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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 62 KB, 470x921, download_20181128_154935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12114231 No.12114231 [Reply] [Original]

So it is obvious stock market will crash end of 2018 and q2 2019. To further centralize everything and blame failed economy on Trump and those who elected him puting an end to the obvious fake drama this was from the start. How will this affect crypto?

>> No.12114241

BTC will unironically explode upwards again due to fear of inflation and economic collapse. What else do you think people are gonna do, buy gold?


>> No.12114249

Shut up newfag.
God its amazing you have the coordination to type!

>> No.12114265

This theory is plausible given how BTC's mooning last year correlated with the USD's drop in value.

>> No.12114267
File: 237 KB, 1000x750, Schiff Gold Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stockmarket goes down, Bitcoin goes down.
Perhaps you should put the charts of both next to each other.
>Gold is a store of value for thousands of years

>> No.12114268

Imagine being so retarded that you think people are going to dump money into an "asset" that loses 80 percent of its value in a week in economic uncertainty. The reality is not only will people be pulling out their money to buy provisions and pay off bills but if an economic crisis were to occur where banks were non functional there would be very little money going into crypto at that point

>> No.12114276

Correlation doesn't equal causation. The massive wave of Twitter normies that entered the market last year do not give a shit about the value of the USD until its too late and they've had their quality of life massively stomped on

>> No.12114287

>Stockmarket goes down, Bitcoin goes down.
Not true at all.
>Gold is a store of value for thousands of years
>finally gets dethroned by digital gold
kek welcome to the digital age where people like me don't give 2 fucks about a rock that is most likely infinite across the universe.

Imagine being so retarded that you think people aren't going to dump money into an asset that is known for massive rebounds after a 90% drop during one of the worst economic crashes in history to come.

The reality is not only will people be putting money into bitcoin/ETH or at least diversifying into the big dogs of crypto, but they will actively avoid banks at all costs due to them not actually owning that money.

The jig is up dude. Everyone knows that banks own the money when you put it in them. Crypto unveiled it to everyone. Technology is beautiful, isn't it?

>> No.12114310

You're actually fucking dumb. Speculative and volatile assets are the first to go in financial panics. You are delusional if you think crypto is somehow the exception to the rule.

>known for massive rebounds after a 90% drop

Is it known for rebounds in a recession? You're talking out of your ass. Your charts from the past decade are irrelevant because your charts are from a time period where practically all of finance was in an overvalued bull market. There's more evidence to suggest that it will shit the bed along with every other spotty investment class. Most people are not degenerate gamblers like you. You're projecting what you would do on the rest of the general market. Most people are scared and want to minimize risk by any means necessary. If bitcoins rebound of 90 percent of its value was so apparent to the general population they would have already been back on board.

>> No.12114326

Tell me how you're going to get a massive flow of capital into crypto with no liquidity? Bank ----> Exchange accounts for the most volume flowing into crypto markets. If banks go bust how are you going to pump billions of new investments into the market? Nevermind your complete backwards misunderstanding of market psychology, the prospect of money even physically finding its way into crypto in a massive paradigm breaking financial crisis is bleak.

>> No.12114332
File: 101 KB, 1078x516, Really faggot?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last couple of months stocks tanked and so did the crypto scene.
The people in the stock market didn't shift their wealth to Bitcoin but to $ and small part gold.
Cash is still king these days not only in the stock but also in crypto just look at how many stablecoins are coming up everywhere..

>the simple fact you deny this means you don't know how to read charts or you are a Bitconnect level retard.

BTC and ETH will go down for at least another year shaking out the dumb weak noob hands like you before flatlining.
Expect a increase in price couple of months before the blockhalving in 2020.

>There is a reason why you a living in a basement with your mom and dad and I am currently fucking ladyboys in the asshole in Thailand during this bearmarket.

>> No.12114336

>Speculative and volatile assets are the first to go in financial panics
This was true until crypto became a reality.
You live in old times.
Also, past performance != future results
>You are delusional if you think crypto is somehow the exception to the rule.
You're delusional if you don't think there's an exception for the first time money has truly been trusted digitized and programmable.

Nothing else you said holds any ground. Also, it's very funny how the maximum point of opportunity for profit is lining up nicely with the US economy about to crash.

>> No.12114338

Your lunch money doesn't dictate the price of cryptocurrencies. Money makes money in this world and with financial crisis, people pull out and invest in precious metals. High volatile assets and emerging markets are first to go. Crypto is as of now a high volatile asset

>> No.12114342

>Is it known for rebounds in a recession?
Check out Cyprus banks in '13...
The CMC chart doesn't go back this far
The answer is there if you look!
If banks fail crypto will do well...

>> No.12114355

>Last couple of months stocks tanked and so did the crypto scene.
So...a coincidence? It means literally nothing.

>The people in the stock market didn't shift their wealth to Bitcoin but to $ and small part gold.
They're slowly accumulating the normie bags. Easy peasy.

>Cash is still king these days not only in the stock but also in crypto just look at how many stablecoins are coming up everywhere..
Cash will be good for the next few years as retards that are unable to make the switch to digital money are forced to use cash until easier funnels pop up. Bitcoin ATMs are a good start. Teaching them how to use the tech is completely different and will take time, but smarter people will get in consistently for the next 5 years.

>BTC and ETH will go down for at least another year shaking out the dumb weak noob hands like you before flatlining.
Wrong. Market will flip to bull within the next 4 months.

>and I am currently fucking ladyboys in the asshole in Thailand during this bearmarket.
This is how I know you're poor.

>> No.12114360

Cyprus is a tiny irrelevant country in the grand scheme of things. Collapse of the US financial sector is not equivalent to a small island in the Mediterranean

>> No.12114363
File: 107 KB, 1125x925, Expert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are going to get rekt.
Remember you were warned here on biz by you biz bros'

>> No.12114365

>Tax havens are irreverent
You didn't even look it up!
Zoomer detected

>> No.12114368

You are going to get rekt, actually. Have fun missing out on all of the gains while your $ loses value consistently until you die.

>> No.12114382

This is a non sequiter. Please stay relevant to the discussion. Thanks

>> No.12114395

>fed prints more money
>props up the stock market more
>train keeps going

>> No.12114399
File: 62 KB, 398x710, Public Key.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold my crypto in March everything is in Tether.
>If anything I am currently up heavy in sat value gains.
Planning to buy back when it is flatlining and undervalued.
Good luck seeing your crypto portfolio losing another 70/90% in the coming months and that's were I will be buying when you sold in desperation.

>> No.12114407

The train cannot keep running forever. Fortunately in most Western countries people can only put up with so much degradation in quality of life before they snap. Of course maybe the United States of Hispanic Mutts would tolerate it, but the rest of the world is starting to become fed up with living in mediocrity

>> No.12114412

>This is a non sequiter. Please stay relevant to the discussion. Thanks
If you bothered to look you will see that the closure of the banks/confiscation of funds triggered a MASSIVE rise in price!
During a recession!
FFS Zoomer, How is that not relevant?
Best of luck with that arrogant attitude.


>> No.12114439 [DELETED] 

this is a pretty gay thread, you should all feel bad.

also: fuck niggers, kikes and jannies

>> No.12114448

Because Cyprian banks only account for a small portion of the global market you retard. My entire point is that the inevitable great depression level event would completely sap the function of the world's banks which unfortunately for crypto are the biggest barriers of entry into the market. Again, when the world's financial sector becomes completely decapitated as the bailouts are no longer feasible, who is going to be wiring normie money to coinbase? In fact, why do you believe cryptos existence is going to altar inherent human market psychology? The prospect of losing money fast will always outweigh optimistic feelings towards fast gains in speculative assets. It has always been that way and always will be that way . Crypto currency has not changed that fundemental and common human personality.

>> No.12114554

>Because Cyprian banks only account for a small portion of the global market you retard.
FFS ASSHOLE, I am just showing you an event form that past that says your wrong. I was actually in this space when it happened...I know you are projecting when you are calling me are retard!
Explain what happened in Crypus & the run up to ~$1500 back in '13-'14 if your so fuckin smart!
Why are Zoomers so arrogant?

>who is going to be wiring normie money to coinbase?
You don't understand the Cyprus

>In fact, why do you believe cryptos existence is going to altar inherent human market psychology?
You don't understand the Cyprus

>> No.12114614

What we learned boys is that NSA are the good guys. Snowden came out specifically to discredit the agency. You see it's all connected if you follow what's going on in the world right now.

NSA = SAto, NAka, another subtle coincidence.
SHA256 = designed by? Oh just the NSA another coincidence.

Also Proof of Work sounds very similar to what the Nazis did with their notes backed by labor. Now you have computers do the work.

All over the world you have these "populists" leaders all of the sudden appearing. From South America, to North America, to Asia and Europe. Just a coincidence right? Ehm no, this is a global coordinated effort to remove the ZOG and was probably decades in the making.

Tens and tens of trillions siphoned in the past decades alone that seems to have disappeared into thin air. What happens if the ZOGs wealth gets confiscated and dumped into crypto?

Also what happens during and after the bullruns? Millions of fresh meat normies come to the chans. And the chans are ripe with /pol memes. One has to wonder why half-chan got split recently? /pol is actively spilling into other boards, redpilling and making the normies curious about various topics concerning our current society.

It may not be Bitcoin what gets adopted in the end, but it sure paved the way for whats to come. Look at the current tokenisation of assets that's happening, regulated security tokens(soon), etc. Not only did it open Pandoras Box, but probably gave the ZOG machine, for a while at least, a tool to operate their black projects as the Executive Orders hammered down, their assets frozen and their financial operations disrupted via sanctions and other methods. It was a trap for them, it wasn't anonymous and it is traceable. Oh and not to mention they are sitting on quantum computers for quite some time now, not to mention the other advanced technologies that will follow in the coming decade.

The financial crash has to happen and hundreds of millions will be out of work.

>> No.12114647

>world's banks which unfortunately for crypto are the biggest barriers of entry into the market

Which does not matter at all when people are motivated enough to move to crypto. People do anything to secure their moey, the closure of banks does not matter at that point. Also, in that event I'll invest all my money to localbitcoins.

>> No.12114676

are you the Cyprian Kraut Anon from this thread?

>> No.12114709

But this is me gloating ITT

>> No.12114816

Could you share some details? What is the reason for having multiple passports/citizenships?
Posts like yours and topics like that one are rare.
What benefits do you have from that?
Could you describe the process? How did you achieve that?

Forget the "data mining" bullshit spewed by 4chan's autists, nobody is going to track anybody for posting on a mongolian basket weaving forum. I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.12114846
File: 73 KB, 581x467, 3274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh no the stock market is crashing!
>Better dump all my life savings into pic related

>> No.12114847

sometimes there are rare gems that can be found on /biz/
around 2 weeks ago some anon shared a brilliant idea
he was shorting Tether whenever it reached more than $1.02 and longing whenever it went around $0.98 with at least 10x leverage
This is a foolproof method, you can do it on bitfinex I think
He was trading it for fiat, so he either kept his volume low and used multiple accounts
Or he just payed the taxes, which I'd never believe

Seriously, if tether goes to $1.02 and you go a 10x leverage short, what the fuck could go wrong.

>> No.12114885

>he was shorting Tether whenever it reached more than $1.02 and longing whenever it went around $0.98 with at least 10x leverage
>This is a foolproof method, you can do it on bitfinex I think

Get liquidated when tether hits 0.86 and you 10x long at 0.98

>> No.12114906

>Could you share some details?
of Course! ask away!
>What is the reason for having multiple passports/citizenships?
I think the best way i think about them is insurance. Lets say a country is doing something I don't like. I can leave. Lets say a tax law change, i might want to leave that country or If its a crazy tax law like the states renounce.
>What benefits do you have from that?
I don't trust the general public to see what is really happenin. Why would I let some literal retard encroach on my life & the way i want to run it!
>Could you describe the process?
I have not gotten them through a monetary investment.
My power is about out BTW

>> No.12114942

>I have not gotten them through a monetary investment.

then how?

>> No.12115000

Power is still on....10 more minutes apparently
>How did you achieve that?
I actually lived there + parent was born in Canada. I have a green card in the states as an example, i lived there long enough to get a passport but I turned it down as the tax system is insane out there (global taxation)...
I should say the company that sponsored me to get a Green card did all the work...Literally! Sent lawyers to wait in line ect! I just got sent the forms with yellow stickers on where to sign. I was told it was a $100k process, but I didn't pay so I can't confirm.
Other than that for the citizenships it was form filling in & living in the place long enough...kinda boring really. Anyone with a bit of money and time can do it...

It was just time in country, filling in the correct forms, paying the processing fee

>> No.12115190
File: 109 KB, 960x960, bill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>democrats take over house and make gains in senate
>economy immediately starts reversing course

Almost like it's all according to (((plan)))

>> No.12115301

If the stock market crashes out bags our bags are gonna get a lot heavier than they are now lads, if you think your in the red now crypto might unironically not make it through another crash like 08.