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File: 886 KB, 1250x616, SPY259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12117202 No.12117202 [Reply] [Original]

259 is a good friend edition

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks, and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

Basic rundown on options:
[YouTube] Option Basics Part I
[YouTube] Option Basics Part II

Suggested books:

Previously on /smg/ >>12112413

>> No.12117212 [DELETED] 
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findom is exploitation of the mentally ill and should be outlawed

>> No.12117220


>> No.12117221

Don't worry lads, golden bull returns monday...

>> No.12117229

I got £30,000 recently. Should I invest or wait for the inevitable recession?

>> No.12117235
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>> No.12117242


>> No.12117246
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It's time for the Lunchtime Checkup!

What're you eating how're you doing?

I'm having the chicken maple salad today, yummy! It's a nice 37° and sunny today so I'm content even though I'm down. Got some divvies in yesterday so whatever.

Meeting with HR yesterday went well, I got plenty of paths I can take.

>> No.12117257

Buy short term and secured bonds and hold until maturities for now

>> No.12117259

Will you be needing it in the near future?

>> No.12117274

ever consider just bringing your own lunch? it's a lot cheaper.

>> No.12117280
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Based Lunchbro

>> No.12117283

convert to USD asap then after brexit buy up most distressed UK companies

>> No.12117289

New robinhood ui is shit

>> No.12117297
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seems like a solid plan
NVAX is a good biotech pick, and adding to dividend stocks and broader market ETFs is never a bad thing

my university's cafeteria has boxes that are very similar to those, I think they're provided by wherever he works

>> No.12117299
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gonna eat $100 dollars in fancy Korean /bbq/ and suishi today kek

>> No.12117321


>> No.12117331

We need to stop letting RKG make threads.

>> No.12117338
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>> No.12117343

Not low enough, maul these cunts

>> No.12117352

>tfw every time the options videos are taken out of the pastebin, people just copypaste the titles of the embedded videos instead of actually linking the videos

I don't know why grim keeps doing that when he makes threads, it bugs the shit out of me

>> No.12117361

I get an employee discount, this was like $5.50

>> No.12117362
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>> No.12117366
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>> No.12117380

that's not too bad i suppose. i make pretty good money and bring in $1 soup when i'm in the office. i guess some people are just more dedicated than others.

>> No.12117425
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Realistically, how effective would a dividend capture strategy work? If most stocks rebound by the drop on the ex-div date, it should be low risk, right?

>> No.12117440
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Could I sell QQQ and buy into TQQQ? Is it gonna go lower?

>> No.12117441

>>12117425 it works nicely for T, KO, and other stocks with good divs but it can be tricky with some reits. just make sure a meteor doesnt hit nyse on the ex date

>> No.12117444

I'd go to Japan for that, and that sick Gundam statue

I do bring my own lunches when I work in the location without a cafe, I'm usually there 1-2x a week guaranteed. If this was more expensive I'd bring one daily but eh.

>> No.12117445

I like food more than most other things so I spend more on it and less on everything else

>> No.12117465
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Should I use a resource like this to help find more stocks or just do my own research?

>> No.12117468

>If most stocks rebound by the drop on the ex-div date
that doesn't happen in a reliable way though or everyone would be taking advantage.

>> No.12117474
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>should I sell a stock because it's going low and buy into a stock that's exactly the same thing, except leveraged 3x

>> No.12117476
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95% of those girls demanding money aren't even close to being good looking..

>> No.12117481
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>Nintendo Switch is literally off the shelves
>Smash is making a killing
>At this pace the 20 millions everyone thought to be impossible might as well be a sealed deal
>And yet NTDOY crashes, and never recovered that stupid Nvidia dip

>> No.12117484

People have been trying this for 130 years. They only work for the most elitist daytrader. You have more competition than forex markets in this space.

>> No.12117490

SQQQ is the 3x short QQQ ETF, not TQQQ

>> No.12117520
File: 31 KB, 509x625, anakin_rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gap up
>gap down
>gap up
>gap down
>gap up
>gap down

>> No.12117547

based grim forcing options gambles to do an extra step for information anyways to help them increase their critical thinking skills in the long run

>> No.12117555

just buy, hold, and think in the long term

>> No.12117595

we're in a rape market right now
wall st is expecting millennials who are just getting into investing now to hodl long term and through the crash like a bunch of chumps

see >>12117555

>> No.12117613

a crash is the best thing that can happen to someone who is young, working, and contributing capital to the market

>> No.12117614
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based JNJ dip buyers
dab on those dead babies

>> No.12117633

based, I love this shit

I buy $1000 a month worth of stuff, i dont care if it all tanks for the next 12-18 months. I only care what the value of it all is in 15 years when I retire, if the recession is big and long enough I might be able to do it in 10 years if i get enough cheapies for long enough

>> No.12117642

not when theyre 100k in debt and interest outstrips 10 year gains

>> No.12117686

anyone that gets themselves into $100k of debt that can't be easily paid off based on salary projections of their chosen field is RETARDED.

i went to a local branch of a college for 2 years, then worked while i attended my last 2 years. i finished with $30k in debt and paid it off shortly after.

>> No.12117833
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red but it can be mended
Just waiting on the golden bull

>> No.12117841
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Lunch bro!

Lol i got stop loss sniped on my Canopy Growth position this morning. Bounced right back up. Pffft. Not a big deal. Today i have been busy trading. Cutting underperformers and support breakers. Dipping pinky toe in to a couple things. Waiting for power hour to see if new stuff is a hold for over weekend.

>> No.12117858

Since I work a God awful job that doesn't allow phone use while I hurt my back assembling computers all day, what investments do I put my meager $1000 a month into for long term?

>> No.12117883

right now? SPY or SSO. you might want to wait for the market to tank before buying and just let it sit in one of those new robinhood 3% savings accounts until then. we're overdue for a pullback.

>> No.12117884

Just do SQQQ Puts for one week with that 1000$ and Dont worry about ever needing to go long term.

>> No.12117898

$900 VT, $100 BND

>> No.12117942 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 667x524, 1544807679911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the catch with those high yield divided stocks?

>In the past 3-years it has delivered a total return (change in market price + dividends) of around 40%, the majority of this return being in the form of dividends. This actually compares relatively well to its BDC peers, with others like ARCC returning around 43%, FSIC -7% MAIN 52%.


>> No.12117946
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>not when theyre 100k in debt

which I am not and will not be

>> No.12117953

Always do the opposite of what seeking alpha says.

>> No.12117961
File: 67 KB, 752x452, 31027465_15445099796872_rId12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the catch with those high yield divided stocks?

>In the past 3-years it has delivered a total return (change in market price + dividends) of around 40%, the majority of this return being in the form of dividends. This actually compares relatively well to its BDC peers, with others like ARCC returning around 43%, FSIC -7% MAIN 52%.


>> No.12117984
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the comments say it's some kind of a scam but I don't get, it still returned 40% over the years

>> No.12117990
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seekingalpha has enough people making articles on it that conflicting viewpoints are constantly published, though
if you always did the opposite of what seekingalpha said, then there wouldn't be many things you could do

>> No.12118017

unless it has a track record through a recession, i wouldn't trust a BDC. that being said, i don't know anything about them

>> No.12118076
File: 10 KB, 650x325, dividend547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me neither desu, i'm just looking for high yield divvies and came across this
how safe is holding some money there? like ARCC, it seems tgtbt.

>> No.12118078

>all the bulls in this thread

>> No.12118083

Dont think I can handle much more red boys
Ive got my gun loaded just incase we go under 260

>> No.12118097
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Seeing red again!
Seeing red again!
Seeing red again!
Seeing red again!
Seeing red again!
Seeing red again!
Seeing red again!

>> No.12118101
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>freaking out over short term price action this much
>investing money you can't afford to lose
>killing yourself over money

>> No.12118106
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i'm not bullish but i'm not selling either.

>> No.12118111

Divvies bruh. Go on M1 Finance, open an account, make a high-dividend pie and begin a dividend reinvestment plan.

>> No.12118138

I'm still well into the green on JNJ, but I'm not sure I have the balls to keep holding. Maybe I should sell half?

>> No.12118141
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>he thinks the gun is for me

>> No.12118146
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>> No.12118160
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don't worry, her immune system will do the work for you soon enough

>> No.12118167


>> No.12118169

What's your average on GALT?

>> No.12118182


>> No.12118189


>> No.12118191

just passed my master thesis, see ya at Goldman losers!

jk imma try to get 60k in EU in capital markets

>> No.12118197

well market is shit today.. time to go fuck this chick then go play some pool and drink at the bar for the rest of the day.

>> No.12118203

You're a fucking queer kys

>> No.12118206
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>> No.12118220

let me know what you think of that Mora Garberg when you get it, btw

>> No.12118225

he's right tho..

>> No.12118234


>> No.12118241


>> No.12118248
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>> No.12118262
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>J&J diddling my healthcare etf while poisoning babies for decades

Nothing is safe.

>> No.12118264
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Anon, y-you really thought we were in a bull market?

>> No.12118278

Have fun with your hand.

>> No.12118280

we are still

>> No.12118286
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>> No.12118307

Nice. I'm at 4.85. You got a PT for this memestock?

>> No.12118320
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>> No.12118330

The mentally ill choose to take a part in it. The weak will be parted with their money.

>> No.12118364

None in particular at the moment, but if you're looking for one, I'd say $10 would be a good bet
I'm holding because of good performance in clinical trials in NASH cirrhosis and in the treatment of melanoma in conjunction with Keytruda
I'm planning on typing out a post explaining why I'm holding it sometime later this week


>The weak

aka people with social anxiety, poor self-esteem, and abusive upbringings who can't get acknowledged by another human being in any other way
they should be spending that money on therapy, not fueling the worthless lives of opportunistic whores who take advantage of them

>> No.12118384

follow a stock for a quarter or 2 and then capture once you understand what drives it

basically im saying do ur own homework and start with boomer stocks before you get cute

>> No.12118387

If spy falls below yearly low of 257 then it will crash to 130 within a month. I urge you to sell now or you will be holding bags for a decade.

>> No.12118391

ive been buying SPY and SSO this will be fine right

when will this volatility end, i just want to stay in the green by at least a little bit at all times

>> No.12118401
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>I'm still well into the green on JNJ, but I'm not sure I have the balls to keep holding. Maybe I should sell half?

Jesus christ that red candle. I would sell at least 2/3rds before end of day today. Oversold bounce is losing steam on the hourly. Buy volume trailing off.

>> No.12118409

No it won't be fine unless you are okay with losing 60% of everything you own.

>> No.12118432

im fine losing 60% if I can hold and then end up 200% a few years after that

>> No.12118439

>social anxiety, poor self-esteem, and abusive upbringings who can't get acknowledged by another human being in any other way
Boo hoo. Plenty of people with anxiety that dont give their money to internet thots.

>> No.12118440


This is the company's worst scandal in literally centuries. It will go bankrupt in less than a year.

>> No.12118443

What company

>> No.12118468

You realize you would make twice as much by selling and buying near bottom... Holding through recession is dumbest thing you can do.

>> No.12118469

Johnson & Johnson. Currently -9%.

>> No.12118472


I don't actually think it should be made illegal, but I do think that they're taking advantage of the mentally ill in addition to it being degenerate cuck shit overall, and that it should be frowned upon on a societal level

I don't know about bankruptcy, but this will definitely hurt them a lot until this issue is resolved

>> No.12118482

Any baby powder pros here? What's the advantage of talcum powder over cornstarch?

>> No.12118490
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oh for sure the average retail investor can reliably time the market my man 100%
everyone knows where the bottom is and when a recession is actually starting

>> No.12118501

if i can time the market perfectly why wouldnt i be buying options on 100x margin daily, i would be a billionaire in less than a week starting with like $30

>> No.12118502
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the conpiracy vids on youtube are going to wild, cant wait. Sad about the babies though.


>> No.12118504
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The literal GIS bottom is 36
close enough! Time for the rally

>> No.12118509

Dude, what? Parents have been rubbing literal poison onto their babies for decades. How do you "resolve" shit like that? The company is done.

>> No.12118517


Fuck year.

Made $3K in capital appreciation only on my REITs, not to mention the distributions.

>> No.12118518

It’s going to $30

>> No.12118535


tmobile and sprint merger to be approved by us national security panel.

>> No.12118540

ah the fucking puts are already expensive asf

>> No.12118547

this isn't new news
the company has already been facing litigation for this for years


>> No.12118564

i been watching conspiracy /X/ /pol/ tier level compilations for years, i never head of J J doing it.

>> No.12118577

Exactly. The new news would be that JNJ was well aware of the issue for a very long time, and took measure to hide it.

From the Reuters article:
>By 1973, Tom Shelley, director of J&J’s Central Research Laboratories in New Jersey, was looking into acquiring patents on a process that a British mineralogist and J&J consultant was developing to separate talc from tremolite.
>“It is quite possible that eventually tremolite will be prohibited in all talc,” Shelley wrote on Feb. 20, 1973, to a British colleague. Therefore, he added, the “process may well be valuable property to us.”
>At the end of March, Shelley recognized the sensitivity of the plan in a memo sent to a J&J lawyer in New Jersey: “We will want to carefully consider the … patents re asbestos in talc. It’s quite possible that we may wish to keep the whole thing confidential rather than allow it to be published in patent form and thus let the whole world know.”
>J&J did not obtain the patents.

The article is worth reading imo: https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/johnsonandjohnson-cancer/

>> No.12118615

sell or nah?

>> No.12118617

is JNJ part of the DOW?

lmao 30 companies and 1 is a total scam confirmed, this is why you diversify

>> No.12118654

Should you sell a company that has been conspiring for decades about selling baby killing poison? Gee, I don't know.
It is but won't be for long.

>> No.12118661
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TerrAscend flatlined right on support with near oversold RSI and sell volume down to a trickle. Entering... Second time's the charm for me with this ticker? Yes? Let's go! Up!

Also entered TRUL. Entry conditions aren't especially clear cut on this but I'm going to gamble on a Monday pop. Small position though, just in case.

more smaller moves:
>Averaged down on Green Thumb Industries.
>sold Curaleaf as it broke support and didn't bounce well on rebound above
>flushed the remainder of MPX Bioceuticals position
>as mentioned above, I got stop loss sniped on Canopy Growth. Not reentering yet. Maybe during power hour depending.

I am now 60% in stocks, 40% cash.

>> No.12118677
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I can't wait to buy the dip on JNJ once the lawsuit is over
I don't care if they shot babies, a buy is a buy

>> No.12118688

The consumer products division (where the baby powder belongs) only make up around 13% of the revenue. Also, as >>12118547 says, they've been courts about this very issue for years. The news here is how well aware they were. So, I hardly think they're finished. However, holding felt too risky for me. I sold around 70%.

>> No.12118699

how often does the DOW make changes? What medical/supplies company would replace JNJ?Is something like Walgreens or CVS big enough to do so?

>> No.12118721

Walgreens is actually already in the Dow.

>> No.12118730
File: 45 KB, 330x291, h2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bold comment, but I highly doubt that. People underestimate their ability to pay off debt, and interest rates shouldnt be rising too harshly from now

JNJ is the best company in the entire planet earth besides PEP , buy the dip

a few times per century, walgreens already replaced GE fucking newfaggot

>> No.12118733

>Slaughter Market

if the economy is 'strong' according to Trump, why is it breaking down under mere 2% FED rate?

>> No.12118761

Don’t worry. I bought into Aphria. That 20% loss in one day reminded me of crypto

>> No.12118788

>thinking market prices are based on the current economy

>> No.12118795

Wait what, are they based on Obama's economy or Trump's successors economy?

>> No.12118811

they're mostly based on global growth expectations, and those expectations are waning.

>> No.12118817

How long for the crash? Recession incoming. Wonder if the GOP will survive this. I can see riots happening, people will want Trump's head.

>> No.12118824

>How long for the crash?
Began two months ago.

>> No.12118826
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If the Shit & Piss could please hold 2600 today I would appreciate it.

>> No.12118832

That's circular. It still doesn't explain. If the economy is strong, why is it crumbling under 2% FED rate + China missing GDP target? Is there no healthy domestic econ

>> No.12118833

So KO is paying out it's Div today. I logon to my account; no new KO share (my case it'd be a partial). WTF? I bought my KO way before the EX date so it should be there right?

>> No.12118835


>> No.12118837


Testing it presently...

>> No.12118840

Bleed out :)

>> No.12118852
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>Get back from work sales calls
>Pull up Schwab
>See daily balance

>> No.12118858

Trump conned the nation. /pol/ was filled with braindead clowns. The fake farce is over.

>> No.12118859
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aaaaaaaand there it goes.

>> No.12118861


>> No.12118864
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Sub 24k/2.6k soon lads

>> No.12118866

why wont Senor Trump just SHUT UP and stop tanking the markets

he must be short for billions

>> No.12118875

where do you watch the market

>> No.12118876


>> No.12118879

> If the economy is strong, why is it crumbling under 2% FED rate + China missing GDP target?
if the economy was crumbling we'd be seeing massive unemployment. oh hey look at that, it's at record lows.

>> No.12118885
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Huge bounce before the end of day incoming.

>> No.12118891

fucker held

>> No.12118900

You are narrow sighted. Unemployment is low right now but there is no new work coming. the layoff numbers coming are going to be out of this world.

>> No.12118901

it will be over soon enough

>> No.12118902

JNJ is now at $133 per. How low will it tank I wonder? I love it when shit like this happens (stock prices I mean), especially to companies I don't got a position with. Plz let someone sue them, I want the stock to tank to under $100. Then it's buy the dip

>> No.12118903

delusional bulls

>people working meme shit jobs count
>lol also this other group doesn't count :^)
simply epic

>> No.12118905

not yet

>> No.12118910


Just using tradingview.

>> No.12118921

Dow is going sub 20k

>> No.12118923
File: 104 KB, 1445x521, unbelievable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the prediction I made yesterday on a trade... Look at where my stop was and what happened.

>> No.12118927

t. children that dont have jobs

>> No.12118933

>everyone except the jews are red


i make 6 figures, im sitting in cash because this is an obvious bubble

>> No.12118938

I'm at work rn m8. I'm also preparing myself. It's coming. The GOP will give Trump to the wolves by the end of 2019.

>> No.12118949
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31 yr old boomer. I've already been through it once. it has all the same signs.

>> No.12118955

I'd definitely buy the moment it hit two digits, but even a scandal of this proportion seems unlikely to be that bad

>> No.12118956
File: 2.98 MB, 1024x768, Jew.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>everyone except the jews are red

>> No.12118958


t. 29 year old boomer

>> No.12118964

I've sat through 3.

>> No.12118967

this is bullish tbqh

>> No.12118969


Yeah you got sniped. It happens. Same thing happened to me this morning, too.

>> No.12118980
File: 145 KB, 647x548, 1531962422544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be numb by now.

>> No.12118986

yep when everyone else is fearful, be greedy

literally just buy and buy some more brehs, stop spending money on useless stuff and just BUY EQUITIES

>> No.12118989
File: 28 KB, 663x485, bear_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crash Market?
[X] Yes
[_] No

>> No.12118996

Bloomberg talking about how this old news about J&J hit just after investors fled to pharma ETFs as they were seeing them as a save haven. Truly makes my noggin joggin.

>> No.12118997

Lets just say that money doesn't mean much after the rides.

>> No.12118999

Yes! WMT and TGT are getting sued over lead paint in toys. TGT stock is already low, WMT is hovering in low 90s now. More prime buying opportunities await. TGT has a fat div of 0.63. WMT's div is 0.52

>> No.12119009

>record lows
You do know they've been dropping out NEETs, people with lower levels of education, people who havent been employed for a lengthy amountof time, and other large categories of jobless adults from the unemployment numbers and fucking up productivity reports for years, right?

You should take those statistics, all statistics really, with a grain of salt.

>> No.12119011

>buying retail stores

>> No.12119012
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1538514457458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the level of delusion in bulls is beginning to rival coiners lmfao

as expected of non-human mutts tbqh

>> No.12119021

this guy knows

>> No.12119036

update: pierced now

>> No.12119047

sub 2.6k

bear 2019 here we come :)

thank you brexit

>> No.12119049
File: 1.64 MB, 1464x1350, 1535614957929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go. Come on baby

>> No.12119055
File: 140 KB, 462x422, 1509114617725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are back and never going below 2600 again

>> No.12119057


>> No.12119067

you have no power here


>> No.12119071
File: 394 KB, 502x371, 1507447117800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your losses should make you suicidal but you already are
Checkmate, bogdanoff

>> No.12119081

>down again
When is the last time the market went up on a Friday? It feels like it's been months.

>> No.12119090

just end this suffering

>> No.12119093

Looks weak

>> No.12119099

all in on Apple. I always laugh whenever people doubt it.

>> No.12119105

>Investing in the ghost of Steve Jobs

>> No.12119117
File: 174 KB, 528x321, 3625499C-5C9C-40DB-930D-3DB13F3C3574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, bears

>> No.12119119
File: 176 KB, 595x700, 1541108586202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when everyone so depressed because of the market they accept guro as a normally

>> No.12119126

Remember when AAPL almost went bankrupt and it's stock was only a couple bucks?
I do.
They don't have the "Magic of Steve Jobs" anymore to rely upon either.

>> No.12119127

>he doesn't know

>> No.12119128


>> No.12119132
File: 20 KB, 583x298, sideways.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sideways over the last 3 months

I'm ok with this

I've been desensitized to gore ever since I was an edgy middle schooler watching videos on bestgore

>> No.12119134
File: 156 KB, 682x270, 1517578885280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12119139

I hope AMD tanks to a "few bucks" again.

>> No.12119143

You are going to get destroyed, sorry

>> No.12119153
File: 409 KB, 803x737, HelperBornToKill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Candle body back above. It's a fight out there.

>> No.12119163
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>> No.12119168


>> No.12119176


>> No.12119182
File: 90 KB, 463x359, 20180620_014755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SPY had a massive buy @ 260 that stopped it from going under kek
was good stuff very night knife fight going on with pricee

based middle schooler gore watcher
bestgore should be taught in school

>> No.12119189
File: 16 KB, 396x385, 1540022016205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bulls arrived

>> No.12119191
File: 180 KB, 1219x710, HelperBecomeDeath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bulls woke up. Make it count boys! CHARGE!!!

>> No.12119197

still weak

>> No.12119198

The SPY will never fall under $260 ever again

>> No.12119200

It's literally impossible for Apple to go bankrupt.

>> No.12119215
File: 7 KB, 246x205, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"b-bulls arrived"
>still down 1.7% on the daily

>> No.12119222
File: 114 KB, 1280x942, 71387281_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can smell the bull fear
you need for watch dom the sellers only stepped away for moment to give them more room for sell

We 99% sure gonna go under 259 today
bulls completely at mercy of super large spec buyers

>> No.12119226
File: 46 KB, 540x438, 1518121706068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this sarcasm?

>> No.12119231
File: 77 KB, 578x722, 1519780047457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in line for robinhood checkings and savings
>+1000 spots at 3am this morning
>-100 spots at 3pm
>i can tap 1000 more times now
>every tap in your favor moves someone else down in line
>1000 taps later at 3:15pm i am now up 944 spots today,

holy shit the behavioral conditioning

>> No.12119245


So robins is a clicker game now?

>> No.12119247

They literally built a gacha system for getting stocks, there's no surprise here

>> No.12119249

tap on your screen monkey tap

>> No.12119255
File: 100 KB, 640x640, 1544549483709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a "medical skills" class when I was in the 8th grade, and I can remember some firefighters coming over and talking about what it was like to be a first responder, and they showed the class some stock gore pictures from rotten.com and claiming that they "happened in the area"
Here's a good "shock factor" gore video from bestgore, if you haven't seen it
I'm neutral to gore now
I used to be interested in it when I was in my edgy middle schooler phase, but now I'm just indifferent to it


>> No.12119261

what is the point of the 3% bank account? why would you leave cash making basically inflation when you could be making 15%+ in 2x leveraged ETFs?

>> No.12119270

Gotta have some place to hold cash for your debit card

>> No.12119277

but you should never really have more than say $2,000 in cash on hand, cuz why do that? if you have an emergency you just sell your mooning equities

>> No.12119292

3% is not a bad rate on that $2000, and you don't have to wait for slow ass transfers to a real bank account

>> No.12119310

>no more than $2000 on hand

>> No.12119330

>inflation is 3%
>why have savings when leveraged etfs exist
If only I put my money into xiv!!!

>> No.12119331

if dividends are my friends does this also mean preferred stocks are my friends too?

>> No.12119351
File: 33 KB, 851x314, oh no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was doing pretty good today, too
It's only .96%, though, so it doesn't really matter at all
By the way, I'm bullish in the long term when it comes to the stocks I buy, but I don't really care about the short term price action
Apologies to anyone who bought into something I mentioned looking for short term profits, but if you're willing to be patient and hold through volatility, then I think you'll find that your choice will pay off

>> No.12119356

I try and I try to be a divi bro, but in the end i sell it all for x3 etfs by the end of the week

>> No.12119361

Typically, your broker won't actually credit your account with it until after the close of business on the day it pays out.

>> No.12119367
File: 6 KB, 126x44, 1543648553674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost more than your entire portfolio today

>> No.12119370

Anyone holding DE? Thoughts?

>> No.12119373

HR is the absolute lowest form of human life

>> No.12119375

Anyone dumb enough to listen to biz deserves to lose money

>> No.12119389

>muh instant gratification

what did you lose the money on

it is a valuable learning experience that you should always do your own research and not let other people make your decisions for you

>> No.12119397
File: 6 KB, 238x212, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are going to make lower lows before the close

>> No.12119407

you cant be bullish with that shit

>> No.12119413
File: 9 KB, 420x420, Pepe-___-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it i'm buying CRON. Gap up filled. Higher high and higher low on hourly today.

>> No.12119417

>implying you know anything about the companies I own

>> No.12119428
File: 363 KB, 750x1397, 70030443_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man oh man is 260 gonna break the suspense am killing meh

>> No.12119430
File: 81 KB, 563x491, 1528860302998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>British American Tobacco PLC's PE Ratio for today is 1.42

>> No.12119431

Just buy options with your dividends

>> No.12119434

do you still work for hillary?

>> No.12119443

I know its fucking shit

>> No.12119456
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>> No.12119467

You don't know that, actually
I'm assuming you just think they're shit because they're small-cap biotech companies and you have no ability to tell if a biotech company is good or bad, so you just call them all memes

If my portfolio is so shit, then post yours

>> No.12119476

holy shit monday is going to be nasty

>> No.12119477

Everyone calm down on JNJ. The stock already had a 5 billion dollar jury award priced into it for this talc issue. This is extremely old news and the Reuter’s article is pretty thin.

>> No.12119478
File: 482 KB, 1000x1926, 1469216023187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another massive buy @ 260.17 whewwww today am crazy

>> No.12119488

Who 12/21 calls here?

Absolutely JUST

>> No.12119491

huge gap down, then the rally begins

>> No.12119493
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>> No.12119496
File: 3 KB, 114x119, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone calm down on JNJ.

>> No.12119500

Well, i think I'm going to liquidate a bit and keep some more cash on hand. What's your guys most confident hold? Mines V

>> No.12119503

WM and XEL

>> No.12119519

>What's your guys most confident hold?
Yesterday I would have told you JNJ.

>> No.12119521
File: 450 KB, 500x706, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have word they might be sending in the Golden bull last minute
take cover

>> No.12119523

For me, its TQQQ

>> No.12119522

They're not actually going to lose money, so this is just a dip

>> No.12119529

>below 2600
It's ogre bulls, the bears won.

>> No.12119531

Not the companies YOu make or loose like 1-3$ a day its a waste of time at that point

the harddrive space taken up by the .png file is more valuable than the gains.

>> No.12119533
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>> No.12119538
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>> No.12119548
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>> No.12119549

time for LABU!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.12119550
File: 137 KB, 1080x726, market down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 12/21 $175 QQQ calls

Down 99%

>> No.12119553

Normies will stop buying their products. Fucking up is one thing but covering it up is a whole other level. That is malice.

>> No.12119562


>> No.12119567
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>> No.12119571

How are the fees? How's that Leverage Decay treating you?

>> No.12119572

Look at the end of 2007 fools. THE EXACT SAME IS HAPPENING NOW. WE broke 260. The next stop is 130. Get out now.

>> No.12119574


>> No.12119576

>faggot americans ITT who are about to go cash because "ABLOO ABLOO, MUH NASDAQ IS DOWN TO +1% 1y"

Grow some balls.

>> No.12119579


>> No.12119581


>> No.12119583

There is no proof they tried to cover up anything, this is a market manipulation article by reuters

>> No.12119593
File: 99 KB, 576x960, 29063279_977693845733085_1836327625426079346_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This insane drop in oil in spite of cuts and years of lower investment means demand is fucked and the recession has already begun doesn't it? There's no way the S&P and crude make new highs after this drop.I used to think it was just fat pig specs shitting on the price but I'm not so sure anymore.

>> No.12119594

>tfw have too much cash anyways
bring me cheapies

>> No.12119614
File: 2.55 MB, 3456x3456, strikewitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12119618

I have WM too. AQN is my utility stock and I'm thinking about picking up some XEL and WTR. Probably dumping my tech stocks till the dust settles but i cant bring my fingers to hit the fucking sell button

>> No.12119631

its down 20%

>> No.12119637

>bulls fighting back in the closing minutes to defend 2600
God damn this is a fucking brutal knife fight.

>> No.12119640
File: 42 KB, 846x592, FxyEY62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any hope

>> No.12119647
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>> No.12119649
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>> No.12119651
File: 91 KB, 480x337, 1523554118709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is certain in this game
You're probably gonna get fucked, bigly. Sorry dude

>> No.12119654

YTD Nasdaq is down 0.28% as of right now
1Y Nasdaq is UP 0.70%

Americans are such crybabies.

>> No.12119655

above 2600 again

>> No.12119657

>Normies will stop buying their products
Might I ask why you think this? People here binge on McDonalds and have shown time and time again that they'll endure all kinds of fucked up business tactics in the name of a cheaper price. I could see the argument if we were talking some luxury meme brand, but JNJ operates on the backs of Walmart shoppers and other people buying cheap shit in bulk for entire families. I just dont see JNJ just falling off the side of a cliff as a business.

>> No.12119658

you kept some powder dry, right anon

>> No.12119659
File: 26 KB, 400x388, 1460771116101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fucken proud of the bulls.

>> No.12119660


>> No.12119663


>> No.12119668
File: 373 KB, 1920x1080, kantai-collection-kancolle-child-version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12119672
File: 105 KB, 678x904, 1538076215350m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a confession
I unloaded UDOW at open today for SPYD
I'm so sorry my leveraged frens, but now is not the time

>> No.12119680

>Might I ask why you think this?
Dead cancer babies.

>> No.12119683
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>> No.12119687
File: 374 KB, 434x1194, bullish2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12119696

This is so fucking tense man. Watching the minutes chart beats any Friday night thriller movie for me.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.12119698


>> No.12119700
File: 1.33 MB, 240x135, 1544667353172.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12119713
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, AnimuSalute3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ that was a nailbiter.

>> No.12119712
File: 158 KB, 960x700, grreeeen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We did it bulls
we valiantly defended 260
Golden bull starts monday

>> No.12119718

The real gains were the animu we saw posted along the way.

>> No.12119719
File: 561 KB, 1280x1791, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shut up
bulls lost bigly today and you know it

>> No.12119730
File: 98 KB, 910x661, qrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tobin's Q boys.
Look at the dates, when Q is high a correction/recession is due. Make your money and get your options ready for blood in the streets

>> No.12119739

Who ready for Green Monday

>> No.12119751

>claim victory anyway

Absolute state of bears I swear.

>> No.12119752
File: 260 KB, 505x410, 3tg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bulls won hater, get overr it

>> No.12119755

Are you people delusional? We are at yearly lows. There is no rally from this until trade deal in March.

>> No.12119756

the golden bull was supposed to start last monday

>> No.12119764

>closed below 260


>> No.12119767


>> No.12119768

do the highs coincide with coming recessions

should we market sell 100% monday morning

>> No.12119775
File: 255 KB, 1440x1080, 1540681879350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12119779


>> No.12119780

Despite how fucked up it is, I think the actual impact thats going to have on the actual business is being overstated. I guarantee if you go to your local Walmart tomorrow you're still going to see hoards of women pushing carts with JNJ products in them. And on top of that, I'd be willing to guess that JNJ probably has had a rainy day account accruing interest for decades at this point, entirely meant to take care of exactly this problem if it ever came into public awareness. I dont see this being anything like a nail in the coffin for them, unless there's a real reason for their present day sales to take a hit.

>> No.12119793


>> No.12119797

>do the highs coincide with coming recessions
Yes, but the timing isn't exact.

>should we market sell 100% monday morning
Not necessarily, if you can spare 0.5-1% of you portfolio to far OTM puts on the S&P500 that would be the ultimate big brain play


>> No.12119803

how much do you pay for his newsletters

>> No.12119805

how far out of the money and in the future do you own your puts? like next July 40% below current valuations type of thing?

>> No.12119815
File: 255 KB, 1280x1812, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell my why ROYT's dividends are so high? They are almost 20% of their stock price. I have been thinking about it for a few days, and I have come to the conclusion that I must be missing some major fact about the company. If dividends are this high, under normal circumstances, shouldn't people be buying up the stock to the point where it goes up high enough that the dividend rate becomes more normal? Because it seems like an incredibly good scenario to put as much money as you can in ROYT since it's giving almost 2% dividends a month.
I've read about it and I've read their filings and I can't find anything indicating why people are staying away from this.

>> No.12119856

personal experience?

>> No.12119864

they were at $3 a few months ago. stock price is in half now. that 20% yield doesn't help much when you lose 50% on the underlying. it's all risk adjusted, there is no free lunch

>> No.12119870

findom should be doxed to the IRS. thot audit.

>> No.12119873

I'm a europoor so I'm not in the market at all.
Read the article to see what spitznagel did, but he's expecting the S&P to half in the next correction IIRC.

“In April 2010, Universa paid about $2 each for S&P 500 put options expiring that May that would pay off if the index fell below 1,100. At the time, the index was around 1,200. The firm sold the puts as they soared to more than $60 each during the one-day crash on May 6, when the S&P fell as low as 1,066, erasing $862 billion in U.S. equity values in 20 minutes.”

>> No.12119992

WTF? Where's my KO div? I bought in way before the EX pay date so it should be there. I have it set to drip so I should see a new partial share. The div payout is today. Market is closed.

>> No.12120046
File: 68 KB, 1440x1205, IMG_20181214_152724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We stay green today boys?

>> No.12120109

nah down about 6 grand

>> No.12120146
File: 26 KB, 720x476, 1530973596794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ anon, what Boomer stocks did you invest in?

>> No.12120413

normies don't know which brands they own unless they take the time to look at the back which they dont. half of their business isn't even consumer choice. they'll be fine

>> No.12120544

Check back in a few hours or next morning. They never credit the div into your account during market hours on the day of.

>> No.12120616

holding long term is only a really effective strategy if you're holding for like 30 years. In our current market if you actually do want to make real money you have to insulate yourself from the crash.

That said, making money off of day to day market gyrations is just gambling.

>> No.12120645

It's not actually a savings or checking bank account, it's a cash management account, which means it's not FDIC insured. What they're actually doing is just putting all your money into T-bonds and skimping off the top of the interest payments. Looks like just some way to get around the new regulations on money market accounts.