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12077403 No.12077403 [Reply] [Original]

Britbongs, is it possible to live off £187 per week in London, after rent? Thats for everything, good, transport, entertainment. Might be living in zone 2 or 3

>> No.12077443

it's possible, you won't be living a good life, but it's possible

Also depends on the quality of your accomodation, I assume it'll be a sharehouse

Like I said, do-able, but your quality of life will be miserable with little to no savings in case of emergency

>> No.12077495

Mate I can spend £100-200 on a night out and not think much about it. £187 a week is pure poverty tier.

Are you happy being a poor person? Make some moves and get paid man

>> No.12077539

london is such a shithole, i dunno why anyone would voluntarily live there apart from having to go to work there

>> No.12077612

Ok so this is with a studio flat and 187NEETbux. I could theoretically try to.get some kind of job as well

>> No.12077807

Like all big cities its probably the worst place in the world to live being poor (and the best if youre rich), you'll be faced daily with every shade of violent mud person.
Depends on your ambitions or goals, you could live in any town you want on neetbux, if you want to work hard and earn money then the options are inthe city for you but it comes with a heavy price for 99% of the people who try.

>> No.12078003

Super noodles, riding a bike everywhere and torrenting shit.

>> No.12078035

Isn't bike riding in London certain death?

>> No.12078055

London isn't for humans, it's for upper classes that cannot fail and for welfare browns.

>> No.12078072

A win-win situation.

>> No.12078096

After rent? yes. Supermarkets are pretty much the same prices as everywhere else. The worst thing is the rent.

>> No.12078100

>you won't be living a good life
>t. spoiled 1st worlders

>> No.12078108

Zone 2-3 east, west or south?

>> No.12078372

How the fuck do you get £187 a week in neetbux in London?

>> No.12078398
File: 2.72 MB, 377x311, Britishflagrises.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bongs I also have a question.

3d waifu may get stationed in England in the future. Are there any jobs I can do over there besides being a barhand etc? Can you be a cop without citizenship I was a Marine in the states and did a stint in Astan so not sure if that helps.

>> No.12078423

I ride at least 60 miles a week across central and am ok

>> No.12078516

respect. fuck that.

>> No.12078555

yeh but it won't be much a life lol, I've just moved away from london as my life there was just work and trying not to get stabbed on my way home

>> No.12078589

>being a barhand etc?
Pubs here are great btw!

>Can you be a cop without citizenship?
Sure...can you work? ie Visa...
Police work here is quite different, no speeding tickets, VERY few cops here, Not like the massive literally industry in Burgerland. Maybe you could be a plastic cop, ie Community support 'officers'.

Try to go to/live in the countryside btw

Welcome to the first world!

>> No.12078617

theres loads of jobs in London that are more start up orientated but good luck trying to get into the police academy, every other officer is a mason and i imagine being one is an important part of the job.

>> No.12078780

What monthly bills do you need to pay from that? If its council tax, water, electricity as well as phone and broadband, you might have a bit of a shit time.

>> No.12078817

Anyone living in the black country/Birmingham area?

>> No.12078832

I live in Solihull area.

>> No.12078855

Jesus Christ, council tax, properly forgot about that shit when i left the UK. FUCK COUNCIL TAX.

>> No.12078916

Its legalised rape. Just like a tv license.

>> No.12078940

Enhanced rate PIP for both mobility and daily care comes in at about that. That's my bet but you have to be pretty ill to qualify (which then has costs unto itself)

>> No.12078968

china town here

>> No.12078977

man they killed the sick and the poor years ago. £187 for enhanced care ? Fucking hell...

>> No.12078988

yeah man, fuck that shit.

>> No.12079033

I dont really like Birmingham very much, and try to stay away from there as much as possible. But Chinatown is quite a cool place. Went there for the first time a few months ago, and quite liked it.

>> No.12079097

If you’ve got no mobility and require daily care, it would be a shit life anywhere in UK on 187 quid. Worse in London.

>> No.12079150

hey op londoner here. why the fuck are you getting a studio flat in zone 2? are you fucking retarded? just share a place with randomers. as long as you are a complete fucking disgusting smelly peace of shit you can live with some decent people. been living with 3 girls for the last 5 months slept with one of them 3 times, sometimes they go out and forget to lock their door so you can go in go through their stuff. if you smoke you can sell it to them for like 500% because they are fucking dumb and cant score shit themselves. win win. dont like with any guys tho. cant trust them. got to be man of the house ya know.

>> No.12079162

no been cycling in london for 3 years never been in an accident. its fine just dont eb a retard and make sure you signal

>> No.12079633

May be south west, what areas would you recommend? Has to be close to tube station.

>> No.12079701

do you get a good sniff of their dirty underwear, like?

Also OP £187 LMAO....how you gonna pay for the hookers and drugs, bro? Oh wait....I forgot you're poor.

>> No.12079782

Be nigger

>> No.12079796
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Oh fuck that ID get

>> No.12079889
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