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File: 45 KB, 450x600, bindu motorcycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1205463 No.1205463 [Reply] [Original]

>Tfw you realize that human trafficking is essentially a legal business in the US

How would you regulate what happened to pic related? Do you feel that it should be regulated?

>> No.1205470

>Tfw you realize that human trafficking is essentially a legal business in the US


i wouldnt regulate anything.
and what should be regulated? the girl? no. however someone should regulate the violence and threats to coerce someone against their will if they dont want to do it.

>> No.1205475


Bindu Pariyar. She claims to have been trafficked by her husband on a marriage visa. Nothing that held up in court, but there are details to her story that I'm not sure that she'd be smart enough to add as embellishments if they weren't true. It's also been put out there that she may have prostituted before ever coming to the US, so she could be a legitimate victim or someone who cut a deal to get a better quality of life by moving to the US.

>> No.1205824

No, it's illegal

You know what shouldn't be illegal? Child labor
14 year olds can work a stupid cash register, stock merchandise, and all sorts of banal shit that used to be done by kids. This isn't the industrial age anymore, making cat videos on Youtube shouldn't be the only way kids can make money if they wanted to

>> No.1205913
File: 5 KB, 792x588, 1439163799427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a fucking retard.
I bet you are 16 at best. Kids working manual labor?
Fucking kids should be forced to attend school and be fucking learning science, history, languages and other important disciplines so they would be educated and informed citizens who wouldn't lynch niggers in the streets or fear condoms because god condemn it.
The bigger proportion of population is educated, the more productive it is. I bet you got idea about child labor because you got sick of your homework and think everything you need you can learn in the streets.
I fucking despise people like you. Read English version if you find and learn about education : Sozialgeschichte der Erziehung. Von der Antike bis in die Moderne / Hoyer, Timo.

>> No.1205915


>> No.1205938

Well, Ill partiality agree with you on history. But come on man.

>> No.1205975
File: 37 KB, 500x375, tu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck you will be educated without knowing science, language or history. Or do you all think that 4chan if good enough supplement for those disciplines

>> No.1205977

but lynching niggers would be just as good for society as learning science desu

>> No.1205991

Is that German for "Work is Freedom"?

Why do you think it is impossible for kids to do both? You honestly fucking believe getting experience at 13 isn't going to be beneficial at 30? Everything I said used to be done by kids because they are stupid jobs, society didn't collapse then and it won't now
>Manual labor
yea stocking socks at Ross and Target is such manual labor the poor children good thing we have the state to protect them
How insecure does someone have to be to be this triggered at the concept of working younger? Yes, you idiot, I bet all those hours playing video games and checking Twitter and Youtubers is much better use of their time, because what else are they going to do, they can't work. If we're going to throw assumptions around, I get the feeling you're just a NEET masturbating over muh education as the one magic sauce for everything like every other stupid parent out there competing for private schools.

You can't even allocate your utilitarianism right. The fuck did Hitler do to you people, look at this, one mention of getting kids back to work and NOOOOOOO THEY WILL LYNCH PEOPLE THEY NEED TO LEARN HISTORY man go outside

>> No.1206042
File: 109 KB, 686x482, 1441323928366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this all knowing faggot.

>My ancestors were serfs worked fields like cucks and even fucked once in a while. Thats mean if I will work like minimal wage cuck it will bring character to my life. How fucking inspiring

If you don't have back no work will instill discipline, but only will break your spirit and make you uninspired maggot. Just say you are salty because now kids can enjoy life and you wish they would be as miserable as you were in childhood working Vietnamese sweatshop making Magic Johnson

>> No.1206870



They were never able to successfully prosecute her trafficker in criminal court.

>> No.1206882

"Sozialgeschichte" roughly translates to "social contracts" or "social agreements"; the title of the book roughly translates to "social contracts during upbringing: from the ancient to the modern."

I'm assuming this is referring to how the idea of human development, child-rearing, and parental responsibility has evolved, taking a sort of cross-section of world history to help explain why and what that means for us today. Typical kind of sociological bullshit that uses facts cherry-picked to help support the predetermined conclusions.