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12058261 No.12058261 [Reply] [Original]

If you had the choice between $2000 a month for work or $1000 for nothing, which would you do?

>> No.12058284

Probably the 2k if it's less than 40 hours a week.

>> No.12058288

1000...all day long.

>> No.12058289
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>> No.12058291

I get $3800 NEETbux a month and it would take a lot of money to have to be someones slave.

>> No.12058293

1000 for nothing

>> No.12058294

Depends on the type of work. But probably $1000 for nothing assuming either I had the ability to work another job in addition to the $1000

>> No.12058306 [DELETED] 

huge fucking larp.
worse than the fags that say they make 400k+ a year on here

>> No.12058314

What kind of neetbucks are those?

>> No.12058331

100% VA and retired from the military faggot

>> No.12058332

1k for nothing and keep working my day job.

>> No.12058334

12 children, morbidly obese and mentally impaired

>> No.12058345


Assuming you can't do both (you can't)

>> No.12058350 [DELETED] 


>> No.12058353

$3100 of it is tax free as well

>> No.12058378 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 343x450, 129958-004-C9B8B89D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously hope you die soon you absolute leech on society. If it wasn't illegal to hunt down and kill the burdens on tax payers, I'd make sure to put you straight to death. Faggot

>> No.12058394

$1000, of course. You're making infinite $ per hour. If you choose 2000 and work, you're a brainlet

>> No.12058405

You are making me think I should claim SSDI just to leech more. I could use that extra $

>> No.12058415

My fellow homie. What branch?

>> No.12058425


>> No.12058432


>> No.12058437

1000 for nothing then get another job?

>> No.12058441
File: 1.47 MB, 1000x1250, ocean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000 a month for nothing?

if so 1000 a month hands down. time is the only thing more valuable than everything else.

>> No.12058460

I've recently been debating about going for 100%. I'm at 40 now, I think I have enough to get 100 on my next claim.

I also heard about that SSDI, since its easier to get SSDI based upon VA documentation

>> No.12058462

thank you for your service

>> No.12058475

nigga should be thanking you for the free money anon

>> No.12058495

I tried to do SSDI without a lawyer 2 times and they said no both times. That is even with me at 100%. I think you need a lawyer to get it almost. I would go for the 100 if was you, the amount of money is a lot from 40 to 100. I've been out for 5 years and have been putting SSDI off, but I need to get it done.

>> No.12058530

Looked it up again
40% - $617.73
100% - $3,057.13
Not sure of your state, but here at 100% I also get free property tax and have a no sales tax card.

>> No.12058538


How much work?

$2000 a month from work is about poverty level in many parts of the US. It works out to $12.50/hr from a full-time job without overtime or an even shittier $10/hr from a pair of part time jobs at 25 hrs a week. That’s nothing special.

Brainlet question is brainlet.

>> No.12058544

Why not both

>> No.12058547

Ah strange. Anecdotally I heard it both ways now. Everyone seems to indicate the opposite. But I'll look into it.

Yeah, I know the 40 is only 600, compared to 3100. Thankfully I still,do the NG stuff, so its going to be easier to prove all of its service connected or at least aggravated. I got like 7 things I can claim still.

>> No.12058558

Depends what the job is. If its easy id take the job. If its tough, id do nothing.

>> No.12058576

easy work, commissioned sales

>> No.12058584

I think they give you like 10 years after the last day you work to file for SSDI. Not sure if they back pay for it.

One thing I learned early when I was in was that everyone tried to be tough and never went to medical. These people get fucked when they get out and have problems because they have no document ion. If you still do NG stuff make sure you get everything documented.

>> No.12058600 [DELETED] 

Where's your location? I don't give a fuck if you served for the g-o-d himself. I'm going to make sure you're gone

>> No.12058605
File: 526 KB, 1387x1055, Screenshot_20181208-154530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1000 for nothing, this is assuming $2000 would imply 160 hour work months.

>> No.12058616

I wonder if in the last 5 years you directly paid for lotion I used to jerk off.

>> No.12058657

Everything's documented. Plus, if its not, I have the C&P exam.

Lmao this butthurt. I can't wait to sit home all day and make 4k a month like my bro while you dance for me wagie

>> No.12058663

But I make about $3k a month by working normaly.

>> No.12058671

uhhh, 1000 and then do another job lol

>> No.12058689

I got lucky and go my C&P done quick when I got out since I was getting retired from the military as well. I hear a lot of horror stories of people waiting years to get them. I hope you get 100%.

>> No.12058693


i would trade my 4.8k a month for the 1000

>> No.12058703

I did the BDD option on my last call up. Was efficient. So I'll use it again, its a priority for active servicemen.

Thanks bud. Enjoy what you earned.

>> No.12058710 [DELETED] 

Don't worry, I'm now tracking your location by requesting your IP from the board's dns
you and your faggot neet friend are fucking done

>> No.12058726

That is basically the choice for neets vs min wage workers in northern europe

>> No.12058756

Thanks and good luck.

Leaving the house for some drinks pretty soon if I am not home.

>> No.12059029

Thanks anons, I'll be quitting my job tomorrow to live on neetbucks.

>> No.12059152

1000 a month provided i could build my own business with the money and time

>> No.12059249

neetbux in germany

get paid flat that is chosen for you
get about 450 a month in euro
pay no health insurance, so save at least 100 (student level, lowest health insurance)

its not that great but damn some minimum wage work in germany is tough as shit and at 160 hour months ar 9 euro an hour you take home, after taxes and all, about 1100 euro

the moment you have any kind of income that gets substracted from youe neetbux
cant earn money legally so youre bound to trickery or cash only or something like that

>> No.12059382

Sad part is that I don't even make 2k after tax and shit they pull out. More like $1.5k. Which starting in January will be less due to employer health ins coverage going up. Fuck.

>> No.12060186

$2000 a month? Minimum wage? You can do better than that anon.

>> No.12060227


I would keep my job, which pays more than $24,000/year, poorfag

>> No.12060228

Why are veterans such pussies?


>> No.12060234


They were protecting you from threats to our freedom like illiterate goat farmers and their 10 year old sons on the opposite side of the planet, you ungrateful cunt

>> No.12060236

Lol I got called a poorfag by a guy who makes 24k a year

>> No.12060250
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say that to my face...


>> No.12060262


>More than

Maybe you're a poorfag because you're a brainlet too

>> No.12060294

1000 for nothing then work for extra money? What a retarded question

>> No.12060403

$1000/mo for nothing, no questions. You can live real comfy on that in the more rural parts of the country. Hell, I'd adopt a harem of NEETs off /soc/ who were also collecting the $1000/mo and we'd go in on a fucking McMansion.

>> No.12060409

Anon never specified if you can work on top of it to supplement that 1,000.

>> No.12060417
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>tfw I make $4000 a month from work

>> No.12060421
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It's not no questions anon. He's talking about a choice between a low income job, and some government welfare gibs.

>> No.12060440

yes I did

no you can't

>> No.12061394

What's the job?

>> No.12061841

1000. Easy. So 3000. ;)

>> No.12061882

I reformulate your question:

Do you want to be a man or a child?

>> No.12061897

1000 dollars because going to work is expensive.
>occasionally have to buy food and drinks
>have to spend money on gas
>have to rely on an employer to keep getting that 2k
The 1k is basically free income. The 2k brings on liabilities and the fact that you have to rely one someone else to supply your income.

>> No.12061958

>get 1k for 0 investment
>or get 2k for time and your ability investement
So my question is, OP, are you rarted?

>> No.12061970

If i cant keep my job with the free $1k, then none of the above. I make way more that that a month. Id go bankrupt with $1k or 2k a month, wouldnt be able to even pay my mortgage.

>> No.12061982

Obviously take the 'free' 1,000 in exchange for all the free time to do anything, everything else. Time for research and seeking greater opportunities...

>> No.12062357
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I already get $1000 a month neetbux

It's comfy

>> No.12062423
File: 35 KB, 639x960, 15202707_214540088986070_3986786672237159442_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd take the 1000 bucks and then spend my time looking/studying for another job that pays 2000, eventually getting 3000.

>> No.12062612

I want to be a wage cuck

>> No.12062669

I make 3k a week lol I'm not going to be able to buy smokes on 500

>> No.12062675


1000 for nothing. Then i could truly focus on the stuff i like to do... photography, fixing computers, do some security related stuff on the side... fuck, my life would be so much more interesting then this slaving away 40 hours a week at some crapp office, shoveling papers around all day.

>> No.12062879 [DELETED] 

you take the 1k and invest it. make even bigger profits or you can get a job and still get the extra 1k

>> No.12063198

>$1000 for nothing

>> No.12063262

This is very close to what you can get from being a wageslave or a neet.
I can get a job would pay me roughly 2000 a month for 40hours or I could collect neetbux of 1000 a month which is what Im currently doing. Comfy

>> No.12063280
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$1000 for nothing.
then I'd apply for that $2000/month job I just noticed

>> No.12064515


Neither are fuck you money, so might as well go with the 1000$ a month option and enjoy all the free time. But if we were talking about something starting at 4000$, I would consider that (assuming a 40 hour work week).