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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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109685 No.109685[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>MintCoin updates website. Price soars.

Why haven't you invested in the future yet?


>> No.109832

>mine all night
>throttle miner by ~25% so computer doesn't melt
>225 coins
>everyone else has millions
I'm not going to get rich, am I?

>> No.109865


>> No.109964
File: 69 KB, 560x572, 1392137396084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm slightly better off than you though

PND: 232,352
FLAP: 2785
MNT: 4149

All of this @ ~230 kh/s
Tried mining Vert, but only getting stales. Also tried Doge but I'm not even getting 1 doge in the pool after like 1 hour.


>> No.110170

It was easier in the very beginning. I was getting 100k a day, but anything you can get now is good because one PoS kicks in you wont be able to mine anything.

>> No.110213
File: 27 KB, 292x241, FOUND A WAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw 5577000 mint

We're off to the moon friends.

Value should rise steadily until PoS kicks in at which point we could see a bigger rise.

>> No.110285

So what is the actual dollar value right now?

>> No.110934

So, what does mintcoin do that other cryptocurriences don't do?

>> No.111525

After a while they can't be mined, and are only generated through interest. Supposed to be environmentally friendly.

>> No.111571


Who's paying out the interest?

Is it just taken out of thin air?

>> No.111623

People, wake up...

I already woke up. Fuck MtGox, fuck everything...

>> No.111664

why is every pool for this coin a piece of laggy fucking garbage?

>> No.111751

Anybody who has had their head outside of their rectum for the last 3 months has had absolute proof that Gox was a fractional system that was not paying their customers on time. If you were stupid enough to be dealing with them during this time, then you got what you deserved. In the future, try to continue to research the market in every possible way at all times.

>> No.113608

Kind of. Well when you "mine" a coin it's just created out of thin air. Except instead of mining, when the PoW period is over, the only way the coins can be created is by PoS (interest). A coin sitting in your wallet for a year becomes 1.2 coins.

>> No.116013

I missed the train ;___________;

>> No.116024


>> No.116038

>tfw cancelled order for 1m mints @ 4satos
Should i buy now?

>> No.116132

What is the cap for mintcoin?

>> No.116140

To clarify, What is the MAX market cap of mintcoin? IE, how many coins can exist?

>> No.116159

Just letting you goyums know ahead of time. Mintcoin will be worth more than BTC by the end of the year.

>> No.116173

I almost bought 2.8 million for .22 BTC. Oh well.

Still have 5643989.868747 from mining.

>> No.116184

I have 18 that I mined a week ago on 4kh/s

Good enough.

>> No.116250

How many mintcoins can i buy with 2 dogecoins?

>> No.116309

70 billion, I believe

>> No.116531

MINT now $ 0.00011 on coinmarketcap.com

>> No.116591

where is mintcoin pool?

>> No.116613
File: 55 KB, 800x450, 1390227632425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Lehman Brothers collapse kill USD? No. Then why should anyone care about Mt.Gox?

>> No.116649

When do neckbeards invest in cryptocoins but not serious investments like stocks etc?

>> No.116671

I'm up to 47 mint now, when will I make my millions, OP?

>> No.116676

they don't invest in crypto, they just mine it

and their time and mom's electricity is worth nothing

>> No.116693

100% pure shitcoin.

>> No.116735

my 100 mint will be laughing at your poorfag ass

>> No.116762

whatever you say m80

>> No.116772

god mintcoin is too confusing for me.

You ever wonder if people are 3 steps ahead of you, or just 3 steps behind?

>> No.116778

why do you people bother with this shit. it is all dependent on bitcoin. if it dies all this other shit will die. if you want to try anything try bitcoin. just because you didn't get in on it in time to get rich mining it doesn't mean these new coins that you can mine will be worth anything. it's all derivative crap, stop shitting up the board with altcoins.

>> No.116776

is mintcoin some kind of infinite inflation coin with some type of interesting way to give you more coins?

I like it.

>> No.116786

Is it?

Damn that would mean my 10 mint would make me a richfag soon.

>> No.116805

>if it dies all this other shit will die
Not necessarily. The reason people made altcoins is because of bitcoin's problems. With that in mind, the fact that most altcoins aren't really used at all outside of investing makes them risky. Mint's an exception, though, since of muh interest rates.

>> No.116809

there are differences, for one bitcoin creates a lot of waste and I don't like how the people with ASICs control the currency already

>reduces waste
>has some interesting inflation method
>is a scrypt algorithm coin (better than SHA-256 right now)

>> No.116835
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I wonder if mintcoin is anonymous...

If not, a government will probably try to make it popular.

>> No.116843
File: 74 KB, 459x323, ak12 bullpup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm up to 127 mint.

>allow yourself to feel the illusion for a moment, that mintcoin is as valuable as bitcoin
>tfw over $50,000

>> No.116853

mintcoin as valuable as bitcoin?

are you drunk?

thats crazy talk

>> No.116860

although as i say that i just remembered i have a little mint stored in a cold wallet.

Might be a nice payday this time next year.

>> No.116871

God if faggots like you looked on places like twitter they might see that mint has no future.

>> No.116874

Fuck all these cryptofaggots are stupid and hopeless.

>> No.116875

>mint has no future.

>> No.116884

because it's all just numbers on a screen.

only takes one asshole to make it all vanish.

atleast until mint goes pure POS.

Then making it vanish would be much harder.

>> No.116903

>It's all numbers on a screen
So is money.

>> No.116906

I mined this when diff was 3, got 150k and didnt bother anymore
Fucking hell.

>> No.116907


>> No.116932

How much do I currently mine with 730 kh/s?

>> No.116935

0.000000000001 per year

>> No.116943


>> No.116965

how can you only have 127 mint? do you mine it with a shitty laptop? i've been minning for less than a day with a GTX 660 and i have 12k

>> No.116987


Gibe pls

>> No.117000

been mining with a 6870 and sold my 25k at 15 satoshi. I fucked up.

>> No.117008 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 250x250, Mintshill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so...who's happy right now.
I'm possitively euphoric.


>> No.117944
File: 150 KB, 437x586, 1393156154382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mintcoin millionaire reporting in, I knew from the start this was gonna be something.
Bought at 5 satoshi's :D
Was hoping to get 3 bitcoins out of this but this could be something better, then alot of other altcoins just because, its so friendly to the envoirment compared to the other coins.
Am i a future millionaire guys?:D

>> No.118820

bought 115k mints. Should have bought more :(

>> No.119359

I got like 500 coins from 2 days of mining because I'm a plebeian with an average computer. If I get like 20 bucks out of this eventually I'll consider it a success. But I'm not spending irl money to stockpile because I'm as poor as fuck student.

>> No.119636

Where can I buy Mintcoins?

>> No.119681

Of course you are not, what is wrong with you? Did you read how many coins there will be?

>> No.119939

Is it still profitable to buy mintoins now?

>> No.120033
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, 1373808271926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm late to the game. Can I still mine for mintcoins, or is the time period over?

>> No.120034

to the moon

>> No.120040

yeah, fuck you too

>> No.120253

Why can my r9 280xs not mine mintcoin with regular scryptcoin settings?

I have to lower intensity to not get hw errors and I'm getting shit hash rate.

What gives?

>> No.120301

I get 730 kh/s with my 280x.

>> No.120304

it's not too late kyouko you can still try to mine for a few days, the difficulty is quickly rising tho

>> No.120311

>tfw only have 150k from mining

>> No.120318

I only have 15k m8

>> No.120319

I still feel poor as fuck with it

>> No.120323

How do I mint? Tutorial somewhere?

>> No.120327


>> No.120331


I had to go to -I 12 for whatever reason.

CGminer wouldn't even open with my normal settings for LTC.

>> No.120372

cgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://fast-mint.hashrapid.com:3334 -u asd.worker1 -p asd2 -I 13 -g 2 -w 256 --thread-concurrency 10000

Got a MSI 280x.

>> No.120411

As long as you have a higher return than your power cost mining anything is profitable.

MINT has risen a lot in the last couple of days though. I'd say its a reasonable bet.

>> No.120426

Why are people trying to keep this coin down so much on /biz/? All I see is people shitting on this when it seems like it might have a good shot.

Meanwhile you have all these people turning PND into a real coin when it was created as an even bigger joke than DOGE.

>> No.120449

They are mad they missed it when it was only 7 satoshis. Now they shit on it to delude themselves that whatever coin they have stake in is better at the moment.

>> No.120473


I'm using nearly the same thing with asusdc2t and gigabyte cards and while it works for LTC if I point it at a mintcoin pool cgminer just closes immediately.

>> No.120509

Which pool are you on?

>> No.120511

nevermind I'm retarded.

I don't actually use a bat file and put everything in the target line. my gpupowertune -20 was cut off at the end and causing problems.

>> No.120633

What are some exchanges that offer MINT/BTC?

>> No.120647

mintpal is the major exchange

>> No.120658

Where can I buy Mintcoin with paypal (for euro's)

>> No.120663

Just because I've never used them, does anyone have reports of them actually giving you BTC to your wallet? An actual confirmed withdrawl?

>> No.120690
File: 7 KB, 600x124, btc withdraw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't had problems yet. I've been only withdrawing small amounts though.

>> No.120796

Someone explain to me how this is supposed to work?

If you can't mine coins after 5 weeks, how do you want this coin to spread?

To every outsider it just looks like it's a coin for the devs and early miners that they can dump as soon as some people bought into it (who don't have another way of getting coins).

The coin distribution is nonexistent.

>> No.120823

I don't really understand that part myself. Most likely because it's just PnD and they're barely hiding it behind the 'for green' reasons. My 2 cents.

>> No.120825

just started with this, how and what should i do

>> No.120835

How many people have legit questions here and how many are just idiot doubleplusgood trolls.

Because my patience for this whole thing is coming to an end.

>> No.120854

Yeah, noone is answering so I think this thing is literally a pyramid scheme.

That's too bad, I thought it could have potential. Not buying in.

>> No.120874

I'm just mining it during the unexpected jump in value. Past that.. Idk. Seems like it'll just die. There is no way for people to get more coins.

>> No.120875

PND is officially dead...I personally am selling over to DOGE.

>> No.120882

I suppose they expect people to sell their interest?

no idea brah, if that's their plan everyone is just going to hold

>> No.120886

>How does Proof of Stake work?


When people mine coins, this is called Proof of Work.


>> No.120902

Proof of Stake doesn't help people that don't already have coins. the whole problem was distribution, PoS doesn't help the coin get to new people.

>> No.120908

Wrong thread disregard..

>> No.120925

I don't want to read, you have 3 minutes to convince me to buy into this coin with 10 BTC if you explain to me how people joining after the initial 5 weeks get coins other than buying.
>inb4 transfer fees, noone will transfer anything if theres interest for holding
>inb4 1 Mintcoin mining reward

The btctalk thread is shit, it starts throwing around words like PoW and PoS without even typing them out ONCE or even remotely explaining what they mean

nvm this whole thing is a scam I realized it while writing this post

>> No.120923

People sell their interest and coins that have already been mined.

Those wishing to get involved with MINT after the PoW stage will have access to all of the MINT already in the marketplace, after which they can also generate their own via interest.

>> No.120937

You realize this is pretty much the dictionary definition of a pyramid scheme, right?

>> No.120943

Can someone give me some coins to get started with ?

>> No.120967

>how people joining after the initial 5 weeks get coins other than buying

Well you could trade for existing MINT or exchange services for them. Direct purchase of a coin is not the only way to recieve them.

>> No.120969

Can someone give me some coins to get started with ? :)

>> No.120964

That is still a massive advantage to people who mined in the first 5 weeks. How does that hold up in the long term, where the miners have massive amounts of MINT, and the buyers get a shitty 20% a year (for the first year) on their held balance?

>> No.120986

>How Can Cryptos Be Real When Our Eyes Aren't Real?

>> No.120996

I think my eyes see better than most right now.

>> No.121009
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>> No.121020
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>> No.121033

It's shitty for everyone who doesn't already have millions. This shitcoin is a poorly disguised pyramid scheme. Early adopters get richer and can dump their interest everytime while late adopters are forced to buy in

>> No.121040

I mined 127k when this coin first took off, should I sell all right now?

>> No.121048

>late adopters are forced to buy in

nobody will be forced. if this is what you believe than according to your opinion mint will fail. and this is fine. besides most of us are here for the pump n dump newfriend

>> No.121070

You wait until everything is mined and the price spikes.

>> No.121073

After the mining drops to 0 do you think the community is going to be able to focus to getting places to accept it?

>> No.121084

b-but when will that happen? how far do you think this coin is going to go?

i was just lucky enough to mine the few hundred thousand at first

>> No.121097

missed the buy-a-thon at 15 on coinmarket cuz i was reading /pol/


>> No.121092


You should sell right now. It's not going to go up once it's all mined. That implies there is someone buying this.

>> No.121111

17 days
I know, I mined when difficulty was 3 and mined 150k.

>> No.121143

mint is looking like a minibubble right now.

Kind of expecting it to drop to around 25 here within the next 2 hours.

>> No.121167

mfw 300k MINT in wallet but I have to download all the blocks since I last booted it up


>> No.121201

>You ever wonder if people are 3 steps ahead of you, or just 3 steps behind?

> look around the table for the fool
> if you don't see the fool, you're it

>> No.121253

Headed to 25.

If you're looking to buy, then buy it there.

>> No.121290

Also, if anyone wants to fuck around with GMC, the dev is giving away 100 to the next 14 people on his forum (it's in German).

Just if you're a coin hoarder like I am.

>> No.121305

and guys...it's getting press coverage. For the love of all holy, hold strong and don't be a little bitch because you want a quick $200.

>> No.121339

gonna need a link

>> No.121341

Can anyone help me, how do i mine these fuckers``

>> No.121371

>sell 70k
>.02 BTC

thanks for the quick buck fags

>> No.121384
File: 258 KB, 750x500, wolf_wall_street2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>.02 BTC

>> No.121392

I missed the train
need help
thanks MtbfV8RAAVcfEvULouEU5naWJdwYNwAeUx

>> No.121419

>Register at a pool
>Make an account
>Make a worker
>Get cgminer 3.7.2 or cudaminer, depending on your gpu
>Make the .bat file

>> No.121440

man vertcoin is cheap as fuck on ebay Germany

>> No.121438

>selling at <1USD each. shiggidy

>> No.121453

>buying cryptos on ebay
enjoy your 100% markup

>> No.121473

>Implying MINT can have a market cap in the billions

>> No.121504

4,50€ for 5 vertcoin is cheap as fuck m8

>> No.121538

woah seriously?
that cant be real

>> No.121604

Still 40 minutes.

>> No.121771

nah im good
i have 113 vtc

>> No.121827

Stupid question, how do I unlock my wallet?

>> No.121872

Hey cryptofags.

How is your numbers on a screen doing now?

I got bored of the greed so i went and took a nap.

Maybe i'll throw some mintcoin around.

Or maybe i'll just delete my wallet.dat

God Only Knowns

I'm currently mining something more ???


>> No.121898

dat constant nose whistle

>> No.121930

Thanks whoever tipped

>> No.121934


>> No.121945

lol the .000001 mint?

your welcomee

>> No.121957

>dat constant nose whistle

That's a weird statement.

Reminds me of that faggot max keiser for some reason.

>> No.121951
File: 84 KB, 800x531, 800px-Jimcramerphoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to see this still up from yesterday.

We are at #22 for those who haven't checked today.

17 Days left until you can no longer mine and start gaining 20% interest instead.

>> No.121952

many thx

>> No.121959

even so, cheers

>> No.121971

I gave you 1k keep tipping

>> No.121981
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>> No.121991

How will the coin moving to PoS affect those who have their coins located on an exchange?

Also, when is the interest paid out?

>> No.122044

The coins must be in you r wallet to gain intrest.

1 week I believe.

>> No.122081

Man I must be fucking retarded.

mintcoin-qt -server
mintcoind walletpassphrase <passphrase> <unlock_duration_in_seconds> true

This is the only information I can find about how to unlock it. I assume I'm supposed to do this in the debug window console of the wallet, but it's telling me the commands are invalid (method not found).

someone have pity on me pls

>> No.122092


I'm not sure if that works or not.

I got told if i did that then it would force my password to be displayed in plain text.

so i just left it unencrypted.

...or did I ;)

>> No.122100


I just started mining today, wanna start me up?

>> No.122102

Would the coins in the exchanges wallet which you're assigned not garner interest?

>> No.122126


>> No.122135

thats not very helpful ;[

>> No.122139


>> No.122145

Hey i'm just guessing for half this shit.
ask someone like amdoge or jacobux who knows alot more than i do.

>> No.122165


>> No.122186

The lack of services which support MINTcoin will be the killer once this coin moves to pure PoS.

Get out in 2 weeks before the swap.

>> No.122187

Anyone else hope that people open their eyes soon and stop assuming they are the smartest people in the world.

>> No.122202

Anyone else hope that people will post ontopic?

>> No.122209


Not much chance of that in this shithole

>> No.122529

can I haz mint: Ms5dDWhKsGBo1R3F43FzvXp3mNRGMqiTkZ

>> No.122743 [DELETED] 

send me all your MINT

>> No.122777 [DELETED] 

Send me mint because im dank as fug

>> No.122888

Can I still mine mintcoin on an average PC?

Laptop with a GT540M and GMA3000. Worth trying to mine?

>> No.122895



>> No.122908

sold my 147k at .04 BTC, enjoy your failed coin from hereonout guise.
>yfw no chance of success, just another PnD, and you guys are the poor fuckers at the bottom of the pyramid that is the scheme of MINT

>> No.122919

>Laptop GPU

You aren't gonna see many coins no matter what you mine.

>> No.122913 [DELETED] 

Help fund my travel across the US by bike!


>> No.122946


pls, I missed the train :(

>> No.122939

Cool blog dude

>> No.122948

Bugger. Was hoping that getting in early, I could mine a few then wait for the value to go up.

>> No.122983

just buy some

>> No.123004

You can always try out and see how many you can get but honestly regardless of what coin you mine with a laptop GPU you won't get many coins, even if its super early.

But if you just want to do it for some fun then go ahead. I tend to mine stuff because I have a spare GPU after I upgraded and its interesting, so you might be able to have some fun with it.

>> No.123010

I'm cheap, and still just testing the water.

I suppose I've nothing to lose by trying.

>> No.123026

kdc is being forked, launching new website, and hired new marketing team.
Sell order book almost empty, never been pumped so no bagholders. now would be perfect timing for a good pump

>> No.123346

>tfw i wanted to go all in 2k usd on MINT when it was 4 satoshi
>tfw too much of a self-loathing goy to face losing my 2k usd live savings
>tfw I could have been propelled to rich NEET status making at least 10k usd.
>tfw I have been unable to sleep since then, and have gone into heavy depression since then thinking about sudoku

I can't take this anymore, /biz/. I did the same with DOGE at 40. Was thinking about buying, but never go through with it. My brain knows where the right money is but I never follow through.

Please help I already ordered helium exit tank.

Unless mint will skyrocket more? to like 150 sats?? is it possible? then i will go all in 2k usd now again and hope for the best.

I only have 2 million mint I'm fucked coulda bought 40 million at 4.

>> No.123391

chill out bro, as long as you don't lose money you're fine; stop worrying about what you shoulda done because you can't change the past, focus on the present

>> No.123418

Just put like 1btc onto Mintpal and if you see MINT drop down and reach a new floor, buy in.

You can also look at other exchanges and currencies but right now I think MINT has good potential.

>> No.123438

Yay a new coin being pumped to hell

>> No.123445

that shit is even more doomed to fail than bitcoins. people who create these things have no concept of economics

>create commodity with sole intention of making a bubble

>> No.123519


What kind of potential do you see? Possible price target after the switch to PoS? How much do you think we're looking at? We already just went through a 8x increase, surely it won't go up even more....

>> No.123540


But how does that translate further down the road? If I have $100USD worth of coins now, and that gains 20% MTC interest, does that actually translate to 20% USD interest?

>> No.123578

Over the next 17 days the price will probably creep up to double what it is now.

If there are no services announced during that time then the coin is probably gonna tank hard when it goes pure proof of stake.

If there announced services that MINT can be used for by the time it goes proof of stake only, then maybe the price will rise or atleast stabilise. At that point holding may be worthwhile but honestly I only see potention for the next couple of weeks to grab some more BTC off what I started.

Already more than quadrupled what I started with.

>> No.123614

Price just jumped 8 satoshi, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.123654


>sold 60k at 15/16

god dammit

>> No.123730

What is the cause of the MINT price going up? Is it just a good ol pump?

>> No.123746

What programs do I need to mine this?

>> No.123758


>> No.123795

cgminer or cudaminer, its just like mining any other scrypt coin.

wallet can be downloaded from www.mintcoin.cc

>> No.123864


What kind of services do you mean? Actual real world USD equivalent kind of a service?

>> No.123889

When you look at Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin and other crypto, there are many websites and even real businesses that are accepting of them as a means of payment.

There is a great deal of risk in having the coin go PURELY Proof-of-Stake without some use for the coin outside of purely trading, as it will intimidate many from becoming involved in the market.

If there isnt atleast something that can draw people to using MINT then the miners and bagholders (Myself included) will probably just start to sell off most (some cases maybe all) of their coins and the value will fall harshly.

Over the next couple of weeks MINT might prove to be great for traders but unless it gets some longer term prospects it might fail in a month or so.

>> No.123885

As in, shit to buy

>> No.123904

Real business in this case meaning brick and mortar ones, not purely online based.

>> No.123921

For reference, other popular PoS coins such as Peercoin operate on both PoS and Proof of Work concurrently

Aka miners can still generate coins.

>> No.123987

MintCoin's twitter says they have some really big news coming. This is what I am hoping it is since they did not officially announce MintPal adding MNT/LTC or their new website.

>> No.123992 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 1280x1024, mojito-party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just pointed my rig >.>
wanna make sure wallet is officially online so send what you don't mind sending to someone who read up on the topic and believes this might make sense to traders.
>also my fav drink but needs real sugar cane

>> No.124079

So, the net hash rate is over 12 ghash now. It was <6 this morning. Jesus.

>> No.124134

Thats a good show a lot more interest.

We're probably still a little undervalued at 39 satoshis, but there is a lot of resistance around 40.

>> No.124143


It shows get-rich-quick multipoolers.

>> No.124153

Keep telling yourself that wolong

>> No.124168

What is the easiest way to go from dollars to mint coins, if i have no other coins?
Wait for BTC to go low and buy some and exchange that for mint?

>> No.124191

BTC is on the way back up, by the time it's low again the Mint train will have left.

>> No.124209

Well fuck. Should have bought at $110.
So pretty much the only cost effective thing would be to mine mint?

>> No.124217

Does Mint have Kimotos gravity well?

>> No.124218

Pros: I have 5666560.541791 Mintcoins
Cons: I decided not to buy 2.8 million at 8 satoshi

>> No.124225

why in the hell would I want mintcoin. what am I supposed to do with it other than wait for the price to go up. If someone can actually answer I will do it

>> No.124234

How new to altcoins are you?

>> No.124236

can I have a few? I'm trying to get started and I can't mine :(


>> No.124237

As of right now? Its purely speculative (Just like almost every other cryptocurrency).

There is interest because it is rising a lot recently. Supposedly according to their twitter they have "Big news" coming soon. If that news was just about the MINT/LTC markets opening then that is unfortunate, but if that news is about services then we can see MINT rising more in future.

>> No.124238

Although, if I say, bought 1 BTC now, and exchanged it all for mint, I should still get the same mint/$ as I would were BTC lower. I might just do that, watch mint and then trade it all back to BTC when it does hit a low again.
What did I miss?

>> No.124251

I would be careful on buying right now, the price could keep rising in the short term, but it could also drop if there is a large dump. I would say perhaps buy a BTC and have it sat in Mintpal, and if the price of MINT falls you should consider buying in.

I would be wary of buying in at this very moment.

>> No.124263
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>mfw Mint shoots up to 100 satoshi and I make 6 BTC from it

>> No.124267

LOL so it's you fuckers pumping it up.

I just sold @40 satoshi my 850K mint that bought on a whim at 6 satoshi. I wondered why the thing was going so high.

>> No.124277

I'm at work at the moment, so I won't get a chance to buy anything for at least 7 hours.
I'm getting antsy though because every time I check mint it's gone up a few %

>> No.124283


>> No.124293

Cancelled at 4
cancelled at 10
cancelled at 16
finally bought at 39 ;________;

>> No.124295

Always speculate with a cool head, anonymous.

Don't get antsy when buying or selling.

>> No.124307
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Its alright, we're all gonna make it brah. Glad to have you with us.

>> No.124310

>tfw new to crypto currency but have been reading about it for a few days.
>suddenly mint coin rising
>many people say buy
>many people say sell

>tfw you don't know who's right.

>> No.124318

i spend all my bitcoins
i only had .11
is it okay if i leave my coins on exchange?

>> No.124323

Crypto markets are inherently unpredictable.

>> No.124326

Dumb question, BTC wan at ~$100 the other day. What was stopping me from buying 10 BTC, waiting for it to go back to $300-$400 and selling with 300% returns?

>> No.124335
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>mfw I've mined 636 mintcoins so far

I know I'm shit but this is my first experience at crypto. I'm assuming I trade these for BTC by downloading a bitcoin wallet, then trade the BTC for $$. But I'm afraid my bank will freeze my account for suspicious activity or something. Also every fucking pool/coin/website requires more usernames and passwords for me to create. I can't keep up with this shit and I'm not reusing logins for this sketchy business.

>> No.124336

Bitcoin's only that low on the exchange that's dying.

>> No.124342

Long term (very long) I would advise against it, but with something like this, having your coins on the exchange you plan on speculating with.

>> No.124340

The exchange earns the interest if you leave them there.

>> No.124359

How high is it gonna go?

>> No.124357

You would sell the MINT for BTC on an exchange, then either move the BTC to your BTC wallet to keep hold of, or directly to another exchange to sell the BTC for fiat of your choice (Generally exchanges all run in USD). Then withdraw the dollars with whatever method the exchange offers.

Just use separate logins for everything (Good practice anyway) and have it all written down. I bought a notepad where I keep all my important crypto information and keep that under my bed.

>> No.124361

>keep that under my bed

I hope you live with someone else.

>> No.124363

nobody knows. if youre asking people on 4chan then you are in big trouble.

>> No.124368

That was one thing I was not sure of.

When you hold MINT on Mintpal or other exchange, do they hold each individuals MINT in their own wallets, or in one large wallet the exchange uses for all its held MINT (Minus transaction fees) and then merely allocate your account the respective amount of MINT?

What confuses me is that you have your own deposit addresses so perhaps you have your own managed wallet on the exchange?

>> No.124370

I'd be overjoyed if it went to 100 satoshi.

>> No.124372

I don't think I'm about to get murdered for DOGE worker's I don't use anymore and 0.5BTC of MINT which could be worth nothing in 2 weeks.

>> No.124373

I'm thinking 200-300 sato but I have nothing to back that up.

>> No.124393
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How do I into mintcoin?

How do I into cryptocurrencies?

>> No.124397

How to mine? I downloaded wallet and I'm new to all this mining mumbo jumbo stuff.

Sad I've been on /g/ since BTC was at it's startup but never bothered to get into it.

Once the price started rising I kept saying nah and now look at me now. Pathetic.

>> No.124405

>How do I into mintcoin?
Download the wa-

>How do I into cryptocurrencies?

>> No.124410

so I fucked up and opened an account on coinbase to get BTC to exchange for MINT. I registered and everything and got my bank info linked but my purchase of BTC wont be in my account until the 28th. What should I do? I'm afraid I'll miss the train :(

>> No.124413

Download cgminer (if you have AMD) or Cudaminer (Nvidia) and look for a MINTcoin pool.

Register on the pool website and there will be a guide on how to get yourself going.

>> No.124420

Best to go for big pools or small pools? You got a pool yourself?

>> No.124421

Mining is the most annoying part to figure out for newfriends.



>> No.124434

It can be difficult to decide on what pool to use as large pools you will recieve less of a share when they discover a block, but they may be more reliable in finding the blocks so it could work out better than mining in a smaller pool where your share would be larger.

I use http://mint.dedicatedpool.com/ at the moment but I usually check around every couple of days to see if I might be better off in another. If you're new to mining then I would just get started and learn about mining before worrying too much about your choice of pool.

>> No.124447
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>Billions of dollars in electricity costs

>We could be doing folding@home, curing diseases or something

>Instead solving made-up cryptography problems

>> No.124458

The electricity costs and consumption of cryptocoin networks are no joke.

Sure it IS quite the gimmick in regard to Mintcoin itself, but it is the best interest of everyone involved in crypto mining that the energy footprints go down.

>> No.124465

Id sell right before everything is mined. The price will be highest, currency will crash after this if I understand it right (almost positive I do)
>Inb4 mintcoin faggots yell at me for giving sound advice

>> No.124480

Most of the mintcoin faggots in this thread have been giving similar advice. It really is a guessing game as to the value when the coin goes pure proof of stake.

Like I pointed out earlier, without services to back up the coin, there won't be much interest outside of speculation. Doubtless there will be bagholders and people that begin to speculate after the (likely, but not inevitable) crash on the change, but if there are services announced soon, we may see the value retained.

If you get involved with any coin you just have to keep up to date on the news surrounding it, since it can make or break a coin in literally minutes. (See: Dogecoin before/after bobsled donations)

>> No.124492

>money can't bring happiness, people need communism
I think I red it somewhere in history books, people tried that and they failed.

>> No.124502

My honest opinion, Bitcoin is the only one that will be taken seriously in the long term. It's the first, the original, the only. All altcoins are made to pump and dump to sell for more bitcoins because we feel bad for being late to the bitcoin party. It's the gold ingot of the crypto world, the only reliable store of wealth.

>> No.124522

there will be an anonymous coin everyone "else" will use

>> No.124533

I agree, even popular currencies like Litecoin are stagnant and offer little benefits that people care for.

I hope in future that there may be a Bitcoin fork that solves some of the power consumption issues and that will be great.

>> No.124537

Bitcoin is not viable in the future. 21 million coins or whatever is too small of a cap. I'm going to go for a meal and pay 0.00000231 bitcoins or whatever.

>> No.124552

That's a cheap ass meal.

>> No.124559

Why do the units matter? You wouldn't be measuring the sale in terms of "Ok sir that will be nought point nought nought nought nought nought twenty five bitcoins.

They would just say "Alright sir that will be 230 satoshis" Plus tip

>> No.124580

I said in the future. If bitcoin becomes more widely accepted, it's market cap will increase alot, thus pushing up the value of each coin.

21 Million coins spread between 7 billion people on the planet simply won't work.

>> No.124583

infinitely divisible, just use smaller units to measure it

>> No.124591

Also, BTC can be split into even smaller denominations in future, they can add smaller units.

>> No.124599

Well whatever coin ends up being used by the entire world has to have a unique non-gimmicky name. I've always said money of the future should just be called "Credits."

>> No.124625
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I hate to beg, but I only make 25$ a week doing chores. All of my other money is controlled by my dad, which i get none of. I would really appreciate any mints you could place on my pillow.

>> No.124638

sorry i just realized how fucking corny that sounded. gief mints anyways?

>> No.124643
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All proof of stake coins are scams. But unfortunately trends indicate scams are more popular than promising features like coin mixing and anonymity.

>TFW you hate cryptocoins now

>> No.124650

So why aren't you profiting off of them? You know the trends, you know what'll happen. Profit off of it.

>> No.124653

Can you explain why they are scams?

>> No.124657

If I enjoyed the system I would have made plenty by now.

I'm attempting to shift the market's focus onto other coins like Zero by mining those exclusively, while profiting a little on the side by scam coins I already mined.

>> No.124655

The only people who want to see Cryptos viable as a mainstream currency get involved in Bitcoin. Everyone else is a speculator and all cryptos, Proof of Stake, Proof of Work or Hybrid are great vessels for speculation.

>> No.124668

how on earth are people pulling 50k kh/s ?
jw are they using botnets? i no understands it

>> No.124669

Just bought 250k MINT for .1 BTC.
Fingers crossed.

>> No.124675

people are doing that? holy sheet
explain further

>> No.124676

Among other reasons. All cryptocoins are scams without additional features. You can profit off BTC or LTC, TIPS have a coin-mixing feature (albeit half-assed), and future coins like Zero have anonymity. There are those with faster block times and what have you, but all mint does is "decrease" energy consumption by making them easy as fuck to mine and have them all mined in a few years. What the fuck is new about that?

>> No.124687

Is it to late to join the party

>> No.124691


Under statistics
check pool. Rank #1 KH/s 54,888.
sometimes its not even fair.

>> No.124694

Probably building coin farms and leaching electricity off unsuspecting neighbors.

>> No.124704

Hey man, what do ya think about darkcoin?

>> No.124709

do you understand the 'farm' size you speak of?
>understanding electrical output
>making a sneaky farm the size of a mini-mansion. by funneling electricity 'secretly'
last months bill a few hundred/next months bill add zeros.

>> No.124717
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Are we experiencing a pump and dump? 131% in one day can't be good

>> No.124726

Interview posted recently with the Mintcoin developers.


Points of note:
>If nobody will mine the coin at 1 coin/block, they will
>They will run servers to allow for base use of the network in the worst case
>They are working on a Kickstarter-like website that will accept MINT

>> No.124733

Didn't know it existed until now (on a bit of a hiatus from the cryptocoin scene until Zerocoin) but a cursory glance is promising. It's anonymous and secure, but it doesn't say which scripting algo, which is a bit of a concern.

>> No.124739

Price might drop soon, but it should be stable at over 20 satoshi.

>> No.124761

wait, uses it's own algo. I'm not sure what to think of that, but the premise of the coin is a good one.

>> No.124771

can someone address this? please I just want to understand HOW IN THE WORLD thats happening currently. i just wanna understand.

>> No.124779

It could be a group of people working under 1 account. I know people that are doing that.

>> No.124815
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i hope i have a chance to get in around 20-25 before we head to the minty moon

>> No.124831

20-25 what?

>> No.124854

jw what is the benefit of that? I do not think they work as a hive mind concept do they? they would have many workers splitting work, not doing it together right??

>> No.124884

Well, in their case it's because they all pooled their money to build the miners. Each payout is just split %wise between them. Makes things really easy as long as the person getting the paid isn't a fuck, which in their case they aren't.

>> No.124923

>answering my questions
>what you said

>> No.124936

I thought that answer was pretty clear. Is there something I just didn't elaborate on?

>> No.125029
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Does /biz/ really need IDs?

>> No.125025

Hey, wondering if you could help me out getting started.


>> No.125055


Dude I don't like it all. Now everyone will expose my samefagging

>> No.125064

Go read any of the recent DOGE/PND threads and you tell me.

Enough people complained about supposed wolong shills and shitposting that it happened. My money is on it was just a few people trolling the threads but if it can actually stop some of the shitposting then I'm all for it.

Atleast they removed the "Heaven" ID for sages, so people can use board features without being gangraped publicly for using them.

>> No.125122


Seriously guys?

>> No.125124

I switch topics frequently in threads like a schizo and now I will be exposed as a pleb

>> No.125125

What is your question?

>> No.125130

IDs are thread based

>> No.125131

I know that feel. Sometimes I'll reply to myself, set up my own jokes, or play devil's advocate with myself just to get a conversation going.

>> No.125200

Mow many mint coins do you faggots have?

>> No.125205

Mined 8k today. Sold 5k at 40

>> No.125211

Over 5 million

>> No.125224

when did you start mining?
I bought 250k @40satos like a retard.
I am such an idiot ;____;

>> No.125226


only 1050 that I've gotten thru donations since I can't mine and I can't buy until my order for BTC goes through on the 28th :(

>tfw by then I'm gonna miss the train ;_____:

>> No.125236
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>> No.125373

Are we going up?

>> No.125403
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>when did you start mining?
I didn't

>> No.125550

My cousin told me he just got hired by a brokerage firm or something to look for green companies to invest in. Two days ago I told him to buy mintcoins, first time in years we've talked. He thanked me for the tip. I don't think he bought.

Am anxiously awaiting his phone call. Should I give him a 1:00 AM reminder call?

>> No.125575

Dick dump

>> No.125659

damn son. you gonna be rich as fuck

>> No.126472

75 fucking satoshis

>> No.127445

114k bought at 6 sats.

>> No.128702

Mined 150k in a few hours back then when diff was low and stopped

>> No.128987

Glad I dumped before it went back down to 31 satoshi