sleep every night
>end up paying more in gas and food than rent would cost.

>> No.1210281

>mom and dad pay some guy to handle their money
>tell me they've literally only made 1% returns after fees and all that shit

haha holy fuck. My dad's job itself is good and they save so he's not in trouble. Just more of a lesson to handle your own investments I guess.

>> No.1210290


>be me
>Working in Iraq as a military contractor
>Decide to come back after Iraq closes down
>Didn't really want to go to Afghanistan
>Figured coming back with quarter of a million in the bank was doing ok.
>Give up making $120,000 tax free
>Could have stayed a few more years and come back with half a million.

I'm an idiot.

>> No.1210291

>takes a loan
>80.000SEK or 9819$
>for a bike
>has a part time job
>now in debt to the IRS
>might loose apartment

>> No.1210300

>$20 a month = 240$ a year...
I top up $20 and try and make it last 4 months never use 3g only use free wifi

>> No.1210303
File: 364 KB, 660x660, 972267499c288fbcc057fcd4287a7242 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone I know gets inheritance
>Rebuilds bathroom and buys mini-yacht
>They've also started wearing expensive clothing
They get a almost life changing amout of money and they spend it in a way that it will run out in 4 years tops.

>> No.1210313

They also underperform the market fabulously. Buy and hold is what made Warren Buffet rich.

>> No.1210320

Was this this year? If so, 1% really isn't the worst because the market has been tanking. But tell them they'd be much better off with a low cost index fund.

>> No.1210321

>Buy and hold is what made Warren Buffet rich.

I wish you idiots would stop spouting this fucking meme. Buffet is an outlier, a rare case. This isn't some magic bullet.

Pls tell me how you are college dropout and you'll be successful because Zuck did it.

>> No.1210353

over the course of their lives.

>> No.1210355
File: 679 KB, 912x1424, sonic-pose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of threads make me feel so damn good about myself. I am 26 and I'm soon pushing to half mil in assets, only missing 20k to get there.

I've got a story too, albeit not nearly as bad as most of these.

> Have friend. He was best friend in kinder garden, known him forever but not that close anymore.
>Works as a cook, very long hours. Has almost no free time. Earns 3000€/month which is pretty good for a cook.
>When he has free time, he goes out to party and spend easily 1000€ a night.
>Bought a boat, has not time to ride it
>Bought a car for him and his gf. He lives 10 min by metro to his workplace
>Bought motorbike
>Bought snowmobile
>All on monthly payment
>Suddenly 3000€ is not enough
>Start taking these miniloans that cost a fortune. Interest rate is at 200% or more.
>Sell all he has to pay, but still in too much debt.
>In comes his father.
>Father bails him out from debt so that son won't lose his credit rating or whatever we use here.

The kick is.... This has happened already 3 times. He as gone into debt 3 times and his dad has had to save him 3 times.

>> No.1210374

>everyone beats the market if they just try hard enough.

Don't talk about meme investment strategies.

>> No.1210381
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>buy drugs, heroin or something strong enough
>make it seem like a overdose.

>> No.1210464

Keep your finances and accommodation completely separate from hers and you should be ok.

>> No.1210474


Sounds like a nickname for a fat Canadian lesbian or something

>> No.1210497
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Looks like he might have...

...Bipolar Disorder

>> No.1210522
File: 118 KB, 1024x1021, 12819.max1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He might do it to hurt himself. Financial domination and machoism is more widespread that the public is aware of.

>> No.1210531


>My mother used to tell me it would take a fucking MONTH for the cheques to be made available

Is this a common myth among poor people? Why would anyone think that? Is it some holdover belief from pre-computer banking?

>> No.1210554


short attention span
Adderall friend

ps longest check ever took 4 days. b/c put it in thursday after 4 and it was a bigger check than normal.

>> No.1210561

Pride is one of the 7 deadlies too

>> No.1210568

Of course you can leave the contract in fact most companies will buy out your contract cancellation fee these days when you transfer.

>> No.1210579

No he is a Mergers and Acquisitions specialist. Buying companies that worked and played well together in a nice system

For example he bought a cash rich company like gieco, to fuel the growth of a company that needed to expand and could make ridiculous money even though it was a market leader. like Coke
Made Gieco give cheap ass loans to coke. now both businesses are synced up and spewing cash. Because of strategic partnership.

>> No.1210669

In 2009 I started taking home 1600 a week.

>rent is only like $250
>buy guns
>buy truck
>out for nice 1-2 hour lunches every other day and invited others to join me
>out drinking 2-4 times a week and pay for others to drink like a fish with me
>go on dates and don't even consider costs of anything, just so long as we have a good time
>do fuck almost every single girl I take out
>just makes me more depressed

Working there again, but I just don't have the drive to make the money I did before.
Now I take home about a grand a week and I have a fwb that is slowly making herself my gf.
I paid her rent the last 3 months and have been steadily furnishing her apartment.
She has a kid, 2.
He thinks I'm his dad.

I want to leave, but I'll stay out of obligation and ruin all of our happiness in the long run, she just doesn't know it yet. She's too goddamn happy.

>> No.1210859

Wtf are you doing paying her rent

>> No.1210886

This guy's stories start near the end of the page. You're reading them from the newest post to oldest so be aware the posts are listed in reverse. Many of his stories take up multiple pages.
Here's another archive too.

>> No.1210898


Worked with a girl that borrowed $25k on a credit card to pay for surgery on her dog. This was a pleb entry-level retail position that paid barely above minimum wage.

>> No.1210903

good for the dog i guess

>> No.1210955 [DELETED] 

>My father
>Goes into the army straight after high school
>uses money from his army days to move to the US and to pay for his mechanical engineering degree (this was the late 70's where a college degree was actually worth a fuck), stays out of debt no problem
>gets an entry level job in a small company working in the newly established oil industry of native country
>rises through the ranks, becomes CEO by 28
>starts his own consulting business and moves through several CEO positions for international oil & gas companies for over 2 decades after this
>in addition to the nice compensation from his jobs he also invests in real estate and stocks, owns real estate worth about $20M, not sure about how much the stocks are worth
>about 3 years ago co-founded an oil & natural gas company that's currently valued at over $10Bn

Oh wait wrong thread lol

>> No.1211045

And his worthless son brags about him on /biz/.

>> No.1211061
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>buy and hold leveraged etn/etf

Don't do it lads

>> No.1211207
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>i pay for her rent and buy her furniture
>also i'm a dad to her kids

haha holy shit are you a cuck, this isn't a fwb at all. you're literally her cuck. i bet she's a stripper too.

>> No.1211269

S-s-stay don't talk to me or my gf's son again!

>> No.1211573
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>worth 5k after the accident
what the fuck was she driving before? And if they bought the totaled car directly from her, that might been it was never actually totaled and therefore will never show up on records....

Anyways I guess my life isn't too bad, besides spending money on fast food/hanging out with friends too much, which I need to curb sometime before I graduate and actually need to become a family man. I have been cucked out inheritance tho

>be me, Somali-American
>dad married mom at an absurdly old age, while my mom was in her ripe early 20s
>he was a nice father, got me into cars young and encouraged me at school, as he was one of the few Somalis in the country before the civil war as an international scholarship recruit where he graduated in Civil E
>he passes when I'm 9, supposedly he was a part of a largely influential family back home, and had several lucrative real estate locations he was planning on developing
>My mom decides to raise me and my sister alone and doesn't remarry until literally 10 years later, as she didn't to put her own love life ahead of us idk
>Go through my life not realizing how much my father actually left behind for us
>get informed 3 months ago that my uncle had sold about $100,000 worth of my fathers land that had belonged to me because he heard that my mother had gotten remarried and must have not wanted some other man to take it
>never contacted us a single time since my father passed and never sent us a check or anything
>about to send a sternly worded email to him before actually confronting his ass back in the motherland

>> No.1211624

If I were you I'd bring muscle, guns and bribe-money. Somalia is a fucked up place bro and he's not just going to give you your money.

>> No.1211668


inb4 ND

>> No.1211670

Kek, if I was from the south of Somalia you'd be 100% correct. But my family is from the """"""""""independent""""""""" Somaliland aka the north. Pretty much as a fully fledged democracy and isn't as dindu as the rest of the country and is probably going to try to set itself up as the next Djibouti. Sharia law pretty much says I should get like 99% of the land (shitty but w/e, I'll divide it how I like) so any imam worth his salt will have to side with me anyways

>> No.1211675

For some people who have a shitty account history (e.g. numerous overdrafts, returned checks, etc), deposits represent a risk to the bank. To ensure that the check clears and the bank receives its funds, they will place holds on checks. This is probably more prevalent among poor people, so it becomes "common knowledge" among them.

>> No.1211722


Probably live in a communist state+shit budgeting. Gotta have them Diamond played "" virus proof"" HDMI cables.

>> No.1211802
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Debts man, even a brand new Accord or Camry is a major part of any responsible adults budget, so when they get some shit tier Chrysler 300 with $2000 repair bills every week, get an OLED 4k with some over-priced Polk set up, and other generally expensive lifestyle purchases like gym memberships they never use, its easy to end up blowing 10k a month and not saving anything

>> No.1211807

People using their school loans to buy cars and live the good life and then complain after they graduate that they are under crushing debt.

>> No.1211809

accurate. A lot of middle aged people spend their entire paychecks to impress their friends. It becomes a dickshowing contest and their entire group ends up blowing their savings.

This is usually a symptom of the wagecuck, but sometimes people who run business can fall into it as well, but less likely.

>> No.1211810

I know a girl that world at the local restaurant, I think Olive Garden or something, and she got a brand new Hyundai Elantra. Many keks were had.

>> No.1211826
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>instead of $500 for just a dryer it was cheaper to get washer and dryer combo for $2100
kek as a former hhregg salesman I can say that these customers are a lot more rare than you think, but they are so easy kill on protections and other bullshit

>> No.1211974

>dad bought Alfa Romeo
>depreciated on average about 30£ a day until he sold it.

Never buy Alfa Romeo unless you are a hick

>> No.1211999

Is teaching not well paid in the us?

>> No.1212026
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>> No.1212433

>These friends tell me she was a meth addict and a pedophile

False, women can't be pedos. Dreams don't happen

>> No.1212545
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>he doesn't want the Giulia

>> No.1212568

This is why you buy a Subaru WRX.

>Depreciation on average $4/day

>> No.1212607

>be in greece
>know this one ungly girld who got preety and know is whore.
>Finished school
>2 years later find out she studied Theology in another city.
>had parents pay for everything and didn't work part time, couldn't aford to finish it.
>know she's dating this guy, shes wants to marry him so he can take care and act like an adult for her.

LoL I failed maths and even I could have done some simple addition to find out She could afford her Uni costs. Plus Theology? Bitch you live in Greece. People to bussy looking for work to spend time reading your bullshit books about jesus.

>> No.1212887

I pay equivalent of about $120/year for my phone plan...

>> No.1214230

>brother and wife take a young drug addict and his gf and kid into their attic
>like 20 a week rent, they don't pay it
>don't clean, don't do shit, can't even take their dog out to piss, steal all the spoons in the house (suspicious as fuck)
>guy has a shitty part time job that he just quit
>brother just put a new A/C in the attic before they moved in
>the fuckwad opens the window for some reason (probably smoking weed and wanted to vent it)
>brand new A/C falls two stories and dies
>brother pissed
>guy and his gf and kid fuck off
>while still owing a ton of money to brother, like 1k
>guy quits his job, says his bank account is "frozen" (like what)
>brother finally fishes his nuts out of his wife's purse, tosses the pair and their ugly spawn out onto the yard, puts their shit in a pile on the curb
>they have no money for a new A/C unit, summer is coming
>his wife is already thinking about letting another desperate no-job drug addict live in their attic
>visible sweating

Nice woman, just dumb as a rock and has a fetish for being taken advantage of. Also, they've finally realized their seasonal business is running out of season, and they need something else to sell or they're going out of business very quickly. Only took them five months to figure that one out.

>what the fuck was she driving before?

Jeep grand cherokee. I don't know anything but what my dad told me of it. Cars aren't my thing. It's one of those scammy dealerships that gives you 5k credit for a trade in for one of their extremely overpriced cars. They probably make a ton off retards.

>> No.1214304

>>his family sues the pub as having glass windows is considered 'unsafe'
>they win in court, awarded £30k for when he turns 18 in a year.
Excuse me

>> No.1214310

Having kids.

>> No.1214342


This makes me feel better about my 10k student loan that my parents complain about. At least that is feasible, especially since it's the only debt I have.

Seriously how the fuck do people not get scared about ruining their life when they see numbers like that?

>> No.1214425

>For example he bought a cash rich company like gieco
Q: With what money?
A: with the money he made from buying and holding individual stocks in the 30s. Obviously when you make as much money as he did doing that you can start buying entire companies.

>> No.1215092

>be me
>didn't pay quarterly for self employment
>ended up having to pay back govt on payment plan for 2 fucking years

long story short, just pay quarterly or you'll have to pay twice as much in the long run anyways

>> No.1215299
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I know that the person that bought the car is ultimately responsible for this but god damn, there is a salesman that saw an 18yo and and willingly sold him a 22.5k car completely financed

Then there's another salesman that saw an 18yo in serious financial trouble and willingly sold him another car plus a loan to pay off the rest of the other loan

I mean, this technically isn't illegal but... god damn dude. God damn.

>> No.1215331

I see it as education

>> No.1215348

Had a 2012 vehicle that ran perfectly. Bought a 2016 mustang. Commute is funner though. $1000 of my pay check gone.

Note: financing it through my dad. I pay him $1000 a month.

>> No.1215371
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>> No.1215424


You ooze asshole

>> No.1215482

>What's interesting is that my mother has given me great advice in the past. But when she's been wrong....she's been wrong.

story of my life man

>> No.1215845

>get a message from a highschool acquaintance about splitting an apartment
>it's a two bedroom located in a really shitty rural town above a tattoo shop
>sound goes through the walls and the neighbors have kids and a loud dog
>friend is in their mid-twenties and is still working fast food with no driver's license or car
>tells me the apartment would be split between them and their boyfriend along with myself
>$800+ utilities per month, "oh anon you'd just have to pay $400 and extra, it's a decent deal"
>the boyfriend drives but doesn't have a job, so they're living off a single paycheck a foodstamps
>the apartment requires two month's worth of rent in advance, which is the amount of savings they have
>ask them if they've looked into any other options and they respond that they don't want to say no because they might not get something that's close enough to their job to be able to walk to it

>> No.1215849


How long ago is this?

If this is still a live option you should string them along and get them to believe you'll go through with it kek, and fuck them over by pulling out at the very last minute.

Also ask her if she'll fuck you for the rent money kek

>> No.1215893

Is the land in Hargeysia or a shitty """"Tulo"""".

My land in goddam Qardo is worth 60k Hargesia is one of the biggest cities so he must be lying to you.

>> No.1215906

I am a Christian but the rapture isn't even biblical

>> No.1216054

I invested ~$10,000 in bitcoin when it was at like $1,050 and had like a 60% loss.

I guess some people have to do something stupid in their life once in order to learn. Glad I did it when I was young and am already in a smart and conservative mindset.

>> No.1217065

My Dad didn't utilize his stock options and buy cheap JNJ stock in the late nineties.

>> No.1217314
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First, some background:
>The transaction fee is processed by and received by the bitcoin miner. When a new bitcoin block is generated with a successful hash, the information for all of the transactions is included with the block and all transaction fees are collected by that user creating the block.
>Transaction fees are voluntary on the part of the person making the bitcoin transaction, as the person attempting to make a transaction can include any fee or none at all in the transaction. On the other hand, nobody mining new bitcoins necessarily needs to accept the transactions and include them in the new block being created.
>The transaction fee is therefore an incentive on the part of the bitcoin user to make sure that a particular transaction will get included into the next block which is generated.

Someone wasn't paying attention, and instead of putting a 5 cent fee onto their $135,000 transaction, they put a $135,000 fee onto a 5 cent transaction.
The fee goes to the Bitcoin farmer who processed the transaction, so good luck getting some Chinese dude to hand back that money.

>> No.1217324


not everything is about money

>> No.1217345


I live in Sydney, Australia - which is one of the most expensive cities to rent in, in the entire world.

and that is more expensive than living in the inner suburbs here. What a fucking ripoff

>> No.1217462

>quarter million dollar house


>> No.1217508

This hurts me more than it should be...

>> No.1217513

I got a DUI, fucked my life over pretty good

>> No.1217613

Any PhD worth anything will be funded. Programs have like a 5% acceptance rate tho and even after you get your PhD you make like 60k. And that's for fucking clinical which is the highest paying.

>> No.1217632

What a retard.

>> No.1217639

Which Fucking Sydney are you in that $800 a month for a two bedroom apartment is more expensive.
>$184 a week yeah nah mate ur high

>> No.1217666

It's literally scary to me how fucking stupid people are. It's truly fucking shocking.

I've got a pretty good one. I had a good friend who's mom was once upon a time literally one of the best dog groomers in the world. She was always very, very heavy and by the time I knew her son she was so heavy she was basically bedridden and had to use a wheelchair to get around. He was a heavy guy himself, too.

She owned a grooming place in town and his dad worked loading luggage down at the airport. However, his mom was a compulsive spender and got the family into mountains of debt by the time we were in high school. You should have seen their house; it was loaded from floor to ceiling with junk and loaded with dogs and literal shit.

My friend was a smart guy and legitimately one of the best musical talents I knew. He was an expert piano player and taught part time at the conservatory for a famous music college. He had ambitions to play for a living and I really think he could have done it. He was without doubt the one in his family most likely to break them out of their shit.

But his mom was a selfish wreck of a woman who would threaten to disown you if you did the smallest thing. For example, she disowned half the family because they didn't ask her talentless daughter to sing in a wedding.


>> No.1217669

Well, when she couldn't run the business anymore and asked my friend to do it, he didn't have much of an option in his mind. So for most of senior year he took over the family business and finances because his dad was a fucking nut job riddled with ptsd, his mom was bedridden with fatness, and his sister a spoiled weeaboo idiot.

Because of his business obligations, and obligations to take care of his dying mother, he had to miss most of senior year. Despite attempts of me and my friends to do his work for him, and of his teachers for not marking him absent and letting him take tests on different dates, he ended up failing alot of his classes and couldn't get into a good school anymore.

Then we all went to school and he stayed behind, digging his family out of debt and taking care of his mom. It was sometime around then that his dad fucked off to Arizona for some reason. After my sophomore year of college he actually managed to get them out of most of their debt and was close to paying off the house.


>> No.1217671

Since we were all gone he was alone in that shitty suburb and he started hanging out with his cousin who introduced him to drugs, mostly harmless psychedelic shit. Then his sisters boyfriend introduced him to heroin and harder shit.

He became completely addicted and the business started to tank. They got back into debt and his life was spinning out of control.

Then in spring of 2014 he crashed a car while driving high, almost killing himself. Then he spent the summer in rehabilitation and he did so well they offered him a job as a counselor and asked him to stay.

But he said he had to go to his family. He drove back home and was found dead in his driveway the next morning of an overdose. He was 23 years old.

He made some mistakes but I honestly believe his life would have been 10x better, and he'd be alive, if his parents weren't a bunch of selfish pieces of shit who made him pay for their mistakes.

Worst part is no one knew of his drug problem until he was dead so we couldn't have helped it. Through rehab he kept a journal and I have a copy of his last entry dated the day before his d3wth:
>I think it’s important to have a good hard failure when you're young. I learned a lot out of that. Because it makes you kind of aware of what can happen to you. Because of it I’ve never had any fear in my whole life when we’ve been near collapse and all of that. I’ve never been afraid. I’ve never had the feeling I couldn’t walk out and get a job doing something.

It was a quote from Walt Disney. I felt disgusted walking by his mother, cousin, and his sisters now fiance at the funeral.

>> No.1217681

Sorry you had to go through that.

>> No.1218322


I came here to laugh, not to cry, man. Fuck that useless cunt mother. I'm so glad I didn't give a shit what my parents wanted and did what I wanted. If it were up to them I'd have popped a kid to a guy I hated and ended up staying in my shit ghetto hometown with no degree and no job. Parents can be massive douches. Supposed to put the kid's needs first, they talk and talk about it but never do, it's always manipulating the kids to suit their own self-centered psychological desires. Also you should post that in fatpeoplehate threads. Eating oneself out of a career has to be at the top of shitty whale behavior.

>> No.1218355


>> No.1218392

My grandparents retired in their 50s during the 90s with 200 grand in investments.

They're currently down to 30 and will have to sell their house and move to an apartment. It pisses me off that they were told by someone that was an acceptable way to retire. They lived off of interest alone for like 15 years, then the economy tanked and they lost half their investments.

THEN they took all their money out of the market and put it in goddamned money stock making less than inflation a year. And by "they" i mean whoever the fuck their shitty advisor is. Obviously having it in the equity market now wouldn't be wise, but they could have gained for the last 8 years.

It just bums me out. I don't want my grandparents to live in poverty.

>> No.1218401
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I know a guy that actually buys blurays of movies and actually pays for video games

He also preorders games

>> No.1218406

I just remembered a coworker I had

>black guy
>service supervisor at a grocery store
>lives with parents at 26 years old
>he likes to carry 1k in his wallet in hundreds and shows it off
>already had a car but bought a mustang
>only has like 2k in savings from 7 or so years of working
>it's all in cash under his mattress or something
>he now wants to move out of his parents' house
>stops making payments on his mustang so repo can come get it
>people try to explain he's going to kill his credit doing this
>"I don't care, I just want to move out"
>severe hail storm, peppers everyone's cars
>the back windshields of both his cars are caved in
>guess who doesn't have car insurance!
>now wants to buy a jeep or a motorcycle
>I try to explain that cars as a hobby is a rich man's hobby
>he doesn't understand and says "but I've always liked cars since middle school"
>has a drinking problem but tries to act cool about it
>wakes up and just starts drinking
>wanted to buy a mini-fridge to put beer in next to his bed
>gets drunk and high literally every single day

literally the definition of a broke ass nigga. He teased me for writing down the prices of things and making sure they scanned correctly at checkout and called me cheap.

I mean holy shit

>> No.1218447

>>black guy

Only needed to read the first two words. Everyone in the ghetto has a nicer car, phone, and shoes than I do. Can't explain that.


200k isn't really enough to retire on at that age... Advice is usually quarter to half a mil minimum for early retirement.

>expect to retire at 50 and live in luxury with their own house and shit
>with nearly no investments, managed by someone else

>> No.1218480

>200k isn't really enough to retire on at that age
Which is why I used it as an example for "dumbest financial mistakes". And they're not boomers. They're silent gen.

>> No.1218482

I once had to do an factory aditio in south africa.
>people are living in some shitty slum shacks but there are some "expensive" cars outside.
I'm pretty sure that non white or asian people have some "must have a nice car" gene or something

>> No.1218503

>kid who is 17 impregnates a whore of a girl
>fast forward a year the guy drops out of the navy within a week
>begins working at apple bees and game stop
>the mom is a bitch so they don't live together
>he gets welfare
>spends money on iPhone watches, video games, ciggerattes, video game consoles
>now moved back home
>his parents tell him not to talk to our skype call because they think we're rapists

I think his entire family is retarded to be honest, which you probably are if you can't figure out how to properly use a condom

>> No.1218506

>pre orders


>> No.1218600

>which you probably are if you can't figure out how to properly use a condom

Seriously. It's pretty much impossible to accidentally get knocked up, especially since obama made birth control pills FREE. Seriously I don't pay a cent for them. Simple shit...wrap the cock and take one pill a day. Astounds me that people can remember to breathe and eat and can't figure out a condom.

Actually, a lot of "accidents" are really girls trying to get their claws in a guy. I've seen a lot of men fall for this. "Oh I'm pregnant, now you have to marry me and I can leech off you for the rest of my life." It's just a way for them to not need to get a job or education. Countless lower class women do this shit. It is absolutely on purpose. They may be fucktards but they do know what they're doing. Men are the dumb ones desu. Never fuck something without a condom, ever, even if she says she's on pills. Bitches lie. Getting preggers is their gravy train and they ain't missing the whistle.

>> No.1218721

Teaching pays really well in the USA if you work in a good district or in a university. Teachers who are bad at what they do are paid shit because they cant land a good teaching job in a good paying area.

>> No.1218755

>Dubs of truth from based femanon of /biz/
Yeah I almost knocked up my slutty high school gf. What a fucking disaster that would've been. I mean I didn't use a condom once, it's quite a miracle she never got pregnant. Been safe since then except one time

>> No.1218768

This is the story of about 30% of the girls in my old high school.

>> No.1218804
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>tfw knocked up girlfriend with 80k/yr career
>tfw spent all of my money on roids and weed during her pregnancy
>tfw quit my job to take care of baby
>tfw made her hire a maid, cook, babysitter
>tfw basically nete it up all day and play with her money on ToS

>> No.1218842


I once heard of someone who asked /biz/ for quality financial advice

>> No.1218843

>80k a year
>hire a cook, maid, babysitter

Haha holy shit good one. 80k a year is like two steps up from McDonalds buddy.

>> No.1218851


Read the book, Where Are the Customers' Yachts

>> No.1218853

I'm too young to be around people making large financial moves, but a friend of mine once paid 750 dollars to help crowd-fund a videogame.

I thought it was the stupidest thing I had ever heard since all you get are worthless "rewards" and anything meaningful like stocks that'll pay you back if the project does well.

>> No.1218857

Meh, it's not that bad if he really loves the game and feels it's worth it. There are a few things I feel passionately enough about that I'd fund like that if it really came down to that being the only logical way it happened. Very few, unlike retards who throw money at anything that gets put up there.

No different than buying a big purchase.

>> No.1218899

maybe were you live.

the average annual income in my area is 22k/yr, we live really good in comparison.

>> No.1218928

> dad knows she's out whoring

Christ almighty I'm dying of laughter over here bro

>> No.1218932


She might make decent money as a shrink tho.

Just depends on how much debt she is gonna rack. Anything over $75k is highly questionable.

>> No.1218937


out of 10, how hot was she when you met her?

>> No.1218939

That saying about blood running thicker than whatever the fuck is wrong; it means that family will ruin you if you let them. It's a damn shame that he was put in those circumstances and that happened to him. I'm sorry, anon.

>> No.1218966

your dad works for jnj? wonder if we know some of the same people

>> No.1218994

visiting the website Stocktwits
don't do it

>> No.1219009

>all live in giant quarter million dollar houses,
my house is worth over $350k and it's a 1,400 SF 2BR..
where the fuck do you live?

>> No.1219077
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my mistakes
>put 200$ in some E currency. It shoots up 10% 2 days later. then crashes like 80% after a few months before i sell.
>got student loan. cant get a job because im sick.
>social worker guy who knows me personally for decades telling me to go get on social assistance if i cant get a job because im sick enough for it anyways
>still havent done it
>havent payed my internet bill in a few months
>have a few other bills i need to pay next month, wont be able to pay
>never missed bill payments before not even sure what will happen
>might be kicked out of rental unit. prob be homeless and go live ina woods.

family involved in it as well. before the above came into fruition:
>im working at some shitty minumum wage factory
>family keep telling me i need to do something with my life
>i apply for student loan for a trade
>family all telling me it was dumb to go to school how im not ready anyways
>get accepted. ask dad if i can stay at his house while in school since he lives 2 blocks away and he doesnt actually live there anyways during the summer
>agrees but asks me to pay a bit of rent. ok
>doing somewhat bad at school and freaking out that i might fail if i dont get good mark on final exam
>mom had a special savings account scholarship sort of fund for me if i passed course.
>final exam week comes and dad comes home and says he wants to kick me out to make room for my brother
>he says i could go to a community shelter in the meantime
>brother says he doesnt think thats fair for me so i can stay until i finish exams
>finish exams and pass course
>kicked out
>no other family will house me
>cant find any work. no place to stay, end up getting first thing i could, some apartment that requires a 6 month lease at the minimum.
>use student loans to pay for it
>mom buys car with my scholarship money
>cant find work, get super sick for months on end.
>student loans run out
rip my life

>> No.1219269
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adderall is a great way to become criminally insane
t. someone who took adderall for years and was criminally insane every day i took adderall

If you ever want to know what being psychotic feels like, take adderall. Maybe for an actual retard, adderall actually helps you, but for non retards it's just speed that turns you autistic.

I dropped out of highschool with straight As because of adderall, i couldn't handle being surrounded by incompetent teachers and mexicans distracting me every day, i'm just as smart and productive without it, and so would you be if you believed in yourself.

>> No.1220266


>> No.1220286

Its on my speedial senpai

>> No.1220336


I lived with a girl that had an adderall problem.

That was some scary shit.

>> No.1220364

I took adderall every day for a while in sr. year of high school because I was diagnosed with ADHD the summer beforehand. It helped me a lot. But also changed my personality, I became an aloof asshole.