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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12105586 No.12105586 [Reply] [Original]


Another “partnership”, marines. Expect more of this as the weeks go by.

Inb4 “literal who”. You need to start taking these partnerships much, much more seriously, anons. These are the start-ups that are willing to take risks on decentralization, public chains, and the autonomous economy of the 4th industrial revolution. Chainlink will have “literally hundreds” of the crypto startups using mainnet, and only ONE of them has to be successful to drive major mainnet traffic and seriously pump the LINK token price due to collateral requirements and buying pressure.

You can’t seriously expect current major entities using legacy systems to instantly jump on decentralisation. They will let the start-ups take the risks, figure out what works, then either fall behind and be undercut by the start-ups cost saving and efficiency, or, start to incorporate their methods, or even acquire/buy out the new guys.

This actually looks like a pretty decent project, too.

>> No.12105602

First pajeets and now russians. Great

>> No.12105607
File: 95 KB, 1040x780, COu0m-OWIAArX-Q.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12105613

are those Sergey impersonators?

>> No.12105627

Literally hundreds

>> No.12105639


>> No.12105642

pls buy mobilum sir

>> No.12105651

>still doesn't know about Sergey doubles

>> No.12105666

>Crypto price data feed

>> No.12105700

wow this is terribly exciting...........
another fucking crypto price data feed..FFS anons you said chainlink was the future, the next big thing to do a 1000x.
fucking bullshit, all it does is go down like syndrome.
just sold 100k. no regrats

>> No.12105721

1000 sats eoy is more likely

>> No.12105748

Literally hundreds, bitch

>> No.12105819


>> No.12105837

2 years of development for a price feed

>> No.12105845

the needful you do hardworking team gud oracles sirs

>> No.12105851

And legal smart contracts (Accord), and fiat-crypto conversion (Consensys), and stablecoins (Market Protocol), and smart bonds (Swift), etc.

>> No.12105852

>expect current major entities using legacy systems to instantly jump on decentralisation
Other companies seem to be investing in their own private blockchain technology, ie facebook, google, apple, etc. If facebook's blockchain tech hits they've already got a marketplace to absorb it into.

>> No.12105863

This is great, you don't have to pay taxes of your profits, you can just use xcard.

>> No.12105864

ok ty

>> No.12105872


>> No.12105885


"Cooperation with VISA and the implementation of new services such as SEPA (Target/TIPS) and SWIFT schemes allows users to benefit from fast and cost-effective transfers globally."

>> No.12105887

Wtf is this shitcoin again ?
Id rather invest in BBQCOIN

>> No.12105901

1000 suicides eoy

>> No.12105906

Is this another partner that uses fake pictures and made up people?

>> No.12105915

You know thats just buzzword hype?

>> No.12105931

who cares. its just another literal who. mobilium has already partnered with every other oracle service there is. the fact that chainlink was their very last should make you think. they even partnered with mobius before they heard about chainlink. in the end they will probably partner with IOTA just like they announced.

sergey is meanwhile giving speaches in empty classrooms with jesus anon and a few other spergs being the only people attending. none of them have any money and everyone there knows this. most likely they just created another fake company which exists only as postbox and website so they can pump the price and dump their bags on you.

i bet sergey himself is hiding on a public toilet right now as he is shorting his own coin from his phone as he whispers "price it in" every time he places an order.

>> No.12105932

"Due to low adoption and lack of liquidity, which creates high volatility and uncertainty, cryptocurrencies are not considered as a means of payment but rather only a speculative investment product. Consensus mechanisms caused by inherent latency create even bigger barriers. Working with Chainlink promises way forward to lower those barriers and make using cryptocurrency as easy as paying for coffee."

There are people who haven't bought the cryto that will save all other cryptos yet hahaha

>> No.12105939

when Turks?

>> No.12105941

>who cares. its just another literal who
ETH blew up by shitting out these literal whos.

>> No.12105984

The same ones are tearing it down exitscamming, kinda funny

>> No.12106005

And Link is about to make it blow up again by giving it real-world application.

>> No.12106428

sirs buy waves competor to steller lumans pls