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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12094459 No.12094459 [Reply] [Original]

Unique creative (non-gay and legal) ways to make $50 per day .

Shill me you smart bastards

>> No.12094473

Anyone who is smart

>> No.12094485

Sucking dick is not gay if you identify as female

>> No.12094491


>> No.12094499

real shit, theres no money in being a gay prostitute. bad meme

>> No.12094500
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>> No.12094511

You should easily be able to make $50 off robbing a person or two every day. Do it in a large city at night and you'll never get caught.

>> No.12094517


>> No.12094520


>> No.12094534

Guys this is some low quality shit , I expected better from austists...

Did all the smart people leave ? Hit me up with some real shit stop fucking around I’m broke af

>> No.12094537

Please * ^

>> No.12094542

Ever considered the fact that you're broke because you stupid and can't recognize profitable endeavors?
You sound like a brainlet so the only things you're good for are
1. sucking dick
2. robbing people
3. getting a mcjob

>> No.12094546

Just asking for advice dude. Honestly , I thought some people could help here. In a tough spot and I’m scared :

>> No.12094548


$50 per day is such a low amount mate if that's all you need why don't you just get a minimum wage job? why do you need something creative?

>> No.12094549

we arent giving you our cashcows

>> No.12094561

I have a job serving at events looking for another job or anything I can do in addition . Just want to make enough got rent , I did the math and I’ll need about $600 extra to make rent . So I’m trying to think of anything I can. Thank you

>> No.12094568

How much money do you have?

>> No.12094572

Why would you expect strangers to help you? In finance, revealing a profitable niche will result in you making less money. And there's nothing but profitable niches, or hard work. Nobody will EVER tell you about a profitable niche, unless it's no longer profitable. I don't wanna seem harsh, but if you're genuinely in need of money, and make it so obvious, you'll be used and end up in a deeper hole.

Get another job or move to a cheaper location

shoo shoo pajeet

>> No.12094585

I’m not making this up , I have $0.24 cents in my bank account . That is all I have to my name. On the 20th I’ll get a paycheck for around $600. I’m sad guys

>> No.12094592

Yeah you gotta wagecuck until you get a decent amount of cash working for you.

>> No.12094594

Thanks for your input I wasn’t asking for any secret ideas or anything proprietary just thought maybe some people had been in the same boat before and had some good ideas that helped them.

Btw i am looking for any other job that is hiring right now , so that I can have 2 full time jobs

>> No.12094595

invest in some vending machines and shill them at mom and pop businesses

>> No.12094599

>get nursing license
>work 1 shift every 12 days
Works for me, only I do 5 shifts each week because I like money.

>> No.12094602

Thanks for the idea anon, I’ll look into this

>> No.12094605

OK I've got a couple of suggestions

>amazon mechanical turk (no idea how much this pays though)
>take a commission-only sales job if you can sell
>do digital freelance work like fiverr
>rideshare driver/food delivery apps
>pawn something

>> No.12094613

Thank you so much for these suggestions, I will check these out for sure

>> No.12094615


I dunno bro you seem smart enough yourself to figure it out

>> No.12094616

maybe try something like airtasker or taskrabbit as well

>> No.12094620

mmorpg gold farming.

>> No.12094623


i guess you could also try picking up free shit on craigslist, fix it and sell it

>> No.12094626

buy 300 k of AT token on abcc.com. daily dividends will give you what you need.

>> No.12094663

may you finally meet the maintenance of your daily drug habit. cheers.

>> No.12094664

1. Sign up for Amazon affiliates
2. Pick a niche
3. Use keyword tool like SEMRUSH
4. Find topics like "10 best electric skateboard"
5. Write 2,000+ words
6. Post twice a week
7. Research onsite and offsite seo
8. Build backlinks
9. Update articles every quarter

Only need a hosting provider and domain ($20/m for cloud and $10 for domain for the year)

Install wordpress, pick a magazine based theme and go to town.

It will take you about 6 months to get to 1,500 a month passively with little to no experience in keyword research and backlink prospecting.

You can look into blackhat seo solutions but you need to know what you're doing.

>> No.12094676


>> No.12094675


one final suggestion, if you have been at your job for a while you could just ask your boss for an advance. no guarantee obviously but worth a shot.

>> No.12094712

Wow this is awesome not great for my short term solution but really awesome for the future . Thank you so much, seriously.

I already did thank you anon

No car anon but thank you

>> No.12094772


No problem. I was able to do this successfully and was able to build a cost effective SEO agency. 9 months since we cofounded and MRR is 22k and have a FT employee and a contractor.

Once you learn content writing and how to use tools like scrapebox and gmass you will be able to guest post and find backlink opportunities relatively easy.

Its honestly easier/less stressful to do it for other companies than personally tracking thousands of keywords and updating 30+ articles.

Be warned that its not easy and you will think your work is pointless for 4 months until your keywords get indexed.

This happened to me jn the beginning. I built 3 websites and failed. Built 4th with the 10 best x in [insert year here] and gave up after 4 months. Then 6 months later i got a check from Amazon for a grand. Turned out a few high volume keywords ranked top 5 on google.

I rewrote every article with the same style and similar results occured. Make sure you include CTAs like check price on amazon after every product you review in the top 10 guide

>> No.12094847

Buy a few interesting T-shirts at thrift stores for $1-2 each a day and list them on ebay. Concert shirts, capeshit etc. Say you buy 5 a day. After 2 months you have an inventory of around 300. Say 1% of your inventory per day sells at an average of $15. For shirts that don't sell after a few months, have a yard sale and blow them out for $3 each.

>> No.12094936

does this still work? I thought this kind of SEO is dead with pretty much all good niches taken

>> No.12094981

You can rent a car to do uber.

>> No.12094996

Get a job

>> No.12095035

I've had fags offer to blow me for money. This is literally quite common. If you're straight and looking for pussy they get off on being able to get you off being a straight dude. Just be like hmm I dunno never did anything like that before.
>What if I give you $100?

>> No.12095113

how do you find a profitable niche?

>> No.12095121

What city are you in

>> No.12095130


>> No.12095132

False I get offered money alot by guys on tinder or bumble to suck my penis. I'm straight though. Highest offer was $400 for 1hr to suck me off lol but I ain't gay

>> No.12095173

Hey me too anon I'm almost in the same boat. I blew threw 9k by mistake, now I have $600 and NO JOB. I got a credit card though so technically I have about $2500. I really don't want to use the credit card, I have a background check and drug test on Friday for a new well paying job but I'm using fake piss lmao no way I'm gonna pass naturally. Ur gonna make it anon just open a line of credit or go to speedycash

>> No.12095178

it's difficult for us to give you ideas if you don't tell us what your skills and interests are (assuming you have skills...)

>$50 per day
>minimum wage job
min wage ($100/mo) isn't even $50/day

>$10 for domain for the year
you can get free domain names from freenom.com , though don't expect something good... also, .com domains cost $8.50 on internetbs.net

>$20/m for cloud
you can get free hosting for a year on amazon if you have a credit card
also, free hosting on openshift online (https://www.openshift.com/products/pricing/))

>> No.12095199

Minimum wage is $87/day if you live in the poorest state in the United States. Stop telling lies.

>> No.12095202

go to a temp agency and lift 100lbs for 12 hours. after taxes you will net $50

>> No.12095211

Honestly dude I would recommend speedycash, you just need to prove that you have another check coming in and you'll get about $250-$500 if I'm not mistaken. You don't necessarily NEED to pay them back either it's not like they'll call the cops haha

>> No.12095214

that translates to a bit less than $50/day

>Minimum wage is $87/day if you live in the poorest state in the United States. Stop telling lies.
I'm not from the US, but AFAIU, min wage there is $1k/mo, isn't it?

>> No.12095252

$1,160 assuming 40 hour weeks and 4 week months. Minimum wage overtime is 1.5x base rate. When discussing minimum wage we usually go by an hourly rate.

>> No.12095418


>> No.12095670

Rigged gambling games.
Pay junkies to steal for you and resell it.
Buy and sell off local listings.
Whore yourself out.

>> No.12095710

Huh? You are low quality think of something yourself.
>hey guys give me something creative to i claim i was creative
Piss off you retard

>> No.12095730

a board made to answer this exact question can not answer this question. stupid board or stupid question.

>> No.12095763

Idk, I've recently learned python and still can't find a niche.

In '08, I had a shitton of affiliate and authority sites that never made a dime. Fucking fuck.

>> No.12095784

Another way to save money is dress well and fill up a shopping cart in Walmart and when the camera guys are watching niggers or junkies you just eat food casually then walk out. It's free fuckin meals.

>> No.12095786

No one on this board. Stop trying to get other people to fix your life for you.

>> No.12096717

>Hit me up with some real shit stop fucking around I’m broke af
Real shit? Work a shit job until you learn a real skill. You're not gonna get 50 bucks a day by sitting at home doing nothing all day.

>> No.12096738

I'm actually sorry for the rude comment before. By the way i read your statement it sounded like you're just some 18 y/o retard trying to avoid the reality of the situation. Do you have a roommate? Try getting one or two of those and getting a cheaper place.

>> No.12096799
File: 19 KB, 423x245, dividends-monopoly-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

receive $18,000 in dividend income per year = $50 per day without doing a damn thing.

if you started today with $360K you'd need a 5% yield to get to this point. However, with dividend growth stocks and compounding interest when using a DRIP, you could be getting much more with the same amount based on yield on cost.

t. a dividendfag who currently gets $18,000+ per year in dividends and capital gains

>> No.12096990

could you show us an example of a website you made

>> No.12097124

Go to blackhatworld and you'll see countless of threads on how to get started and tons of examples as well

>> No.12097149
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Alright, thanks man. I don't really have any side cash coming in. I have a job and have an investment in ko but don't really have anything as large as what you're talking about. Thanks for posting this brother

>> No.12097175

Can anyone eli5 what SEO is ?

>> No.12097187

Go ask Reddit brainlet

>> No.12097197


>> No.12097226
File: 147 KB, 908x940, 1543785835652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I know it's a reddit terminology but if I were enough intelligent to ask it properly I would have already understood what SEO means

>> No.12097248

>set his tinder profile to look for women and men
I have some bad news my man

>> No.12097266

I know you're asking for advice on creative ways to make money, but this may help. My advice to you is to work as many hours as possible, grind to get more cash. If you cant do that with one job, get a second. If you work fast food, consider driving to make cash-tips. Off of that, maybe try messing around with Uber or something like that for some extra cash. Ebay and craiglslist flips might also work in the short term

>> No.12097667

Basado y redpillado

>> No.12097764


No SEO is dead if you focus on quality. You have to have very high quality content if not the best content for your topic.

The people who think its dead write 1000 words or less, hire someone in bangladesh to do it and they use article spinners like word AI. Then they purchase shitty automated backlinks that are spun where google does penalize them.

The only part that hurts is that Amazon reduced commissions on affiliates an year ago.

>> No.12097790

No one will ever hold your hand without seeing an initial spark - of which you have none.

>> No.12097969

Learn to trade (don’t day trade),
Don’t use more money than you can afford to lose, and don’t trade alt coins with the same charts as BTC

Alternatively, you could maybe join backstage.com and start your acting career and perhaps become the next Tom Cruise.

>> No.12097979

Door Dash, Grub Hub, Uber Eats
You can reach a point where you're earning more than you are spending on gas and vehicle maintenance.

>> No.12097980

Why not just make gayporn?
Its easy.
Its good money.

>> No.12097997

based and redpilled

>> No.12098061

Lyft will give you a car to rent and they have a bonus program to offset the cost of the rental. If you don’t have a record, it’s perfect

>> No.12098371
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Goodvibespanel.com, been going around quite a lot lately. $50-100 a day easy all passive


>> No.12098455


> reddit terminolog

jesus fucking christ this one is inoperable

>> No.12098522

2008 wants their shitty plan back

>> No.12098978

Thanks for all your help guys , really appreciate it

>> No.12099000


>> No.12099018

im so sad that this chick denied my Instagram friend request

>> No.12099439

Write some marketing shit to several ICOs about why their coin is so good, and get hired as a shill fudding the competition.

>> No.12099719

Uhhh just don’t be fucking retarded? You can make that shit mowing lawns

>> No.12099995

DraftKings. Play the $25 double up. Profit

>> No.12100096
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>> No.12100118

Then whats the point of /biz/ & why r u here?