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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12095659 No.12095659 [Reply] [Original]

Does he not realise he has become a fucking meme by now? He tangles himself in more and more lies for every day and tweet. Never in my life has I seen a more deluded fucker. The worst part is people actually believe him and invest in his scam coin. I hope it's just a matter of time before he is behind bars.

>> No.12095668

what specifically do you disagree with?

>> No.12095678

what i do not understand is why are people even looking at btc or bch anymore? They have no intrinsic utility value. Why can't something like ethereum be used as digital gold? It has all the properties of btc and more

>> No.12095694

Have you read his tweets? It's one lies after another, and if it's not a direct lie, it's something extreamly exaggerated bordering a lie. And if it's not that, it's just deluded nonsensical bullshit

>> No.12095707

what specifically do you disagree with?

>> No.12095721

>Why can't something like ethereum be used as digital gold?
It will, once it goes full PoS and becomes the largest by cap.

>> No.12095737

the only ones going to jail are the people jihan, roger, and any other bitmain faggot who tried to manipulate a market while they were operating in the US. CSW may be a fraud but he's fuckin legend now and has a coin with 1.5 bn mcap, what the fuck have you done lately

>> No.12095749

The fact that he's the head/face of a 50 million dollar company and he can't stop ranting like a baby. Let alone a lot of his tweets can and will be seen as an attempt to manipulate the market.
He's going to go to jail.

>> No.12095752

Parrot much huh? The pic in op is just one of many examples. Just go to twitter and read any one of his tweets and you'll get the picture. It's just the whole of it. He is a con artist and if you dig back in his history, you'll see that's who he IS. A conman and a charlatan

>> No.12095756

1.5b??? What world are you living in. It's 54 million.

>> No.12095764

you disagree that walmart processes 40 petabytes a day?

>> No.12095775

That’s the 24h volume retard

>> No.12095781

Do you even know how much a petabyte is? It's a fucking enormous amount of data

>> No.12095797

so you disagree?

>> No.12095802

It's not even that.. that's assuming everyone is selling at it's current price.
Look at the exchange order books. You couldn't buy more than 20k of these coins if you wanted to because they're simply not available. The real market cap is under 1 million.

>> No.12095807

do you even know how big walmart is?

>> No.12095810

Craig Wright is a total fcking psycho. Hilarious that people believe him and follow him. Says enough about todays society.

We need a nuclear invasion by Russia to cleanse all.

>> No.12095811

I accept my retardation. I'm still drunk. None the less 1.5 billion dollar company and he acts like this? that's even worse buddy.

>> No.12095839

You're absolutely right but this guy is such a fucking sociopath that he'll actually do his best to crash the other chains just to pump his shit. Worth is just for that.

>> No.12095862
File: 4 KB, 225x225, prajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, please do the needful and buy the real bitscoin statoshi vission. Many rupees in profit, moon soon.

>> No.12095863

Craigs a fucking mong but this is completely believable. Walmart has unfathomable amounts of data. Plus its not like all of this is stored in some data wharehouse somewhere. It's all their data.

>> No.12095864

this one

>> No.12095885

I'm not saying it's a direct lie, but notice how there is no citation whatsoever! And why would he even mention it in the first place? Because it implies that his scamcoin will be able to handle the same amount of data, which obviously is deluded and he knows it very well. This is his modus operandi. He says some weird exeggerated shit and then people that's not technically litterate read into it excactly what faketoshi wants, and that's how he hook them. Don't you see that? Don't you see that he is liar and a predator?

>> No.12095892

more like pedo bites kek

>> No.12095900
File: 214 KB, 1125x1180, F8908DFD-C2F7-4EEA-89EA-270F21E76436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SV will hit 0.042000 btc by dec 31. Here’s proof.

>> No.12095915

see >>12095885

>> No.12095922
File: 33 KB, 406x452, 1523391444652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12096025




>> No.12096033


>> No.12096039
File: 54 KB, 1024x554, 1539477461116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fucking LOVE Biz memes.

Biz is soooo fucking based lol. Craig = le god.

We need to meme him into emperor status lol, how frickin based would that be guys?

It's like... he's just as based as Trump and MoonMan. I think its because he's so sassy and non-sequitorious.

This is TOTALLY the next, most epic and righteous BASED meme.... get this:

He's on the internet...

He's contrarian to what seems reasonable and admirable...


Quite silly and ironic...

But actually a super fun and great guy.

>> No.12096040

based and redpilled

>> No.12096053

well at least this pasta is better memed than all the pajeet "buy bsv sirs" posts

>> No.12096074

>40 Petabyte cloud
Would be literally impossible for them to transfer this data in one cycle completely in one day.
Face it stiffy is a fucking deluded moron and snake oil salesman at this point

>> No.12096085

wow, bitconnect was 2,2 bln at the peak

>> No.12096121

>I see CSW post a fact:
>Walmart processes 40 PTB/day
>This implies that a geographically distributed organization can accumulate, transfer, process, and distribute a huge amount of information if they approach it seriously.
>This implies that everything I have been told by reddit and my favorite twitter users has been misleading me.
>But I am intelligent and special and that couldn't be the case.
>Even though I haven't looked at the data this would contradict my worldview
>A valid and consistent worldview is necessary for the health of my ego
>Therefore CSW can't be causing cognitive dissonance or else all the praise my single mother gave me when I was 5 was wrong
>Therefore CSW must be a dirty scammer.

QED. Checkmate BSv'tards

>> No.12096138

based and ultimately redpilled

>> No.12096141
File: 44 KB, 400x400, buzzard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out the crypto vulture lawyers.. theyre almost as bad


this guy's hastag is #2020theregulatorsarecumming

fuckinn bootlicker cringe hory shiet

>> No.12096145

delete this immediately

>> No.12096176

>Billions of rows of data are mined every day in order to get valuable information about their 11.000 stores located in 27 countries, 11 ecommerce website or 250 million weekly customer needs

250 customers a weak is 36 million customers a day.

40 petabytes / 36 million customers is over a gigabyte of data per customer every day. Total bullshit.

>> No.12096199

Its not illegal to film customers while they make purchases

>> No.12096209

Data doesn’t have to be created the day of to be processed or mined, they probably use a lot historical data to make assumptions hoe

>> No.12096213


>bitcoin sv
>50 million dollar company

oh ok

>> No.12096229

>Total bullshit
Agreed! Something is very off with these numbers. The fact that faketoshi parrots these number without any thinking or common sense says alot about him. AND his followers! It's uncritical thinking all the way and everything he says is taken for gospel. You don't even have to be smart to see that nothing of what he says is even remotly feasible.

>> No.12096318


Read the second article, the 40 petabytes figure isn't based off of a single day's worth of data, the 40 petabytes includes a few weeks worth of transaction data (for example, all the sales logs from POS systems in each of the Walmart locations) as well as various external datasets from social media to weather patterns. So the 40 petabytes is processed in-house at the Data Cafe analytics center, and not all of it is from that day or gets transferred in that day, and not all of it focuses on individual customers.

>> No.12096323


>> No.12096353
File: 357 KB, 2048x1745, IMG_20181211_142250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin hardfork = fail

Buy tezos

>> No.12096361

>PhD in religious studies, stackoverfkow copy paste developer, amateur cryptography enthusiast

>> No.12096392

Sounds like the orange man

>> No.12096415

>over a gigabyte of data per customer every day
the security camera footage that tracks your every move in the store is over a gigabyte alone

>> No.12096508

not to mention they use facial recognition to identify you, track your moves, what items you look at and how long, what items you pick up, which items you purchase, what time of day you shop, what other people you are connected to (friends, family) and how your shopping correlates to theirs... track all this historically and use machine learning on the data collected, etc. Big data and tracking is the next frontier and these huge companies like Walmart, Google, Amazon, Facebook probably has petabytes of data on every person on earth

>> No.12096586
File: 146 KB, 632x752, pissy feminist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not saying it's a direct lie
Jesus fucking Christ, you're not actually upset over his facts are you, just over his character? He hurt my feelings, he bad man!

>> No.12097263

Heh, nice rebuttal sweetie. There should be more than enough info from me and other posters in this thread to at least make you question the reality in which craig and his followers live in. I simply want to help people not loose their money. It is real money and real lives that's on the line and it should not be taken lightly.

>> No.12097283
