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File: 277 KB, 1328x1145, IMG_20181212_121944_202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12095529 No.12095529 [Reply] [Original]

Pay nearly 25% tax/NI and the gubment kindly send me a breakdown of where it all went. I can't wait for the singularity to escape this wage/tax cuck cycle.

>> No.12095538

Taxation is theft

>> No.12095544

How u gonna get around it

>> No.12095583

That's the point I guess. You have to become rich enough to use nefarious tax dodges (off shore, caymans etc) but then you can get pulled in for stealing off the government. Absolute madness. Also paying ~£50 a month interest on a national debt created by the baby boomers.

>> No.12095594

Geezus how come welfare is so high?

>> No.12095613

country is full of pakis and subhuman whites.
pretty much that entire top 4 could be written off

>> No.12095616

>State pensions
all of these are welfare.
6427 in total. 68.5% of everything. Fucking welfare states.

>> No.12095630
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>> No.12095635

Wow, the big bad EU is really sucking Britain dry. Good thing you brexited.

>> No.12095639

Some of you money was spent on "culture" OP how do you feel about that?

>> No.12095643

This. I would be okay with education and/or health being this high, but welfare? wtf.

>> No.12095644


You have agreed to it so it's not. Nobody forces you to live in a country with taxes.

>> No.12095650

>my country doesn't recognize Bitcoin as money
>need to get work done
>high as shit taxes
>send the money as Bitcoin every month
It's great
>I have more money
>employees have more money
>officially I don't even have employees

>> No.12095655

Boomers did.

>> No.12095705

Without welfare no one would want to live in your country. Think of it like when an exchange lists a new coin, and they waive all trading fees for the first week. It's like that.

Welfare brings people to the country. It lets anyone move there even if they don't have any money. It basically gives people a way to "get started". Once you get a job and settled in, you're supposed to get off of welfare.

>> No.12095715

The US needs to send these out:
Label healthcare: EMTALA + GOP's medicare part D
Label social security: Reagan's ponzi scheme
Label millitary: Israeli army
Label interest: GWB's credit card

>> No.12095741

At least you get a breakdown of where it all went. If we got that pie chart in the US, 20% would be the military and 80% would be Israel

>> No.12095742

Why the fuck would I want poor losers in my country? Come to the country with money already saved up so that you never need welfare. If you can't afford to live here then don't move here???

>> No.12095773


>Welfare brings people to the country. It lets anyone move there even if they don't have any money.

wow, isn't welfare fantastic. anyway i'm sure they'll all get a job soon, they won't just sit at home and shit out 6 kids while the local population slaves away to support their lifestyle.

>> No.12095782

I can summarize it thusly:

>> No.12095790
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>(((Overseas aid)))

I wonder to whom the money was sent...

>> No.12095861

You forgot :
> Public order and safety
> Defence
cops dancing with niggers
> Overseas aid (gibs)
> National debt interest (caused by gibs)
> Government administration
> Contribution to the EU budget
Total 8275
88.2 %

>> No.12095904

feels bad knowing a quarter of my taxes are going to degenerate junkie freeloaders

>> No.12095988

I don't even know what that means desu. A few lights in Liverpool or some other hippy city shit probably.

>> No.12096009

>National Debt Interest
Only the interest

>> No.12096081

Is this a joke post?

>> No.12096087

Christ I wish I paid what, roughly 2k USD/yr for healthcare. Our (((system))) is such a fucking scam.

>> No.12096108

That's not far off what I pay fren. At least you get to see a doctor quickly rather than relying on a crumbling "free" health service.

>> No.12096109

Why not just give it a time limit then? Maximum 5 years, that should be enough time. They might even be able to increase the amount paid if they did this, to really give these people a head start.

>> No.12096112

1800£ is more than 2k USD

>> No.12096165

thinking the gov has any resources to be able to properly monitor and manage everyone on welfare.
it needs to have a hard time limit unless your disabled. Done.
life isn't a fucking charity.

>> No.12096194

They want me to pay $24,000/yr just in premiums, and if I or my family actually get sick I have to pay $4,000 myself before insurance pays for anything.

Nothing is worse than the (((American))) system.

>> No.12096200

Wait what? Actual wtf (non american here). Surely there are cheaper options than this?

>> No.12096220

$2k a month. That is steep.

>> No.12096239

Why dont you just open a savings account and put the $24K a year in that? If you get sick they have to treat you but its not like they can take the hospital services back. Just do what the illegal aliens do.

>> No.12096256

i'm self-employed and forced to buy on the "individual market". Andno, there isn't. There is only one insurer in my area, and they want 2k/month. Its that or nothing. We chose nothing.

Welcome to (((America)))!

>he doesn't know they will sue for their debt and have the court steal your bank account to get paid.

>> No.12096288

You only paid 10k on tax for the year?

>> No.12096294

wtf? Why do people live in america.

>> No.12096306

For me it's only 300 per month and I only pay 2k out of pocket before insurance starts helping

>> No.12096356

I would leave if I could. But I'm white, so I can;t just show up in another country, and its almost impossible to start a new life overseas as a (((US citizen))) since it's effectively impossible to open even a checking account overseas (no one will deal with US citizens), so you can't bank or get utilities and such. The system is designed to trap and destroy us, I fucking loathe this borderline third world shithole.

>> No.12096362

>keep getting 56

Why is Kek rubbing it in we are a 56% white failure? I suffer enough.

>> No.12096381

This guy again...just leave if you're even really in the states.

>> No.12096385

Bloody'ell anon £10k in taxes, what are you earning £70k?

>> No.12096394

In Belgium pensions are the biggest

>> No.12096395

What you are forgetting is that EU law makes up 50 percent of our laws round about and that includes migration, so we cannot vote or choose our own policies in a number of areas. This issue of national sovereignty was at the heart of the brexit debate.

>> No.12096410

I know people who work in the healthcare sector. They are mostly all working on unimportant stuff because the people in charge are morons.

Apparently locally they opened 3 hospitals that aren't even getting used. They simply have huge amounts of cash coming in from the socialized medicine crap and are parking it in real estate.

>> No.12096414

That's a shortsighted mindset. My parents were quite poor when they came to USA from Nigeria in the late 80s. Medicaid and other govt programs allowed them to birth me and my siblings, and for my mother to go to college. Fast forward to now where my parents work good jobs, own a house, and pay taxes. Thousands of other immigrant families have the same story.

I, myself, have paid $40k in taxes so far this year and we still have 3 weeks to go before 2019.

>> No.12096457

>he thinks whites can just show up in other countries

>Medicaid and other govt programs allowed them to birth me and my siblings,

Must be nice to get a free ride.

>> No.12096482

That's because accepting free gibs is in your blood.

My dad came from Poland in 1980 with 400 dollars in his pocket and my mom came from Poland around the same time with 1200 in hers (they met here). Neither of them ever took a dime of government assistance. My dad worked construction so it was only a seasonal position. He lost his job 2 weeks after I was born and we barely had anything to eat, my mom got a part time job 2 weeks after I was born. My mom went ONE time to stand in line for SNAP or EIP or whatever it's called and she said never again does she want to subject herself to being associated with such subhuman behavior because she saw how the nigs act.

I know many many couples like my parents. White immigrants who never took a dime of government funds.

If you can't afford to live here then don't move here. It's like the poor people arguing against gentrification. You don't get a free pass just because you were there before things changed.

>> No.12096486

£40k last year. Gone SE this year so maybe £70k this year.

>> No.12096516
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They don’t give us a breakdown, since we don’t have health care or anything that benefits a worker I’m just assuming they buy missiles with it or use it to subsidize amazon

>> No.12096541

Also forgot to add on top of my dad losing his job right close to my birth, they had a 13k hospital bill for me, not no medicaid. And they managed. I don't know why your parents couldn't. If they couldn't afford hospital bills they shouldn't have had kids.

All welfare is theft and LITERALLY transferring money from my bank account into stranger's hands whom I don't know and have absolutely no interest in supporting financially. I don't give 2 shits about the poor. Not my problem. Maybe if welfare wasn't a thing, Shaniqua would think twice about having 5 babies with 5 different baby daddy's who are likely to skip out on her

>> No.12096559

Your money goes to Shaniqua, Tyrone, Pedro (all 'unemployed' yet making money off the books somewhere), and the great ally of Israel.

>> No.12096575

How funny that you mention Poland. I literally had a borderline racist Brit customer recently rant to me about how Poles are ruining the UK because they rushed in for gibs and low-paying jobs. Something about David Blunkett getting a ton of criticism when that all started years ago.

I work in healthcare and see many Polish and other E. European groups that use government benefits. There's nothing wrong with it if it's used temporarily while you get your bearings. My parents worked their tails off too so my siblings and I could have a better life.
That's very shortsighted. The $13k he spent could have gone towards his education so he can get a better job like my parents did.

>> No.12096578

The US was built for Whites. You'll never be anything more than a fucking leech

>> No.12096582

Pity its a lie...
Imagine if they showed you what they really spent it on...
Check out 'The grace commission'

>> No.12096591

>66£ UK contributiom to the EU
Get the fuck out of the EU already. Then you, the cuck tax payer, have to pay nearly double the amount to equalize the subsidies you are getting from the EU.

UK people are the real thiefs here. Maybe you need more islamic mayors.

>> No.12096596

A leech in what way? I pay more in taxes than the average White American male makes in a year!

>> No.12096598

And the average white male in america cannot pay for healthcare?

>> No.12096612

What has that got to do with me? That's a problem with the American healthcare system.

>> No.12096618

Anybody that's not a child, pregnant woman, or has a job with good benefits will usually get screwed when it comes to healthcare. Regardless of race.

>> No.12096635

In Australia you can opt to have health insurance, but it's not at all necessary. All health insurance is for is if you have non life threatening surgery that needs to be done (ie a knee reconstruction), you can get it done immediately without needing to go on a waiting list.

>> No.12096638

Shitskin Logic.
Without welfare the income tax would be 17%instead of 25%.
Which in turn would attract skilled and working individuals instead of dindu nuffins.

>> No.12096650

You only are there because of your parents leeching off White Americans. Your spear chucker parents probably don't work meaningful jobs anyway; diversity hires more than like, same with you. A fucking Nigerian working at a zombie corporation shuffling papers so that the company doesn't get shafted by the (((Federal Government))). I hope you starve to death

>> No.12096651

I wonder if there has ever been a serial killer that speifically tried to eliminate the welfare class singlehandedly. That'd sure make for a good TV show.

>> No.12096654

>Welfare brings people to the country

Mate you see that welfare tab? Thats mostly retired boomers sitting on expensive properties that are sucking young people dry.

>> No.12096656

>Against Poles

>> No.12096661

3rd world savages who think White men were placed on this planet to take care of them and feed them. Worthless, and they cry racism if they don't get their way.

>> No.12096663
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Yeah but you can figure out the big stuff easily enough from CBO numbers.

I think the real complexity for Americans is the Federal (old people + defense + interest) vs. State (healthcare + prisons + pensions) vs. Local (schools) division of everything. The latter two can vary wildly.

>> No.12096664

I don't see how any of that relates to anything I said other than the fact that those people happen to be from the same country. Those Polaks shouldn't be on welfare either. No one should. If you want charity you should have a strong family and community relationship, maybe with a church. Government mandated charity is theft.
I think all welfare should be eliminated. I feel that if you've never taken welfare you should not have to pay welfare. Like I said, I view it as literally stealing my money to give to strangers I don't know nor care about. This money will never return to me, I don't care about "paying it forward", and I don't care about "the greater good of society" because I see how trash the vast majority of society is. We could be exploring the final frontier of space or investing billions into new technology, instead this money is wasted on supporting low IQ individuals who have no right to any of it other than "they deserve a shot a life, it's not fair that they're poor."

>> No.12096673

> "With two thirds of everyone's personal income taxes wasted or not collected, 100 percent of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the federal debt and by federal government contributions to transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services [that] taxpayers expect from their government."[4]

There is no way thats possible.

>> No.12096688

Reagan did a shit job of fixing it too, even though he tried. He had balls for even starting the investigation.

>> No.12096704

If you're employed in any job above a wagecage, the employer will often pay a large portion of that ~20k (so you end up only "paying" a couple/few hundred a month for your portion).

Obamacare chips in a few thousand a year if you're a poorfag earning under $30k.

You can also just skip insurance entirely and negotiate down any bills you end up receiving for care you need.

>> No.12096711

and most of them have designer clothes on when they go pick up the checks. and a certain skin color.

>> No.12096724

lol Nigerian-Americans are one of the most successful ethnic groups in America. You probably already knew that and you're just trying to bait. Look it up on Google if you like.
My mom is a nurse, dad is an engineer, and I became a pharmacist.

>> No.12096741

25% is peanuts. I pay 44% this year. It might even go up to 50% because I've worked most of the weekends during the last half of the year and "accidently" had too much income.

I live in Finland.

>> No.12096776
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Wrong. Oh look who's 30 places higher on the list

>> No.12096781

Henlo Yoruba
Henlo stinky Yoruba
Go listen to Wizkid ungly

>> No.12096788

No he's right. I make $140K/year and am self employed. Insurance runs around $600/mo for the cheapest plan. I'm sure a family could run around $1.5-2K/mo if you're high income.

If I got health insurance I'd pay $600/mo and have a $6K deductible. That means I have to pay $6K before the insurance company has to foot the bill.

So basically, the system is designed so only poor and fat people get insurance, because its not mandatory, so the insured pool becomes outrageously expensive. Not only that, we have a territorial system, so basically just like our internet infrastructure, its filled with a bunch of small monpolies. There are many areas with only 1 insurer, my area has just 2.

So basically, you're fucked into a system of paying 10-20K/yr for insurance if you are a white worker. Before we let fat and unhealthy people get insurance it was 3X cheaper. Basically were subsidizing obesity now.

The situation gets worse. Now that a higher percentage of Amerifats have insurance, especially the obese ones who frequent the hospital, the hospitals are sitting rich as fuck and will bill outrageous amounts because they expect you to have insurance if you're well off, so hospital bills are much larger. I had an employee who broke his arm when he slipped at the pool, and the emergency room visit to set his arm back into place cost him $6.5K before he even went to a specialist. He was there for only 6 hours, and most of the time he was waiting for the next doctor to show up. Not only that, but he had to get off work for 6 weeks before his arm somewhat healed.

American healthcare is truly fucked, and the system isn't going away anytime soon, because theres so many leeches that it will never get voted away. Obamacare's existing condition policy was the biggest scam this country ever had. It's feeding the American obesity problem and stealing from the healthy.

>> No.12096804

>I wonder if there has ever been a serial killer that speifically tried to eliminate the welfare class singlehandedly.
He would need a million clones or have to be an be immortal to even make a dent.

>> No.12096811

Anon, take a look at why it was set up! Never has a commission been formed that dug so deep! It was so Nixon could get the most out of the tax system...they decided not to bother...

Get woke and read this shit not like 99% of the NPCs on /biz/

>> No.12096819

Sry it was Reagan
t. not a mutt

>> No.12096837


You need to think at scale, anon. Also hopefully now you understand why "we need to ban abortion! it's baby killing!1!!" dumbfuck Christians deserve utter contempt for their shortsightedness.

>> No.12096838

why so little into education and research & development what the hell man same shit as in gayurope

>> No.12096857

Wait so all Obamacare does is contribute a few thousand toward $24k per year for the extremely poor? Meanwhile in Australia you don't have to pay shit unless you don't want to wait for non critical surgery. Why was obamacare so opposed?

>> No.12096876

No, extremely poor get like 90% off the maximum price. If I remember correctly, the maximum per individual for the cheapest plan is about $600 if you're making good money, and $80/mo if you're working minimum wage.

>> No.12096877

Way back in the 80's, interest rates were not 3%. Take the gray "interest" portion on the left hand side of >>12096663 and quadruple it.

How much do scientists spend on lobbying? You know you're supposed to spend at least a few million a year on that, right?

Australia has the demographics of 1960 America. 2018 America...does not. And most of the people opposing Obamacare realized that.

>> No.12096879

>Wait so all Obamacare does is contribute a few thousand toward $24k per year for the extremely poor
I'm not poor; that's why they want me to pay the full 24k. I'm too wealthy for gibs, too poor to afford 24k a year to be flushed down the toilet.

You need to be wealthy or poor to be happy here.

>> No.12096907

Salaam Allahem brother

>> No.12096909

That being said, a fat person on disability (too fat to work), will get $800/mo from the government and buy the most expensive insurance plan for $120/mo or so, perhaps less. Then they can stuff their face with the rest of the money. Its a fucked system.

>> No.12096925

medicaid would cover someone on SSDI. No co-pays no deductibles, a 100% free ride.

>> No.12096969
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pic related in a nutshell, it will collapse soon because there won't be enough whites to carry the load

put all your income into crypto as an investment write off and when you've saved enough, bail to a country with no extradition agreement and cash out

>> No.12096980

What the actual fuck? In Aus they would fix your arm up right away for free without insurance.

>> No.12096992

the third world is a fucked up place...

>> No.12096999

Well there you go. Either way this system is fucked. No way I'm paying 8K/yr when I live an extremely healthy lifestyle just to subsidize fat people. If I get cancer or something, I'll apply for health insurance. A friend who makes a similar income with a wife and two kids is paying around 1.5K/mo for health insurance. The system is absolutely fucked, and nothing will change because the American people have embraced preexisting conditions which only works as intended under a single payer plan. Obama and the democrats likely knew this, and it was their trojan horse to get single payer introduced under their next presidency. If we see a blue wave in 2020/2024 and they control the Senate and House, taxes will skyrocket.

>> No.12097006

must be nice to live in a first world country.

>> No.12097031
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I'm assuming you're igbo tribe? You guys are the only blacks with human level IQ. I was an athlete in college and you guys are basically white, all of my Igbo teammates majored in STEM and hated niggers

>> No.12097032

Yup, pretty sweet deal.

Now imagine tonight your government annexed the entirety of New Guinea and gave all 12 million people 100% true blue Australian citizenship.

How much would fixing up your arm cost next month?

>> No.12097048
File: 1.02 MB, 1121x1500, british loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>24% welfare.
>21% health.
>12% state pensions.
>8% education.
>0.2% culture.
>0.2% environment.
>1% business and industry.
>0.8% government and administration.
>0.6% housing and utilities.

Gee, I don't know why the UK is such a dumpsterfire. Can't possibly be related to all the money going towards actual boomers and niggers, and means to keep the boomers and niggers alive way past their natural expiration date.

What a clownshoe shit nation. It's almost on par with african banana republics, except even those don't spend merely a fraction of their money on culture, the environment, housing, business, and public safety.

South africa blows less money on defense than the UK, and has far better trained, equipped, and maintained police and military. Fucking UK pigs need to take a paycut.

>> No.12097092

>If I get cancer or something, I'll apply for health insurance.
And if literally everyone does this, what do you get ? Insurance that is exactly as expensive as the procedures it finances.

You dumb motherfucker.

>> No.12097105

Maybe the American insurance companies need to be regulated such that there is a limit to how much profit they can make, given that it's pretty much an essential service now.

>> No.12097138

checked. my mortgage (including property tax and insurance) is only $1100/month.

>> No.12097168
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>American insurance companies need to be regulated such that there is a limit to how much profit they can make
This is literally what Obamacare is.

Government needs to stay out of it, allow importation of drugs from abroad to bring down price, allow people to purchase insurance across state lines.

You'll notice how industries with less government intervention are less expensive.

>> No.12097224

Wow all governments should do this, this would do wonders to get the citizens to fight back against crazy expensive government policies.
have a (you). Saving pic because interesting.

>> No.12097253


Yeah we know taxation is theft.

>> No.12097256
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>UK contribution to the EU budget

>> No.12097264

How do countries like Australia manage free healthcare for non essential stuff then? Obviously it's possible.

>> No.12097272

*essential stuff

>> No.12097295

Australia has a population of roughly 25 million and no major illegal immigration problem. We are also taxed quite a bit not just income but a wide range of other taxes.

>> No.12097299

Find me a country with anything close to 350 million people with that style of socialised healthcare

>> No.12097305

to add to this

open boarders fucking right now
healthcare for all
and fuck white people

>> No.12097309

The USA has no borders, how can it possibly be expected to pay for everyone in the world?

>> No.12097327

repeal EMTALA, make coverage available only to US citizens with photo ID, make coverage costs tied to weight/lifestyle. healthier people pay less.

>> No.12097333

Sergey will save us.

>> No.12097334

>paying paki inbreds to spread islam in your country

>> No.12097335


>> No.12097349

Sigh.. we already have so many rules and things that are supposed to only be for citizens but they are IGNORED.

I suspect you are a fucking spic.

>> No.12097361

Lmfao, its still the most effective strategy here unless you wanna subsidize fatties. When your health deteriorates, you buy insurance. Welcome to America.

>> No.12097363

no im white which is why I'm not on welfare and stuck in the (((private health insurance))) market.

>> No.12097366
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o fug

>> No.12097374

If you were white you would get the reality of what we are actually dealing with and would not make such stupid suggestions like muh citizens.

>> No.12097380

healthcare is immune to muh free market forces.

>> No.12097383


Truth, 99% of /pol/ is spics and bot generated garbage.

>> No.12097385

The size meme is stupid. You have to look at the percentage of minorities and obesity instead. Australia can afford it because theyre 90%+ White and aren't as fat as the USA.

>> No.12097457

Are you retarded? You literally can just put on your taxes that it was too expensive to afford. I've done in the last two years. Nothing happens.

>> No.12097487

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.12097522

Mine is $900 a year, dental and vision included.

>> No.12097548


I refuse to believe that the richest country in the world cannot do what so many others find a way to do. America simply doesn't care about the well being of its people clearly.

>> No.12097577

That's like you squatting in my house and claiming I don't mind because I won't leave my house. The government is the squatter.

>> No.12097594

Woah woah slow down commie. You're saying we shouldn't be proud of our "great" insurance middle-men scraping billions of dollars off the top while providing no real value in terms quality of care or health outcomes all while being several times more expensive that other single payer nations?

We are proud to get bilked out of our money thank you very much. American "exceptionalism."

>> No.12097698

what are you talking about?

>> No.12097761

checked. I really hope that smart contracts can redcuce the administrative overhead and useless paper pushing that has inflated the cost of healthcare in the USA. Also i hope that they can be used to make fat fucks pay their fair share.

>> No.12097896

>I refuse to believe
Okay bud, thanks for the input

>> No.12098910
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found the USA version

>> No.12099042

Uh your parents did force you as a matter of fact.

>> No.12099052


>> No.12099094

it doesn't matter what you want
what matters is what the Jewish rulers of your country want

>> No.12099127
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>ou have agreed to it so it's not. Nobody forces you to live in a country with taxes.

>> No.12099140

wow a euro complaining about the US military. happy Ramadan Muhammad (and yea, whiter than you)

>> No.12099321
File: 3.95 MB, 1900x1336, trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look again. "Defence"

nothing wrong with being pissed at having your taxes pissed away on military

>> No.12099358

I bet in Alabama $60k is successful

>> No.12099392

Who are they attacking in this picture? Democracy? The working class? Freedom of speech?

>> No.12099418


>> No.12099432

Norwegian welfare is around 50%

>> No.12099441

Oh wow didn‘t turn our so well now did it. Gee, I guess even the dumbest are seeing through the fraud.

>> No.12099447
File: 11 KB, 215x300, btk chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you attempt to make a coherent post just now?
if so you failed

>> No.12099479

>decrease welfare by 5~10%
>niggers shit bricks
>they leave


>> No.12099752
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x1414, surfing girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it's just made to look cool anon

>> No.12099966

Shut the fuck up you braindead moron.

>> No.12100181
File: 184 KB, 1263x788, IMG_20181212_223653_413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thread lads. Hold in there Marines and Nolinkers alike. Our day will come.

>> No.12100300
File: 24 KB, 480x480, 11355074_368149116713791_1981210762_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont forget, whilst the percentages might be right, each category gets a lot more from you in raw £.

This is just income tax and NI. Excludes
>Council Tax
>Fuel duty
>car tax
>alcohol and tobacco duty

The amount they rinse from us when totalled up is fucking disgusting