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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 48 KB, 696x449, 1529065481092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12074776 No.12074776 [Reply] [Original]

Just bought ADA because of this visionary. What is your opinion on this pic related?

>> No.12074785

98% down. Pure scam.


Fck off pajeet.

>> No.12074794

>98% down. Pure scam.
Everything is down.

They will shard.

>Fck off pajeet.
Ad hominem.

>> No.12074805

he's a basedboy retard who will likely be dead or in jail within the next 5 years as a result of the fallout from his ill conceived dumpster fire of a scam that still doesn't have a wallet. desu daedalus wallet is the biggest piece of trash I've ever used in crypto, it makes a new folder for every block. Deleting the directory takes over a day on a normal computer. What the fuck have the trannies that run this been doing while charles is off living out his basedboy fantasies and posing for photos like a teenage girl?

>> No.12074919

Indeed based. The rest not so much.

>> No.12075050

For short term purposes=get rekt
For long term purposes (2-5 years)= Get lambo'd

>> No.12075749


>> No.12076202

It is a jpeg, in my opinion.

>> No.12076241

he looks Jewish
i have a feeling this faggot just robbed all of u
>bought @ 3 cents before the bull run and sold after one dollar......bought a house because of this shit no BS

>> No.12076492

lambo material.

>> No.12076547

Obviously smart dude who is clearly connected to Freemasonry. Outed himself as a big-headed douchebag on Twitter that one time and got mad that people were calling him out for it. That was funny.

As far as ADA I hear it has some of the best coding on their github. That doesn’t mean shit to me though I’d rather invest in something that has a product.

>> No.12077696
File: 40 KB, 538x538, 1519067888641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/biz/ hates it so you should get it

FUD inbound...

>> No.12078029

98% down and he already has an exit date for his time with the project...think it's 2020 or end of 2029, either way, does not bode well

>> No.12078053

*2019 not 2029

>> No.12078261

The wallet was completely rewritten to fix all that bullshit and will be available in the next couple weeks.

>> No.12078351

There's also the Yoroi light wallet now also that is much better to use than Daedalus

>> No.12078374

>no scalability
>no privacy
>muh formal proofs
Aviv Zohar and Yonatan Sompolinsky, based israelis, BTFO Cardano
>mainnet very raw, like most other shitcoins, zero to none functionality, needs reiterations and revisions to offer something useful and valuable, like most other shitcoins, very slow progress, will be btfo by Coda advisors
Final verdict: it's an absolute shitcoin