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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 948 KB, 2048x1537, 1544286482190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12058062 No.12058062 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this seem more depressing than cubicles?

>> No.12058098

Because it is. Fuck that fucking open office bullshit. I hate it and my current job has one, gives me fucking anxiety attacks. Give me a fucking private office where I can actually get work done

>> No.12058107

I guess it has a more industrial factory feel to it then an office

>> No.12058113

Cant wince in agony about wage cucking without someone noticing and even asking, whats wrong.

Collaborate. 70% of your coworkers are clueless and need to source ideas from the 30%

>> No.12058124

You don't have privacy to masturbate and shitpost in /biz/.

>> No.12058126

cables hanging from the ceiling like the umbilical cord of a hideous beast

computers and the internet were a mistake

>> No.12058131

>Black Lives Matter

>> No.12058136

Doesnt look so ba_
>black lives matter

>> No.12058145

Welcome to wage slavery, here's your picnic table, we'd invest in more expensive office furniture but we're not quite sure this is going to work out, so go fuck yourself, I'll be in my office with a door, or golfing.

>> No.12058158

The place is gorgeus tho. I love that architecture. In Europe you will never ever gonna find a building with that high ceiling

>> No.12058161

Because with cubicles you have a space that is yours and a layer of semi-privacy. In an open office you have no space that is yours.

>> No.12058198
File: 550 KB, 640x748, 108BFE14-9F09-4CBF-A7A2-BD7DF4E96D4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why didn’t I sell in January

>> No.12058207
File: 90 KB, 443x461, hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when will it end

>> No.12058213

that place needs to be nuked

>> No.12058227



>> No.12058243

Typical woman forgot how to log in again.

>> No.12058250

First thing I noticed

>> No.12058256

oh and there's the other one fucking around on facebook instead of doing her job.

>> No.12058265


>> No.12058272

Because it is. At least in cubicles, you have privacy.

>> No.12058283

Is this AirWatch?

>> No.12058298


>> No.12058300
File: 128 KB, 313x322, C7B52D81-3EDD-4EB4-830F-24E3E54E2CE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spotted the (((management)))

>> No.12058301

studies have proven time and time again, open offices reduce employee happiness, employe productivity and morale by a large amount

the kikes at the top don't care though, it saves them thousands per year in space, much more than the lost productivity/happiness costs

>> No.12058307


>> No.12058308

>oh and there's the other one fucking around on facebook instead of doing her job.
retard, that's facebook HQ. Likely that "fucking around" on Facebook (maybe testing, design or programming) in some capacity IS her job.

why is this board so full of turbo brainlets

>> No.12058323

>turbo brainlets
I lol'd

>> No.12058327
File: 214 KB, 840x663, work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me trying to work while the normies bullshit all day

>> No.12058352

Open office comes from the same business mentality as modern restaurant aesthetic which is all wide open space and hard surfaces. They're both pushed as ways to improve customer/employee experience but it's just a fucking front to save money. Cubes are heavy and expensive and let employees fuck off in privacy. Open offices are cheap as fuck, all you need are some tables, you can convert warehouse space into primo office space without literally having to make any structural changes, and the zero-privacy means everyone gets to secretly police each other in a shitty zero-sum game of sucking up to management.

It is win/win for owners of capital and just another indignity for wagecucks to have to shoulder.

>> No.12058356

My sides

>> No.12058366

this looks fun as fuck. sure you won't be very productive, but at least you would be wasting time properly. got to build something like that in my town.

>> No.12058379

Looking at this, I can see what Sam Hyde was talking about.


>> No.12058395

>the zero-privacy means everyone gets to secretly police each other in a shitty zero-sum game of sucking up to management.

Sounds very Foucault-ish

>> No.12058398
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>> No.12058406

Yeah, he would probably neck himself I'd he saw what his ideas led to.

>> No.12058409


It's a factory repurposed as office space. It's ugly to have all the internals exposed. During an earthquake all that shit is going to fall on your head.

>> No.12058420

And not a single nog in the picture

>> No.12058426
File: 13 KB, 526x526, 1503366358921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open plan offices literally make people physically ill. You are more likely to suffer musculoskeletal problems from working in one. I wouldn't be surprised if companies would be liable for worker's comp injuries for employees who experience back problems, for example.


"Compared to cellular offices, occupants in 2-person offices had 50% more days of sickness absence"

"occupants in 3-6-person offices had 36% more days of sickness absence"

"and occupants in open-plan offices (>6 persons) had 62% more days of sickness absence"

62%, this is fucking insanity!

>> No.12058435

Fucking this. I’m so glad I work remotely and don’t have to deal with this shit. Push some code, leave a couple messages in Slack to make it look like I give a shit, and then take a two hour lunch to go look at rental properties. Only five more years of wageslaving and I’m done forever.

>> No.12058439

Why does that happen? Lack of personal space?

>> No.12058446

Would be funny to see a nice thicc class action too.

>> No.12058456

stress, is real and it fucks people hard

>> No.12058487

Because they know that as soon as they hire them, Blacks are going to complain about lack of diversity and passive aggressive racism. Easier to pretend to be Liberal and not racist.

>> No.12058503
File: 65 KB, 980x653, Office-Space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To think, in the 90s, people endlessly complained about cubicles. Grass is always greener, I suppose.

>> No.12058522
File: 385 KB, 900x900, awoo1481934660806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good God, you can almost see the soi fumes rising up from those collective piles of leftist shit.

>> No.12058527

Thing is, as a programmer you need "alone time" or to at least be in a state of minimal disturbance so you can get into flow state for optimal productivity and creative problem solving.

Tech companies are often started by technical founders, so why do they do this?

I can respect CEOs that work on the floor like any other worker -- Zuckerberg claims to do this -- but in actuality it never works out that way with most of the decision making process taking place in conference rooms and behind closed doors.

>> No.12058541

Jesus christ, literally me

All my coworkers talk about is Red Dead 2

>> No.12058564


Working like that doesn't work. I hate open plan offices. I work from home and need complete silence. Lose my train of though if someone even says something minor to me.

> t. autist

>> No.12058579
File: 2.17 MB, 500x246, reddit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad righty

>> No.12058586

This. I don't get how anybody can get into the flow in this horrible open space shit.
Or are those normies there only bullshitting and never in any kind of flow?

>> No.12058598

I would literally rather work on a chain-gang in an Alabama prison that work in that leftist shit-hole.

>> No.12058648

I'd say it's less about cost cutting (Facebook pays their workers quite well, generous pay and benefits) and much more about the panopticon-style control you mentioned in the latter half of your post.

Smaller startups may adopt it because of low cost, but that's not why it's being advocated for by the ultra profitable big guys like Facebook and Google .

>> No.12058724

I kek'd at the nigger lives matter in the upper right corner

>> No.12058809




>> No.12059015
File: 64 KB, 734x387, 1544309889837 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>virgin hunch vs chad posture

>> No.12059065

They both look like virgins desu

>> No.12059085
File: 6 KB, 460x351, cube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My office isn't bullpen, but it doesn't have individual cubes either. Rows of these instead.

>> No.12059101

Because it's so fake. Look at how hip I am, I work in an open office, well guess what, if my boss tells me to suck his dick, I do it like a good wagie and so do you, the only difference being you can feel hip and cool about it when you work in an environment like that. It is designed to lull you into submission and wagecucking, Goys are like cattle. It's best to keep them well-fed, and so what if you kill a cow to get steak, the other cows don't realise that anyway

>> No.12059109


I would have a sign that says I have ear plugs on lol I can't focus with 1000 moving pieces and random b.s. going about. Sure it looks kinda comfy except for the fact that they cram in every last square footage to disrupt any possibility of flow


Lol I seriously don't understand how these people have no upper back problems. My shoulder blades get sore if I have to constantly 'reach' with my arms for prolonged periods of time

>> No.12059113

the fuck is wrong with you guys? it's just a layout do your job and get out

>> No.12059114 [DELETED] 


kekus maximus

>> No.12059180
File: 150 KB, 290x216, Screen Shot 2018-12-08 at 7.43.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol what kind of shitty office flaunts their retarded politics like this? I hope their business fails and they go bankrupt.

>> No.12059186

That guy has some seriously good posture.

>> No.12059187 [DELETED] 

wrong way around
>virgin posture
>works all the time
>tries to correct deformed spine
>needs glasses
>always tense
>thinks people are looking all the time
>theyre not
>nobody wants to speak to him

>chad slouch
>strength of character
>expresses ideas freely
>comforts others with relaxed nature
>co workers are drawn to him
>doesnt work enough to care about spine or eye problems
>wears casual clothes
>passions lie in the real world

>> No.12059199
File: 258 KB, 500x375, hBkLtvT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of those fucking macs

>> No.12059209


>> No.12059231
File: 67 KB, 750x747, 1538353169770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. For some reason open office triggers my anxiety. It feels like I have eyes and ears on me when in reality I don't. Almost like I can feel all of the energy in the room. Meanwhile if I move to a secluded space and just call the desk of whoever I need, I can crank out tasks nonstop. It probably looks like I'm fucking around though, because no one can see my screen in the private office.