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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12078632 No.12078632 [Reply] [Original]

This is fucking it guys. This is literally it.

I lost everything. For 4 fucking years I didn't want to get a job because I thought I could be a full time "trader". I never believed in cryptos because I always thought they were just meme monies.

I thought I was more sophisticated trading futures commodities and some stocks here and there.

At my prime I made 10k go to 65k. I know it's not much in the world of hyper-bull crypto of 2017.

But it took me 4 years of learning. I was red, green and red throughout those 4 years. I learned very carefully how to trade efficiently.

I thought I was considered a good trader. Then the delusion hit me. I couldn't take it anymore...I kept watching bitcoin and other coins just skyrocket. I was getting a bad case of fomo.

I dropped everything and bought bitcoin futures. That was the worst mistake of my life. I bought bitcoin futures at 10k and destroyed my account when it hit 6k.

I managed to just say fuck it, i'm screwed. And invest fully into crypto. I had what little remaining and I entered the market.

Needless to say that 65k is now 8 grand. And i'm about ready to end myself. All I have this 8k in is chainlink. The only thing I think out of very few that aren't bullshit exit scams and meme coins.

But I can't hold on much longer. i'm losing myself. i'm losing control. I don't know what to do. I have bills to pay and I can't even do that. I'm lazy and don;'t want a 9-5. I hate wageslavery. I'd rather die. You guys fucked me up bad. I should have never listened to my idiot friend who told me to get into cryptos. he knew nothing.

>> No.12078640


>> No.12078651

lol. you made your own choices, nobody put a gun to your head and said buy the top. everyone was saying dca, you probably didn't even do that. now you are complaining b/c you are left holding LINK a known ponzi scheme to accumulate bigmacs.

>> No.12078658

nice blog faggot

>> No.12078664

There it is, sage and hide

>> No.12078672

Throw that 8k into coss immediately. I mean it. You'll think I'm a pajeet shill but this will work.

>> No.12078677

+1 upboated

>> No.12078725

thanks just sold 100k

>> No.12078735
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we made it fren jiiiiiuiii

>> No.12078787

You still can have 8K worth of NANO. That will be 8M in a few years.

>> No.12078794
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based fren

>> No.12078819
File: 39 KB, 777x202, 12.10.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn to day trade penny stocks. It works trust me

>> No.12078826

I suggest pulling that 8k out of Chainlink and reevaluating your investment choices. Just cash that fucking money out instead of letting it sit in some pajeet coin and from there on you can decide

>> No.12078847

Lol. I owned 2 million shares of RXMD and sold at the bear trap. Literally sold at 0.0312 and it skyrocketed to .30 a few weeks later.

would have been at 600k. But obviously I wouldn't have sold the top.

I should have just waited a little longer and not had that fucking asshole friend of mine infleunce me into buying bitcoin....
my plan was to wait for RXMD to sell off again and make more money with bitcoin to then buy back more shares...
yeah...it didn't work lol.

So now I came into the market thinking I should hodl everything so I don't miss the boat liek I did with the penny stock RXMD.

rekt again...

>> No.12078853
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I have to admit it, the NEET taunting starting every Sunday afternoon, then throughout the week really did a number on me. Made me hate my job even more, made me just want to be comfy, black pilled me on the whole career meme and made me lazy as fuck hoping I was going to make it with crypto.

Now OP you had 4 years off so back to your cagey wagey KEK

>> No.12078854

Thanks for the cheapies.

>> No.12078876

Lmao fucking pathetic

>> No.12078884

Feels good to see stinkies rekt.

>> No.12078956

i tried holding,swing trading, and long term investing (stocks) none of those worked for me. Only thing work for me is day trading, with the bear momentum in crypto right now, thats not possible. I know exactly how you feel. I started with roughly $600 in 2017 and got up to 300k, now im down to 4k. I cashed out 20k when btc was 10k, but ended on loosing it on some bankrupt stock that i was day trading and didnt set a stop loss. I learned a shit ton this year,all the stuff i learned this year was definitly worth the 290k i ended up loosing. Bear in mind im still holding that altcoin. Its bound to at least give me back 50k. Im now day trading low float stocks.

>> No.12079083

I went from 6500 to 1.1 million, back to 250k, up to 2 million and now 5 figures this year stop crying fag and put it in COSS for dividends. Nobody gives a fuck it's just a few numbers on a screen. You will make it if you give up now you will forever be a bum.

>> No.12079245

>all the stuff i learned this year was definitly worth the 290k
HAHAHA, absolute cope, no lesson is worth that. I bet you still think you're better than college fags too.

>> No.12079260


>> No.12079835

>I never believed in cryptos because I always thought they were just meme monies.
kill yourself.

>> No.12079916

>still shilling NANO

>> No.12079953
File: 11 KB, 195x258, A2A019EA-FB50-4FC8-8EF6-231554ABC74E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that NEETs pretending to enjoy lying in filth all day like depressed zoo animals actually tempted you is unironically the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever seen on this board, and I was here since before /biz/ existed

>> No.12080266

are you me, i made a red wojak post yesterday

>> No.12080270

fok off you got 8 grands :(

>> No.12080304

300 to 13k was my high score, but i lost it all in 3 days after that

>> No.12080647

larp. 600 dollars to 300k my ass

>> No.12080797

$80k invested this year to $8k, do I win biggest greedy dumbass award?

>> No.12080802

8k in chain link is still going to make it big time, just be patient, fellow channeller.

>> No.12080973
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You have 2 options

- wagecuck for 40 years
- kys

>> No.12081767

Is this some kind of reverse psychology psyop for chainlink?

>> No.12081866

>bitcoin futures

>> No.12081881

Imagine being this stupid

>> No.12081883
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>4 years of trading and still no risk management


>> No.12081920

Its about to pump you brainlet fuck. its going to bounce right back up to $6k just watch. Then it will start mooning at people fomo back in, past $10k, past $20k. The euro will collapse and bitcoin will hit $1,000,000. We will all be retired, watching npc wagie cucks scurry around servicing us for sats. They will all laugh and talk about how they could have bought bitcoin at one point but didn't because instead they bought widget factory slips and sky real estate. We will have our time and freedom to pursue our true interest because we are the elite smart money that got in early and will shape the new financial world.

>> No.12081930
File: 16 KB, 265x190, images (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, 4 years of experience didn't teach you much, eh?

I only started with mere 2 BTC

I made 2.8 BTC in the past 1 week alone
There's still about 1 BTC profit unrealized
All these are just 1 week profit
(after factoring about 0.6 BTC loss for trying to catch EOS falling knives)

Bearish or bullish doesn't matter as long as there's volatility

Just exit scam loser and thanks for the BTC

>> No.12081934

Chainlink is a fucking shill coin with no communication and the devs are retarded

>> No.12081997 [DELETED] 


LOL I suggest you cash out now. Chainlink is a fucking catastrophe. I was there since the very beginning. It is going nowhere. Lost some money in that myself. Bullshit coin like all the rest.

My suggestion, sit on ETH for now. There's nothing you can do but wait. Just get a wagecuck job to take your mind off crypto, and just sit on it for a year. For god's sake don't sell in a bear market like this.

>> No.12082034

I actually like reading blog posts, it's rare that biz has quality content
>All I have this 8k in is chainlink.
Fuck. Me. Sideways.
Stopped reading right here.

>> No.12082063
File: 23 KB, 331x319, 1401145628282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got scammed.