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12080430 No.12080430 [Reply] [Original]

need some big brains to help me out with my investment plan. this is my situation.

>multiple felon cant get a job cause of record
>get on muh disability cause i said some crazy /x/ shit to a shrink
>get $1,400 each month and spend the majority of it on crypto
>got 15k LINK, 500k RLX, 5k 0xBTC, and some other random shitcoins
thats my current state of affairs

the plan is, since i keep seeing everyone say 2019 is the buyers market year and sellers market is Q3 2020ish

>buy $700 in LINK every month around the end of the month
>buy $200 in RLX also every month

is this a good strat or what should i change or add to this? i dont want to get crazy diversified but what has as much potential as LINK? i literally dont know, need halp

>> No.12080500

Fuck yourself in the ass, disgusting sociopath

>> No.12080517

what about my OP makes you think i'm a faggot like you?

>> No.12080562

what'd u get felonies for?

>> No.12080594

i fell for muh "get rich or die tryin" meme when i was a youngfag
got hit big time with lots of drug charges and did some prison time
gun charges, DOSL multiple, felony DUI's, lots of stupid shit basically
it took me around 30 years of my life before i just went completely straight
dont do any criminal shit anymore, no drugs, etc
i dont even speed anymore
i just never had any real parental guidance basically, product of a single mother

fucked my career options completely up in my 20s and never went to college
so basically crypto and trading it is my only shot at a career at this point since no one will hire me and ive filled out 100s of applications

>> No.12080625

also managed to never get raped while i was in prison or do any fag shit so i was pretty lucky just in case anyone is curious. did 2 years 3 months at a federal corrections facility.

>> No.12080673


>>get on muh disability cause i said some crazy /x/ shit to a shrink

what’d you say? any tips? I’m sick of sage slaving so my money can go to shitskins to shit out more kids

>> No.12080754

well, you can almost pick any thread and its the fastest way to fast track getting accepted by the SSI bikes if youre not missing an arm or leg or have something legit wrong with u, kno wat im sayin. way i did it was regurgitating some shadow ppl stuff, with flat earth, mixed with i was abducted by aliums, and was being gang stalked. it got me a double schitzo diagnoses and i took that directly to SSI and cashed in. didnt even get rejected on my first try. /x/ is actually good for something, gotta give them credit. also told the shrink that my mom was a witch and i was born into a coven of witches and they wanted me to bring down christianity by writing a book about it. said some other shit i saw in the movies and used the reality simulation matrix thing as well. im not actually insane or anything, im just a failed drug dealer.

wtf should i be buying tho dude?

>> No.12080762

i’ve heard its hard anon. You have to be in a state that means you are physically or mentally incapacitated, but if you rub anyone the wrong way they can put you in the crazy house because, as you are ‘incapacitated’, you cant look after yourself. I’ve never done it because mur honesty but just be aware of that if you do do it.

>> No.12080783

yea the way i actually got into the mental health facility on a baker act arrest was just wandering around down town naked and when the cops tried to talk to me i'd just say off the wall crazy shit to them. they didnt lock me up, just took me directly to the psych ward. this is the first step btw, kinda hard but u gotta do it. checking yourself into the facility on a "suicidal ideation" is the other way if youre not feeling up to really looking crazy.

>> No.12080789

>wtf should i be buying tho dude?
boomer dividend stocks until you hit ~100k and then try to get a rental property going. lay off this crypto shit, you're just going to lose all your money.

>> No.12080798

in my position i cant do boomer stocks, because it would fuck with my SSI cause the taxes would get reported to the IRS. and i need to just be steady investing for at least the next 3 years until i see real gains. thx for the input but the TD ameritrade jews would report my ass and im not a tax cuck.

>> No.12080804

>they can put you in the crazy house because, as you are ‘incapacitated’, you cant look after yourself.

nah. i used to work for the SSA, there are tons of crazies who can't look after themselves roaming the street. they have "representitive payee's" that get their check instead of them, but they aren't locked up. thats really hard to do nowadays. thanks Reagan.

>> No.12080815

i had to start off with a representative payee in the beginning as well, but all it takes is talking to your shrink and sounding normal for them to give you full rights to your own money.

>> No.12080829

who was your payee? maybe you could get them to open your brokerage account for you.

>> No.12080830

the mental health care system is extremely broken btw if you've gotten this far in this thread. it can be gamed so easily it isnt even funny. but who is going to challenge a doctors opinion that im a schitzo and charge me with fraud? no one in their right mind, thats who. i know lots of other ppl who have done the same thing i did btw. its the only alternative when no one will hire you in America. what do you expect?

>> No.12080836

yeah its dangerous because they can decide not to release you or because you have been in a mental health facility before it can legitimise an attempt to put you back in one, good luck screaming “i’m not crazy” like every other crazy person does as a defence. But seriously, just think how fucking hilarious this all is, people acting crazy to avoid working, like acting so well no one can actually tell the difference, its fucking meta.

>> No.12080850

my single mother mom was my payee, she knew what i was doing. they wouldnt award me benefits without a payee in the beginning

the only real danger you have of not being released from a mental health facility is if you pose a violent threat to society. as long as you remain docile and say crazy shit BEFORE you start taking their medicine but NOT after the medicine then you make it out of the facility to freedom. just dont keep up the act after you start taking the drugs they give you. u can also game what they give u by saying it makes you feel bad/etc if u dont like it, until u get something that doesnt effect u at all. just a tip.

>> No.12080854

you're preaching to the choir my dude. i'm %60 "disabled" from the VA because i saw some hadji's get vaporized by a Mk-19. i'm totally fine but i thumbed through the DSM and told the docs what i know they needed to hear. now boom, fat little check every month. it's funny, because you could have just done this from the start and been better off.

>> No.12080867

i like to take risks dude, wat can i say? also wat are you hodling right now?

>> No.12080878

try to get your moms or someone you can trust to open a brokerage account for you. or better yet, just have them give you all their info and you open it up and keep all the passwords/bank info. you only need their social/DOB and as long as you aren't racking up a bunch of leverage debt in someones name, you'll be alright.

>> No.12080880

ah i didnt know that. But what i was talking about is if, for whatever reason, a person in a position of authority does not like you, they do have the atleast an enhanced ability to lock you up in a mental health institution. Another reason i never did the whole shtick was because i didnt want the label attached to my name, once someone finds out you’re labelled as mentally ill everything you say or do becomes less trustworthy.

>> No.12080885

boomer stock and some real estate. thats all you need brother. don't even need much really.

>> No.12080893

i tried the binary options short and long game on NADEX when i first got into trading markets - that shit is absolute gambling tho especially on FOREX. also tried some european style binary options sites and got my ass handed to me. i got a TD account but havent bought anything with it for tax reasons. i dont want to have to file and if i invest anything in that account they will just lower my SSI, wont they?

>> No.12080900

>a person in a position of authority does not like you, they do have the atleast an enhanced ability to lock you up in a mental health institution

nope. that shit was ruled straight unconstitutional and that doctor will probably need a judge's signature authority to lock you up. it's literally why there is such a huge homeless problem in the US rn.

>> No.12080921

they dont keep public records of mental health diagnoses dude, medical records are private. no one knows unless you tell them you have a fake diagnosis that you "wanted" to get. the only thing you forfeit by even checking into a mental health facility if your GUN RIGHTS. but that doesnt matter if youre already a convicted felon, u dont have those rights anyways. and caring about what people think about you is a quick way to always be miserable my dude.

>> No.12080926

as you begin to accumulate more link I would recommend cooling off on it over time and diversifying

>> No.12080933

into what and pls no meme coins or tokens?

>> No.12080949

holy shit binary options are literally considered some of the riskiest shit out there, not even highly skilled traders mess with them. If liquidity returns to the markets you can scalp some profits here and there, but honestly hodling is really the best option. Make no mistake, market makers are absolutely masters of psychology, they will absolutely fuck you over and absolutely have you beat before you even start, your only hope is that you can stay solvent longer than the market can stay irrational, which is a hard af thing to do, but if you can do that you will reap some rewards.

>> No.12080952

they will lower your SSDI if you report a profit. does your disability status have a threshold on the amount of money you can make or are you straight NO WORK AT ALL type disability?

>> No.12080965

oh shit for real ? I got to be honest and admit i dont know much about the american system of things, i just want senpai to be careful.

>> No.12080979

i can agree with that last bit my man

>> No.12080982

that's a hard question because there's a lot of shitcoins, but I like substratum

>> No.12080989

yup. instead of having sanitariums we just dope them up real good and let them wander the streets. land of the free.

>> No.12080995

man that sounds absolutely fucked

>> No.12081002

yea i know i fucked up. the market research i did on binary options only put around 16% of all the traders in the market as actual money makers. i thought i could game it but i was very wrong. my win rate was around 63% but just a few wrong trades and your capital is all gone especially when the greed kicks in and u go big. i learned the hard way for sure.

i can make $1600 in extra income a month and it not effect my SSI as far as i know. ive honestly been thinking about just constantly applying at this mcdonalds that is always hiring in my area and wage cucking it there just for the memes while i invest all of those earnings into crypto. surely mcdonalds will hire me but ive never tried there before, mostly factories and jobs like that.

>> No.12081003

I just want to say good job man. The fact that you have your shit together (at least mentally) and as positive an outlook as you despite prison is inspiring.
From what I've read prison can absolutely fuck your brain, straight caveman shit in there.

>> No.12081021

>$1600 in extra income a month and it not effect my SSI as far as i know.

oh shit, your fine then. you won't make that off dividends for years my dude. fire up that TDA account and buy some utilities and consumer staples.

>> No.12081054
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>way i did it was regurgitating some shadow ppl stuff, with flat earth, mixed with i was abducted by aliums, and was being gang stalked
>also told the shrink that my mom was a witch and i was born into a coven of witches and they wanted me to bring down christianity by writing a book about it. said some other shit i saw in the movies and used the reality simulation matrix thing as well.

>> No.12081055

yea man its a nightmare and reading a shit ton of books is the best way to pass time locked up, for me at least. also working out and keeping social stuff to a minimum is how i got by kinda unseen. just keep to yourself and your head down and you'll be fine for the most part. last time i checked its around 30% or something of ppl that dont reoffend when exiting the corrections system. im in that percentile, never fuckin up again.

i know dividends is how warren buffet made his fortune cause i read his book in prison but ive never invested in them because it takes a lot of money in them to get a real return on dividends right? seems like you need at least a $25k invested in divi stocks to actually make a real difference tho and those dividends set to auto reinvest, right? ive only been out for about 4 years now and just think my money will go further in crypto based on past market performance. on avg its 1.5 years until new ATH's are reached in crypto - much better gains than normie stocks, just looking at chart performance and all

>> No.12081066

yeah i was gonna say the same anon. Plus you can start a limited liability company and funnel profits through that if you are making mad dollar. otherwise with crypto its easy not to get taxed because it only becomes taxable income once you cash out, so if you make like 20k but only cash out 1k a month they cant tax it, but look into it because most countries have a threshold around 10k and if you make more in a year you can get taxed on it, but theres ways around that too.

>> No.12081070

>get $1,400 each month
How do you get that much? My brother is disabled and gets like ~700 or so.

>> No.12081078


You have bought the shittiest of shitcoins. Clearly, you are crazy. There is no hope, anon. LINK can't moon until ETH can scale, so it makes more sense to buy ETH (or just BTC) first and then wait for it to actually scale, then buy LINK if you still believe in the project. Link is going to be lucky to be at $1.00 by EOY 2020.

>> No.12081086

63% is actually a pretty good ratio, you should look into margin trading, just stay away from anything above 25x

>> No.12081087

i live by myself in a housing project full of niggers thats how. u gotta live by yourself before they give you the full amount allowed. got free internet and all that shit but i live in the fucking projects. i got druggie criminal degenerates all around me.

>> No.12081108

i would still put at least 50% of your investment money into boomer stocks so you don't JUST yourself like so many other sad fucks here.

>> No.12081109
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i cant do Bitmex cause American and dont feel like pulling some serious financial crimes with trading futures and breaking an SEC major law by trading there if u know wat i mean. its still basically gambling tho.

>he doesnt know sharding and plasma with PoS will save ETH and secure the network into infinity regarding scaling solutions and functionality.

theres a reason so many companies have made their tokens ERC-20 dude, you cant fud me, ive done my research

>> No.12081121

ah, makes sense, stay safe

>> No.12081130


Unironically, what you need to do is stop throwing that disability check in shitcoins and start investing in yourself--in learning marketable skills or acquiring capital to start a business. Stop thinking of a career as something you get from someone else and be fucking self employed as a freelancer of some type. Your only way out is to become self-employed and carve out a niche without going through a fucking gatekeeper. Buy a lawnmower and start a fucking landscaping business and work your way up to being a fucking lawn maintenance kingpin or some shit. Buy a cart and open a hotdog stand or invest your disability check into saving up to buy used vending machines or ATMs. I'm trying to redpill you so you can make it but only if you put in the fucking work to do it. Look at the fields that illegals go into successfully and learn from them, anon.

>> No.12081137
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i appreciate the advice and i fully plan on investing into dividends and living off them when i have at least 100k to invest. but until then i gotta take the quicker gamble here in crypto to get that money i need for boomer stocks up. my portfolio is still just really starting out. been buying crypto since LINK was $0.16 cause of a few threads i saw here. i typically shitpost on /pol/ - only been on /biz/ for almost 2 years now tho

>> No.12081148

buy more chainlink and do more research into it.

>> No.12081149
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reading this thread has me inspired. Look up Nuls, man. Incredible price right now. Basically fully modular blockchain options for consumers/corporations. But as i tell everyone, do your own research.

>> No.12081171

no man i was talking about using leverage with stocks. Crypto is such that you dont need leverage really, just sit and hold through it all. Theres loads of promising projects out there anon, for a safe bet just research things that interest you that are in the top 20 already, if you want riskier look at top 50, even riskier is top 100 buy stay away from anything thats not in the top 100. You absolutely can follow and find the good coins without being an insider or market maker, it at times requires a lot of knowledge about politics, society, economics, psychology etc but its possible. Just dont ever get impatient and always be on the look out for a black swan event, cut your losses after one and never look back.

>> No.12081182

yeah this guy talks truth about staying away from gatekeepers, seriously anon. Thats one thing that makes crypto so great, you dont need a cv, degree or minimum amount to enter it.

>> No.12081204

thanks for that, at first glance it looks like a decent project in terms of supply and that its a dev kit for getting businesses their own blockchains. with chainlink mainnet, companies could link all of their sales into smart contracts and have all their transaction records on their own blockchains via nuls. seems like the big picture here. off the top of my head i can see a few other use cases but that looks nice and not a bad entry point. will look further thx again.

why did you invest tho if you got the time to explain?

>> No.12081286
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of course.
Nuls is all about giving the client any kind of blockchain they want. When building your own dapp or blockchain they want you to be able to do anything. There is a built in privacy layer that can be turned on or off depending on the clients wishes. Also sub chains may have any consensus option they please, whether it be PoW, PoC, Or PoS. Also Nuls has cross chain communication between the main blockchain and all the subchains. One of the best small market cap projects and rarely talked about. Currently the team is working on their western market presence with advertising.

>> No.12081333

op i gotta be honest with you. don't invest in shitcoins because they're all going to shit unless you have very good reason to believe in so. LINK will also go to shit but it will have its day in the sun for a short time (so don't be greedy and sell when you profit).

>> No.12081336

what is the real utility of the NUL coin tho? its used as gas on the network? also very nice quick rundown

>> No.12081429
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straight from the whitepaper

>> No.12081473

so basically the utility of NUL's is that its required to purchase tokens that are being created in the subchain enterprise blockchains made by companies using the platform, so that those tokens companies are creating in their own blockchains can be issued. that isnt a bad idea and i can see why it could be really valuable because of that notion. this is a good find. thx again

correct me if im wrong i guess. just a first glance analysis

>> No.12081500

Yep. The more successful subchains on nuls, the better nuls will do. Definitely a diamond in the rough.

>> No.12081521
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indeed an incredible find. many thanks for this and stay the hell out of prison and dont be a criminal fag bro!

>> No.12081553
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Buy LINK right now if you enjoy 75% losses.

>> No.12081580
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you cant FUD me baby, ive done plenty of LINK research to tell you that more than 80% of all the wallets holding LINK have never sold and just keep buying more. i'm not fucking stupid anymore, i dont sell drugs, and im definitely not falling for your nigger tier crackhead bait.

>> No.12081810


nice, good work on everything anon. you're gonna make it.

>> No.12082080

You are the most red pilled person on this board and I mean that sincerely.

>> No.12082114

>i got druggie criminal degenerates all around me.
So you fit right in.

>> No.12082127

it's a good strat OP

>> No.12082181
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>> No.12082222

This guy gets it.

>> No.12082341

go to a trade school and learn a good hustle to do on the side like welding, add custom mufflers & shit to stupid kids cars for 500 dollars cash... easy side money. i dont recommend crypto, dont let these guys trick you into falling for scam shit. heres the facts:

>crypto has 0 assets
>crypto has 0 fundamentals
>crypto is unregulated
>crypto is entirely speculative

crypto is a sector that is exclusively penny stocks... these options are worth less than the absolute worst but still legit microcap company stocks. crypto is on par to insanely epic stock fraud schemes like $DRYS that still have actual assets to make them look legit

bitcoin was a fluke... if you didnt know about them in 2015 when buying weed off silk road, it is too late

>> No.12082374

you will literally make more money by investing in random penny stocks on the stock market than in crypto

>> No.12082376
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found the fag from the /smg/ threads

nice try nocoiner, but my IQ is over 100

>> No.12082400
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im too evolved for /smg/ threads

>> No.12082408

last thing a felon needs is a gamblers advice. 100+ IQ my arse

>> No.12082410

op, buy ren darknodes to make 300k p/y... sell link, rlx and ocbtc

>> No.12082437
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okay, listen dude. i'm not going to take the time to explain to you why crypto is the 4th industrial revolution in action, especially not on this board of all places. so you just enjoy daddys trust fund money and your normie stocks and all those for sure rape me in the ass extortion rate taxes you pay every year. as for me, im a poorfag, a futurist, and a technocrat. im all in on crypto until i have at least 100k to put into dividend stocks with auto reinvest options. so until i get 100k, im not investing in normie stock market shit. so just piss off with your nocoiner bullshit, im not selling you my little bags, faggit.

>> No.12082458

Just buy nano and wait dude. Don't listen to these fucking autists trying to sell you some fucking shit coin or Boomer stocks that are peaking and about to drop. But look into it yourself, it already works very well

>> No.12082464
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god damn anon, this is literally the most malicious post i have read all day on this board and ive been in at least 30 threads. you should honestly feel ashamed of yourself for that shitpost and most definitely cut your hands off so you cant repeat your offense.

>> No.12082481

you won't take the time to explain it because you don't understand it. you do realize that "auto reinvest options" are called DRIP right? rhetorical question of course (you don't)

wow... a poorfag, futurist, and technocrat all in one. nothing could be more dystopic and miserable than a room temp IQ internet nomad going All In on The Future because there is literally nothing else going for you. you are a worse Bottom Liner than the typical wall street executive although your convictions are just about equal (willing to drop muh technocracy in favor of dividend stocks as soon as you Get Enough Money).

enjoy your bags retard. you will die with nothing else to your name - such is the fate for all moral relativists

felons are more successful than u, even the ones still in prison who only have 6 packs of smokes

>> No.12082536
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well you know what? at least ive fucked over 100 women and never once had to pay for it like i know you do. is it the fact that im not a degenerate criminal anymore that makes you the maddest? i mean you must be really assmad with all of daddys trust fund money right? you got such a hard fucking life living in a private community dont you? tell me more anon. because i wouldnt trade my fucked up life for anything. getting caught by the cops was the best thing that happened to me. because if it never had happened i wouldnt have gotten out of prison as a straight edge dude and i would have never gotten into crypto. what makes you the maddest about my OP is that i'm holding a life changing amount of LINK. you secretly know i'm going to make it but you dont want me to because you secretly hate me for my mistakes. well hey man, thats on you. hate to break it to you but people change. oh and your normie stock market is going to crash and burn big time in just a few short months. the US economy is entering into a mega recession and nothing can stop it. enjoy YOUR heavy bags, faggit.

>> No.12082544

you asked for investment advice, crypto isn't investing, it's gambling, as you've admitted. it is obvious you spent more time staring at your cell wall than getting a taxes-paid-for education in the slammer. did your low EIQ land you in trouble at first? wonder how many fights you got in to over a bag of ramen :D

didnt read your post btw

>> No.12082568

t. cope

>> No.12082584

you got issues man, just because you aren't still on the streets slinging dope you are still in the same degenerate mindset that ended up ruining the first half of your life. can't teach an old dog new tricks i guess... you are quickly on your way to ruining the second half of your life. yea bro that supermoney is gonna change your life... you are gonna get rich quick... lollololol

>> No.12082611
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you dont have enough life experience to understand that everyone, including (You) has made mistakes and done things they are not proud of. the problem with most people is they never learn from those mistakes and actually change. maybe actually leave your house sometime and talk to some ppl in person and find out first hand what i'm telling you is legit. you learn more on the streets about the nature of ppl than you can shitposting on a NSA honeypot image board all day. and you know im right, youre just scared shitless to go outside and actually live your life. and it pisses you off to no end that i actually have my shit together and my trade game is starting to shape up to be something respectful. its always the really richfags shitting on the poorfags trying to make their way up. so fuck you very much for that, asshole.

>> No.12082637
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t. "Hey! Hey guys! Look at me as I shit on this poorfag trying to make it!"

>literally (You)

>> No.12082641

wow you are living in a fantasy, sad, you must have been in the padded cell for those 2 years babbling about being a millionaire genius

>> No.12082648

in your other post you said you were "trying to make it". more proof of you living in a fantasy land. cya schizo

>> No.12082650
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t. absolute cope

>> No.12082728

imagine being a stock market whale and then shitting on a crypto poorfag on this board to make yourself feel better about being an asshole.

cant say im ever going to be like that poster.

>absolute state of the greed disease on this board

>> No.12082926

How did you get caught?
I got my car searched at a DUI/drug checkpoint driving home after visiting a friend in colorado, and they found a little hash oil and flower
I never sold anything but they initially charged me with trafficking class b or something over literally ~$300 of legally bought weed products
I got offered 4 months in prison or probation and a felony possession charge
I took probation and a felony because I wasn't doing well mentally and had the option to stay at my parents house
I still have delusions and mental problems but my parents only 5150'd me once

I don't work either and held most of my bitcoins through the bear
I have maybe 75k in cash from when my dad made a coinbase account and convinced me to sell a couple coins around ~15k
he handles all the bills for my internet and rent and I basically read biz and watch youtube everyday

I respect your plan I hope you make it

>> No.12082953
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buy 1,000,000 BTC

>> No.12082997

Nice larping faggot

If not larping you’re an even bigger faggot. Thanks for buying my bags dipshit

>> No.12083424
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Sociopath: the thread

>> No.12083529

If you're sticking with Crypto my person opinion for an extremely safe portfolio is

33% BTC
33% ETH
33% LINK

>> No.12083566

Ok so OP

from >>12080430 and >>12080594 it's clear that you're obviously not good with money, like to act on impulse, and don't plan ahead.
Additionally, at >>12080517 you come off as very rude, which I'm sure you'll agree with me is counterproductive since you've come here asking for help. But then again, from what I can understand of your life, "counterproductive" might as well be your middle name.

All things considered, the only worthwhile piece of advice I can give you would be to land and hold a min wage job that doesn't care about your felonies, sell off all your crypto and instead buy into a basic bitch ETF.
Not that you're going to do all this of course, I'm sure you're going to dismiss this advice like you've done time and again throughout your life.

Kudos for >>12080625 though!

>> No.12083833


>disregarding actually good advice
the very picture of high intellect niggas

>> No.12083846


>im a poorfag, a futurist, and a technocrat

Let's be real though, you're actually just one of these things