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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 272 KB, 512x512, sure_Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12079478 No.12079478 [Reply] [Original]

If you really want your mind to be blown, think about what Thomas Hobbes says in Leviathan. He goes into detail about social contract theory. It all begins with the natural state of man, which is a nasty, short, brutish life. Every man for himself, all against all. Any action is not only permissible, but is also a RIGHT. It's the first time that rights are seriously considered as an inherent quality of man.

Man voluntarily gives up some of his rights to escape from the dangerous and shitty conditions of the natural state of man. It must be mutual, however, he only promises not to kill anyone so long as everyone else agrees not to kill anyone. This is the basis of forming a society.

The important thing here, is that it's a contract. People enter into a mutual agreement, but in order for people to be accountable to that agreement, there needs to be an arbiter, or an enforcer. This is the role that government plays. If a man steals, and he gets caught, then the government enforces punishment against him for breaking the contract. The rules can only be followed if there is an arbiter.

Up until this point in history man has never escaped the necessity of an enforcer for contracts. Enter Sergey Nazarov. His vision is bigger than you can imagine. He's ushering in an entirely new era of human interaction. This can transform any digitally executable contracts. This is the first time in history when a contract won't necessarily need an external enforcer, because the contract itself is the enforcer. The philosophical implications of this are colossal.

>> No.12079981
File: 80 KB, 437x665, DawningOfANewDay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12080015

You are a cool anon. I remember once I read about smart contracts I was blown apart. (I'm coming both from the philosophical context of the leviathan as well as the programming context of unbreakable, unstoppable code)

The whole concept of the Blockchain and what's possible with it is truly impressive. I am sure smart contracts are the future of human society. I usher any anon to read further into the philosophical aspects of this.

>> No.12080020


Imagine thinking some guy who did an ico is going to change the world in any way

>> No.12080050

>contracts can arrest and detain contracts breakers

>> No.12080053

how do we know serg isn't poojeeting us

>> No.12080079
File: 102 KB, 564x675, 1508437905452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The year is 2025.
>My neural network verifies my CVC biometrics & links me into my Oculus 4.0
>I re-enter my digital mansion in Genesis city.
>List my AF69-Sunstrider Personal Spacecraft on BitBay for 50M Satoshi’s
>The price of BTC is irrelevant
>As a world reserve currency it is the peg that ties everything together.
>Everything only has value in terms of Satoshi's
>Most people use Ethereum as their regular means of transaction.
>Only the world governments and some very wealthy personal individuals own any larger than 1 whole BTC.
>You can buy an entire village in Venezuela for 4000 Satoshi’s
>Planning for a party later, I buy 100 doses of pure LSD off Silk Road v13
>Pay with 0.000027 Monero.
>NUL provides the built-in anti-counterfeiting protocol and supply logistics that bring it to my door.
>Check my Golem-run personal AI
>She tells me that my digital rent has come in, 500k MANA this week.
>MANA has been sitting steady at 25k Satoshi’s, since District0x police had eliminated all digital crime in Genesis City.
>All digital crime are held on public trial in the Aragon court-house.
>Physical Crime is not possible.
>Think I'll gamble some of my rent money.
>All internet gambling is now run exclusively on the Funfair platform.
>Teleport to the Genesis City FunFair Casino.
>Outside I tip some digitally-destitute Arklet some DGB so he doesn't starve.
>Welcome back sir, VIP lounge this way.
>Atomic swap this week’s rent income into FUN.
>Put it all on red and double up.

>> No.12080100
File: 411 KB, 1084x826, Drug_Addicted_Pickpocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paragon addicted pickpocket tries to assassinate my avatar.
>Gives me a moments notice by screaming something about Wraith Protocol and huffin’ jazz.
>Cloud-boosted memory recalls some Dogecoin Dark pump and dump from years earlier.
>Normally, District0x forces would instantly freeze his avatar and ping his IP address for SEC involvement.
>Relay stand-by orders to incoming Districtox forces.
>Download latest version of the Decentralised Jeet Kun Do by famous AI author Bruise L-AI
>Completes just as assassin is about to bear down on me.
>I swiftly flow around his awkward attack, slipping around from behind and snapping his neck.
>A loud voice cries across the Digi-speakers.
>10k Firstblood added to my account.
>I laugh as I watch his shitty avatar fade away in a miniature digital dust-cloud.
>New-coiners who only entered last year when all world governments switched their reserve currency to Bitcoin, now follow my digital movements like I am some sort of celebrity.
>Incoming transmission from GolemAI.
>Another 1000 BAT has been credited to my profile.
>Clearly some of my viewers were amused too.
>Lazily scratch the scar I received back in the BTC/BCH Civil war of 2017.
>Briefly wonder what life would be like if I didn't browse /biz/ on 4chan all those years ago.
>That reminds me…
>Connect to the 4chan blockchain, proceed to shitpost.

>> No.12080143

Historian here, Francisco Suarez actually came up with the secular social contract more than a century before Hobbes, but as always anglos stole someone else's ideas and took full credit..

>> No.12080215


Except that contracts with fetuses aren't valid, so unless you believe in reincarnation you can toss the social contract theory out the window. He was simply wrong, when people made the jump to agrarian societies primitive warlords used force to extract tribute/protection money/taxes from the productive people. Society then grew up around that.

>> No.12080596
