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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 510 KB, 1085x775, 1544618898418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12095859 No.12095859 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there so much speak of freedom in the USA when hardly anyone is free from wageslavery there?

>> No.12095866

Brain washing from a young age

>> No.12095877

Double speak

>> No.12095911

Imagine being so beta your social anxiety Sparks into autism overdrive over a fun little dance

>> No.12095930

Something something temporarily embarrassed something

>> No.12095934

get back to dancing wagie. we've got customers to please :)

>> No.12095936

>t. All in bonds

>> No.12095960


imagine actually being forced to dance for a below living wage.

>> No.12095976


t. turbo normie

>> No.12095981

Wait what is OP from? Is there a video or something

>> No.12095989

>t. phoneposting wageslave hunched over in the bathroom so his boss doesn't seem him surfing /biz/

>> No.12096018
File: 912 KB, 1080x1018, 04F5FA0C-A7DF-482C-9915-37701A27437B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he missed the best thread of this month
oh well

>> No.12096241

>missed out on the best meme since the wage cage

>> No.12096262
File: 13 KB, 150x150, 2A35B8F6-0848-4CE5-8D95-92A53F1FE9D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he doesn’t know

>> No.12096275


>> No.12096299
File: 64 KB, 507x540, 1539417530539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too real

>> No.12096328
File: 47 KB, 598x480, 1517796620992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12096332


>> No.12096359

We literally had to stand up and pledge allegiance to the state in elementary school, which includes talking about how free we were.

Then we are told exactly where to sit and what to do with the rest of our time every single day until death.

>> No.12096369
File: 426 KB, 1133x745, 1544324860377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12096388

good thing one of those girls is eye-candy otherwise it would have been cringey af

>> No.12096390


I want to go to texas roadhouse and smack one of these dancing wagies on the ass

>> No.12096413


Oh and I see they're already training some 5 year old child slaves too, nice

>> No.12096420

the comments is the humorous part. search "texas roadhouse line dance" and look at the comments on the videos.

>> No.12097744

Because a bunch of genius richfags with a boner for ancient republics and natural law were autistic enough to create a country based on them and smart enough to make its constitution a bitch to change.

>> No.12097847

Nauseating to watch those fake smiles

>> No.12097868
File: 452 KB, 1431x899, 1544567299555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll have fries with that

>> No.12097890


I will, thanks pal.

*leaves a .20 cent tip*

>> No.12097905
File: 33 KB, 399x388, 1532730562754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gimme gimme chicken tendies
Be they crispy or from Wendy's

>> No.12097916


>> No.12097923

HA i used to do that at my old job before I turned NEET.

>> No.12097928

stop actively polarizing america during the workday
if these wagies figure out they can collectively organize
we're fucked

>> No.12098035

Most people regardless of nationality are mediocre and will never amount to any more than a wageslave
But the reason we are called "land of the free" is because it's relatively easier to start a business here without so many regulations or taxes (when compared to European countries) and we aren't ruled by un-elected bureaucrats like the EU.

>> No.12098050

This is why all the most popular new apps and services are based in America. Uber, Netflix, Amazon, etc., all of these services the world takes for granted would be impossible to create in a euro shithole that taxes you like 90% of what you make.

>> No.12098094
File: 30 KB, 406x452, shiteattingretard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean excess regulation and high taxes lead to higher start up costs? My gosh that's absurd. We need to raise taxes so the government can create jobs!

>> No.12098106


Wageslavery? You mean temporarily embarassed millionarery?

>> No.12098108

You can always tell when the website formerly known as 4chan has picked up on a video by the comments
>Poems about the ragie wagie
>Dance Goyim, dance
>Sneed sends his regards

>> No.12098117

40 % adult are not working there

>> No.12098120

Ragie wagie stomps his feet
Ragie wagie to the beat
Ragie wagie all day long
Wagie doesn’t choose the song

>> No.12098136

It definitely seems like brainwashing from age. The rest of the world isn't completely enslaved. The way it seems to be taught in public US schools makes it seem as if the rest of the world is not "free"

>> No.12098162

This is what you anarchist heavy metal band listening faggots don't grasp though:
>You have the freedom to choose the less than optimal path, but nobody wants to.
Hence everyone goes to school, tries to get a good job, with good pay doing the closest marketable thing to what they actually want to do
Because everyone has fundamentally the same or similar needs and even wants.

>> No.12098175
File: 48 KB, 611x347, 343B4A92-D9B8-4884-9B4A-951A28F25F96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12098190

Unironically this and double checked.

>> No.12098202

Go to Europe
>Pay taxes on everything, starting a business is a deadly gamble

Go to anywhere else
>Is a shithole

Go to America
>Everyone distrusts the government more than trusts it
>Lower taxes (though not as low as they should be)
>Everything is also cheaper
>Not a shithole but for where the negers live

>> No.12098273

sure thing mr. Goldstein.

>> No.12098294

based winston.

>> No.12098299

W.e you see dude, once we organize you and your NEET friends get the ROPE**.

**Or jobs after we deregulate, lower the tax burden and allow the market to determine interest rates.

>> No.12098321

Can you masturbate in those booths while the waitresses dance if you cum on the floor? I mean people throw the peanut shells there too

>> No.12098347

Don't forget: nearly every customer is a wagie also. Just not quite as degraded as the dancing waiters - allowing them to feel better about their own shitty wage jobs.

>> No.12098386


Does anyone even buy bonds anymore? It's like the quintessential Boomer meme investment. Anyone buying that shit under the age of 50 is guaranteed to lose money.

>> No.12098388

You can if you're discreet.

>> No.12098407

What if I do it non-discreetly while saying something like yummy cummy wagie dancy

>> No.12098765

You guys are overreacting. Look, it's just women dancing. Women don't think the same way we do. Women fucking LOVE dancing and bringing attention to themselves. It's all they desire in life. Those women dancing and having everyone look at them are the happiest in the world while theyre doing that. Not a single one of them think it's "degrading" or "embarrassing". They fucking love it.

if a guy does it that's fucked up though yeah

>> No.12098879

They even practice and post that on youtube :^)

>> No.12098892

here is a nice training video

>> No.12099762

I was always taught you make money and then make your money work for you. If I ever felt I was going to be in a position like this for more than a couple months I would do something so unbelievably high reward high risk that would it be functionally suicidal and either die doing it or kill myself if it failed. I'd rather shovel shit.

>> No.12099813

The US is the GOAT country if you’re part of the top ~5-10%. If you’re in the bottom ~30% then the US is a shithole compared to most other rich western countries.

>> No.12099832

Rhetorical tradition dating back to the genuine hopes of homesteading and self employment in the days of Lincoln.

>> No.12100242

Other than immigration issues, EU gets what is originally meant to have an economy. In US, people have forgot the difference between economy and capitalism.


>> No.12101222

Freedom from wageslavery is The American Dream(TM)

>> No.12102241
File: 18 KB, 300x263, Consent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im free nigger selling drugs is the freest man can be in 2018

>> No.12102292


>all people are essentially the same and interchangeable

Sieg! Heil!

>> No.12102323
File: 735 KB, 1086x776, Anon At Roadhouse - No Sound.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is animated with no sound

Animated & with music

Original thread

>> No.12102332
File: 116 KB, 1027x731, have some peanuts frens.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12102347

animate the retard dropping nuts

>> No.12102400

wojack should be clapping not just flipping around, terrible animation

>> No.12102428


Why do you retards think this is weird? Never been to strip club? You guys must be children if you think that TRH dance is degrading.

>> No.12102471

Strippers are paid to strip.
Waiters are paid to take your order and bring you food. Also the people who go to these places are rednecks that don't tip much to begin with. So your dancing for the amusement of NPCs while hardly making any money, when you could just be doing your job and probably making more money at a difference restaurant. Do you get it now, you retard?

>> No.12102554


Nope, don't see how that's more degrading that being a stripper or hooker.

>> No.12102716

>I don't understand why making $7 an hour while working 40 hrs a week and being forced to dance is more degrading than making $250 in 1 hour stripping