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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12076807 No.12076807 [Reply] [Original]

Their main net is revealed to only make 1 bundle a day. For new fags that’s $12 a day revenue

>> No.12076820

So I get 12 a day? Neet

>> No.12076831

Lmao now those are some heavy bags right there


>> No.12076839

More like 1.2 cents on your $5500 investment if you’re lucky to buy that low right now

>> No.12076852
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>> No.12077042
File: 856 KB, 1111x1473, 1526417403357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lying conniving versetti lured investors in with list of NDAs with huge companies
Lying conniving versetti implied partnership announcements in Q1 after NDA expiration
Lying conniving versetti said partnerships with billion-euro companies would be revealed after Berlin meetup (never happened)
>https://youtu.be/0mBQJxrffyU?t=750 [Embed]
Lying conniving versetti saw market crash and started to spread this bullshit narrative of running a "proper, anti-hype" company
Lying conniving versetti lied about maintaining relationships with all these big companies under NDA (NDAs don't mean anything, just having a meeting requires one to sign an NDA)
Lying conniving versetti spit on investors and said they have no rights to complain after funding $30 million
Lying conniving versetti coordinated pump and dumps on biz with failed grassroots marketing like swissbro hedge fund manager, kimchiwhale, mrbearwolf
Lying conniving versetti hid mainnet explorer to prevent people from seeing low/zero bundle numbers and keep them bagholding
Lying conniving versetti hid mainnet explorer to dump team/adviser tokens
>Proof: Oliver Bussman is no longer an adviser, he cashed out and left
Lying conniving versetti is spreading narrative of "long-term future" so people won't be shocked by shitty bundle numbers

Amblets it's time to wake up. Versetti is a sly, conniving little liar who made sure to keep you bagholding with hopes of NDAs soon and paid larpers like swissbro, kimchiwhale, and mrbearwolf. If you have any pride left, you will demand Angel versetti explain himself and make these scammers PAY

>> No.12077072

where is MBW?? i know a lot of you owe him a sincere apology

>> No.12077095

lol, MBW would have been "right" about literally any crypto project in 2018. They ALL tanked

>> No.12077189

Look to the left and you clearly see 2 bundles within 12 minutes of each other. How stupid are you?

>> No.12077259

>assuming that anons have good intentions and are honest
Honestly I haven't not benefitted from ANYTHING that biz says. Can't trust anyone here

>> No.12077290

So you’re saying 60 bundles a day then? LOL

>> No.12077344

You are a math genius ... 1, 2, many

>> No.12077388

Help they scammed me at Amber!!!! I bought but now they have me owe them $5 ??? I cannot get this money for them I am poor why can they get away with this scamming me ??????

>> No.12077509

Russian scam. The wheels are coming off.

>> No.12078521

They are giving away merchandise now. T-Shirts, organisers, USB-sticks....
They probably feel guilty for dumping their "locked" tokens on you.

>> No.12078559

amb holder here but this is a testnet
it means nothing for mainnet, which probably has jack shit on this off season

>> No.12079072

Just have some patience

>> No.12079092
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They actually have zero dollars net revenue since no one uses their network.

Don't even know how you're coming up with this $12 figure.

You need dollar revenue to pay out node owners.

>> No.12079281

wasn't that test net? love the FUD around AMB