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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12101262 No.12101262 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck guys, you said it was gonna be Bitcone ETH XRP XLM

>> No.12101906

Trust the plan.

>> No.12101965
File: 40 KB, 600x800, 1517622590826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

russia china all hoarding gold, US possibly secretly too.

>mfw when we still use FIAT only backed by gold, i thought we getting rich here fags, you lied to me,

>> No.12101998


Remember, the Wilklevos twins gave Trump the Satoshi stash. Trust the plan. It will be a basket of real money. Bitcoin and Crypto are ways to keep things portable and honest. The NSA created Bitcoin.

>> No.12102035

>DHS document mentioning smart contracts
big think

>> No.12102063

Trust the plan.

America will be made great again!

You see the politicians we have are dumb. We need someone that is Smart (contracts).

>> No.12102169

Can't tell how serious you are, but I could see how blockchain could be used to make the financial system more transparent. Not sure what the implications are of bringing back the gold standard or whatever the plan is exactly.

>> No.12102193

Which Bitcone? theres like 10 of them, BCH BSV AND BTC being the big 3 now

What about our shitcoins? They could pump the whole altcoin market with a few billion taken from the "Deepstate" and buy our bags. Prosecute the chinkscammers at the same time. Nevermind a few trillions of their money dumped into crypto. Or tokenize their fucking assets so I can own a share of their castles and get that passive income from tourists staying in there.

Also BTC and (((Blockstream))), and whole mining concept is fucking retarded. They mined with GPUs several thousands BTC, they mining with ASICS now, never mined shit.

Also Euro here, good for you guys I guess.

>> No.12102211

Gold is hard to move. Bitcoin weighs less than a pound. I think in the end, we will see a new world that is based on verifiable truth and not blackmail.

>> No.12102238

Who knows. I've heard they are tanking in order to get rid of the other alt coins scams and reintroduce a tech to make transactions faster. I might be 100% wrong. But it may be bullshit, but I believe it.

>> No.12102274

I'm gonna need a source on that my nigg

>> No.12102293

Transactions already fast, XRP XLM. Near instant and low fees, how much faster ? We want store of value and to become the jew from transaction fees.

Didnt say which Bitcone is real..

>> No.12102311

It's bullshit that I saw on /biz/, but I believe it.

>> No.12102324

The big money is already invested in old bitcoin.

>> No.12103127
File: 93 KB, 500x729, B642EDB2-1A41-46B5-B423-42EEA8298FED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>russia & china hoarding gold

>> No.12103169

Gold is undilutable money. Bitcoin and crypto is private fiat. The tech will improve once the fed dies.

>> No.12103198

but the whole point is a store of value, not a vehicle to move money around. 99% of people hold the physical gold/silver until they need to liquidate it. if you're competing against precious metals as a store of value you don't need to move better you need to store better, and nothing does. no digits on a computer screen will ever replace gold/silver as a store of value

>> No.12103443

I'm looking forward to the fema blockchain and death contracts, er smart contracts.

>> No.12103522

You think the gov will let crypto replace fiat & not regulate crypto to death?

>> No.12103530

this larp is directed at boomers, please refer to pajeet threads regarding btc larp, thanks

>> No.12103546

Countries are corporations run for the benefit of central banks. These banks are creating a new financial order to cement their control. Every transaction will be tract and you will not be able to buy or sell without their permission. This is your chance to get in early, to get rich, but we all lose in the end.

>> No.12103558

>has no clue about financial system let alone mechanics of central banks
keep shilling for wall street and low interest rates you fucking mutt turd

>> No.12103598
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>> No.12103611

you are clueless mutt, seriously.
rich big boys on WS, greedy investors and yes even your beloved muh financial elites want you to attack FED, do your homework you amateur.
protip: these same elites bought into btc at 40 cents and were ridiculed by media back then to dump at 20k on you literal halfapes now

>> No.12103710
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Sarah, the people of greater downtown california are in danger!?!

>> No.12103816

>literally class of nukem high
>'it's dat commie'
absolute state of murristan

>> No.12103907

you know if I were brain-damaged enough to think that the jews were behind everything, I feel like your impression of what they're trying to do is literally ass-backwards from what would actually benefit them

>> No.12103918

What is my impression of what they are trying to do vs what you are really doing?

>> No.12103949
File: 3 KB, 247x290, there was an attempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck you are stupid.
You're probably trying your very best and we are all proud of you, but for the benefit of everyone you should probably just stick to lurking.

>> No.12104222


They'll try to where their reach is strongest. If you have a non-trivial amount of crypto and are bullish on it's future while not planning on getting the hell out you haven't fully thought out what the consequences of this shit mooning actually are.