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1208069 No.1208069 [Reply] [Original]

More or less first time investor, potentially looking to buy stock in AMD. I'd probably be looking at buying $500 to a few thousand worth. I'd be holding them at least until sometime late this year, if not for several years.

I've a number of misgivings. First of all I've no background in engineering or computing so maybe I'm being a complete idiot by pretending I know anything about the business at all. Their stock price is near record lows and been especially volatile this year. From what I gather they're pretty much leaving the driverless car thing and every other emerging parallel processing market to NVidia, so who knows how that's going to affect the business in the medium to long term. They've got other persistent problems in basic marketing and so on that aren't going to get fixed any time soon.

What I'm betting on is their clawing back some of their market share in traditional GPUs this year, which currently hangs at something like 20%, down from 40-50% half a decade ago. Polaris will beat Pascal in the home computer market by months at least. They've also secured deals to have their GPUs packaged with the new Mac computers, and of course the PS4, Xbox One and the new refresh for the PS4 (if it is indeed happening) will continue to use AMD hardware. *If* they make a good comeback in the GPU market this year, not only will they build up some momentum again against NVidia in years to come, but they might have a hope of being competitive in the CPU market and chip away at Intel who've gotten pretty damn complacent the last couple years (although you can very well argue that they've gotten complacent because they can afford to be, their chips have been crushing AMD for ages).

I guess the biggest concern is that it's looking like this is the do or die year for AMD; they *have* to win big this year or they're gonna die a slow, painful death via steamroll.

So do you guys think it has reasonable prospects in the mid-long term or is it way too risky?

>> No.1208097

Pascal will end up being a better product. Nvidia has more name power and fanboys than AMD.

Did you see AMD's q1 earnings report? Not all that great. Its a gamble.

>> No.1208114

They had hype back in 2012 but the train died down quick

Intel and Nvidia are the leading GPUs for VR. AMD doesn't really do anything well and apple's stock dropped when investors heard they're using cheaper stuff to make their products.

If you read AMD's Q1 earnings like >>1208097
said, you could tell they're operating pretty badly. I would say it's a big gamble, especially when it looks like investors are worried about a recession.

Investors are already worried about tech companies like microsoft and apple having slower growth/revenues. I would rather go long on GPRO and other VR competitors.

>> No.1208130

Buy AMD bonds and you may have a chance to recover when the stock gets delisted and company bankrupt.

>> No.1208210

AMD isn't worth considering unless you find it under $2.(I did and sold when it jumped) Their price jumped up recently with a bunch of normie hype expecting their new processor to save the company. It might raise a little more if the processor delivers, but chances are it will fall, and the Chinese are trying to get into that market. Their GPU line also started with some hype from early DX12 results, but Nvidia is already catching up or beating them in many newer tests. The PS4/Xbone are also seeing less sales every year, so don't expect a jump from that. There's no telling what they'll use for the next consoles.

My current strategy is to sit and wait for dips with companies I consider safe. Altria, Comcast, Frontier, GE, Pfizer, Verizon, etc. You are investing in companies you believe will earn you money, not gambling on their success/failure.

>> No.1208313

Newer tests? What are you talking about?

>> No.1208321

Benchmarks done after the initial Ashes of Singularity hype. I'm not sure how else to explain that.

>> No.1208353

Intel just cut 12,000 jobs.


AMD is rapidly becoming the preferred processor for data warehouses and big data providers. Particularly for shops that have to process data using 3rd party tools like Attunity, Task Factory etc (you know, fuckin everyone)

Intel dominated the PC processor market but nobody uses PCs anymore

Intel continues to destroy AMD in speed tests but fails when the rubber hits the road and mass parallelization is required .. when Jimmy's shitty code is executed during night processing.

AMD is a workhorse and CIOs prefer it more and more. Over Intel.

Which is why Intel laid off twelve thousand people.

>> No.1208388
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>Intel dominated the PC processor market but nobody uses PCs anymore
AMD announced that they were going focus more on personal PCs around the end of last year.

>> No.1208397

>personal personal computers
Redundant as fuck.

>> No.1208399

RIP in peace my self-esteem.

>> No.1208420

Only option left is to commit Sudoku

>> No.1208528

Playstation Neo is guaranteed AMD and there is basically no competitor to AMD in this market. Intel doesn't have the necessary GPU technology, Nvidia doesn't have the necessary CPU technology and there is no way any console gets built that isn't using a SoC/APU.

With Intel's "tick-tock" turning into a "tick-tock-tock" and Nvidia focusing on supercomputers, servers and workstations there is a definite opportunity for AMD to win back marketshare.

>> No.1208611
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They're doing something right

>> No.1208615
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>tfw sold for 2.92 5 weeks ago
>tfw didn't buy again yesterday

>> No.1208619
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Still going up though

>> No.1208629

if this doesn't break above 2014 highs i'll eat a dirty sock

>> No.1208632

source? I hadn't heard that.

>> No.1208676
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>tfw bought at 2.70 2 weeks ago
>tfw sold to cover my basis at $3.50 just now

Everything from here on out is pure profit, baby!

>> No.1208684

This feels temporary. I think investors are looking to move their tech stocks into something that has nothing more to lose and everything more to gain, which would be AMD. But the problem is that AMD right now has no real product momentum to back those expectations up. Prices will start falling quickly and level out to around $2.30-2.70 by the end of the month, and possible further until the start of Q3 2016.
The only real uptick in AMD's revenue and growth is the licensing of their x86 CPUs to some company in China, but that alone doesn't really justify this high price. The PC market continues to shrink and the one thing that could save AMD in the long-term is their advances in ARM architecture. Zen is not going to be their savior, but K12 will be.

>> No.1208686

You think it's gonna hit $4.25? I think that's a bit optimistic.

I could see $4, max, ahead of their new chipset launch.

>> No.1208695
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look's like it's stabilising at about 3.55 - 3.56

>> No.1208713

sell now, wait for Nvidia Pascal announcements and then buy again?

>> No.1208728

That's my plan. Pascal will drop amds value due to fears of lost market share in the pc market, but then amd will release their new chip shortly thereafter, and we'll probably see another bump depending on benchmarks.

>> No.1208797
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bought amd at 3.00 anon here
I fucked up and bought too early and too late.
But still green in the end

>> No.1208860

Bought at 2.67 sold at 3.61.
Thanks AMD

>> No.1209286

>close 3.99
what's going to happen on monday?

>> No.1209371

Playstation Neo is getting the same games the PS4 is. Chances of it matching PS4 sales are slim.

I can't find the interview I was thinking of, it mentioned closing some other divisions to divert resources. But link & Radeon Technologies Group are a pretty good indication that they see desktop performance CPU/GPUs as a fairly large portion of their income.

>> No.1209390

Okay guys Im a fucking noob.

I placed an after market stop limit order with a "price" of $3.00 and an "activation price" of $3.10 yesterday. Today the buy didn't go through. Am i supposed to have the activation price lower than the price? Google is just gives me technical shit. TDameritade doesn't explain how their buy system works. Help.

>> No.1209391
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>sold at 3.61

>> No.1209408
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>tfw I believed in AMD
>tfw only have shit amounts of money to put into companies I believe in

>> No.1209415


>> No.1209452
File: 24 KB, 950x170, AMD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fucking kill myself. I only put 3k on this stock a couple weeks ago. I wanted to put 10k into this originally but this is the first time I have ever bought stock so I wasn't very confident. What the fuck do I do now?

>> No.1209456

yeah u had it backwards retard, activation price activates the order, price is the max amount it will buy at for you assuming that price or lower is available

>> No.1209492

thats exactly how you loose money in the stock market.. everyone wants to make more money so they stay longer then loose it all

>> No.1209495


Are you saying the share price will plummet by Monday? Because all the fucking stock market analysts were screaming about selling before ER yesterday but look how THAT turned out.

>> No.1209499

Hold till Monday and see what happens. Nobody knows where this stock is going. Longs are claiming 4.00 pps but shorts think AMD is going to pullback on Monday and drop.

Honestly, Intel chairman just sold off over 100k of Intel stock so something is up. I sold off 50% of my shares to cover original investment plus a little profit and I'm holding the rest to see what happens.

>> No.1209502

Do some due diligence on the stock; figure out if it's something you want to keep long term, or if you just want to dump it.

If you don't know enough to have any confidence, you probably want to dump it. Yeah, you may miss out on future profits, but at least then you won't be left holding the bag if something bad happens and the stock plummets.

>> No.1209503

people get greedy in the stock market. thats how you loose money.

>> No.1209505

I'm kicking myself for not getting in on this train when it was 2.62 yesterday...

>> No.1209506

Forgot link


Intel is panicking, AMD could have a nice future.

>> No.1209512

you literally have no idea how its going to act. it could of went down but went up today

>> No.1209582


But that's not true. At least not in the long term.

>> No.1209631

Anyone here trading on a EU website?

>> No.1209684

Take those gains and get the fuck out. Congrats.

>> No.1209693

Short intel

>> No.1210147

Well stocks up by 52%, as I predicted. However I question the sustainability of this, will we see an increase in AMDs stock today? I doubt it will go past the 6 mark

>> No.1210149

Also I didnt buy when I knew I should, so Im going to kill myself now

>> No.1210222


Sell brother. Congratz on your gains. Welcome to investing champ.

>> No.1210242
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>mfw I was contemplating a month ago
>mfw I didn't listen

Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.1210334
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Are you fellas sure about this?

BTW I am this >>1209452 guy.

I knew this stock was going to go up weeks ago.... but I don't quite understand why things happen the way they do. This is a safe stock to hold long term this year I am sure of that... but short term what the hell is going to happen to pic related?

If you look at the after hours market in -pic related- the share prices just completely STOP going up or down. Does this mean people just started selling last minute and people are done riding the gravy train for now?

>> No.1210871

good read/listen for AMD investors:

>> No.1210942
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That hentai tho. It feels like any fucking retard can do this and win big. I don't even fucking know some of the terms used on the thread. I've been searching about FOREX trading since this morning and I wish I had the knowledge to already invest. Yes we are 7 billion, but at least this kind of market is lucrative and not saturated yet. I wish...

>> No.1210963

The question I have is, did Keller leave AMD because his work was done, or did he give up?

>> No.1211063

I can't believe what in reading in the OP post. He literally only states negative shit and then at the end he names a hope that if they might gain back on nvidia he will go up.

Name fucking actual reasons to invest in AMD.

>> No.1211490
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hentai anon here, I bought in at 3.00 back in dec.
I felt pretty shit watching it go down to 1.66. But i did have enough faith in amd to hold and also put my all ira and a few thou in savings funds into it even if was only 20k
Be prepared to lose money though

>> No.1211680
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OP here

thanks for talking me out of it guys

i-i didn't even wanna be rich anyway

>> No.1211800

There's always another stock you could invest in just keep an ear open and read up on what their plans are for the future.

>> No.1211823

Look at when the thread was created retard. Thursday, he missed a 50% gain because of you morons. /biz/ is such shit kek. You're all a bunch of role playing fucking idiots.

>> No.1211851

Fucking hell, my cash was all locked up and I was looking to get on the spaceship. Guess it might be too late now.

>> No.1211867

analysts put estimated earnings at -$0.146. actual was -$0.12. so AMD was losing less money than expected it. that clearly called for a +50% of the share price. stock market makes no sense. looking at the past year's earnings calls, sometime the market goes with or against the analyst beat.

of the last 16 earnings calls, 9 have been negative.

you can only pull this shit off having access to pre/after market and knowing a certain number of companies/sectors like the back of your hand. if you would have been watching AMD at the exact minute earnings went live, you would have seen a massive 15 cent candle.

it was fun riding DWTI while it lasted.

>> No.1211885

People will take profit after a rally of 50%. This will make the stock to go down. I wouldve been happy with 50% gain in a week.

>> No.1211896

AMD is cheap for sure, but is it cheap because its a shit company nobody in their right mind wants to hold or because of irrational anti-hype?
I feel its the former but feel free to disagree.

>> No.1211918

I think it's mostly anti-hype but then I'm an idiot as I've noted. Mostly I've been listening to AdoredTV and he seemed to know his shit. If you want reasons to believe in them, I suggest watching his videos. He explains it all a billion times better than I could ever hope to.

>> No.1211939

> Intel
> "leading GPUs" for anything

>> No.1211944

one time I was tripping on robitussin I thought maybe I should invest in pfizer if I'm buying fucking cough syrup all the time

it was pretty mind-blowing and I thought maybe I'd be a billionaire pretty soon, but I never even went through with it

>> No.1211962

>has a diverse product line, with low power(ARM) and high power(x86) processors for servers and desktops, and consumer graphics cards
>is licensing its server CPU technology to a chinese firm, creating competition for AMD and Intel, giving the former of which the upper hand because of licensing revenue
>has a competent, forward thinking board, which aims for long term success rather than short term survival, so that both will be accomplished

>is completely dependent on a single, stagnating product line, as demand for consumer PCs decays
>is failing to succeed in the tablet/phone market, as Intel's CISC processors are inferior to their low-power, ARM competition prevails
>has an incompetent, clueless board, who enjoyed a long period of dominance in the PC industry, and lack the insight to adjust to a changing landscape in the digital electronics world

>> No.1211964

AMD was literally the first stock I ever bought. I bought it at 6.36ish a share back in 2011 (or 2012) as it was rising from the Bulldozer hype. Being an idiot I didn't look into when their quarterly reports were released. There was one literally the DAY after I bought. That same day it traded as low as 2.20 something and hasn't recovered since.

In the end it was a wakeup call to do actual research before buying, and to not just do it on a whim. I only bought 50 shares (which I still have), so it's not like I lost 1000s or anything.

>> No.1212486
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>> No.1212684
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This thread is so perfect, remember to always do the opposite /biz/ recommends to you.

>> No.1213024
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I get that...... but what is confusing the fuck out of me is why the share price was going UP towards the end of the day instead of down if what you say is true?

And why did it just stop going up immediately when the after-market hours kicked in? Does anyone have any kind of explanation here?

>> No.1213425


Because extended hype. We've had the weekend to cool off so I expect rationality to take place and the price to fall unless people are just that crazy for the stock.

Honestly, it should only be at this price once Polaris launches, on a stable level.

>> No.1213716

premarket down
show is over?

>> No.1213865


>> No.1213916

Why is nothing happening with the stock? Thought it would go down a lot more with everyone selling

>> No.1213926

I read the article you posted. Two of their three initiatives appear aimed at the enterprise market (efficient multicore cpus), and one at the high end gaming market (multithreading gpus for immersinve gaming). I don't think they're focusing any more on the pc market than before, based on that article, but that's just my opinion.

>> No.1213951


>> No.1213992

TFW you placed your order to sell at 3.99 as soon as the market closed on Friday and it didn't sell on Mondays open.. Fuck my life, be glad most of you cucks got out at 3.60ish

>> No.1213999


Seems like what I said is true. It's stabilizing on 3.50-ish right now, but I'm not sure if it's the price to buy or to wait until it gets back to sub 3.00.

>> No.1214048

There are a few catalysts yet to come before their Q2 results & release of the Polaris architecture. One is the release of Nvidia's Pascal architecture, another is whatever the fuck is going on with Intel right now.

I wouldn't buy in now; wait until Intel's dirty laundry gets aired, or Nvidia releases their newest development.

>> No.1214080

Wouldn't that make AMD go up? Why not buy it now

>> No.1214101


This. I don't really expect that they are going for complacency since it's pretty much full throttle for Q2 and Polaris incoming, and then Zen. And leaked benchmarks here and there that will make the stock go up. Unless Intel has a big trick up their sleeve which I don't think they have especially with their downsizing.

Pascal isn't that great either, but I have no idea
I am still expecting it to have an impact in the future.

>> No.1214160

>Why not buy it now
There is still a pending lawsuit against AMD over misleading advertisement that may go to court this summer. That will drop their stock value if the court decides to hear the case.