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File: 37 KB, 119x161, marx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12096973 No.12096973[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>capitalism destroys itself
Is he right?

>> No.12096995

No, rather people destroy themselves through capitalism.
People destroy themselves through all systems, but capitalism allows them to accelerate this process.

>> No.12097018

Capitalism fixes itself.

>> No.12097054

These are both kind of true, look at white people, capitalism has accelerated their death but the system will survive because it's constantly bringing in foreigners to replace them for cheap labor which is what's in large part killing them.

>> No.12097088

Marxism is the ultimate wagecuckery. You literally are told what to do for your job and you get zero money. But you are kept alive with food and housing so that you can stay productive for (((them)))

>> No.12097091

Capitalism ignores demographics... If you have something to sell (your labor) and there's someone willing to buy it, the transaction occurs. You can't blame capitalism for migration. Blame the politicians who push an open borders agenda.

>> No.12097100

more like jews destroy everything they touch no matter what it is

>> No.12097110
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>Capitalism ignores demographics... If you have something to sell (your labor) and there's someone willing to buy it, the transaction occurs. You can't blame capitalism for migration. Blame the politicians who push an open borders agenda.

>> No.12097146
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>capitalism destroys itself

nah actually that's just government

>> No.12097152

>Capitalism ignores demographics
That's pretty much my argument, if you don't make protecting race more important than economics, then your race will be destroyed, and capitalism loves to do it if it can make a buck. Capitalism is all about capital, and capital nowadays is global, borderless. If you make an economic system centered around profit you are going to end up with a society that ignores demographics entirely.

>> No.12097287
File: 35 KB, 600x397, 053179fcb3b531982cdfbed3c354217ff224b633_1_600x397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah because anarchocapitalism is just as good... not
kys yourself faggot

>> No.12097301

>Is he right?
No, he isn't
Niggers and useless dead-weight immigrants destroy civilizations and communities

>> No.12097319

>>capitalism destroys itself
Already done...Capitalism died about 100 years ago...More Communistic now

>> No.12097372
File: 11 KB, 271x271, NEWwwwwwwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every authoritarian empire eventually collapses. Rome, Nazi Germany, the USSR. And someday our current empire, which relies on locking people in cages for nonviolent crimes, will also fall. Would you rather have children that require threats of punishment in order to behave or would you rather have children that learn to behave without being punished? Our system is holding humanity back! Like a crutch it’s preventing us from growing and adapting to FREEDOM and responsibility! People get lazy and RELY on government instead of learning to handle their own problems! But no one wants to declare anarchy tomorrow! We have an OBLIGATION to make sure we have as little authoritarian VIOLENCE as possible! And one day that will mean NO AUTHORITARIANISM! Imagine when humans colonize the solar system? Are we going to boss around another fucking planet or someone deep in space?

AND a lawless society is not a RULELESS society! When people go to church camp they follow additional rules because they will get kicked out if they dont! IF you dont like what someone is doing then you ARE allowed to kick them off your property!! And communities can figure out who owns what! And you dont need police because you can hire security and have mutual defensive pacts with your neighbors!

>> No.12097377

Tell that to the SEC who still won't let me raise money from the globe unless I get on my knees and start sucking off VCs one by one.

>> No.12097390
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>Nazi Germany collapsed because it was an authoritarian empire

>> No.12097433

nah just gidding it was "muh ((((((j000$)))))))

also if hitler didn't build the berlin wall stalin would not have got the bomb.. thikn about it

>> No.12097441
File: 179 KB, 742x1100, Benito_Mussolini_colored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close, OP

>> No.12097446

Bet you can't say kike. Also having the whole world firebomb your country isn't collapse due to the system in place (which by the way is the source of the holohaox meme; supply lines bombed, Jews starved)

>> No.12097483


Can I hire more security guards than my neighbors and use said guards to annex their properties while paying bribes to other neighbors or offering them shares of the captured properties so they don't interfere with my actions, then permanently install said forces as my dedicated police force under your system? The answer is yes, and why your system can only sustain itself as "anarchistic" for a minimally short time before humanity goes back to installing some form of government.

>> No.12097524

the solution to your "violent punishment" problem is totalitarian surveillance backed by a social score punishing bad behaviour while at the same time rewarding good behaviour. this will also prevent your "deep space" pirates from holding others ransom by, for example, threatening to crash a ship into your planet. moreover, space colonization is banned for everyone outside of fully obedient drones, meaning for humans to acknowledge their own fallible and destructive nature, in turn submitting themselves to super-centralization on earth.

totalitarianism has the odd chance of good actors seizing power, whereas freedom virtually guarantees the opposite.

>> No.12097612

wow doubled down huh? every considered that there might be a reason that you are aware of only certain elite families?

god made man.. samuel colt made them equal.. in an era of tactical nukes it would be unwise to attacc someone because you would get just'd bretty quick

>totalitarianism has the odd chance of good actors seizing power, whereas freedom virtually guarantees the opposite.

you have it backwards anon.. AUTHORITARIANISM HAS TURNED OUT TO BE BAD EVERY FUCKING TIME IN HISTORY.. meanwhile freedom could go either way