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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.11 MB, 430x415, spider summon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12112413 No.12112413 [Reply] [Original]

(embed) [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] edition

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks, and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

Basic rundown on options:
[YouTube] Option Basics Part I
[YouTube] Option Basics Part II

Suggested books:

Previous >>12107885

>> No.12112424

First. OP confirmed faggot.

>> No.12112438
File: 444 KB, 220x164, implying implications.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem mad?

>> No.12112476
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Faggots anger me

>> No.12112521


Anger is a hell of a drug.

>> No.12112534
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Wheres the trigger warning OP, I cant deal with that

>> No.12112543

I have an addiction to yelling at people on the internet

>> No.12112550
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So is smoking pole, faggot.

>> No.12112563
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Sirs the stook meeket is crashing hadge with the reel bitcoin buy the Sv coin for many rupee gains

>> No.12112588
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>implying implications

>> No.12112597
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Dou you even englishes bro?

>> No.12112627
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Yep. Still comfy.

>> No.12112628
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>nice argument

so no stock market discussions tonight after all?

schadenfreude is one hell of a drug

maybe dont be a scared little biatch?

also did you read the filename?

>> No.12112644
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Stop being such baby
Being caught by spider fairly comfy way of demise

You get to chill out in custom made hammocks and get nice doses of drugs that give nice buzz all while snug in cocoon

>> No.12112645
File: 200 KB, 1710x1580, DOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a TA newfag. I have questions to anons who use TA. Boomers rejecting TA,need not reply.
Here's what I see on the monthly DOW chart:
>almost at yearly low
>close to support
>looks like double top
>if it goes under march 2018 number double to will be confirmed
>on the weekly interval chart it look like a horizontal triangle
Tell me why I'm wrong?
Is it fair to say that in March/April there will be a breakout either up or down?
Is a downside breakout realistic, what are the chances 50/50, higher or lower?
Will the market crash?
I dont know how to option, so are reverse ETFs a good way to profit off the crash?
Should I simply buy SDS now, put a stop on it and wait till spring?

>> No.12112651

Nah, im going to bed, i feel like a superior internet user. Life complete for today!

>> No.12112712
File: 42 KB, 450x547, lucky3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah no pretty sure its the worse possible way to die being poisoned and sucked alive while wrapped in sticky strings

>> No.12112726
File: 68 KB, 234x496, murder her, save yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>target acquired
>Tell me why I'm wrong?
because you are trying to use a crystal ball to see into the future

>Is it fair to say that in March/April there will be a breakout either up or down?
its possible, but to say with certainty it will or wont happen is foolish
>Is a downside breakout realistic, what are the chances 50/50, higher or lower?
might be, we are overdue
but we also need a catalyst, markets dont crash just because of wanting it to happen
>Will the market crash?
inevitably, but the only way to observe it is with hindsight
>I dont know how to option, so are reverse ETFs a good way to profit off the crash?
terrible, dont touch options if you dont understand them

TA is a lagging indicator by definition, its good for seeing through the bs in past events, its not a map for reading the future

think of it like a weather forecast, not an all seeing roadmap of the future

>> No.12112734

i hope semiconductors burn tmmr

>> No.12112745
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Worse case am the queen spider decided to lay her eggs in you, which is a unique experience, still not that bad

Am not 100% understand your question
The lines you draw are 100% kosher and acceptable

Am at issue with your March/ April conclusion, which seem arbitrary, your chart is painting a down scenario

>> No.12112760

I hate you so much rn

>> No.12112799
File: 93 KB, 707x1000, 154338c5a1650b4892c22e7e4842b771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

;_; why
Spiders are the best bugs
They deserve our understanding and possibly flesh and blood

>> No.12112805

>average eps still in strong uptrend
>retail sales in strong uptrend
>industrial production uptrend

Just saying its probably not the top for the spx this coming year

>> No.12112809

Mouth breathers keep spamming golden bull when VIX is at 21 and continues to set new highs. This is a slow downfall. SPY IS going down to 130. Futures are red again after a -5% last week. We are going to new lows tomorrow.

>> No.12112817

when I think about flesh I'd prefer not to think about it's destruction, thank you very much.

>> No.12112826
File: 71 KB, 750x1000, raf,750x1000,075,t,fafafa-ca443f4786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spiders are the devil, millions of years of evolution have proven this

>> No.12112830
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Futures mean diddley squat right now my dude.

>> No.12112843
File: 2.86 MB, 710x400, squid eats a shark.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says the gommunist

they are not bugs

but yes, spiders are based
they are carnivores, every time you see a spider, you are seeing that spiders bodyweight in dead bugs every day

they are bug killing machines, and deserve our love

na, spiders are based bros, destroyers of bugs, including/especially the biggest disease vector of humans on the planet, the deadly mosquito

>> No.12112852

That's because the market is crashing. Green futures end up red. Red futures end up even more red. If you haven't gone to all cash you are crazy.

>> No.12112868

Nah, even deep red has seen recovery. Market is waiting on Trump and Powell for confirmation of good tidings.

>> No.12112870
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Yes, yes it is

>> No.12113043
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Plus, it's the end of the year selling.

>> No.12113065
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perfect time to buy cheapies

dips max out on Dec 31, pop back up by Jan 2 every time

perfect time time to buy UEC for $1.00 a piece

>> No.12113092
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Nothing like getting 3 good trades r-right?

>> No.12113169

>looks like double top

It's a nominal higher high, but yes, the interpretation is the same.

>if it goes under march 2018 number double to will be confirmed

That would be a breach of support and a very bad sign for things to come, yes. Breaking support and setting a new low of year is a much worse thing than whether or not the two highs do or do not represent a double top. It's irrelevant.

>Is it fair to say that in March/April there will be a breakout either up or down?

No, trend lines that come together to form a triangle are not long term predictors in that way. Obviously the chart will break above or below at some point before the lines intersect but you have no idea when that'll happen. The triangle or channel in TA is just a way of defining the current price action within a range. It does sometimes work out that the price does range right along with a pair of trend lines and then doji at the corner, but that's rare and it's not important or helpful to you anyway.

>Is a downside breakout realistic, what are the chances 50/50, higher or lower? Will the market crash?

I think it's unlikely. If it does, it depends what you mean by "crash".

You can short the market by: 1. actually shorting it, 2. buying puts, 3. trading inverse ETFs and the vix and so on, or 4. staying in cash (congratulations you beat the market)

>> No.12113183
File: 84 KB, 631x298, AnimuCutItOut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SPY IS going down to 130

That's stupid and you're stupid.

>> No.12113185

Still holding UDOW till the end of time
I have no regrets

>> No.12113203

Thats golden bull, respect

>> No.12113211
File: 316 KB, 1014x1531, Sleeper PC build.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crashed my LMT/BA ever since you posted that

lesson learned, never share stocks on /biz/

>> No.12113288
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>> No.12113290

best broker for canadians?

>> No.12113363
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ask in 6 to 8 hours, euros in the am usually know the good ones that arnt robinhood

weed stocks investor is canadian too i believe, so wait for him to post the daily weed wrapup around 4:30pm EST or so could also work

the next 3-4 hours are dead time on this board

>> No.12113379

thanks for the rundown, lad

>> No.12113404
File: 33 KB, 279x750, tumblr_npe28acTyd1rasnq9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i could be wrong, but if you are going to stay up for two hours or so waiting for an answer you willprobably be disappointed

check the thread when you wake up tomorrow, even if its dead by then, someone might have answered during the Euro trading hours

>> No.12113420
File: 44 KB, 800x450, free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How in the world is Robinhood offering 3% return on savings accounts with no fees?

>> No.12113462
File: 124 KB, 1080x1080, Oi, undo your trousers m8! You ain't got a loicense for that virginity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta launder their gains somehow

or maybe they are expanding to takeover all fintech, not just trading

is it criminal to dare to dream big?

>> No.12113522

>weed stocks investor is canadian too i believe

Yeah that's me and yes leaf. I dunno the best. I use RBC and it's fine although on the expensive side for commissions. Level 2 is free if you make a modest number of trades per month so there's give and take about their high-ish commission.

There is definitely cheaper and better I'm sure. I'm sort of half ass shopping around for better deals right now. Sticking with the same because I cannot be bothered at present to go through the hassle of moving stuff around.

>> No.12113552

Santa rally cancelled.

>> No.12113563

Nikkei just necced so we will have yet another red day I guess

>> No.12113575

it’s probably a ponzi. if it’s not, then they will go out of business in the recession once VC money/credit dries up.

>> No.12113603

Not nearly as financially ruinous as CFDs

Now you know why China-US trade talk got dragged out to 90 days.
Both leaders need some convenient excuse to distract their populace from the economic problems that are going to wreck everyone's shit.
The trade war is the perfect distraction.
And If that don't work, there's always war with Iran/NK.

>> No.12113604

They're FINRA approved though right? If they ponzi scheme people the SEC will rape them no?

>> No.12113609


>> No.12113626
File: 143 KB, 495x494, 1524194369573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and return everyone's lost money/holdings

dog bless the SEC

>> No.12113644

someone please edit this to him drinking a monster

>> No.12113719

It's backed by treasuries, which now yield over 3%.
But also... It's not FDIC insured, which means they can lose literally all of your money

>> No.12113725

What's wrong with CFDs?
I'm assuming that you mean Certificate of Deposit? Those are more stable than corporate bonds IIRC

>> No.12113738

Zoomer detected

>> No.12113817

I'm a year or two off, unfortunately.
What's wrong with CfDs though?

>> No.12114029
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>> No.12114097

that pre market open tho... on the bright side if we fill the gap it'll be a green day kek

>> No.12114120

>What's wrong with CfDs though?
THIS IS BASIC shite, ffs

Plz don't say your are a 'investor'

>> No.12114129
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I keep buying NRZ, but it's becoming too much of my portfolio now. HELP

>> No.12114177
File: 180 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20181214-043002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robinhood changed it's UI


He asked what's wrong with them, not what are they

>> No.12114183

Things keep getting worse.

>> No.12114188 [DELETED] 

>I'm assuming that you mean Certificate of Deposit?
not the way i read it...

Sorry i linked the wrong post

>> No.12114200


>> No.12114201
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>> No.12114204

>He asked what's wrong with them, not what are they
>What's wrong with CFDs?
>I'm assuming that you mean Certificate of Deposit? Those are more stable than corporate bonds IIRC

Sorry linked to the wrong post.
Pretty sure he is lowing the IQ of this world..

>> No.12114264
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>> No.12114290
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we'll never see a bull run

>> No.12114560


>> No.12114562





>> No.12114566

CGA @ 59 cents

>> No.12114579


>> No.12114583


3 Month suspension of Tariffs on Autos and Auto Parts

With the approval of the State Council(China), State Council Customs Tariff Commission decided to suspend tariffs on cars and parts originating in the United States for 3 months from Jan 1, 2019.

>> No.12114591

On a saturday?

>> No.12114596

Does this change anything though? The rape hike speech is still coming and next week is definetly red. A solution to the trade war is still far away.

>> No.12114603

I meant today
Its 3am and I havent slept yet

>> No.12114611

Yes, their factories are going to explode tomorrow.

>> No.12114615

In the biggest scheme it is nothing. Thing is it's a real step in what is happening.

>> No.12114621

They are slowing before tariffs.. When everyone wanted to get as much stuff in stock they need from china before 2019.

Meaning the slowdown should technically steepen in 2019-ish as everyone stocked up. Trump really should push hard though and go full tariff on March 1st if they aren't bargaining.

>> No.12114622

It reverses the 15%+25% tariffs to 15%.

>> No.12114628

Should increase tariffs from 10% to 15% in response by Trump.

>> No.12114636

Good, i was afraid i would have to exit my short positions i entered yesterday. Also isn't this just confirmation of what they agreed earlier? Gives me some trust for Trump that he actually came through.

>> No.12114659

About car imports ?

It means shit for China because:
1-their car market is cooling like fuck
2-China has already got a strong and competitive domestic car industry

These points mean new entrants will have a hard time selling their cars to the chinks.

Emperor Trump will praise it as China giving in but he knows fully well that it means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things.
Nukes at China when ?

>> No.12114660

China is probably more fucked than anyone can imagine. This is because of the slow down in housing purchases in hot chinese markets like Australia/canada etc

If there is a 2007-2008 type of crash no one expected it will happen from China if anywhere in the next 2 years.

>> No.12114668

>China has already got a strong and competitive domestic car industry

stopped reading here

Try again but less stupid and wrong.

>> No.12114672

Literally too little too late, considering what happened to GM/Ford/Tesla

>> No.12114673

Go all in American and Euro car makers if you think they can compete in China

>> No.12114681

tesla is in the 370s

... great post. I have TSLA

>> No.12114691


>> No.12114719

>Posts that China is going to collapse
>Thinks they can afford Tesla when they collapsed
BRB Shorting TSLA

>> No.12114725

Considering liquidating my ATVI position and moving in on TSLA. What are some thoughts on this?

>> No.12114727

Tesla monthly sales in China and its share price have one thing in common: they're both in triple digits.

>> No.12114747

Your money, your choice.
Best advice is to never ask nor seek advice from /biz/

>Says China is going to collapse
>Chinks going to have lower/zero income and bankruptcy rates will skyrocket
>Thinks that they can afford let alone buy a Tesla
Are you a retard?

>> No.12114748

Chinese Green Agriculture on the NYSE. Will this go back to 1 dollar by march?

>> No.12114752

You don't know shit about how heavily subsidized their auto and EV industries are, do you ?

>> No.12114755

I don't get why you're angry at me. I was supporting your argument.

>> No.12114762

meh had a shite week.
On the drink, sorry for lashin' out, lad.

>> No.12114765
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Thanks for the high quality (you) in last thread >>12111627

>> No.12114767

80% of domestic EV car cost is subsidized in China

>> No.12114788

Chinese automobiles are actually good, well the Top-tier ones anyway.
But you have to wait till mid-to-late 2019 because that is when the the major Chinkland manufacturers finished constructing their new Mega plants.
That being said, their EVs are not yet Tesla-par but par for the course

>> No.12114792
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>> No.12114795

This is the only good news today.

>> No.12114797
File: 249 KB, 425x397, bullfear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

massive spike up on open today @_@

>> No.12114818

why have we still not rescheduled weed. Anyone follow what is going on?

>> No.12114829
File: 1.24 MB, 993x765, boughtthebottom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12114832

dividend pay today

>> No.12114843

Not really. China relaxes auto tariffs and GE and F didn't even move premarket

>> No.12114854

Chinese farmers need american agricultural products. This might open green. On this news.

>> No.12114877

Unlikely I think. 60% of US agriculture export to China are basedbeans used to feed pigs. With the ongoing swine fever crisis even if the agriculture tariffs were lifted there simply won't be any additional demand

>> No.12114880

That is dependent on IR.

It is pretty clear that Hemp will lead the way.

>> No.12114886

Chink auto manufacturers made cheap cars with acceptable quality
The chinks are sneaky bastards: when they open up their market for something, that only means they are already ready to compete. That's why I am convinced the news about auto tariffs mean absolutely nothing

>> No.12114890

Chinese farmers need to transport American basedbeans with Ford Rangers while shooting blacks with Smith & Wessons to move the futures up

>> No.12114902

I meant companies like CGA they create fertilizer in China itself and do several operations. Possibly patented. But then come from new jersey. Lately with the trade war their stock went down under a dollar and this cant go on for long. Cause they face delisting. There is a chance they will get back to 1 dollar to avoid delisting and in a china deal these microcaps will go flying

>> No.12114917


It just means that Tariffs on American cars are now the same as Tariffs on Japanese & European cars.
In other words, back to square 1.

>> No.12114938

It's not necessarily square 1

It's china reducing a tariff and USA has not.

>> No.12114940

She's referring to the October 25th day
Which looks exactly like yesterday and today

Will be interesting to see if it really plays out so conveniently

>> No.12114955
File: 208 KB, 500x500, 1539789432060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's referring to the October 25th day
Which looks exactly like yesterday and today
Some TA magic i don't understand. OK. So i might be fucked, right? If im full bear rite now, it might be bad?

>> No.12114970

T hiked the div. Now at 0.51 per. Went up a penny. Not much but least it's something and it shows that T ain't afraid of it's ability to pay down it's debt. Stock is under $30 right now.

>> No.12114976

You are right. The damage had already been done.
Don't see how GM, Ford or Tesla can wriggle their way out of this.

Would be entertaining if that happens.
That would explain why Funds have already started shorting the USD

>> No.12114997

bulls btfo

>> No.12115002

>damage already done


>> No.12115062
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>> No.12115063

these smug, condescending, arrogant, out of touch commercials unironically killed GE

am of glad they dead

>> No.12115070
File: 29 KB, 600x330, Thomas Train Wreck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pre trading looks liek today is going to be a bad day. Foresee another portfolio loss. Good thing I have I to go see customers today and will be on the road so I do not have to watch this train wreck.

>> No.12115074


Isn’t it a little early in the day for blowjobs?

>> No.12115086
File: 31 KB, 207x215, sweatysneek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p-people will pay you the most for early morning BJs

>> No.12115087

a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do

>> No.12115128

OK guys, time to get serious. What can we expect powell to say on the tuesday next week? I say his latest speech, where he literally only went on about how the economy can handle shit better than in 08', is a sign that he will continue on the rape hike path. Im all in on this anons and some life-saving advice would really help.

>> No.12115149

>where he literally only went on about how the economy can handle shit better than in 08'


see for yourself, don't you think hes a bit defensive? maybe trying to justify the rape hikes and make them seem like less of deal to an anxious market. Thats my take on it, but im interested in non-biased opinions.

>> No.12115163


>> No.12115191

my guess is that they move forward with the hike but set a more dovish tone for the future

>Im all in on this anons
you can always hedge with fed funds futures

>> No.12115334
File: 1.35 MB, 991x1185, 1531855928177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's happening

>> No.12115367

Gore picture

holy shit that picture

Chinese Wagie impaled with spikes by robot malfunction

>> No.12115386

bigly US numbers

>> No.12115388

consumer is strong in USA, especially online sales

>> No.12115465
File: 112 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181214-074858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you can get a better spot just by tapping on the screen
holy fuck guess who's going to be #1

>> No.12115484

1k a day

>> No.12115487

this looks like lootbox-like psychological conditioning

>> No.12115543

That's exactly what it is. It's why they're going to be hugely successful.

>> No.12115604

robinhood daily quests when

>> No.12115618


Question /smg/ :

My first steps in the market I got into gaming, tech stocks, and chip companies. All of them are fucking flatlining right now. What’s the next meme industry to get into and make money besides crypto and pot?

>> No.12115633

I feel sorry for you dude, you entered the market at the worst possible moment. Everything will be a good buy after this crash, so just sit on your money for 3 months or so.

>> No.12115642


Oil should go up starting the new year if OPEC actually cuts production like they are talking.

>> No.12115681


Thanks anon. Got into the market at the end of August to see one stock just barely move past the commission cost before this bear market we’ve been in.

>> No.12115689


it works


>> No.12115727

Wrong thread moonboi
We economic colapse now

>> No.12115730

big-titted avatar and trollbox when

>> No.12115733
File: 46 KB, 500x350, meth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open and $100 immediately gone.

>> No.12115743
File: 114 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181214-083051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me, i was training my entire life for this

>> No.12115749

>Dump as soon as market opens
Bull Run confirmed boys

>> No.12115752

same, i sold everything in october, lost some commission costs too but IDGAF better sell than crash into the abyss, which is what the market did. Only a week ago i have put some money into a chinese agriculture stock that's listed on the NYSE and thats about it. But it looks quite grim now with that Huawei CFO beind arrested. Not sure what will happen with china.

>> No.12115760

If you look at the daily graphs for like the past month, the indices have reversed from open 100% of the time

>> No.12115784


>> No.12115792

A suckers rally

>> No.12115796


>> No.12115803

We'll end +0.50% on the S&P. Anyone wanna bet?

>> No.12115814

ME, and my entire life savings.

>> No.12115824
File: 10 KB, 255x200, 1544499246138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is gold synching with the market?

>> No.12115839

buy the dip lads

>> No.12115857

because USD is up today

>> No.12115864
File: 1.06 MB, 3264x2448, 1544748107228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just took out 1k from my account to put into a Roth IRA.

What company should I make the Roth IRA with?

>> No.12115878

etrade, they offer lots of services / types of accounts / competitive rates

>> No.12115890


>> No.12115929
File: 313 KB, 873x621, candlestickrefernce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want the S&P 500 to stay red on the day, but not go down too far to make a bullish case and let me buy cheapies with confidence.

>> No.12115934
File: 3.37 MB, 320x226, Market loss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12115973

its AMD. its a momo algo manip fun stock like TSLA. Days like this are its bread and butter.

>> No.12115996

Ok even weirder, Why is the dollar synching with the market?

>> No.12116008

YFW AMD is always mooning before the market crash

>> No.12116024

>"Plaintiffs' attorneys out for personal financial gain are distorting historical documents and intentionally creating confusion in the courtroom and in the media," Ernie Knewitz, J&J's vice president of global media relations, told Reuters in an email. "This is all a calculated attempt to distract from the fact that thousands of independent tests prove our talc does not contain asbestos or cause cancer. Any suggestion that Johnson & Johnson knew or hid information about the safety of talc is false."


>> No.12116037
File: 450 KB, 449x642, free shrugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only regret is I bought AMD yesterday based on feelings instead of based on technical analysis. That did cost me some gains, although I'm still green. Oh well, lesson learned.

That said, AMD is overbought right now, so watch it go down sooner or later this day.

>> No.12116048
File: 206 KB, 394x543, 1535674397583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>technical analysis

if you're thinking in the short term, then this is smart, but fundamentals are ultimately the most important thing in the long term

>> No.12116052

it's not - look at ticker $UUP (USD fund), it's up .6% while S&P is down about .6%

>> No.12116053

why does zerohedge fuck it's readers over with advice like Tesla is doomed?

>> No.12116059
File: 90 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181214-101540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've learned a very valuable lesson and present a desperate plea:

Always fucking dollar cost average instead of buying all at once jesus fucking Christ I shouldn't be allowed to breed

>> No.12116062
File: 648 KB, 1660x1323, 7DCD2D2A-6ECB-466C-A777-C4E5197CA117.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks I needed this bud , I’m balls deep into puts

>> No.12116063

CGA up 6%

>> No.12116064
File: 57 KB, 1024x566, 1544407490085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because zerohedge is selectively biased towards assuming the worst of every situation
they aren't a trustworthy source of news

when did you buy in

>> No.12116074

TSLA is doomed, just not on the timescale of most put options.

>> No.12116075

You just paid for a $500 immersive, interactive course on investing where you learned a lot. You got a pretty good deal.

My course is $2500 and growing xD

>> No.12116083

what's a reasonable valuation? can they reasonably pay their debt or will it just spiral?

>> No.12116106

I think Tesla has a very good future on brand value and distribution system. They also get a ridiculous pool of talent to pick from for positions.

I think almost all the bear arguments don't get the dealership portion or underestimate the brand value.

>> No.12116108

Oil has been fucked for awhile now, if I invest now how long do you guys think it will take before it finally goes up again?

2-3 years?

>> No.12116120
File: 77 KB, 887x1097, MFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy TME, 2 days later China report economic slow down. TME crashes

>> No.12116122

I don't think it's going negative, just less green as a correction.

>> No.12116133

INTC seems to behaving a lot of good news in terms of pricing the future value.

>> No.12116146

it's not glued together poozen

>> No.12116148

About 11/8, immediately before the market decided to shit the bed. I couldn't have picked a better time to re-enter the market.

That really sucks; yeah I guess I could have it a lot worse, but fuck me if it doesn't still sting like a bitch

>> No.12116150

>Never, shale is cheaper than OPEC prices. Oil will be plentyful for 100 years.

>> No.12116155

you don't get to just buy oil at spot price and wait for it to go back up. you have to time the movement properly, otherwise your $$ gets eaten by contango (future month contract prices being higher than current month). one product that holds futures is USO, compare it to the spot price and you'll see the difference.

>> No.12116165

They cannot pay their debt and maintain their valuation, they need to expand. If they were to pay their debt, their valuation would drop to an automaker multiple + DCF which would be around $30-50 per share. If they cannot maintain above a $360 stock price to pay their converts maturing in march, they will be out another billion dollars. They need to raise capital but are under investigation by the FBI for raising capital under false pretenses. Even if they could raise, it would be at an exorbitant rate as their bonds are already rated junk. They are in deep yogurt no matter how you look at it.

They lose money on distribution, pay less than other Silicon Valley companies and are bleeding talent every month if you look at the executive departures list. Their brand value will deteriorate as the quality of their cars comes to light in the next few months/years. The brand value comes from the "Science is cool man! Were going to Mars!"-aura associated with Elon Musk but that market is rapidly being tapped. Personally, I think the Porsche Mission-E/Taycan will be their undoing. Sexy is all Tesla has and the MIssion-E is just a sexier car for a lower price.

All that being said, I would not short the stock now. Every technical indicator says its going up. There was strong accumulation around 360. I'm waiting for Q1 of next year to start buying long dated puts.

>> No.12116177

long term oil will be fucked by EV

short term people are expecting slowdown which will fuck price

So yeah.. you have a chance but it has to be mid term or on market breakout/cuts

>> No.12116185

that's still a decent bit away from where SPY was in september
if things go well with interest rates and china, you'll be back in the green soon enough

>> No.12116193

I've seen all these arguments before and the mindset behind them. All of it is incorrect.

You are really not understanding the aspects of Tesla that are really valuable. The brand, no dealership network (EV specific), and other things.

Also the reason so many execs left is really obvious due to insane crunch/pressure of m3.

>> No.12116200

EVs may just be a fad. Until we have significantly better battery tech, ICEs are here to stay.

>> No.12116203

go back to the kitchen

>> No.12116229

What happened to JNJ?

>> No.12116244

>says he's seen the arguments before as if that makes them wrong
>says "all of it is incorrect"
>gives excuse at the end for why some of it is correct

>> No.12116252
File: 35 KB, 1852x882, Battery-Cost-Curve-Chart-v.2 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know you can literally see all related graphs/functions and figure it out pretty easy

>> No.12116253

report of asbestos in talcum products

>> No.12116261

Name one thing I listed that is not factual.

No dealership network is not a strong positive. They are already suffering long service delays (going weeks/months without a car for simple repairs) and have to pay trucking companies themselves rather than offloading excess supply onto dealers. It is a neutral at best. The brand value is what is carrying the company. Autopilot alone is another issue. It's a class action lawsuit waiting to happen. What bulls ignore is that Elon Musk is a proven scam artist and has never run a profitable company. Read the history of Paypal and how he was kicked out by Peter Thiel. Read the history of Tesla and how he stole the company from Martin Ebherd while betraying every promise he made. It will show you that his public persona is a complete lie. (Hint: He is not a physicist nor did he ever enroll in a PhD program. His undergraduate degree is in Economics.)

>> No.12116264
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>> No.12116271

It's just stupid points.

>> No.12116277

Nice, if we extrapolate that out to 2030 and beyond, batteries will pay Tesla to make them.

>> No.12116279

>long term oil will be fucked by EV
Look up what percentage of petroleum extracted goes to small road-going vehicles and get back to us on that, Sport.

>> No.12116288

It's like going back in time to iphone

>hurrr omg the iphone is too expensive no one wants a smart phone it's just a fad, commodification will happen once blackberry makes a smart phone blah blah blah

You are missing everything that matters with those arguments about Tesla.

>> No.12116294

The extra irony in this is if a battery advance did occur, it would cripple Tesla since they are heavily invested into Lithium Ion tech/equipment.

>> No.12116297

>his public persona is a complete lie. (Hint: He is not a physicist nor did he ever enroll in a PhD program. His undergraduate degree is in Economics.
where did you get this crackpot conspiracy theory from? proof or its bullshit

>> No.12116300

The infrastructure is going to build itself, esp when oil hit new lows.

>> No.12116301
File: 164 KB, 1905x950, tesla-semi-bridge-press-e1534950889428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting bored of the retards....

>> No.12116303

is lithium ion different from whatever battery is on the chart?

>> No.12116308

for sure
low battery prices would destroy tesla because they make the cells..

>> No.12116317

I'm sure it is boring to reply to posts without even reading them, lol. Please give some more investing advice so I know what to bet against.

>> No.12116320

>He left in 1992 to study business and physics at the University of Pennsylvania, and graduated with an undergraduate degree in economics and stayed for a second bachelor's degree in physics.

After leaving Penn, Elon Musk headed to Stanford University in California to pursue a PhD in energy physics. However, his move was timed perfectly with the Internet boom, and he dropped out of Stanford after just two days to become a part of it, launching his first company, Zip2 Corporation.[47]


So he has a UG degree in physics. Basically nothing.

>> No.12116326

>but oil is used in things other than small vehicles

Yeah because seeing an entire segment of use evaporate isn't going to crash the price...

>> No.12116334

From a court settlement with Martin Eberhard when he left the company.
Post 14 contains the excerpt. Wikipedia is a lie.

>> No.12116353
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> INTC seems to behaving a lot of good news in terms of pricing the future value.

Like what? Their "10nm" process is likely coming at the end of 2019 and there's no guarantee that it isn't a paper launch, a house fire or overcosted.

AMD is going to brutally assrape them with no lube for at least 6 months with Zen2 (not to mention their ROME server chips), if not more. All Intel is currently doing is putting up smoke screens to distract shareholders from how badly the situation actually is. Intel is going to get their shit together sooner or later thanks to Jim Keller, but that's still going to take a while.

>> No.12116358

They are moving to Solid-based batteries, which would exponentially increase battery performance and longevity.
Everyone is 10 years away from the new tech.
But nobody is focusing on the problem at hand of power generation NOT by coal plants.

You sound like one of those ironic 'Teslatards'.
Do you like screwin' people over or do really you hate Tesla that much?

>> No.12116359
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, 55BD9ADB-A209-410D-9ACC-0C1D9DC4A787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are so dead now

>> No.12116360
File: 182 KB, 400x374, 1544739167895.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rape bots are back

>> No.12116369

>an entire segment of use
You want spoonfeeding? How big is the segment? You don't know.

>> No.12116373
File: 224 KB, 1565x765, Perhaps-Maybe-Whoknows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if it's unironically this easy?
(Right graph is 2007-2009)

>> No.12116376

actually the power gen isn't the limiter it's power storage/distribution for renewables.

>> No.12116377

Holy shit this is real. I don't know if i should short or long TSLA. Musk is ruthless...

>> No.12116380

>making babies into asbestos

>> No.12116385
File: 226 KB, 938x1500, 1543532775103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just hodl as long as the fundamentals of the companies you own are good

>> No.12116402

Reminder to not kill yourself. Life is always worth living, even if you lose everything.

>> No.12116403

>company invests heavily in capital to make widgets from blorp
>new technology comes around to make better widgets from blarp
>competitors can now buy capital to make better widgets from blarp while the company has sunk cost in blorp manufacturing
>this is good for the company
This is your view.

>> No.12116409

Tesla allegedly told Eberhard his car was on its way but would have to undergo "endurance testing." Several months later, according to the suit, Eberhard learned an unnamed Tesla employee "had driven Eberhard's Roadster into the back of a truck, almost completely totaling the vehicle." The damage was so bad, the suit states, that the car "required the replacement of no fewer than 75 different parts."

>> No.12116410

The short thesis and long thesis for Tesla are exactly the same.
>Elon Musk will do -anything- to keep the company alive.

>> No.12116412

it looks easy until you get there and start getting whipsawed around

>> No.12116413
File: 205 KB, 500x500, imoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto ded so everyone including most of the oldfags left
Stocks ded back in October so almost everybody left.
Even the shills left because there is nothing left to shill.
The Shorters got burnt by the sideways action and left.
The Wojacks An Hero'd.
Now we are left with bear shitposting and stale le weed stock memes.
Maybe they will be back during Xmas, who knows?

>NOT by Coal plants

>> No.12116423

The demand isn’t for 10nm products. 14nm is the right price point/performance for the bulk of Intels business and that’s what they were having problems delivering in Q2 & Q3 of this year.

>> No.12116433

The brand dumbfuck

Also a random battery breakthrough that happened with that rapidity would absolutely crush every other automaker due to the amount of ICE vehicles they would have to try and sell.

Try to think.

>> No.12116437

investing is boring if you do it right

>> No.12116449

The problem with power right now is the high cost of storage. You can create a lot of power with renewables the problem is delivering it reliably when needed...

Coal's advantage is you can burn it whenver you want.

>> No.12116450
File: 166 KB, 781x401, Lithium Batteries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China opened their first solid-state battery factory three weeks ago:


>> No.12116452

kek I own like $45k in TSLA, most would call me crazy. I feel better every time I see a 3 though, those are such sexy cars

>> No.12116465

I opened 10 solid state battery factories too.

>> No.12116469

What is doing it right though? All in Total world stock or something?

>> No.12116477

Which defeats the purpose of EVs

Not ready for Prime-time
Needs more market-testing before it becomes viable.

>> No.12116480

Coal fucking sucks because of the lag time to build steam. It’s why most new power generation is quick fire natural gas. Google California duck curve.

>> No.12116490
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>> No.12116491

So tell me.

Is it better to have industrial exhaust inside a city center or outside of it 10 miles away?

Even if you use coal to power EV, it is still superior to ICE because you do not exhaust the pollution directly inside of a city.


dumbfuck monkey

>> No.12116497

Porsche and BMW are better brands than Tesla. Others are less expensive. In a year or two, Tesla's older models will be seen passe.

>> No.12116504

>have to get shit tier stand-up all day jobs at temp agencies
>can't even use phone to /smg/
I am locked to the wageslave life now.

>> No.12116507

something similar, but would also take 100 - your current age = % of exposure to stocks, the rest in bonds or cash or gold or a combination of all 3, rebalanced quarterly. it's a simple plan that you dont really have to think about.

>> No.12116511

boomer opinions

>> No.12116522
File: 203 KB, 1507x1155, 1531952649840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think we are?

>> No.12116526

I refuse to accept this as a possibiltiy. Let me buy your bags.

>> No.12116542
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>> No.12116545

That's apples and oranges. Porsche is a track toy, but the Cayenne/Macan are excellent. BMW makes great cars but they aren't looked at as tech like Tesla is. Younger folks identify with Tesla way more than BMW which they look at as expensive cars for older folks

I once saw VT (Total World Stock) and BNDW (Total World Bond) as the perfect portfolio

>> No.12116569

>Fucking retard can't even into LNG or fuckin' nuclear
>Uses Kindergartener logic
Couldn't expect more from a shill

>> No.12116579

Tesla’s build quality is Fiat-Chrysler tier. They don’t know how to build cars.

>> No.12116589


>> No.12116595

Guys by my calculations SLB would be a good by right about now as long as you don't go all the way in.

>> No.12116611

too low IQ to understand the point was using a worst-case scenario hypothetical and not about power generation but ICE vs EV even assuming coal.

Then perhaps the existing entrenched companies should have competed harder and won instead of losing.


>> No.12116629

>research vehicles

One drawback -- the charger offers more power than current models can take on.

For the test vehicles to withstand the full electricity surge, Porsche used a cooling system that keeps battery cells at a steady temperature, while the charging cables were cooled too.
You do know that M3 has faster charging capability too right now than standard supercharger

>> No.12116638

>low-iq dis, low-iq dat
A literal brainlet
That is what you are.
The next thing you tell me is that you bought crypto at its peak.

>> No.12116655

FUCK! It went up! But when it reaches 39.42 I'm pretty sure it won't go much lower than that, like the probability is really low.

>> No.12116665

i just unironically bought some corns

>> No.12116694

>Which defeats the purpose of EVs

I was laying out a clear scenario with EV having a functional advantage over ICE even given similar total net pollution because with EV you can locate the pollution outside of a city instead of in the most populated areas.

Sorry you can't process this argument in your tiny fucking inefficient brain.

>> No.12116714

VT and BNDW aren't bad. But VT sucks far as Div payout goes. (0.36 per share). The VTI gives you a nice fat 0.71 div and is also better Lipper ranked in all categories (Straight 5's). My
SWPPX fund pays out 0.72 per and also has a nice Lipper rating. Just my 02

>> No.12116720

Hey, I got nothing to prove, unlike you.
I haven't seen a single piece of professional empirical data from you.
So I can safely conclude that you are a retard.

>> No.12116742

muh zerohedge graphs

>> No.12116749

>VT sucks far as Div payout goes
VT yield is 2.34%
VTI yield is 1.81%

am I missing something?

>> No.12116758
File: 20 KB, 797x176, gibsmedat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do I have to subsidize gibs for wh*toids and corporations

>> No.12116787

Yeah VT is the better fund imo, global holdings and a better dividend

>> No.12116793
File: 41 KB, 550x472, flat,550x550,075,f.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haaa short was successful
boomer buffet sensible advice btfo
algos rekt
gonna eat well tonight

>> No.12116821

>M-muh Elon Musk
Come back to /biz/ when you actually have something to contribute instead of
regurgitating every fanboi quote on the web

Or something that is not already fuckin' priced-in
Fuckin shills can't even shill for shit

>> No.12116834

>High of 68.39
>Low of 68.03
How are you supposed to make any money off this?

>> No.12116837

How does that affect TME?

>> No.12116848

NVAX on target to bust 2.50 mark! You can do it little guy!

>> No.12116851
File: 37 KB, 722x406, ketamine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for now
sensible boomer advice will always win out in the long term, though

>> No.12116855

let us know when you get rich by trading

>> No.12116863
File: 10 KB, 240x240, EpcxcoIn_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem quite angry of a man. why is that elon and tesla angers some individuals at such high levels? have they lost money shorting the stock?

>> No.12116873

bullrun is starting now. get aboard or get lost. volume is picking up like crazy.

>> No.12116879
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>> No.12116881

It's been decreasing.

>> No.12116884

>Fuckin shills can't even shill for shit
back to /g/ you go

>> No.12116886

Down more than $900 on JNJ today. Please bounce.

>> No.12116889

So glad I sold all my equities for bonds and didn’t fall for the hodl meme. Learned that lesson from hodling memecoins.

>> No.12116898

thought you meant the NZ auction website

>> No.12116905

Joke's on you.
I have nothing against TSLA.
I just want to fuck a retard up today

>> No.12116916
File: 220 KB, 775x581, 1544502884242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me this is the bottom.

>> No.12116930


They poisoned babies, what do you think is gonna happen?

>> No.12116937

Babies aren't human beings

>> No.12116944

tiem 2 buy jnj!!!11111

>> No.12116951

To normies they are.

>> No.12116955

AMRN still has a average price target listed at 34.80. Price is now at upper 16ish range. Still got a strong buy rating to. Profit is in the air, I think the only thing holding this back is the FDA. Based on all the results and whatnot that is only thing I can think of. Once they green light this;wham there is no stopping it. The doubters and late party crashers will get ran over by the Mega Profit Train as it leaves the station. Meanwhile, steadfast investors can relax and enjoy the ride as Profit pours in.

>> No.12116961
File: 751 KB, 480x270, yeb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please bounce.

>> No.12116974

kek. That's what really matters as far as market sentiment goes.

>> No.12116984

If people don't start buying JNJ cheapies soon it's going to be its worst day since 2008.

>> No.12116998

What’s everyone’s outlook for 2019? I’m thinking mostly sideways.

>> No.12117005


this selloff is for a reason
they hid information about their talcum powder products being contaminated with asbestos

>> No.12117009

If we break nightly lows, shits gonna freefall

>> No.12117029

WTF stop dumping I thought trade wars are over

>> No.12117035
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>> No.12117036

I'm thinking positive on the year but we have to hit a bottom sometime and this year would be early for that to happen. I'm guessing late Feb for the bottom.

>> No.12117044
File: 176 KB, 1000x1000, 1543186781225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who else here /holdingJNJ/ ?

>> No.12117057


>> No.12117070

It's beautiful

>> No.12117071

I haven't sold, but maybe I will. I don't know.

As >>12117005 said, it isn't just moving with the market or dropping for no reason today.

>> No.12117076


>> No.12117080

who would win

>thousands of pay piggy NEETs sending their mommies fun bucks on stocks


>babies who shit themselves consistently and like to eat bugs

>> No.12117089

>pay piggy

what did you mean by this

>> No.12117111
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>> No.12117114
File: 93 KB, 645x773, 1522041110764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've lost so much money since October that I don't even care anymore. Let the SPY tank below 230, see if I care. Let the Dow dig all the way to China.

>> No.12117149
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>> No.12117157


>> No.12117165
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everyone involved, sub or domme, should be publically burned alive to set an example
this degeneracy should not be permitted (it's also blatant exploitation of the mentally ill)

>> No.12117168


>> No.12117175


>those hideous lips

>> No.12117184

Wtf? Does the pay pig get sex in return?

>> No.12117201
File: 413 KB, 598x458, 1541974932618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no they get ridiculed in return

>> No.12117204

another 259 thread!

>> No.12117207

After looking at my portfolio and seeing the shape its in (pretty good imo long term wise), for 2019 the plan of attack will be real simple:

1. Buy more NVAX while it's still under $3
2. Dump more into my S&P 500 fund
3. Buy more CTL (My div cash cow) on the dip
4. Be on the lookout for Amazon "victims" and when it's confirmed that Amazon is gonna strike, buy stock in the "victim" before that merger is done.

>> No.12117226


>> No.12117237

Lmao I was just looking at her a second ago thinking why tf would anyone find her special

>> No.12117260

humiliation is a fetish like any other, i guess. people are freaks.

>> No.12117348

>those mid day red wangers
not looking to good is it lads

>> No.12117371

those BASED boomer stocks, am i right fellow zoomers?

>> No.12117511
File: 73 KB, 829x482, CTL_lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12117574

I can dig it. Where you the one talking about CTL last thread? I was thinking of investing in them too. Im also buying more NVAX, as well as XXII.