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12091452 No.12091452 [Reply] [Original]

I get paid fucking bank to setup and monitor crypto miners all day.

All I’m gonna say is the ride isn’t over yet boys. It’s just now starting.

>> No.12091465

Up or down?

And when do we get back to 10k

>> No.12091466
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mine bsv sir very profitable very stiff

>> No.12091472

If no larp, how the fuck do I get a gig like that?

>> No.12091474

why not telling us we're going to $500 before a next ATH in 5 years if you've got real info

>> No.12091484

Is it true that miners are like traders were maybe 6 months ago in thinking that things will get better soon, because their losses have only started to hit them fairly recently? Is it beginning to dawn on them that shit is about to hit the fan? Does the farm make any sales? What are the losses right now? How much more sustainable is it?

>> No.12091486

How much do you make and how do you get into that?

>> No.12091502

Are you mining profitably?

Our is this some "cloud mining let's sell hash to clueless newbie" scam operation?

>> No.12091511

How good is the getting gonna get? How much longer do we have to bear the bear?

>> No.12091542

>All I’m gonna say is the ride isn’t over yet boys. It’s just now starting.

oh fuck off. the fad is over. the party is over. the hype is gone. the mainstream media attention is gone. all the normie new money is gone. its beyond fucking over.

>> No.12091548

how many corns does your farm grow per day?

>> No.12091555

this. you dumb fucks are getting all wound up about digital pokemon cards.

>> No.12091563

and ill add that bitcoin is, what, like 8 years old now? zero adaptation. 99/100 people in real life couldnt tell you what it is. and 999/1000 people have never used it would know how to.

complete garbage.

>> No.12091612
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It’s going to go down some more before we see a steady uptriend fren. We won’t see another bull run like 2017 for another few years.

I can’t exactly say the location of my job, but we’re acting as a “side project” for a much more profitable operation which is already using a shitton of power, we get cheap as fuck power due to that. That’s one of the reason why this is going so well.

As a company we make good money. We have clients sign million-dollar contracts for warehouse space and electricity costs and they ship over their miners, we set them up and they have access to their wallets. We as a company take little to no losses because we’re signing away shittons of money with a third of electric costs compared to China farms. With sustainability, well, we’ve talked about setting up two or three more warehouses full of these guys so we will see. This department just formed last year.

I had a friend that worked in the “main operation” of this job and he told me about a new project this company was doing. It was vague as fuck through the hiring process desu, all they said was “it was hooking up bitcoin miners” this place has been around for years, so it’s a traditional plant, therefor if these fucks would’ve started mining years ago they would have been filthy fucking rich now. These are all ASICS we’re dealing with. I make salary pay working Monday-Friday but with a twist, anything after 3:30 in the afternoon I chose to work is time and a half.
I’m clueless as far as returns. Rumor has it that our newest client signed a 10million dollar contract for us to set up over 1000 miners so we did the math on hashing rates and current prices of bitcoin, it would take a only a couple of years to make their investment back, granted that bitcoin stays at this price. When it does moon though.. they’ll already be ahead of the game
>pic related, cable management on bitfury B8 rigs

>> No.12091636


I own stock in Genesis Mining and they've bled like motherfuckers.

Don't see how anyone is making money in this space except recycling tonnes of ex-miners for scrap.

>> No.12091639

And you don’t think the media didn’t start talking about it so (((they))) could dump on December buyers?
People didn’t think or give a flying fuck when Microsoft and Apple were starting either, yet over the years they reached a form of “mass adoption” and became a household name.

>> No.12091655

I’m gonna say straight up these clients signing off on these million dollar contracts are taking a huge risk granted that bitcoin goes belly-up. But that’s very unlikely.

They’re also not out of anything besides signing a contract granted they’re shipping all their previously bought (and probably already paid for) miners to our space.

>> No.12091665

I dunno OP, I'm not impressed with that cable management. Hope they're labeled at least and the rest of this operation is better than that bundle.

>> No.12091687
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It could be set up a lot better, a lot of my coworkers don’t really think efficiently

>pic related after I’ve filtered out all the cat5’s we weren’t using

>> No.12091691

microsoft and apple produce tangible products and services that people use.

the media started talking about it because it got pumped. notice how they dont talk about it at all anymore?

>> No.12091705

Better anon, but check out using velcro and not zip ties.

Good luck.

>> No.12091718

Damn I wish there was a shitposting board in 2001 where people raged because they lost everything on worthless IPOs

>> No.12091722

wtf asics are these i dont recognize them

>> No.12091739
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>the ride isn't over yet boys
>it's just now starting
>please keep buying oh my god
>I don't want to go back to mcdonalds, I told them I'd never come back

>> No.12091750

youre gonna compare crypto to the stock market? shares of a company that provides a service and product people use?

wew lad. maybe in another 8 years people will ditch the stable usd for the volatile and confusing crypto coins for zero fucking reason.

>> No.12091771

i am guessing this is some sort of after market casing to bundle them together?

>> No.12091776

The best part about this shit is that if bitcoin ever flops I’ll still keep my job because we’ll go to a cloud hosting service. Our company doesn’t make these kind of moves without having a few backup plans.

>implying blockchain in itself isn’t a service and product
stay cucked nocoiner
Bitfury B8’s

It would be a lot cheaper to reuse than to have to cut over people’s fuckups to rewire everything.

>> No.12091779

How the hell are you beating Chinese power costs? Are you mining inside a dam.

>> No.12091783

>>implying blockchain in itself isn’t a service and product
no one fucking uses it. zero adaptation.

>> No.12091790

i really dont see that much of a difference.
ipos sold you some dream during the hype raised a lot of money and the majority of them turned out to be worthless. how is it different to icos. In the end you lost money in both ways. The fact that you got stake in the company doesnt make a difference really. If you think there is no more money to make, you are deluding yourself

>> No.12091799

ipods are a tangible product that millions of people use(d) on a regular basis.

you think thats comparable to a currency thats been around for almost a decade in which no one uses?

>> No.12091810
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Inb4 the new Norwegian Law about hogger electricity cost on bitcorn mining bites you in the ass

>> No.12091817
File: 55 KB, 492x419, 108F0F95-FC9E-4611-8D34-E894DC3D1130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this trolling?

>> No.12091822

What do you think about Link?

>> No.12091846

i wish it was. i have someone comparing ipods to bitcoin.

>> No.12091854
File: 195 KB, 676x635, 459A5A28-C18C-430C-B91D-0FED08FC6DA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses samd picture twice
>dodges any real questions
>w-we’re doing this using a 1/3 of the electric costs of china
Nice larp faggot

>> No.12091880

I’m in the states, I’m sure we would be outside Norwegian jurisdiction >>12091846
Coordinating shilling at its finest. I’ve been around for Trumpcoin, DGB, hell when ethereum was under 10 dollars. Chain link is nothing but shills.

Did you even look at the two fucking pictures you absolute retard?

>> No.12091902

Nope and ur still a faggot larper

>> No.12091937

>Coordinating shilling at its finest. I’ve been around for Trumpcoin, DGB, hell when ethereum was under 10 dollars. Chain link is nothing but shills.

oh coins that are less known and equally worthless. great.

on the next dead cat bounce you guys can all jump around from coin to coin again like rearranging chairs on the deck of the titanic.

>> No.12091938

Do you have redpills to Bitfury?
With companies like this from 0 to billion dollar valuation, you just have to be sceptic. The founder is from Latvia and they have connections in Georgia. These are literally the go to spots when you talk about organized crime and mafia structures in whole Eurasia.
Especially the founder Valery Valilov, I could picture him stop at nothing and having no scruples.

>> No.12092133

whats your salary like and what kind of degree/cert would one need for a job like this?

>> No.12092162

Fuck you dude just let it die

>> No.12092195

A client paid 10 million to set up a thousand machines? What a ripoff.

>> No.12092224

Miners are so fucking justed I wouldn't doubt they bring it all down from the inside as well

>> No.12092237

>monitors mining rigs
>means he knows the future and the complex financial systems driving btc up or down

>> No.12092262

yeah that is ass cable management

>> No.12092274

That's 10,000 dollars per machine. What company would do that in this market? Better to just buy 10 million dollars worth of crypto. Sounds like BS

>> No.12092277

Not six figures but for being 21 years old it’s good fucking money. I have an associates but knowledge with crypto, they liked the interview I put on and took me.

Fuck you dude this is my job. I get to go to work everyday doing something I love, get great experience troubleshooting in the field and get paid out the ass for doing so. Not a lot of people on this board have that

>> No.12092378
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Nice digits. Can you help this great project out. Everything you need to know is in the pic.

Just maybe spread the word to your employers.

>> No.12092555
File: 121 KB, 1322x717, Screen Shot 2018-12-11 at 9.44.10 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitfury B8
OH NONONONO NO -$12 a day


>> No.12092592

Strong buy signal

>> No.12092616
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>Electricity costs the same for everyone

>> No.12092622
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The thing about larping on an anonymous forum is that the lines a blurred between real and fake. Sometimes fake people spill information that's just as good as the real because they heard the real somewhere else. We'll never know.
The reason I responded to your post is because I think you're a conplete fucking idiot and have attributed nothing of value to the operation. The OP (whether real or not) hasn't tried to sell us anything, and is just telling us about his job. So do me a fucking favor and think a lot more fucking clearly before you fucking post on this fucking website you dumb fucking degenerate? Do I make myself clear?

>> No.12092646

How did you get into crypto? (Not the job, the space)

>> No.12092690

God damnit you stupid faggots. What is the value of a transaction, hm? Have you dumb fucks figured out the cost of a secure fucking transaction yet? Banks spend millions every year to process your government neetbux. Stupid shit for brains.

>> No.12092752

Is this one of the St Louis locations?

>> No.12092793

You still there OP? Do you hobby mine, do you trade, are you hodling in a cold wallet for the next ten years?

>> No.12092874
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>> No.12092875

Its most likely a power facility up in a north state maybe conneticute. Some power fscilities have extra power and dont even run fulltime.

>> No.12092876

dumb larper

>> No.12092881

Most likely a nuclear fission plant.

>> No.12092894

Yeah I’m still here. I’m currently hodling a few grand, the real madness starts to begin when bitcoin hits its max cap and no more can be mined, that’s really why I’m hodling.

I think the biggest problem we face is not using it as a store of value, but as a get rich quick scheme. It all boils down to normies and neets both waiting until December 2017 happening all over again to dump on each other. It’s only until we reach mass adoption that we will see it used for its intended purpose.

>> No.12092902
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>> No.12092915
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Right... because posting irl pics of my workplace is me larping

Try again faggot

>> No.12092931

Better believe I'm dumping next time I see a gradient like December 2017. Follow the herd, I'm not falling for hodl meme again. When do you think that the dwindling supply starts to really ramp up price? Another two, three halvenings?

>> No.12092941

>I’m excited for in 120 years from now when bitcoin can’t be mined anymore
Fucking brainlet level larping. GG.

>> No.12092951
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Why is every single kike a child molester and an inbred trisomy 21 victim?

>> No.12092960

When do you think the last block is gonna be mined?

>> No.12092983

2140. You can Google it. This brainlet larp wasn’t smart enough to understand it’s a mathematic equations “I’m hodling for when no more bitcoin can be mined hurp durp”. Sage.

>> No.12093034

It gets harder and harder to mine bitcoin every single single day. Eventually there will come a point where mining just doesn't make sense, and that's far before 2140

>> No.12093040

Yes but in practise, 20,990,000 Bitcones circulating is the almost the same as already having reached max supply. I'm assuming that's what OP mean, that we'll reach a point long before then, where new Cones being mined means pretty much fuck all

>> No.12093067

Video walkthrough bro

>> No.12093153

How much lower do you think we're going? Are we actually going under 1k? Do the people you work with have a strong opinion on the next year?

>> No.12093203

Talk hardware setups bru.

>> No.12093222

Do yo believe in ChainLink and do coworkers talk about the oracle problem ? How many roasties do you have lined up ?

>> No.12093238

probably whenever tx fees are greater than mined coins.

>> No.12093258


How much better are the b8s vs antminer s9s?

I have a friend who recently shut down his 180x s9 setup cause it wasn't profitable anymore. Energy costs were recently increased by the gvt aswell so he took a huge dick up the ass.

>> No.12093262

OP whats the most common problems and modes of failure you see?

>> No.12093535

At BTC price now or lower why would it be more profitable to buy mining equipment mine and spend money on energy instead of buying the coin. Whats the math?

>> No.12093549

Its difficult to buy large quantities of btc without driving up the price or getting attention from authorities.

If you want to be covert, the only way is mining.

>> No.12093571

Tax write offs mining and operating a business vs investing. Most people completely overlook this.