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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 767 KB, 1536x2048, E89CF86A-F536-4120-9C44-7FF49BD779BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12092628 No.12092628 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone please tell me what fuckin coin to buy to pay of my student loans in 3 months or less? Seriously, these letters are getting FUCKING annoying.

>> No.12092637

Get a job.

>> No.12092638


>> No.12092641

fuck this pisses me off
billionaire bankers avoiding millions in taxes and they're coming after you for 3 fucking grand.
fuck this gay money shit

>> No.12092643

you're a fucking idiot. You're posting your name with your loan account # on a anonymous image board?

Holy fuck, the idiocy.

>> No.12092644


Dennis Hall go to fucking sleep

>> No.12092653

get a job, dennis. maybe sell your macbook too. retarded nigger. im gonna call them tomorrow and ask them to verify the address and phone number linked to your account number. i wont do this unless you get your shit together

>> No.12092656

Dude I blocked out my name and address

>> No.12092657

Oy, you owe us $1k, we're here to remind you about that $2k you owe us, dont make us have to send more reminders for that $3k!

>> No.12092660

no you didnt you, block head! lol

look on the right hand side in the gray blocks.

>> No.12092676
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Dennis Hall

>Dennis Hall

Dennis Hall

>Dennis Hall

Dennis Hall

>Dennis Hall

Dennis Hall

>Dennis Hall

Dennis Hall

>Dennis Hall

Way to dox yourself.

>> No.12092680

>maybe sell your macbook too
This. Sell your iToddler, Dennis.

>> No.12092701
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>> No.12092710

Get a fucking job, Dennis.

>> No.12092799

Damn yall a bunch of haters lol. I just wanna know what coin will go 30x in a month or so so I can turn my $100 savings into $3000 and pay my debts, is that too much to ask?

>> No.12092829

Add two zeros to that, then talk about annoying.

>> No.12092838

We're just trying to help. It's easier if you get a job.

>> No.12092849

What do you gonna do though faggot? Pay his student debt?!

>> No.12092857


>> No.12092860

I'm not going to do anything, except poke fun.

>> No.12092873

Investing in crypto will only increase your debt

>> No.12092878


>> No.12092882

there wont be any coins that will 30x in the next month. also, get a job retard and sell your macbook. nothing requires you to have a macbook unless you are an ios dev, even then you could just get a "hackintosh"

>> No.12092885

I know i just wanted to tease his subconscious. "me like if anon pay debt". Haha feel cyberbullied OP. Iam getting my popcorn based dox poster.

>> No.12092920
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>> No.12092926

Sell your overpriced faggot computer.

>> No.12092952

>loan money
>have to pay back
>wtf this so unfair

>> No.12092979
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>amerifats are still exploiting their young people to pay for boomers' retirement and wars that only benefit the elderly fucks in DC
This is why amerifat youth is so depressed while your average chinese millennial is not.

>> No.12093000

That's all you fucking owe? If you can't pay that off in less than a year, then you're fucking pathetic.

>> No.12093001

R u seriously whining about <3k of debt. Kys

>> No.12093007

>has 2k computer
>complains about a 3k loan

do you drive a VW too? no, wait a Subaru

>> No.12093082

Chinese people commonly jump off of buildings to kill themselves

>> No.12093102

Stuff them with Zoloft too.

>> No.12093878


you could save up $3k working at MCdonalds for 3 months lmfao

get a job and stop gambling

>> No.12093879

Sir buy Bitcoin SV. Make you rich! Very STIFF coin.

>> No.12093884


>> No.12093887
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>get a job and stop gambling
>get a job

>> No.12093888 [DELETED] 

Bump because your account information is on the bottom right hand corner, need this for later

>> No.12093890


Ohio McWage is $8.12 / hr starting , probably a bit of overtime boost as well.

You work 40 hours a week = $332 per week

allocate $100 of that each week to your debt and in 3 months you will be halfway there.

>> No.12093899

Stop buying fucking macbooks

>> No.12093911

Hello Dennis Hall, hope all is well. Hope you can pay back the loan under account #1002909334, not much left, only $2792.63 left to go!

>> No.12093916


>> No.12093984




>> No.12094025

XRN and SUQA on Tradeogre.

>> No.12094175
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>> No.12095081

>not even financially well off to pay student debt
>buys macbook
u deserved this

>> No.12095090

Holy shit this retard. Posts name, buys macbook, expects a x30 in a month. What the hell. Work like a good goy.

>> No.12095094

Fucking cancer

>> No.12095096


>> No.12095100


Do I waste too much of my time on this board, or are you all newfags? This is a LARP post, we've done this before.

>> No.12095103
File: 258 KB, 868x958, 1542853300380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If it goes to collections, you might as well not pay.

The collection agency might even clear your credit even after you pay. They are basically extorting your debt and it doesn't get paid toward the original owner of your debt.

Besides it's only 2k, you can easily get away with it. fuck those scum collection agencies, literally the lowest of parasites.
